#rest of the movie looks meh and it feels like it will be overstuffed (we still know nothing abt foreman spike). I'll v likely sit it out
fumagus · 2 years
I saw Strange World today!  Very Marnie-core, and just pure, fun action.  A solid 9/10.
But I also had the misfortune of hearing Crisped-Rat Mario right before.
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sexyglances · 5 years
Tumblr! I've missed you! I've had a lot of weird mini deadlines in my rl so I haven't had time to dedicate to my favorite time wasting app. Nor have I been able to watch dramas very much. I finished Perfume and Search: WWW. At the time, I was going to write individual mini reviews, but it's been so long so meh.
Perfume was ultimately a let-down, in that I cared so much more about Jae Hee than Ye Rin, and though the drama sort of tried with Jae Hee, the time they devoted to her was unfulfilling since they made so much of her screentime at the beginning of the drama about weird ott melodramaticness and awful slapstick humor that by the end they were trying to fit so much characterization in that it sort of exploded like an overstuffed sausage into many fairly inconsequential parts. It didn't make me angry that I watched, but it's definitely unmemorable beyond it's weird twist so it lands in the 7.5/10 area, it was ok, but I wouldn't recommend it.
Search: WWW was better, and the ending with the 3 ladies was badass, but at the end I was sort of meh looking back on it. I'd still recommend it as an 8.5 drama, but looking back on it, it felt like the the story was bookended with a specific idea story relating to the ladies and their business goals, but somewhere in the middle it meandered to some other drama place, especially with Scarlett and Ta Mi where it became more about love twists and turns than work/love balance.
Ga Gyeong's story mostly stayed on the promised story thread, but even with her I wish we had more time devoted to her complicated burgeoning new/old relationship with her ex-husband. I've already mentioned before how unenthused I was with Ta Mi's dude. I did like Scarlett's love storyline, but it felt a bit incongruous to the rest of the drama. I probably would have liked it more had it been it's own drama. I'm thirsty for Scarlett's actress to Lee Da Hes to be the first FL in a drama. In the end the drama's storylines felt like a tub of unorganized legos, as in it contained a bunch of jumbled up plot points in the middle that they planned to make something epic with, but they didn't get quite there.
I did also watch Everything and Nothing, which was a two hour mini-drama. It was ok, but the pacing was off compared to the crazy plot twists and silent, contemplative moments of the characters. Honestly, it would have been better if it was a full-length drama because as it is, I don't think the main characters had enough time to breathe to really feel their emotions between all the sudden left turns. The FL especially felt underserved. There was so much to unpack after she got the new piano and after she went to her dad's wedding, but the drama just ended so shortly after that it ended up feeling less impactful than if it had been a longer drama. But then again, I'll always choose a tv series over a movie so that just may be my personal preference talking.
Heh, I said I wasn't going to do mini-reviews but then I ended up spilling word salad all over this post. 🤷‍♀️🙇‍♀️
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