#retchy lintpockets
twigsoda · 4 years
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wtf old drawings from like april n may idk what 2 do wit these. the cool inventor guy is adult fanboy btw i draw him different like every time -_-
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geabool · 4 years
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More Retchy Because I Love Him!! He Deserves Much More Recognition!! 😖❤️❤️
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hmmdotjpg · 4 years
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Some fbacc shiz from insta
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thepeanutlord · 4 years
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he’s babey
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Basic Information
Name: Janaya Altair Bloodworth-Thomason
Age: 18
Gender: Cis Male
Birthday (Zodiac): Sagnog 2 (Silkworm) on Mewni, February 18 (Aquarius) on Earth
Species: Human Wizard
Ethnicity: Asian (Filipino) / European (British)
Alignment: The Lucitor Kingdom/Vanguard League (Good)
Position/Ranks: Tom’s Undercover Agent (Mewni)/Outside Informant for the Vanguard League (Earth)
Sexuality: Demisexual
Powers/Abilities: Potion Making Skills, Flight (On a broomstick only), and Magic (teleportation, transforming into a tuxedo cat, and Fire Magic)
Fighting Style: Kali (A Filipino Martial Arts)
Native Language(s): English and Filipino
Weapons: When he used either magic for offense and Kali for defense, he used a retractable bo staff (which is also a magic staff used for spell casting), a spellbook, and a few potions bombs.
Janna Ordonia (biological mother)
Kyle Bloodworth-Thomason (biological father)
Tala Oridonia (maternal grandmother)
Janna’s unnamed father (maternal grandfather)
Sigmund the Sorcerer and Retchy Lintpockets (first cousins once removed)
Appearance Info:
Build: Slightly muscular and lean
Height: 5'10”
Eye Shaped/Color: oval-shaped brown eyes
Skin Tone: Pale Brown.
Outfit Style on Earth: He wears a white shirt and black tie as a tribute to his loyalty to Tom and Margo. He wears a dark pink bandana on his left arm.
Mewni Gear: A linen shirt, knee breeches with lacing cotton brown, and brown boots. His face is partially shrouds by a black hooded cape.
Hairstyle/color: He has long warm dark purple hair, but dyed all of his hair black, because he wanted to. His eyebrows are naturally black. His hairstyle is less “girly”, and tight it in a ponytail Thus, he has tousled hair.
Personality Information:
Janaya is more than a cool, speechless, and reserved guy. When people get to know him, they learned that on the outside he’s cynical and jaded but on the inside, he’s lonely and wants to help people and sort of a teacher. His other good personality is smart, thoughtful, systematic, instinctive, and secretly caution, quick-witted and resilient. When using magic he is in control, discipline, and restraint. If he is ever unconscious or be impulsive it could lead to catastrophic. He sometimes takes a nap because magic drains his stamina. He develops a habit of keeping his emotions in check because he is afraid that his magic can pose just as great a threat to himself or her friends as it would to her enemies because he did not complete his training in Milkweed Academy.
After Kyle Bloodworth-Thomason finally re-admitted to Milkweed. He excels in his studies and finally graduated from the school and now travels the world performing in magic shows with his best friend, Sigmund the Sorcerer. One of the locations in Echo Creek, L.A. where he met his mother, Janna Ordonia (before she moved to Townsville a couple of years later). Janna watched his magic shows and thought his magic was a hoax. Kyle, on the other hand, thought that Janna is sly, cunning, and much to his chagrin, teased him around as if Kyle is a substitute for Marco (One time, he almost got scared when Janna put a plastic bat in front of him). Then they became friends, and soon that friendship became an on-and-off romance relationship. Janaya is a result of a one night stand.
Janna is not ready to become a parent and wants to spend her life without responsibility. After Janaya is born, Kyle will had full custody in taking care of him in the Britain, while Janna can visit him any time she wanted, sent him letters once a month, and talk to him on FaceTime. To support his son, Kyle became a professor at Milkweed Academy.
When Janaya was four years old, Kyle signed him up for Kali and Filipino classes to learn about his roots further. At the age of 6-7, his magic developed and started enrolling Milkweed Academy. During his time in Milkweed Academy, he was never able to achieve the same levels of magic just like his father. He could only ever achieve the use of teleportation, transforming into a tuxedo cat, and fire-based magic. He became a target in bullying. His classmates would calls him Eggplant because of the color of his hair and spread rumors that Janaya isn’t in fact Kyle’s biological son, but a orphan that Kyle took pity on because he does not looks like him.
As he got older, received a pair of dimensional scissors from his mom on his birthday, but they’re only to get from Earth and Mewni. When he wasn’t at wizardry school, he was having her own adventures through Mewni and hones his potion-making skills by brewing many kinds of solid and liquid form of any kinds of potions as well (such, as healing potions, sleeping potions, truth serums, smoke bomb potions, invisibility potion, and a potion to augment superpower, mental and physical attributes) and sell them for a great prices. Janna who arrives at Europe to visit her son, saw Janaya’s talents decided to take her son to the Underworld where he meet Queen Margo and King Tom Lucitor.
Janaya at first is nervous to meets them. His first impression was a disastrous, but he impressed them by demonstrate his magical powers.
His mother jokily offered his services to them, and made up a lie that she somehow found out that Mr. Candle, an old agent of Tom’s is going to be retiring soon. Margo and Tom protested that they cannot allowed her own son on a role that is dangerous, especially when there is a conflict between the Monsters and Mewmans and an army of peasant Mewmans and monsters organized by Crow. Fascinated on what he just heard, Janaya accepted that offer.
After two years being a part-time agent of the Underworld and doing the king and queen’s bidding on finding out what Crow and his trio are planning to do in the shadow, until he caught Vera, the Princess of The Underworld’s attention after seeing his expertise in potion-making. She convinces him join the Vanguard League as an outside informant to give updates on what is going on in the Underworld and help Serena out on her in the infirmary and acts as a backup for a magical situation. He could have deny the offer but after hearing about Serena’s expertise in potion making and two magic users, Nia and Astro Butterfly… He could come help out the Vanguard League from time to time. He did have his very own dimensional scissor since the Vanguard League is in Townsville, this could give him the opportunity to spends time with his mom.
From that day on, Janaya would pops out from the portal at Janna’s apartment from time to time. So people might be careful, they might thought to believes he is a ghost. Since he is still an agent, he keep the Vera and the other royalties working for The Vanguard League up-to-date on what is going on in both Mewni and The Lucitor Kingdom.
His Parents: Janna Ordonia and Kyle Bloodworth-Thomason
His father is strict with Janaya in his lessons at wizardry school, he helps Janaya with his skills. Even though Janaya cannot summons Griffins or make illusions like him, he loves his son dearly. Janaya loves his father wholeheartedly. So you can say he is a Daddy’s Boy. If anyone talks poorly about his father, such as Professor Flan. He would stand up to him. Kyle does not know about Janaya’s adventures in Mewni. His mother, Janna on the other hand is the polar opposite. She gives Janaya the freedom. She was the one who inspired Janaya to go on adventures in other dimensions after she told him stories about her adventures with Star Butterfly and Margo.  
Crow does not trust Janaya at all. Ever since he appears in The Prime Sanctuary, and have escape his clutches once. He cannot decides if he is a friend or foe. He is still mad at him for calling his magic pathetic.
The Butterfly Siblings
The Butterfly Siblings have little knowledge about Janaya, but they do know that he visits Townsville to see his mother during the summertime.
Janaya and Astro probably wouldn’t get along that much either because Janaya is an Oridonia or they have different magic attributes (Astro used water/ice magic and Janaya used fire magic). Janaya and Nia would be friendlier but probably not hang out too much.
Two years of going on an adventure and selling potions. Ambrosine caught Janaya him for having a dimensional scissors. She thought he was a thief until Janaya explains Ambrosine the misunderstanding. But she took an interest in him after she saw him giving wounded children healing candies.
Janaya is kind of have a teacher-student relationship and often help Serena out in making potions.
The Lucitors
As their agent, it is his job to watch what was going on Mewni and tell the Lucitor’s everything he know. He pledge full loyalty to them. And accepting the offer from the Princess of the Underworld is an honor. 
When a person throws a bucket of water on his face.
“Just because I can fly on the broom, and my fire magic is weak against water. That does not mean I will melt.”
Nia cannot find her wand, she left it in the Vanguard League and must have misplaced it. She does not want to get another scolding from her big brother Astro. Janaya popping out of nowhere give Nia a yellow magical candle to help her find her wand.
“If you get close to what you are looking for it gets hot.”
Nia holding the candle with her hand’s thanks, Janaya.
“No problem just wanted to help ye, Princess Titania Butterfly.”
Crow points his rapier, The Chryses at Janaya.
“Grow,” Crow chanted as he summon roots springing out of the ground and headed toward Janaya. The roots tightly gripping around Janaya’s upper body. He remained stoic as ever as he exchanges glance at Crow. They only looks at each other eyes for several minutes, as the roots still grips around Janaya.
“Pathetic, I have seen better plant-based magic users,” Janaya said in an unamused expression. “Watch what I could do.”
The agent of the Lucitor’s Kingdom mumbling a chant. Suddenly, Janaya’s human body shifted into a tuxedo cat freeing himself from the bind. The trio stared at the tuxedo cat were shocked and awe. But mostly Crow. Crow’s eyes fell upon the tuxedo cat curiously. He never seen a cat before in almost, well forever. The cat walking up to Crow. It rubs against his leg purring.
Janaya teleport in an puff of smoke, surprising Crow. Crow coughs furiously because it is a bit strong.
Short Story
At the training room, Janaya sitting down at the bench as he watch Astro sparring with Olevia. Janaya rubbed his chin.
“Is it true that water/ice based magic is your second affinity, and your greater affinity is fire based magic?” Janaya questioned with a small smile on his face.
Astro ignore Janaya and continue his sparring.
“You know, I think it’s cute that. Since I have studied in wizardry school, it was only natural for me to controls my fire magic!” Janaya said, snickering behind his hand.
Astro put his hand up to tell Olevia to stop sparring for a while. Astro rubbed his fingers over his eyes and take a sharp breath. He should have known. He walks up to him and lean forward.
“Listen, Janaya, I am not the type of person who get mad easily and ready to fight. If you wanted a verbal smackdown or a physical fight, go and annoys Cayenne. She likes to fight. That is Cayenne’s thing.”
“Hey!” Cayenne protested. “Don’t put me into your conversation!”
“Anyway, I may be unable to controls fire magic, but at least I could use kinds of magic, other than ice. Unlike you, you only use fire magic. Guess I am powerful than you, and possibly your father.” He said. “I may not know everything about you, but at least I know a bit about you.”
Janaya didn’t respond, he just stares at the prince of Mewni in a look trying his hardest not to say anything offensive in rage because he does not want his fire magic to go out of controls. Plus Vera wanted him to be on his best behavior so he must do her bidding. “Water always dominate fire.” He thought. Next, Janaya shrugs it off.
“Fine, you win, I will leave you alone, I thought I could give you an offer to helps you control your fire magic. But since you hate my guts. I will take my leave.”
Janaya got up and walking out of the training room, leaving Astro in his thoughts, while Olevia is confused on what is going, and Cayenne don’t know why did Vera and Rénee recruits him as their affiliate.
He see Nia talking to her friends at the lunch table. Nia, who had a bright smile on her face spotted Janaya and waves hello to him, then he put his hands in pocket and continue walking.
Janaya heads toward the Vanguard League infirmary and found Serena who was looking at a book. But instead of making concoction as she always have, she frowns as she stares at the bowl of herbs.
“What is the matter Serena?” Janaya questioned.
The tanned witch is surprised to see Janaya.
“Oh Janaya, hello.” She greeted. “A few weeks ago I bought some supplies from an online website of a witchcraft store. When I got them out of the herb rack, apparently the herbs I bought were rotten. I guess they are useless  Now I have to buy some fresh ones.”
Janaya stared at the herbs. They were blacken and curled up. Janaya rubs his chin and thought about it. He got an idea. He take the rotten herbs from Serena. Serena curious on what he is going to do to the herbs. Janaya came back with his spellbook and equipments, a grinder and a mixing bowl with a prepared concoction. He adds the herbs to the concoction. He channels his magic and poured his magical power into the mixing bowl. He gave the concoction to Serena.
“Here you go, a fresh batch of remedy I made for back pain. All you have to do is spread the concoction on an injured person’s back and the person will be relieve.”
Serena smiles. Who knew she have another person who have tool medi magic studies. Finally, Janaya dugs his hand into his pocket and pull out a copy of the recipe.
“Thanks you Janaya,” She said as she accept the recipe.
“No problem.”
1. He dyed his hair black actually, his true hair color is actually warm dark purple hair. Dying his hair is easy, but the eyebrows are the hard part. The primary reason he dyed his hair is he got the nickname, Eggplant Boy back at Milkweed Academy. To this day, he hates the color of his hair.
2. He does eat meat, but never ever laid his hand on chickens, both fried and roasted because after he was diagnosed with the chicken pox as a kid and have to lay an egg. It was the worst day of his life.
3. He can make some potions in different forms of liquid, such as jelly, stew, and even soup. He can also make potions in solid form, often pills and candies. He has many kinds of potions as well: healing potions, sleeping potions, truth serums, smoke bomb potions, invisibility potion, and a potion to augment the knights’ mental and physical attributes.
4. His staff is used more than just spell casting. It can be used for fighting. The compact length of the staff is 28 inches, but when it is extended, 73.5 inches. The weight of the staff is 4.1 pounds and the diameter is 1 ¼ inch. His magic staff allow him to focus on his magic and leviates object, from a feather to a table.
5. He have a blue dragon cycle named Crest and a blind rare Munchkin and Persian mixed cat named Merlin.
6. The character design is created by @lamimilas from Tumblr
7. His mom, Janna is from Star Vs. The Forces of Evil and father is Kyle Bloodworth-Thomason from Fanboy and ChumChum
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Astro and Nia Butterfly belongs to @kururu418
Serena, Ambrosine, Crow, and Vera belongs to @princesscallyie
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twigsoda · 4 years
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what if a creepy, dirty, victorian street urchin came up 2 u what wud u do
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geabool · 4 years
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hmmdotjpg · 4 years
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Retchy is good and I wish to give him quarters
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hmmdotjpg · 4 years
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Quick doodle from earlier when I rewatched get you next time
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