#reuploading old artwork from my Instagram account
endiecutieo6 · 4 months
Ignore me posting old artwork (it’s like two years old but still) just-
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Also have a short, shitty comic here:
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kookie-doodles · 8 months
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✨Super Sonic✨ from the Sonic Channel's January 2023 Wallpaper Calendar!
Originally Uploaded:
Twitter's Art Account on January 5th, 2023
Instagram's Art Account on January 8th, 2023.
With this, I open and welcome you all to my new art gallery on Tumblr!
Here are a few ground rules for this blog:
As you have seen before, I'll reupload from the very moment I started doing some better art with dates and links with OG sources inspired by said art. When I don't share the links to the sources, it means It's original work.
Please, do NOT ask about my old artwork to be uploaded here, that is what DevianArt is for. I will make an only exception for the sake of comparisons! Also, if you so wanna see my old art, besides dA, check my main personal blog @kookie-star!
I also will create a text post and pin it with tags to my Alternative Universes (AUs) from Super Mario and Sonic the Hedgehog respectfully for easier access to Mobile Users.
I will also NOT share my art process like I've used to do before, since I have moved on from that unless it is for commission purposes.
With that said, thank you and welcome! 😊
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tachipaws · 6 years
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Ok sorry for the bitchy tone rn but I'm so fucking tired of this excuse from reposters.
If you can't trace an image back to the source, why would you further contribute to the confusion and repost it even more?????
The image in question that this caption was under even had my username on it, plain as day. All my social media usernames are the same thing, I'm not hard to find. And this is a repost account I've dealt with before, so I know they know me. It's just insulting and downright lazy at this point. I am offended, and I have every right to be. The time spent adding this caption, and this was only a fraction of it, could have been spent actually looking for where it came from instead of being another save and repost attention grabber.
When you run a repost account you cannot pick and choose who you source. You either credit everyone, or you shut down your fucking account bc you're just making it easier for everyone else who doesn't bother at all. If you can't find the original source of an image, don't share it! Nothing bad will happen if you refrain from reposting that one image! Find something else that's easily sourced! And ask for the permission to post it from the owner while you're at it!
Y'all act like you're working a job or something and it's getting really old. You aren't required to repost content. You're all doing it for the same bottom-line reason: posting content, especially artwork and graphics, is the easiest way to gain notes and followers. Being the source has more payoff than spreading from the source.
As a stay-at-home parent I have hardly any time from one day to the next to even work on my edits. I won't even be able to fully participate in ichiruki month as it is because I can't sit at my computer for hours on end when I'm home with my kids all day. To see what little work I can put out do so poorly here and then blow up on instagram, to see someone who just saved my work and reuploaded it praised for all the hard work I put into it, is fucking heartbreaking and makes me want to just wipe my WIP folder and skip the whole event. Why bother doing anything if these people can just swipe away all the credit with a few clicks.
Reposting kills people's passion, kills our inspiration. For all you gain in notes and followers, you lose in people to steal from in the first place. When people repost without credit, the whole fandom suffers, right back down to the reposters at the bottom.
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