theoneslayer · 2 years
mutantism asked:
“💭 for buffy !”
(Send 💭 to see one of my muse’s earliest memories or a flashback to a pivotal moment in their life!)
Buffy remembers what it felt like, to have two parents who loved her. She remembers a time when there were no secrets between her, and her parents. When there were no cracks in her family. Before she wasn’t burdened with all the responsibilities of being “The Slayer.” She remembers feeling safe and warm, without a care in the world. Before her father left them, before her mother died, before she had to juggle all over her world saving duties along with being the guardian of her younger sister. Yes, Buffy remembers a life before being the slayer, but she often wishes she didn’t. It makes it that much more painful.
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theoneslayer · 2 years
Please send memes for Buffy here (and specify for Buffy please :)
(any and all would be great!) 
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