yanabortnik · 4 years
# luna and yana ( again, sideblog )
what your muse’s name is in mine’s phone
La Luna 🌙
what your muse’s picture is in mine’s phone
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what your muse’s ringtone is in mine’s phone
Standard ringtone unless Luna has a special request. <3
my muse’s last text to your muse
[1:23 PM] Co-Star: “How does your baggage affect your ability to love or be loved?” 
[1:23 PM] Me:
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arloiporter · 4 years
anonymous asked:
do you have a “power outfit” that you can do anything in? describe it.
first of all, bold of you to assume all of my outfits aren’t power outfits, but if i had to pick just one i think i would go with my red jumpsuit, combined with black vans and black tshirt.
have you ever helped someone’s dream or wish come true? what happened?
i helped orion get some sence into his head when i punched him a few months ago, does that count?
can you speak another language?
i can speak a little bit of french, thanks to my grandfather who barely spoke any english to us.
are you happy single or do you wish you were in a relationship?
happy single. i tried the relationship thing once before and i would not recommend. zero out of ten, would not be doing that again. 
if you could spend a day in the life of any other student, who would you pick and why?
why would i wanna do that? but i suppose if i had to pick maybe max.
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milobreevort · 4 years
☀ ♫ ☎
what is your favorite thing about life at the retreat?
i can’t really say there’s a lot like about this place but i suppose it’s not so bad at night when everyone’s asleep. it’s quite peaceful.
most played song this week?
eddie's gun by the kooks. don’t tell lucy i’ll never hear the end of it if she finds out i actually vibe with the music she makes me listen to. 
who is the last person you texted? bonus: what was the text? 
max   [ 19:46 ] i know you have my james brown tshirt [ 19:46 ] i don’t know how many times i have to say this but it’s not our tshirt [ 19:47 ] give it back u dick 
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damianfitz · 4 years
how's the retreat so far? 
It’s a bit of an adventure, I suppose. Can’t say I’m leaning toward enjoying it considering the things that have been happening recently. It’s difficult to sleep... I feel as though I’ve gone through a bottle and a half of mosquito repellent already... Wouldn’t call the outhouse my favorite thing either... I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s an influx of bladder infection reports soon.
is there anyone you would like to get to know more? why?
Hmm... I would say Lucy. I think she’s quite interesting and that there’s more to know about her. She’s very different from me, but I feel as though that’s not a bad thing and we could learn a lot from each other.
what's your biggest fear in life?
...Failure. Being unloved.
If you could eat one meal for the rest of time, what would it be?
I do enjoy a good lemon-pepper salmon on a bed of couscous... Lots of vegetables.
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wendysanderson · 4 years
# for conny pls xx
what your muse’s name is in mine’s phone
what your muse’s picture is in mine’s phone
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what your muse’s ringtone is in mine’s phone
♪ Tommy James & The Shondells - Crimson and Clover (specifically the bit in the middle that’s all fun instrumental and “na na na na na naaaa”)
my muse’s last text to your muse
[10:23 AM] bring a leetle soda to me in the library? 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺  
[10:24 AM] i’m crashing mayday mayday sos  🚨🚨💔
[10:25 AM] orange please i’ll love you forever!!!!! 😍👅🤝
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ohcndrea · 4 years
           andrea  –  connor  –  liluye
accepting questions for meme weekend this post + send # for cell phone headcanons about ur muse xx
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dianaasterio · 4 years
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leocallauber · 4 years
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ba-central · 4 years
In response to popular demand, today will be the start of Broadripple’s very first MEME WEEKEND!
What this means is that in between your regular replies, we encourage you to get involved in reblogging and responding to ask memes. We’ll post one to get everybody started but if you have some favorite ask memes or want to create one of your own, feel free to throw them into the mix!
In addition, let your character spill their guts by posting a link to your inbox and tagging it retreat:honesty. Then make sure you’re sending curious questions to your classmates as often as your answering them to keep things rolling!
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metallicshine · 4 years
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yanabortnik · 4 years
# for arlo and yana ( don't mind the anon arlo's blog is sideblog and i can't send asks! )
what your muse’s name is in mine’s phone
Arlo Porter (previously: Arlo 💚)
what your muse’s picture is in mine’s phone
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what your muse’s ringtone is in mine’s phone
That bonkers “By The Seaside” one that sounds like a Mario Party song was set as a leetle joke to set him apart and it remains that way to this day.
my muse’s last text to your muse
[4:23 PM] Hi I just found a couple of your things
[5:01 PM] Let me know when you have a free moment and I can bring them over?
[5:05 PM] Sorry if you’re busy
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milobreevort · 4 years
if father d told you that you had to become friends with somebody you can’t stand in order to graduate, who would you become friends with and how would you do it?
amos, and i would simply not graduate ❤︎
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damianfitz · 4 years
☸ ✚ ☺
☸ : If you could be anywhere else in the world right now, where would you be?
Ouchy. It’s a port south of Lausanne, at the edge of Lake Geneva. I’d like to sit by the water and just... watch the lake. The water’s so blue there. And you can see the mountains too. It’s very tranquil.
✚ : What were you doing at 12 am last night?
Well, if I wasn’t asleep then I was probably trying to fall back asleep. It’s not easy when you share a room with 6 other people and can hear all sorts of creeks and croaks happening just outside of your window.
☺ : If Father D told you that you had to become friends with somebody you can’t stand in order to graduate, who would you become friends with and how would you do it?
Oh dear. That’s quite a loaded question. I wouldn’t say there was anyone I couldn’t stand... just some people I don’t really get along with, personalities that don’t mesh together well and all that. Perhaps either of the Breevorts or Arlo. Maximo and I aren’t the friendliest either. A conversation would be a good place to start. If not, maybe an activity that required teamwork. Like the Blindfolded Obstacle game. I’ve used that to build camaraderie among my house members during Spirit Days.
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yanabortnik · 4 years
' # '
what your muse’s name is in mine’s phone
what your muse’s picture is in mine’s phone
(cath is in fact the demon yana would like to trap in a circle of salt... but lovingly)
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what your muse’s ringtone is in mine’s phone
Standard again rip.
my muse’s last text to your muse
(sent during a free period on campus hence... signal <3)
[10:30 AM] Quick question. I noticed a lot of the mess on your side of the cabin is still alive and thriving.... which I celebrate! But do you need help with it or.......... ? 🙃
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damianfitz · 4 years
♨ : If you could only eat one type of campfire food for the rest of the year, what would you pick?
Some sort of meat on a stick, I suppose... Uncomplicated and it would help me get my protein in. Though, not hot dogs. Those are gross and I don’t know what’s in them. Proper sausages are fine. I would prefer just chunks of real meat though. None of the processed nonsense where you’re not sure what cut of meat it is.
☸ : If you could be anywhere else in the world right now, where would you be?
If not Ouchy then, I’ve recently seen a video about those tree hotels in Sweden. I actually think it’s called Treehotel. Impeccable architecture. I wouldn’t mind being there. I’ve never been.
☺ : If Father D told you that you had to become friends with somebody you can’t stand in order to graduate, who would you become friends with and how would you do it?  
I’ve already answered this question.
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