restthecase1234 · 3 years
“You get an interview through connections or maybe your resume. You get a job through body language and a few compelling stories.” – Nick Morgan
Interviews are all about how you present yourself along with the knowledge that you possess. It’s about proper alignment of the goals of a company/organization with your personal goals. Hence, it’s important to be self-aware and to know the details of the job description, as well as the company.
Following are some factors that one should be kept in mind before going for an interview:
Know the difference between Resume, Biodata, and CV
A resume is a summary of one's education, skills, and employment when applying for a new job. Suited when experienced people apply for specific positions where certain specific skills are more important than education.
A C.V. lists out every skill, all the jobs and positions held, degrees, professional affiliations the applicant has acquired, and in chronological order. Suited for fresh graduates or people looking for a career change.
In biodata, the focus is on personal particulars like date of birth, gender, religion, race, nationality, residence, and marital status. Suited for government jobs, or research grants.
Do your homework
Company Research is essential before an interview. It shows the company that you care and are interested in the opportunity. It comprises of basic industry knowledge, company history and competitors, vision and mission statement, important products and services offered, company culture, and social websites.
Know yourself
It’s important to be self-aware as you should know your strengths, weaknesses, and potential. You’d always be required to introduce yourself in an interview so make sure that you know exactly what to say and always be ready for explanations on your hobbies and interests.
Dress to impress
First impressions are the last impressions. Make sure you’re smartly dressed. Don’t put on a lot of make-up and don’t wear tacky clothes. Be your confident self, always. Authenticity stands out.
Body Language and posture
Always sit straight and never use the backrest. Make sure that you are leaning forward as that’s an indicator of being interested. Never keep your hands and legs crossed. Do not fidget and always maintain space.
Below are some frequently asked questions along with answers:
What are your strengths and weaknesses?
- To assess your core competencies, integrity, authenticity
How to answer:
-have a bank of 10 relevant strengths
- Real-life example and application of the strength
- Cannot contradict the strength
- Low impact but honest
- A weakness inconsequential to work
Why should we hire you?
- To check competencies and whether or not you’ve read the job description
How to answer:
- Precise point format
- Do not talk about how good the company is in this question.
-Tell them how you can contribute to the company
Why do you want to join the company?
- To showcase that you have read about the company
- Also, how your values match the company expectations
How to answer:
- Recent Achievements
- Exciting work proposition
- How you are a fit for the company culture: focus on your values
How did you face a challenge/ failure/ rejection? Or share an experience where you dealt with rejection?
- Analysing your problem-solving skills
- Checking your approach to tough situations
How to answer:
S: Situation (in a line)
T: Task (what was expected out of you)
A: Action (what steps did you take in that direction)
R: Result (What was the outcome)
Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years? / What are your long term and short term goals? Purpose:
- Check your level of planning
- Check whether you will stick to the company for a long period
- Check your holistic thinking
How to answer:
- Personally, my goals are: (mention 2)
- Professionally my goals are ( 3 points or 2 points you plan to achieve in the organization)
What is your salary expectation?
- A trick question
- To take commitments
How to answer:
- As per the market standards. (Never disclose the amount in the first go, let the interviewer disclose it)
- If the interviewer pursues then give your expectations in a range (20000-25000)
Tell us about your project?
- To understand the project and check your knowledge about the project
How to answer:
You give a two-line description of the work you did in the internship. This part has to be specific
Then you highlight what you learned in the internship followed by how you contributed to the company during the period.
Tell me about your work experience
- To see you as an employee
- To assess your efficiency
- To assess your strengths
How to answer:
- Name of the organization
- Job Role
- Achievements/ Contributions/ Recognitions
Why not a job/ PG course after graduation?
- Clarity for choosing the option
- Your thinking logic
How to answer:
- be honest about how the course or job will help you.
- What skillset you possess to make you an ideal candidate
Do you have any questions for us?
-This is a winning question. It is the last question asked and that is when you can make an impact on the interviewer for one last time. The answer depicts your presence of mind and also your confidence. Do not waste it in asking about company policies, timing, salary, joining date, etc.
How to answer:
You can ask the following questions:
It was a good interview. I would like to know who interviewed me. So can I know your names, please?
Can you share your journey in the company?
How has your experience been with the company?
Can you share the best aspect of working in this company according to you?
You always ask something to the panelist about themselves to create a positive rapport.
What are the traits of a good leader/ team player/ good work culture?
- Checking your presence of mind
- Articulation of thoughts
How to answer:
- Answer in point format (3 points or 2 main points are)
- Point-Reason- Example
- State examples for impact
Why do you want to join the company?
- To check whether you have researched about the company
How to answer:
-         This is where you showcase the fact that you have read about the company.
-         You talk about one good recent achievement of the company and then you speak of 2 values the company has and how it matches your strength.
What do you like to do outside of work?
- Assessing social life and different spectrum of your personality
- Helps determine if a match culturally for the organization
How to answer:
-          Do keep it semi-professional, though, saying you like to have a few beers at the local hot spot on Saturday night is fine. Telling them that Monday is usually a rough day for you because you’re always hungover is not.
-         Focus on social life
-         Focus on hobbies
If you were an animal, which one would you want to be?
- See how you think on your feet
- No right or wrong answer
- Check- the presence of mind
How to answer:
- The animal
-Why the animal
- How strength similar
- Repeat the point
So these were a few ways that can help ace an interview. All the best!
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restthecase1234 · 3 years
As the air in Afghanistan seems to get tensed in fear and chaos after the Talibani intervention, the world has stepped in to offer refuge to the people of Afghanistan in crisis. While countries like the UK and the US reassess their refugee policy and citizenship rules by accepting 5000 and 20,000 Afghanis, respectively, countries like Tajikistan, the neighbouring country, have announced accepting 1,00,000 Afghans.
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To understand how International Law can mitigate the struggle of Afghanis and reinstate the Afghan peace process, let’s first understand what International Refugee Law in the first place is -
The movement of men and women between states, whether refugees or ‘migrants ‘, takes devote a context in which sovereignty remains important, and specifically that aspect of sovereign competence which entitles the state to exercise prima facie exclusive jurisdiction over its territory and to decide who among non-citizens will probably be allowed to enter and remain, and who will be refused admission and required or compelled to leave.
Like every sovereign power, this competence must be exercised within and based on law. The state’s right to regulate the admission of non-citizens is susceptible to certain well-defined exceptions favouring those looking for refuge and others.
The Convention Refugee Definition
Article 1A(1) of the 1951 Convention applies the definition of ‘refugee ‘first to any person considered a refugee under earlier international arrangements. Then, Article 1A(2), read now together with the 1967 Protocol and without time or geographical limits, supplies a general definition of the refugee as including any person who is outside their country of origin and unable or unwilling to go back there or even to avail themselves of its protection, owing to well-founded anxiety about persecution for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a specific social group (an additional ground not within the UNHCR Statute), or political opinion.
Stateless persons are often refugees in this sense, where the country of origin (citizenship) is understood as ‘country of former habitual residence ‘. However, it’s not necessary to flee because of fear of persecution or even actually to be persecuted.
Persecution and the Reasons for Persecution
Although central to the refugee definition, ‘persecution itself isn’t defined in the 1951 Convention. Articles 31 and 33 refer to threats to life or freedom, so clearly it contains the threat of death, or the threat of torture, or cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment. A comprehensive analysis requires the overall notion to be linked to developments within the broad field of human rights. The recognition that concerns with persecution and lack of protection are interrelated elements. The persecuted don’t enjoy the protection of this country of origin, while proof having less protection on either the internal or external level may produce a presumption regarding the likelihood of persecution and to the well-roundedness of any fear.
Besides identifying the primary characteristics of the refugee, states party to the Convention also accept specific obligations which are essential to achieving the target of protection, and thereafter an appropriate solution. Foremost among these may be the principle of non-refoulment. The word refoulement derives from the French fouler, which means to drive back or even to repel. As set out in the Convention, this prescribes broadly that no refugee will probably be returned in virtually any manner whatsoever to any country where they would be at risk of persecution.
The idea that a state ought not to return persons to other states using circumstances was initially referred to in Article 3 of the 1933 Convention associated with the International Status of Refugees. It was not widely ratified, but a new era began with the General Assembly’s 1946 endorsement of the principle that refugees with valid objections should not be compelled to return to their country of origin.
An original proposal that the prohibition of refoulement is absolute and without exception was qualified by the 1951 Conference, which added a section to deny the advantage of non-refoulment to the refugee whom you can find ‘reasonable grounds for regarding as a danger to the security of the country or who, having been convicted by your final judgment of a grave crime, constitutes a danger to town of the country.’ Besides such limited exceptions, however, the drafters of the 1951 Convention made it clear that refugees should not be returned, either to their country of origin or to other countries in which they would be in danger; additionally, they categorically rejected a proposal permitting ‘cancellation of refugee status in cases of criminal or delinquent behaviour after recognition.
Convention Standards of Treatment
Every state is obliged to implement its international obligations in good faith, which often means incorporating international treaties into domestic law and establishing appropriate mechanisms to identify and treat those that should benefit. A procedure for the determination of refugee status thus goes a long way towards ensuring the identification of these eligible for protection and causes it to be easier for circumstances to fulfil its international obligations.
As well as the core protection of non-refoulment, the 1951 Convention prescribes freedom from penalties for illegal entry (Article 31) and freedom from expulsion, save on the absolute most serious grounds (Article 32). Article 8 seeks to exempt refugees from the application of exceptional measures which might otherwise affect them by reason only of their nationality. In contrast, Article 9 preserves the proper of states to take ‘provisional measures on the causes of national security against a specific person. States also have agreed to supply certain facilities to refugees, including administrative assistance (Article 25), identity papers (Article 27), and travel documents (Article 28).
No international instrument defines ‘asylum ‘. Article 14 of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights says that ‘Everyone has the right to find and take pleasure from asylum from persecution in other countries. Article one of the 1967 UN Declaration on Territorial Asylum notes that ‘Asylum granted by a State, in the exercise of its sovereignty, to persons eligible for invoke Article 14 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights shall be respected by all other States.’ But it’s for ‘the State granting asylum to judge the causes for the grant of asylum’.
Refugees and Human Rights
The refugee problem cannot be separated from the field of human rights in general. It touches on both causes and solutions to ensure that knowledge and appreciation in understanding the refugee concept. Local laws of a country play an essential role in ensuring that international rules and human rights laws are applied effectively.
Keeping these International Refugee Laws and Human Rights Law in perspective, it is ascertained that the displaced refugees have a place to go.
With the dialogues floating around between the United Nations and its member countries to set up an International Rescue Committee, the refugee laws seem to be the ray of hope Afghanis have been seeking. For, to the world too, Afghan Lives Matter.
What are International Treaties and Why Should You Care About Them?
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restthecase1234 · 3 years
Now just because someone is in a public place, you cannot take a picture or a video and do whatever you want with that picture. People have the right not to be identified. You cannot disclose any private information about that person just because he/she was out in public doing something. (Eg: Making commercial news of a person)
0 notes
restthecase1234 · 3 years
Every business should practice the main thing while agreeing to review the contract before signing it thoroughly. In a contracting process, the key part is to review the contract. Reviewing the contract will help the business to understand the terms and conditions it agrees to by signing that contract. Contract review helps a business reduce organizational risks and ensures a positive impact on the business in the long run.
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restthecase1234 · 3 years
Till 1970, abortion was illegal in India; it was in the year 1971 when our country witnessed the introduction of abortion laws through the Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act, 1971. This Act ensured that women had access to safe and legal abortion services in India
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restthecase1234 · 3 years
Companies today have assumed great importance in our society. In general parlance, a company denotes an association of like-minded persons formed to carry on some business or undertaking. A company is a corporate body and the legal person having status and personality distinct and separate from the members constituent constituting it
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restthecase1234 · 3 years
India is a land of diversity, and people follow their rituals in accordance with their religion. The institution of marriage is considered sacred amongst Hindus, and the same is a contract among Mohammedans. It is, however, necessary to register the marriage to get a legal effect on the marriage.
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restthecase1234 · 3 years
Finding legal advice online is becoming an increasingly popular way to learn about an aggrieved party's actions. But before serving a legal notice, it is crucial to understand what is a legal notice exactly and how can you serve it.
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restthecase1234 · 3 years
A child is raised best if he or she resides with both the parents under the same roof, under the parents' vigilance, and getting love, care, attention, and protection from both the parents
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restthecase1234 · 3 years
Marriage is a necessary institution of human civilization that has existed for a long. Husband and wife get married to live together to make a new family and complete their marital obligations. However, in some life instances, the marriage does not work, and they end up divorcing each other.
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restthecase1234 · 3 years
Data safety and privacy protection are referred to as a set of policies, procedures, and cyber laws in India that aim to minimise the incursion into privacy caused by the storage, collection, and dissemination of personal data. Personal data is the information and data that is related to a person who can be identified from the information, whether it is collected by any private, government organization, or agency.
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restthecase1234 · 3 years
Usually, legal documents format vary in their content. There are mainly three basic types of legal documents, including letters such as demand, notice, and negotiation letters. These documents can be prepared without seeking any help from an advocate.
There could be a time when you might need to draft legal documents. For all you know, as a lawyer, you could be drafting an international contract one day or for a lawsuit, contracts, or negotiations the other. Or, often in life, you will come across various legal documents. To make sure everything is on point, it is necessary to understand what should be included in that document, the format of the document, and finally, how to draft it so that it gets the legal sanction.
Usually, legal documents format vary in their content. There are mainly three basic types of legal documents, including letters such as demand, notice, and negotiation letters. These documents can be prepared without seeking any help from an advocate. You can write letters and notices to resolve disputes without filing a lawsuit. Letters are often written in response to demand or offer and as notice to initiate court proceedings.
Other documents that are generally needed in the course of a court trial include directives, agreements, contracts and pleadings. Pleading can be a petition, complaint, or affidavit. Wills and trusts are also types of directives.
An agreement mentions obligations/promises made by parties to one another and series to carry out the business/transaction. You might need an advocate if you intend to make a legal notarized contract. Different documents have different formats and content; some similar documents would even have different requirements varying from jurisdiction to jurisdiction.
Following are a few points to keep in mind for appropriate legal documents drafting for court proceedings-
Research Material.
If you intend to prepare your legal documents without any assistance from an advocate, you will need to consider the following.
• Research sample documents on the internet
• Visit the public library to get more information
• Contact the clerks of the appropriate court to understand the exact legal format of the required documents.
• Before drafting, you should outline your objectives that need to be addressed in the documents.
If documents are pleadings that need to be filed in court, it's better to hire a lawyer to draft your documents as they are professionally trained, legally competent, and aware of the rules followed in that specific jurisdiction.
You can even resort to online software to draft standard legal documents. However, at times, this software fails to deliver specialized products and hence it's better to hire an advocate as he can prepare a customized draft.
You can obtain a format for legal documents like letters and agreements on their state court's websites. Usually, these websites provide forms that can be used for references. If not a state court's site, many law-oriented websites provide formats, samples of legal documents that you can refer to.
Before you start drafting a legal document, the first and foremost task is to give it an appropriate heading. It can be a letter containing letterhead or title of the agreement or case caption depending upon the type of the draft. Letterhead includes information such as –
• Name
• Address
• Telephone number
• Fax number of the writer
• Logi/sign of the firm/company.
The data can differ depending upon what kind of information you intend to give,
Title: The title of the agreement would include the name of the agreement, the chief purpose of the agreement as a heading in a large/bold format.
Pleading Documents: In pleading documents, you would even add case captions, including the name of the parties, city, state, court, and case number. It may also have the address of the parties or their phone numbers, etc., including the definitions section if needed.
Many legal documents have a definitions section in the beginning, to make the document more readable and less superfluous. For example, "Stark Technologies Pvt Ltd" can be addressed as "company" in the document to reduce redundancy.
Date: Also, it is important to mention the date in the document, especially if the date of drafting is supposedly different from the date of enforcement.
Objective: After adding an appropriate title and date, you should establish the objectives which need to be accomplished in the body of the draft document.
Font: To draft the document more efficaciously, you should use a readable font such as Times New Roman.
Division & Language: You should make divisions in the draft containing a variety of relevant topics that are overall exhaustive. The language of the document should be formal and should not contain excessive legal jargon. It should be reasonable as in the case of the agreement; the other party should find the terms of the agreement readable and comprehensible before complying with them. It should be clear from ambiguity, and important points should be conveyed with clarity.
Citation: You can cite relevant legislation according to the standard uniform style of citation—for instance, bluebook.
• You should ensure the format of the draft should conform with the formatting rules of the court in the jurisdiction. For example, typeface, sections, font, margin, line-spacing, etc.
• You should provide a line for the signature of the relevant authority.
• You should also thoroughly proofread the document to ensure if objectives are mentioned with utmost clarity.
•Correct any lexical, spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors you spot.
• After completing the said prerequisites to draft a document, you should file it in the appropriate court if you intend to make the document official or give it legal force.
• Make sure you sign it along with other parties to the contract or have it notarized by a public official. This will make the document legally enforceable.
• Apart from the aforementioned things one should keep in mind, it's necessary that the document's tone is in an active voice in drafting any documents. For instance, it should be "Party A shall pay party B, XYZ amount on fulfilment of CDF obligations" Instead of "XYZ amount of payment will be given to party B by party A only after party A successfully fulfils the CDF obligations as decided by both parties."
• The document should be clear and specific and not ambiguous. For example, "The access should be granted only to few people" should be instead "Only 3 people will be granted access" Thus, the document should be more clear and specific.
•Lastly, one should avoid using a lot of legal jargon since people party to the contract won't be able to understand it, so it should be clear, simpler, yet professional. For example, "Both parties should not act au contraire to contractual obligations as it would be illegal and unscrupulous on their part" should instead be "Both parties are bound to fulfil contractual obligations."
You could be an aspiring advocate or a layman; by considering these pointers, the document would be more accurate, specific, and simple.
Need help with legal drafting? Find a list of free legal documents templates here and make legal drafting simpler with Rest The Case.
0 notes
restthecase1234 · 3 years
Usually, legal documents format vary in their content. There are mainly three basic types of legal documents, including letters such as demand, notice, and negotiation letters. These documents can be prepared without seeking any help from an advocate.
0 notes
restthecase1234 · 3 years
Legal issues are often uncalled for and not being able to get the right help can be exhausting. We at Rest The Case aim to ease initiating legal proceedings. Find the best lawyers in the Pune area by filtering your search to Name, Pincode, Specialization, Gender, etc.
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restthecase1234 · 3 years
It is important to understand that there is a significant difference between agreement and consent as consent acknowledges the factors that can pressure a person into an agreement.
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restthecase1234 · 3 years
The Indian Constitution and the Citizenship Act, 1955 largely regulated the citizenship requirements and pathways in India. In accordance with contemporary law, Indian Citizenship is generally determined by the rule of ‘jus sanguines' (citizenship of the parents) as opposed to ‘jus soli’ (place of birth), and India is one of the countries that provide single citizenship for the whole of India.
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