sensacore · 2 years
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A Big Salute to all the #Doctors who Stood Up During these Tiresome Times. Wishing you all a very Happy Doctor's Day!
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ryleemerton-blog · 6 years
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My first smile in that time as I praise through the pain in my heart. . Why did you make me so sensitive God? . #restoringhumanity #restoration #godisgood #jesusyouth #ministry #youthministry #acoustic #acousticguitar #mattredman #10000reasons #givemethestrength #philippines #♥️ #🎶
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nomadikgibeltarik · 9 years
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Solidarity March| On the 19th September we organised a solidarity March and demonstration in Calais. Thousands of refugees from all affected countries, French citizens and English citizens came together to show solidarity and humanity. It was a beautiful day of singing, dancing, laughing and crying, we remembered those who lost their lives at the tunnel and prayed for those in the future. @james_fisher_photographer came up with the idea of recreating a symbolic canvas wall that represents the fence that keeps these people caged in like animals and used it to allow everyone to paint on it. Look at the expression on this guy's face using red paint. Says it all really. Working as Refugee liaison for @theWorldwideTribe & Calaid Photography by: @brendan1985 #calaid #theworldwidetribeincalais #theworldwidetribe #restoringhumanity #calais #thejungle #refugee #asylumseeker #faithinhumanity #nobodyisillegal #weareallimmigrants #ethiopia #syria #Afghanistan #Eritrea #sudan #refugeeswelcome #UN #UNHCR #government #europe #migrants #junglecalais #jungle #slum #germany #hungary #greece #croatia #EU
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Rory O'Connor, 23
A close friend of mine, Rory, approached me several months ago asking if he could take part in my blog, 'in a few months'. When I asked why not now, Rory replied that he wanted to wait until his pending graduation. Yesterday, I shot Rory a message: "Hey bud, remember you said, 'Wait a few months for me to graduate and I'll be ready to be interviewed?'"
"Yeah, I haven't graduated yet."
"Would you want to do it at this point in your life?"
What is your dream career?
"I'm going to school to graduate with a communications degree, and with that and the skills from the classes I've taken, I eventually want to become a videographer and then eventually a cinematographer. I was never interested in photography while I was in high school or I was never in any club related to that like AV or something. Through the classes I've taken in the six years I've been going to college, I've developed this interest in this visual art and it's really cool. I've always played music since seventh grade and it's cool to have another, different outlet to express myself."
If you're not working that dream job, in what ways are you working to sustain your current job? 
"Well, my current job is a bartender, and I'm a hard worker. I work hard at that. You know, my bosses aren't down my neck, but If I screw up they know right away and that looks bad. I don't want to make the restaurant look bad because they've been treating me well the entire time I've been there, and I feel pride in my work. I'd say I'm good at what I do. And I usually know what I'm talking about when someone has questions or whatever. It's nice. I feel good when I know I'm doing well. And it's different with school because I've never really done well in school. Even in college. And I feel like I've been gliding by in that aspect, and that's taken a toll on me. You know, because I'm not performing to my potential I feel bad about myself. And I guess work kind of balances it out so I'm not upset or sad all the time. But you know, there are some times when I'm just at home like hanging out and not necessarily content, I guess."
What was your mantra today?
"Get up and do what you have to do."
Can you tell me your current greatest battle you must face?
"I actually just started seeing a psychologist almost two weeks ago. And I'm doing that because of my performance in school. Not because of the grades I've received, but because I haven't felt motivated for whatever reason. I've been anxious ever since Mitch passed. He and I wanted to do the same thing. We had the same dream and we said we were going to work together. And when he passed, it was, to me it was a shock. I, for whatever reason, didn't know his condition. And when I found out, I was numb...devastated. Since going through that process and the months after that, I've grown more anxious about my future. And what I'm going to do after I graduate and what opportunities I may or may not have. I need to use my time to do something. Not just what I want to do, but to better at least one person. You want to leave with a positive impact. And I can say Mitch left a positive impact on me. I hope to work up to my expectations."
Tell me about your current path.
"Umm, where I'm going?"
Take it as you will. Interpret it however you want.
"Well, I'm on the road to going back to school this semester. This upcoming semester. And I want to tell you now that I'm going to work probably the hardest I've ever worked while attending school, and I really hope I stick to that. I'm glad that I'm putting that in this because I'm gonna remember it's here and I'm gonna be like, 'Oh god, I really have to work. Haha.' But yeah, I'm really excited about that. I hope to become more involved. I'm told that If I'm involved in a lot of stuff in school, not just classes but you know, clubs and stuff like that than I'll work harder to stay there and want to be there. And I'm a commuter, so it's hard to just go to school and not leave once your class is over. So I need to become more involved."
Can you tell me about the steps you're taking to feel comfortable in your own skin?
"I am taking new interests in I guess you could say. Over the past year or so, because I'm a bartender, I've taken a big interest in brewing and craft breweries and stuff like that. And so eventually I want to start brewing my own beer and I'm really excited about that, because that's something that really interests me. And you know, it's just a hobby. I don't know If I'm gonna make anything of it. But some people tell me I'm so knowledgable and so interested in it that If I do make my own beer it might turn out great, haha. Might have to start bottling it. But that's just a hobby I'm trying to take up. I'm trying to start playing my instruments more often than I have been. I'm always collecting albums and maintaining my player and rearranging speakers to get the best sound and stuff like that. So that's something that I'm interested in. I'm not that knowledgeable with audio equipment, but I guess that's something that I would look into."
If you were faced with absolutely no limitations at all, what would you be doing with your life?
"I'd become a politician."
WOAH! Wasn't expecting to hear that.
"I'd become like a lawmaker."
That's awesome.
"You know? There's not enough representation that is benefiting us right now. I know a lot of people and a decent amount of our friends think that the government and politics is bullshit. But If I got there and found that it was, then we'd know. But if it's not bullshit, and people are really fighting for terrible amendments and laws and stuff like that, well then somebody's got to be there to counter that. I've always had an interest in politics. Politics is bullshit, I hate politics. But at the same time, I love politics."
What are your dreams for yourself and for the person you want to become?
"Well, the person I want to become is a graduate with at least an internship in my field. I'll keep bartending, it doesn't matter. I'll get money from wherever. I'm really thankful for my parents. I'm still living at home and again, I'm commuting to school and they support me no matter what. So even if I'm on the rocks, I've got people willing to help me. I'm really fortunate for that. I'm trying to branch out, meet new people. Hang out, you know. New faces, new experiences, fresh ideas. It's good to stay fresh. But as long as I keep doing what I need to do, which has been the pattern for the past couple of weeks - as long as I keep with it, everything - everything's going to work out." 
And what is keeping you from achieving them?
"It's a mentality, right now. Again, up until recently, I haven't really been motivated for whatever reason. I can't tell you why. It's baffling. And that's why I'm talking to someone and trying to work it out, because I really do have this dream of the job I described before. That's what I want to do. I really, really don't see my self in an office with a tie on. I can't do it. And I know that's so cliche, but it's just not me. You know? So I need to be creative, but I need to do things with my hands. I still need to work. That's what I like about bartending. Bartending is work."
What have you learned about yourself along the way?
"That I really can do whatever I need to do. There's nothing really stopping me besides myself."
What advice do you have for everyone seeking to answer the same questions as you?
After a long pause, Rory responded:
"Just be honest. Don't be nervous."
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ryleemerton-blog · 6 years
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O My dove, in the clefts of the rock, in the secrets of the cliff, let me see your face, . . let me hear your voice; for your voice is sweet, and your face is lovely. 💓💘💓 . . . Song of Solomon 2:14 . . #grace #restoration #restoringhumanity #jesussaves #songofsolomon #philippines #generalsantoscity
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nomadikgibeltarik · 9 years
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"Jungle not for us, it's for animals" Working as Refugee liaison for @theWorldwideTribe & Calaid Photography by: @brendan1985 #calaid #theworldwidetribeincalais #theworldwidetribe #restoringhumanity #calais #thejungle #refugee #asylumseeker #faithinhumanity #nobodyisillegal #weareallimmigrants #ethiopia #syria #Afghanistan #Eritrea #sudan #refugeeswelcome #UN #UNHCR #government #europe #migrants #junglecalais #jungle #slum #germany #hungary #greece #croatia #EU
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nomadikgibeltarik · 9 years
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We are all human| We have to remind ourselves that some people in The Jungle in Calais risk their lives on a daily basis climbing fences, trucks and trains and incur some serious injuries. We would like to see a British asylum office In Calais to tend to the queries and needs of people looking to head over to at the very least provide advice and maybe deter people from putting their lives in danger. @doctorsoftheworld do the best they can on the ground seeing to the people but are still under resourced. The guy in the right has a leg injury that will now make it difficult for him to acquire supplies and stand in long queues for aid. Lucky his trusty pal next him is there to support him and help him where necessary. Teamwork and camaraderie is essential. We are all human. Working as Refugee liaison for @theWorldwideTribe & Calaid Photography by: @brendan1985 #calaid #theworldwidetribeincalais #theworldwidetribe #restoringhumanity #calais #thejungle #refugee #asylumseeker #faithinhumanity #nobodyisillegal #weareallimmigrants #ethiopia #syria #Afghanistan #Eritrea #sudan #refugeeswelcome #UN #UNHCR #government #europe #migrants #junglecalais #jungle #slum #germany #hungary #greece #croatia #EU
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nomadikgibeltarik · 9 years
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We are all human| I have met some really interesting people in "the jungle" lawyers, doctors, teachers, professors all of whom are running away from persecution. I have had some incredibly interesting conversations about international affairs, armed conflict, migration and economy. It surprises me so much that the media tends to push or disregard their knowledge and experience away especially because they would add so much value to our society's and do so much for public opinion. We have to remember that some of the people in the camp used to be wealthy well respected members of their local community and the loss of dignity is devastating. You can see the pain in their eyes and here the sorrow in their throats. We are all human. Working as Refugee liaison for @WorldwideTribe & Calaid Photography by: @brendan1985 #calaid #theworldwidetribeincalais #theworldwidetribe #restoringhumanity #calais #thejungle #refugee #asylumseeker #faithinhumanity #nobodyisillegal #weareallimmigrants #ethiopia #syria #Afghanistan #Eritrea #sudan #refugeeswelcome #UN #UNHCR #government #europe #migrants #junglecalais #jungle #slum #germany #hungary #greece #croatia #EU
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nomadikgibeltarik · 9 years
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We are all human| This man has just been given some supplies for the coming weeks. Jackets jumpers, tissues and other items that may make life a little easier. The people of the jungle know winter is coming and are afraid of the conditions worsening. "How will we survive through the winter" There are many organisations on the ground now working together with the refugees to ensure there is a constant steady stream of supplies and people are looked after as best as possible. The authorities on both sides need to step up there game. Working as Refugee liaison for @WorldwideTribe & Calaid Photography by: @brendan1985 #calaid #theworldwidetribeincalais #theworldwidetribe #restoringhumanity #calais #thejungle #refugee #asylumseeker #faithinhumanity #nobodyisillegal #weareallimmigrants #ethiopia #syria #Afghanistan #Eritrea #sudan #refugeeswelcome #UN #UNHCR #government #europe #migrants #junglecalais #jungle #slum #germany #hungary #greece #croatia #EU
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nomadikgibeltarik · 9 years
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Home| 🏠 Yet another structure disguising itself as a suitable home. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to know that this structure will not hold for long. As winter approaches we need to get more wood, tarpaulin and the expertise to try and work with the people so that when the time comes they will have suitable shelter. Working as Refugee liaison for @WorldwideTribe & Calaid Photography by: @brendan1985 #calaid #theworldwidetribeincalais #theworldwidetribe #restoringhumanity #calais #thejungle #refugee #asylumseeker #faithinhumanity #nobodyisillegal #weareallimmigrants #ethiopia #syria #Afghanistan #Eritrea #sudan #refugeeswelcome #UN #UNHCR #government #europe #migrants #junglecalais #jungle #slum #germany #hungary #greece #croatia #EU
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nomadikgibeltarik · 9 years
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Commerce| Some of the residents in the jungle are awaiting residency in France which can take up to 10 months. In the meantime they have set up small shops with some supplies for those who are able to afford it. This keeps them busy all the while making some money to look after themselves. They are extremely entrepreneurial and the Afghan community leads the way. There are a small handful of shops and restaurants that knock up some amazing traditional dishes. If you are volunteering in the jungle be sure to hit them up. Working as Refugee liaison for @WorldwideTribe & Calaid Photography by: @brendan1985 #calaid #theworldwidetribeincalais #theworldwidetribe #restoringhumanity #calais #thejungle #refugee #asylumseeker #faithinhumanity #nobodyisillegal #weareallimmigrants #ethiopia #syria #Afghanistan #Eritrea #sudan #refugeeswelcome #UN #UNHCR #government #europe #migrants #junglecalais #jungle #slum #germany #hungary #greece #croatia #EU
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nomadikgibeltarik · 9 years
So in the last 2 days I have been working in the jungle and coordinating with people on the ground regarding a volunteer program to help with distribution over the winter. We stayed in the Sudanese camp, and I must say that I have never been shown hospitality like it. The guys cooked us an amazing meal and even tried to offer us their whole shack to sleep in at night which is normally shared with about 5 people. This is the call to evening prayer as the sun was setting. Despite public opinion and media reaction the camp was peaceful and I got a banging nights sleep. Please follow @theworldwidetribe & #calaid for further updates. #calaid #theworldwidetribeincalais #theworldwidetribe #restoringhumanity #calais #pantstopoverty #makeitpersonal #thejungle #refugee #asylumseeker #faithinhumanity #nobodyisillegal #weareallimmigrants #ethiopia #syria #Afghanistan #Eritrea #sudan #refugeeswelcome #UN #UNHCR #government #europe #migrants #junglecalais #jungle #slum
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