dykeobsidianblock · 1 year
Dating headcanons for Kukui, Kabu, Peony, and Saguaro with gn s/o?
This includes: Mentions of food, Gendernetrual Reader
Expect a lot of Pokemon to be in your guys' house at all times, he's a professor after all and is constantly researching moves
He's VERY supportive of your interests!! You're into books and reading? You're getting books every major holiday (Well, not every major holiday, but you get the point), you like collecting stuff? Here are containers for your collection(s), you like drawing? Here are the best quality sketchbooks he could find, etc
But other than that, he's very chill! Loves hanging out with you, talking with you, loves to do just about any couple-y thing as long as it's with you!
On the like side, you're also very supportive of his work and hobbies, always there to be his hype man when he's wrestling and to help repair any torn clothing he gets from testing Pokemon moves
The both of you take turns cooking, if he cooks breakfast then you cook lunch, then Kukui makes dinner, etc
If you're a trainer than Kukui really loves battling your Pokemon, always asking if you're up to it
He's a pretty reserved person, so things such as physical affection and date nights aren't common,
He'll be affectionate and will take you out here and there but they are not regular occurrences
But that doesn't mean to say that he's a bad boyfriend/husband and that he doesn't love you! Quite the opposite, he loves telling you how much he loves you and will often talk about you when the topic of romantic partners are brought up
He often tries to be there for you but as a gym leader it's quite hard, but whenever he has time off Kabu makes sure to spend that time with you
Likes to just sit in silence with he can, he finds it soothing to just hand out with someone without having to worry about talking
He's very loud about his love for you just like how he's loud about his love his daughter
He likes showing you off and complimenting you, loves telling people that he's dating someone as amazing as you
Peony sometimes comes across as slightly overbearing but good intentioned, he's still learning to turn it down a little, but he's getting there
Peony was nervous when he was introducing you to Peonia but was quickly relieved when you two got along almost instantly
Loves taking you out on dates so expect dates a few times every week!
He loves cooking food for you, will always make sure that you eat at least one of your favorite meals
Will cook you breakfast, lunch, dinner, anything as long as he has the ingredients for it
You help him stand up for himself, to not feel like he has to keep up a certain image the students put on him
He's getting better at it, but he still has a lot to go
He loves you dearly and you love him back
On days where the both of you are able to stay home and sleep in are days where he cooks you breakfast in bed
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mrstanleyparable · 2 years
the narrator should have a cane
- i have a cane
- it would be cool
- it fits his aesthetic
- he would definitely use it to poke stanley
- i can see him twirling it like a dramatic mofo
- he can lean over it sinisterly for the effect
- easier to tell whose footsteps are whose
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roundtriptojupiter · 2 years
homer phobic?? like the simpsons??
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dilfcountdooku · 2 years
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the context to my url is that i had a random breakdown last month on discord and then decided to own it . 👍 my friends thought i was losing it lmao
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pluralhalman · 2 years
okay am i really bad at finding info or does dave bowman just. not have a birthday
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mrstanleyparable · 2 years
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guys omg i found pictures of the narrator from when he was young 😍😍
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mrstanleyparable · 2 years
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i keep mistyping stanley as stabley
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mrstanleyparable · 2 years
my tsp headcanon/concept!
so, essentially, the narrator was human, once.
he was born in 1497 in england, and always wanted to write. he poured his heart and soul into scriptwriting until he eventually caught the attention of the curator, and he was ascended to godhood so that he could write forever.
however, as it turns out, being able to write forever gives you hellish writer’s block, especially when the entire universe wants to read your stories. and you want to impress them.
so the narrator created stanley. a projection of the innocent, boring life the narrator wished he could return to, and someone that could write the story for him and bring him the inspiration he needed. and then stanley became sentient, and the narrator realized he felt more affection towards stanley than just the usual artist’s affection for one’s creation
and then one day stanley ended up finding out that he wasn’t a real person and that’s why he could never leave the parable- until he suggested that the narrator just write an ending where the parable cracks and they leave, thereby involving the rest of the world in the story and meaning that stanley wouldn’t disappear when he stepped outside. the narrator couldn’t believe he hadn’t thought of this before, and then they lived happily ever after outside the parable yaaaaay
it’s still a work in progress but this is kind of my general headcanon for anything i’m currently writing or might write in the future that isn’t specifically about another narrator concept :D feel free to use frustrated minor god narrator yourself if you’d like, though credit would be appreciated!
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roundtriptojupiter · 2 years
i hate user submission blacklists so much
like if you give people in a discord server the power to ban ANYTHING from a server you end up with the most insane untrackable list of things that include but are not limited to: random unrelated ships and characters. random unrelated media. really broad topics. people’s actual fucking names. numbers. dates. the most specific video you have literally never heard of. and really common phrases.
and im not making fun of anybody’s triggers here, let’s be clear. my issue is more with forcing the moderators/allowing people to force the moderators to ban literally ANYTHING. because this leads to some really big inherent issues
namely: if someone’s name is on the blacklist. an ordinary name. like, say, john. and then someone whose name is john, who goes by john and nothing else, and really likes the name john, joins that discord server. what the hell do you do???
like- do you ask that person to change their fucking name??? what about someone’s birthday? what if someone blacklists a date and that date happens to be someone’s birthday? are they just not allowed to talk about their date of birth at all????
im all for respecting other peoples triggers but ultimately people have to curate their OWN experiences and forcing entire large groups of people to conform to a long list of banned topics and getting into impossible situations simply because the name “john” triggers one person is just fucking insane
it is literally not the responsibility of other people to solve your problems for you. and nevermind the fact that seeing your own name or birthday or something you really love on a trigger list is absolutely fucking heartbreaking for some reason
moderating topics in a discord server? sure. just don’t let people be able to submit literally anything to those moderated topics, because eventually you’ll find yourself caught between a rock and a hard place with no sensible way out
if you have serious triggers that you need to be accommodated for that are common names, words, phrases, etc, maybe a large public discord server isnt the best place for you to be hanging out. come back on tumblr and filter things instead.
sincerely, someone who has literally been told to change their name or leave based on user-submission blacklists in the past
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dilfcountdooku · 2 years
the true inter generational star wars experience. thinking count dooku was kind of a dilf
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pluralhalman · 2 years
okay im in an aso brain right now but i dont have any thoughts so 👉👈 send me character and ill give a random headcanon?
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mrstanleyparable · 2 years
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i think i need to sue myself for emotional damages putting these two songs back to back on my tsp playlist
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