pdamerica · 2 years
A Win For Us All!
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oak-is-a-simp · 2 years
Reverend Warnock: “You’re a voter and your vote matters.”
Me, giggling and laying on my stomach while kicking my feet in the air behind me: “No, YOUR vote matters!”
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cyarskj1899 · 2 years
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The fact that it was a close victory for @ReverendWarnock and the Republican thought that Herschel walker would make a great representative for Georgia and america is unforgivable and it would be a cold day in hell if I ever voted for republican how stupid do they think black folks and voters are! And his two white chaperones escorting him from fox new interview to Fox News interview. Disgusting and horrifying.
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worldoffrausto · 2 years
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Thank you Georgia! 🍑 • @staceyabrams you are a game changer. You're the real deal. Someone Who has forever impacted this country. You deserve so much gratitude and praise. Thank you. • “Congratulations to my friend @ReverendWarnock on his reelection to the U.S. Senate, and a special thank you to Georgia voters and organizers who worked tirelessly to make this victory possible.” ✍️Stacey Abrams • #Georgia #JohnLewis #StaceyAbrams #RaphaelWarnock #NeverGetTired #VotingRights #FightVoterSuppression #VOTE 💙✊💙 (at Georgia) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cl299pEunsM/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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paul-doyle · 5 months
‘What America is’: Sports world reacts to Capitol attack, historic week
Paul Doyle
CT Insider
Jan. 9, 2021
For many of the women in the WNBA, it was a dizzying 48 hours.
On Tuesday, Democrat Raphael Warnock defeated incumbent Republican Kelly Loeffler in Georgia’s U.S. Senate runoff. Players visibly and vocally supported Warnock over the conservative Loeffler, co-owner of the Atlanta Dream.
But the sense of accomplishment was tempered the next day, when a mob of Donald Trump loyalists stormed the U.S. Capitol building. At least one brandished a confederate flag.
“One breath, you want to celebrate … But then you can’t,” said Connecticut Sun veteran DeWanna Bonner. “What happened in Washington DC and all the killings (of Black Americans) ... My head is kind of all over the place.”
Bonner, a Black woman from Alabama, saw race at the center of the Capitol events. She’s not alone.
The visuals of a mostly white crowd overwhelming police to storm the legislative building contrasted with images of Black Lives Matter protesters greeted with armed forced. Activists have noted a double standard in how the groups were treated by security.
The reaction from the sports world?
“We live in two Americas,” LeBron James said.
Philadelphia 76ers coach Doc Rivers said, “Could you imagine today, if those were all Black people storming the Capitol, and what would have happened?”
The sentiments are echoed throughout Connecticut, too — from high school coaches to college athletes to the professional basketball players at Mohegan Sun.
The WNBA has long been at the front of social causes, but the league’s players raised their activism to another level while competing in the Bradenton, Fla. bubble last summer. Players spoke out after the killings of Breonna Taylor and George Floyd, standing firmly behind the Black Lives Matter movement.
Loeffler, Atlanta’s co-owner since 2011, is a strong Trump supporter. In July, she expressed concern with the league’s support of BLM in a letter to league commissioner Cathy Engelbert.
The response from the players? They began wearing “Vote Warnock” shirts at games and raised money for his campaign. Players across the league donned the shirts and Warnock’s poll numbers steadily climbed.
Warnock wound up prevailing in a runoff, which helped tip the power in the Senate as Democrat Jon Ossoff defeated incumbent Republican David Perdue in Georgia’s other runoff.
“It was such a happy moment for him and for our league, as well,” Bonner said. “We did a great job of speaking out when we heard about what was going on in the race. We knew immediately who we wanted to support. Everybody wore those shirts on game days — there were some big games that week and we wanted to make sure that people saw us.
“We stand by what we believe in and it showed the powerful impact that we can make.”
Players celebrated the victory on social media. UConn’s Renee Montgomery, who played with Atlanta but opted out of the 2020 season as she focused on social justice reform, tweeted: “In 2019, I didn’t know what to call @ReverendWarnock because he was a Dr and a Pastor. Now I gotta add Senator to the list. Congrats to Dr Pastor Senator Warnock!”
James tweeted, “Think I’m gone put together an ownership group for the The Dream. Whose in?” and Montgomery responded, “I’m ready when you are.”
And it’s worth noting that James’ tweet received a long list of responses, including an emphatic “In” from former tennis great and Fairfield product James Blake. Meanwhile, Montgomery told TMZ she’s serious about an ownership bid — although there is no indication Loeffler is selling.
The WNBA is being cited for its impact on the election, but the support for Warnock — and rejection of Loeffler — is just another example of the league’s players using their platform. Independent of the Georgia race, players were leading the sports world in speaking out about racial injustice last year.
“Just more recognition for the work that they’re doing,” said Connecticut Sun vice president Amber Cox, who has worked in the league for 13 years. “If you think back to the Pride platform and the support of the LGBTQ community, the WNBA was really the first to do that. It’s been happening. But the result of being in a bubble situation where you had all the players together, allowed them to come together and it was obviously just a defining moment in our history … all things kind of culminated.
“These women are so courageous and smart and, obviously, strategic the way they go about things. It’s been wonderful to see them get the recognition for all the work that they have been doing.”
New Haven native Bria Holmes said the season was dedicated to making voices heard.
“And clearly they were heard,” she said. “Just voicing our opinion on things that haven’t been going well, I think it opened people’s eyes to a lot of things. … Women are a huge part of the world. With our voices, we can do a lot. It’s not just the men. We can continue to do great things.”
Said Bonner, “People are listening. Women’s basketball has an opportunity to be at the forefront of sports. … Last summer, we spoke up and spoke out about our true feelings. We’re outspoken. We don’t hold our tongues for anything. People are learning more about us as women, about our culture, and what we believe in, and that we’re more than just basketball players.”
Yet Bonner, an 11-year veteran, said she was shook by what she witnessed Wednesday. The joy of Warnock’s victory quickly evaporated.
“It’s a scary time,” she said. “It’s kind of like, let me make sure my family is home and safe because you never know what can happen right now. It’s just such a sad time for us, especially for Blacks in this world right now.”
Holmes said she was at a loss for words to describe how she felt Wednesday. But she does believe the “outcome would’ve been totally different” had a majority of the protesters been Black.
UConn freshman Paige Bueckers figures to have a future in the WNBA, yet she has already used her voice — she marched in her home state of Minnesota after Floyd’s death.
Asked Friday about the WNBA and the state of the country, Bueckers said she is impressed that the league and the players use their platform to spread their message.
“Everything that they do, they’re trying to make this world a better and more equal place,” Bueckers said. “That’s what we need right now — equality and justice, equal treatment for everybody regarding race. It’s just sad to see the inequalities in the world.
“If we just treated each other how we wanted to be treated, it would be a much better place. It’s just sad to see the stuff that’s going on in the world, the hate and the division that we have. The WNBA is just pushing for unity and togetherness. I just think that’s really big and what the world needs right now.”
Buecker is white, but her younger brother Drew is Black and she spoke over the summer about their conversations pertaining to his race.
“I’m scared for him,” she said over the summer. “I’m scared for myself because that’s my little brother. He’s my best friend, really. I’m really close to him. Having that fear, that one wrong judgment and his life could be on the line, it’s super scary and it’s something I want to help change.”
UConn junior Christyn Williams, another player with WNBA aspirations, expressed her support for Black Lives Matter on her social media accounts last summer.
“I’m definitely excited to be a part of the WNBA one day because they represent something bigger than themselves,” she said. “We’re people too. They show that as an example every time something happens or just in general. I think they’re doing a great job with that.”
The events at the Capitol were jarring for athletes and coaches across the state.
Wilbur Cross basketball coach Kevin Walton conducts a weekly Zoom call with his players, his opportunity to check on his team while the season remains paused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
On Wednesday night, Walton asked his players about the events that unfolded at the Capitol.
“One of the players said one of the differences (from the Black Lives Matter protests) was they were treated differently because they were white, but he was reluctant to say it at first,” Walton said. “I told him you can always say what you feel. We want the kids to formulate their own opinions.”
Walton, a community activist who participated in protests after the killing of Floyd by a Minneapolis police officer in May, said he was “appalled” by the way Capitol police and law enforcement reacted to the mob that stormed the legislative building.
“It sends a message that they didn’t take these white nationalists and terrorists to be as scary or as threatening as the Black Lives Matter protests,” Walton said.
Hillhouse football coach Reggie Lytle, who stayed up until 4 a.m. Thursday watching news coverage of the events, retired in 2013 as a lieutenant after a 25-year career in the state Department of Corrections.
Like Walton, he was stunned by the lack of security at the Capitol. Lytle contrasted what took place Wednesday with his own experience at the Million Man March on the National Mall in 1995. He estimates there were thousands of law enforcement at the march, “and you turn on the TV (Wednesday) and see only 500 Capitol Police?”
Lytle also said he felt “real sick” upon learning that a Capitol police officer was killed in the incident. He experienced riots during his time in the corrections department.
“To lose an officer to a beat down makes me feel I didn’t do my job,” he said. “It angers me even more to learn the President of the United States provoked this action. This invokes hate and invokes retaliation. I am old enough to know to fall to my knees and pray. This is what (Colin) Kapernick was doing.”
Lytle said he encountered racism as a member of Hillhouse’s 1985 state championship team and he sees his players faced with the same now. “Not much has changed,” he said.
His view of what happened at the Capitol?
“I’m not surprised at all,” Lytle said. “Especially since they announced they were going to do it. We have a saying: There it goes again. When we say that, in our community, we all know what that means. It’s white privilege. There’s no other way to look at it. White privilege.
“…My kids know. They could simply stand on the corner waiting for their girlfriend, and then the cops roll up and they get grilled. Meanwhile, you have people going to the Capitol and nobody’s stopping them.”
Walton, too, was not surprised.
“When President-elect (Joe) Biden comes on and says, ‘This isn’t America’ … this is exactly what America is,” Walton said. “Storming the Capitol building, acting in a violent manner, that is exactly who we are. … What bothered me the most is the people acting out were every-day people. There weren’t any billionaires out there (Wednesday). Those were people waiting for their stimulus checks, people who need Obamacare.”
This discussions between players and coaches unfolded at all levels last week.
At Quinnipiac, men’s basketball coach Baker Dunleavy said his team talked about the insurrection on Thursday.
“I think in general young people are very socially aware,” Dunleavy said. “They’re educated. They pay attention. They read. They’ve got social media at their fingertips. The players shared some of their individual thoughts and opinions.
“When we look at that day in our history, we’ll look back on a very dark day, an unfortunate and really embarrassing day in our country. We talked a little bit that there are some people out there who are similar to those we saw on camera and feel the way they feel. For a lot of people, it’s convenient for them to pretend that doesn’t exist. We have less ability to look the other way, that that sentiment isn’t something that existed just back in the 1960s.”
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sassy324 · 5 months
2024年4月14日,Reverend Raphael Warnock,手上沾滿15,000名兒童的血,你晚上怎麼睡:$92835美元 @ReverendWarnock ?
2024年4月14日,AIPAC 是 Michelle Steel 的頂級職業貢獻者。以色列遊說團體總共給了她 23.5 萬美元,而且還在增加! 米歇爾·斯蒂爾 (Michelle Steel) 將自己和#CA45的員工出賣給了外國實體。 #RejectAIPAC
2024年4月15日,喬治·拉蒂默是以色列遊說團體的傀儡。有錢能使鬼推磨.George Latimer $351,600.
2024年4月15日,AIPAC 眾議員 Clay HIggins 以不到 1.5 萬美元的價格將自己的靈魂出賣給了以色列遊說團體。看起來他正在向以色列遊說團體要求加薪。
2024年4月16日,參議員 Todd Young 從以色列遊說團體收到了近 40 萬美元。 AIPAC是他這個選舉週期的最大貢獻者! 這位參議員拿錢來兜售以色列的宣傳.
2024年4月16日,這位眾議院共和黨人從以色列遊說團體收到了超過半百萬美元,現在他兜售他們的宣傳。 布萊恩·馬斯特受到了損害。Brian Mast $568,454.
2024年4月16日,Tom Suozzi 從以色列遊說團體收到超過26 萬美元。他自豪地將自己和NY03的人民出賣給外國實體。
2024年4月16日,AIPAC 眾議員 Diana Harshbarger 希望他們看到這一點,並給她一張更豐厚的支票。她從以色列遊說團體收到了 11,000 美元。
2024年4月16日,尼娜·特納從未接受過 AIPAC 的資金。 Shontel Brown 已接受 AIPAC 和以色列遊說團體提供的超過 100 萬美元的資金
2024年4月16日,2022 年當選的 AIPAC 眾議員 Tom Kean 已從以色列遊說團體獲得> 27 萬美元。當 AIPAC 說跳時,他會問跳多高。
2024年4月16日,Dean Phillips 從以色列遊說團體收到> 54,000 美元。他正在參加 AIPAC 的試鏡,希望他們能幫助他在下一個選舉週期中挽救他的政治生涯。
2024年4月16日,眾議員查克·弗萊���曼 (Chuck Fleischmann) 正在複製並貼上 AIPAC 備忘錄中的俏皮話,希望他們給他加薪。$26450
2024年4月16日,自 2022 年當選以來,凱蒂·布里特 (Katie Britt) 已從以色列遊說團體收到超過 10 萬美元。
2024年4月16日,美國代表接受外國實體數十萬美元時表示,「外交政策並不複雜」。 丹·克倫肖受到了損害
2024年4月16日,凱西曼寧從以色列遊說團體收到了超過 50 萬美元。她剛從以色列旅行歸來(由 AIPAC 支付費用),在那裡她與內塔尼亞胡坐下來,後者請求她支持「完成工作」。 凱西·曼寧是一名種族滅絕愛好者。(加拿大司馬田2024.4. 谷歌翻譯fb:Markss Tang)
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agentakuda1 · 2 years
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southsideunicorn · 2 years
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I noticed @HerschelWalker is the only person you have called out of his name, and you disrespect his mother?! with that SOB remark, I don't like @ReverendWarnock , but all black men need to check your racist ass on this you were not this belligerent with anyone else, damn racist! https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck6NnvLvkp4/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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m15pri · 2 years
515 Loupe 10/28/2022
COMPER As you WATCH do this simple thing COMPARE THE DIFFERENCE between 2 ex-presidents Barack Obama campaigning for Stacy Abrams in Georgia (population of 10,711, 908) vs Donald Trump campaigning for someone in Alaska (population 733,391) now TAKE A GOOD LOOK at the lines     Georgians are ready to join President @BarackObama, Senator @ReverendWarnock, and the Democratic ticket tonight. Tune…
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indie184 · 4 years
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It's here ! ⚡️✊🏿✊🏾✊🏽✊🏼✊🏻✊ NEW✨T-Shirt Alert 🚨 Power To The People. We the people have spoken. And it’s time for a change. It’s time to get to work. Georgia here we come. Give A Damn Vote is excited to share our new Power To The People collaboration with native New York graffiti artist Indie184. Give A Damn Vote X Indie184 X PTTP tee now available. Link in bio. @indie184 @jonossoff @raphaelwarnock @fairfightaction #indie184 #jonossoff #raphaelwarnock #reverendwarnock #giveadamnvote #powertothepeople #vote #vote2020 #registertovote #rockthevote #whenweallvote #morethanavote #blacklivesmatter #plotplanstrategizeorganizeandmobilze #art #streetart #graffitiart #graffitiartist #climatechange #justicereform #equality A portion of all proceeds will go to Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock in their run to join the U.S. Senate representing the great state of Georgia, and to Fair Fight Action who promote fair elections in Georgia (and around the country) and encourage voter participation. #art #design #tshirt #streetart #graffiti https://www.instagram.com/p/CHs41WCj6RJ/?igshid=3w5106k0dd9w
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pdamerica · 2 years
We Must Add To Our Majority in the Senate With a Win for Raphael Warnock. All Hands On Deck, Nationwide!
Volunteer and/or Donate Now, Then Join the Our Final GA Victory Team Call Thursday, 9pm ET/6pm PT. You’ll Leave Energized and Organized!
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cyarskj1899 · 1 year
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You’re Wrong! YES WE DO! Why they always dismiss Black People? Lordt why?
I am tired of sinema & Manchin shenanigans. They’re not different than those republicans. They’re not real democrats they’re fake and phony. They and the republicans need to go! THESE REPUBLICANS AND PHONY DEMOCRATS CAN GO TO HELL!!! We need GA!
This narrative is really making me angry. Georgia needs Reverend Warnock, and we need him and his voice and his dedication in the Senate.
Let’s get 51.
@ReverendWarnock you up next. You got this.
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jmwilson1 · 4 years
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Supporting Blue in Blue Decatur in Blue Georgia. Vote Blue. #voteblue2020 #gadems #jonossoff #reverendwarnock #bidenharris2020 (at Downtown Decatur) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJrlTgRg4ff/?igshid=cq4rl5s9d082
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iamrosesmom · 4 years
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There will be not one, but TWO special elections on January 5th: Jon Ossoff v. David Perdue AND Rev. Raphael Warnock vs. Kelly Loeffler. This is HUGE. If you haven’t yet registered, TODAY is the day. The deadline is December 7th, but don’t delay! Repost from @democracydocket #georgia #georgiavoter #jonossoff @jonossoff #reverendwarnock @raphaelwarnock #runoff #register #vote #voter #election2020 VOTER REGISTRATION APPLICATION https://sos.ga.gov/admin/files/Absentee%20Ballot%20Fillable%20form%20820.pdf https://www.instagram.com/p/CHXE3YphWk4/?igshid=93u8ydvpw95n
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noctomania · 4 years
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Screenshot of tweet from Stacy Abrams reads: "BREAKING: More than 600,000 Georgians have requested their mail ballots for the January 5 runoff elections.
Help elect @ReverendWarnock and @ossoff to the U.S. Senate by requesting your ballot today ➡️ https://t.co/xCyh7BhY3o. Happy voting and let’s get it done... again. #gapol https://t.co/G65qB8NMpg "
Followed by a gif reading ballotrequest.sos.ga.gov
Let's go Georgia
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onlydylanobrien · 4 years
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Dylan O'Brien posted another Selfie on his Twitter.
Omg look at that 💁‍♂️ I have all this cool #VoteWarnock stuff and it’s #VoteWarnock day how fun is that? (tone is light to grab your attention but our democracy & essential human liberties depend on it 😅) #GeorgiaBlue @ReverendWarnock @ossoff @staceyabrams​ Donate.VoteWarnock.com
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