#revisionist history lets goooooo
blushweddinggowns · 1 year
Part two to this
"How would you feel about meeting up with Trisha?" Steve asked one night, completely casual. Like he didn't just send Eddie in to a tailspin, "We were talking this morning and-"
"You talked to her this morning?" Eddie interrupted, nerves coloring his voice, "I thought you already talked to her on Monday?"
Steve leaned back onto Eddie chest with a sigh, tilting his head to stare up at him from their spot in bed, "Sweetheart, we've talked about this. You don't really get to be jealous considering I left her for you. On our wedding day. I think it's safe to say you won babe."
"I'm not jealous," Eddie mumbled into his hair, a complete fucking lie, "Just...concerned."
"Concerned that I'm going to leave you for the girl I left for you? You don't think that's a little counter-intuitive?"
Eddie knew he was right, of course he was right. He was being stupid, but that didn't stop the fact that he was scared. And okay yeah, technically he had no reason to doubt their relationship. It had over a year since he crashed Steve's wedding and stole him away. And it had been a great fucking year.
The first few months had been a little rough, jumping from not speaking for years to suddenly living together was bound to have some complications. But they got over them quickly enough, mostly because Eddie hadn't been fucking around when he said he'd do anything to keep Steve around.
If anything, it was all too easy. Suspiciously easy. It made him feel a little paranoid, that he was just allowed to be this happy with a guy he didn't deserve, after getting him back in one of the most dramatic, inconsiderate way possible.
He just...got away with everything a little too cleanly. And Eddie would be lying if he said he wasn't scared shitless at the chance that he could lose him. Even if that chance may just be in his head.
Eddie sighed, breaking eye contact as Steve stared him down, "I'm sorry."
"You should be," Steve said, leaning up to press a comforting kiss to his mouth before continuing, "But I love you anyway. And for the hundredth time, we're just friends. She's not even mad anymore. Sending that check over to her dad definitely smoothed things over. She even has a new boyfriend already."
Eddie may not have liked his ex-finance, on the selfish basis that she had gotten way to close to marrying the love of his life, but paying for their wedding was the least he could do after stealing the best part of it. Being rich and famous had to come in handy sometime right?
But that didn't mean he wanted to meet the girl.
"Come on," Steve tried, turning his body to make them face each other. He wrapped his arms around Eddie's neck, shamelessly ready to pull out the puppy dog eyes, "There's nothing to be worried about. I love you, obviously. And no one else. Besides, she deserves the chance to chew us out a little, considering what we did. Don't you think?"
He had a point, Eddie knew that he had a point. But just because it was the right thing to do didn't mean that Eddie wanted to deal with it. But it's not like he had a choice, not when Steve decided to pull that disgustingly adorable face.
And that's how Eddie found himself sitting across from the girl whose husband he stole, just two days later. It was awkward, or maybe Eddie was just awkward, because she and Steve were talking like they were old friends, instead of the bitter exes that they should be.
Trisha Rogers was a pretty girl, unfortunately. Tall, blonde, and put together. Like she could have just hopped right off the set of Baywatch. Her attractiveness was definitely not helping with Eddie's growing paranoia, but it wasn't exactly a shocker that Steve almost married a Farrah Fawcett clone.
But the pleasant smile on her face when she turned the conversation to him kind of was, "So you're the guy who ruined my wedding, huh?"
She turned back to Steve, a perfect brow raised, "He's cuter than you said he was."
Eddie blinked, glancing over at Steve, "You talked to her about me?"
"Since the start of our relationship," Trisha answered for him with a nostalgic sigh, "Actually, I think his exact words were, 'He's like if sexy fucked adorable and gave birth to a man who would ruin your life.' Something like that. He was surprisingly upfront about the whole 'I'm in love with someone who doesn't want me' since the get go."
"I wasn't that bad!" Steve whined, "And you're the one who kept asking questions about him!"
"And you're the one who failed to mention that he might pop up a year later to steal you away," Trisha said with a warm smile, "And if you had I would have gotten someone else to have a sham marriage with."
"Sham is kind of a strong word there Trish," Steve laughed, "I always thought of it as a marriage of convenience. Besides, it was your idea in the first place."
Sham? Convenience? What the hell were they talking about? Eddie looked between the two of them, brow furrowed at the words and the weird way they were smiling at each other, "Am I missing something here?"
"Well long story short, I met this really hot guy right?" Trisha started, winking at Steve, "And he was a great boyfriend for like, a solid two months. Then I find out he's still in love with an ex I'm still not 100 percent deserves him. And the romantic side of the relationship kind of died there. The sex kept being great though."
Trisha laughed at the way that made Eddie grimace, the shit head. He was starting to understand why these two got along in the first place.
"Anyway," She continued, "He made it pretty clear that he wasn't going to be an ideal life partner. But a friend with benefits was still on the table. And as a friend, he was set to do me the biggest solid imaginable, before you came along."
"She wasn't going to get her trust fund until she got married, her Dad's a massive traditionalist," Steve finished for her, "That's where I came in."
Eddie could feel his eye twitch as he looked over at Steve, "And you didn't think to mention that?"
Steve shrugged, "You're the one who looked constipated every time I said her name. Do you blame me for not bringing that up before?"
"Oh he is cute when he's mad," Trisha giggled, "You hadn't been kidding about that."
Steve grinned, snaking a hand under the table to lace their fingers together, "Isn't he? And I am sorry about not following through. We both are. I just...got a little bit caught up in the moment."
Trisha shrugged, "It's okay. I mean, I'm still kind of pissed because of the humiliation factor, but everyone felt so bad for me I got to keep all the gifts. And my Dad gave me the trust fund anyway. He has some pretty choice words for you by the way."
She turned to Eddie, a tiny smile on her face, "But he's a big fan of you for sending the money over. He wanted me to mention that if you ever want to leave Steve at the altar you already have his permission for my hand in marriage-Hey!"
Eddie held back a laugh, watching as Steve lazily lied, "Oh whoops? Did I kick you on accident? Sorry about that."
She laughed, "Okay, okay! No flirting with the soulmate! Got it. So what's been new with you? Besides the whole life partnership thing?"
They talked for a little while longer, with more than a few more jokes being made at both of their expenses. But they definitely deserved it, even if the circumstances of their relationship weren't as serious as Eddie originally thought. It helped, especially since it was becoming crystal clear that this girl had every intention of staying Steve's friend. Though...he was still a little pissy that they slept together, as irrational as it was.
He kept that insane thought rightfully to himself.
But either way, by the time they made it home, Eddie's paranoia about the girl who almost married his soulmate was functionally dead.
"I still wish you had told me about the sham part," Eddie groaned as they stepped through the front door, "Could have saved me some serious heartache there Stevie."
Steve grinned. He wrapped his arms around Eddie's neck, stopping them in the hallway to give him a quick kiss, "Consider it payback for ignoring me for three years."
He knew he was joking, but that didn't stop Eddie from flinching. He was 100 percent right, if anything Eddie deserved a much worse punishment for putting Steve through all of his bullshit.
"Oh, don't pout," Steve said at the look on Eddie's face. He leaned in, pressing kisses all over his face, comforting him despite the fact that he didn't deserve it, "I already forgave you, remember? Now you can consider us even."
Eddie shook his head. He refused to let himself off the hook for this, not when he came so close to losing Steve forever because he had to go and be an idiot. He wrapped his arms around Steve's waist, pulling him in until they were flush against each other, "Don't let me off the hook yet. I got a lot more groveling to do. Preferably for the rest of our lives."
Steve grinned, hiding the smile in the crook of Eddie's neck, "I can live with that."
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