twocpoetry · 9 years
Revolution Ain’t: a Poem by Vita E
Revolution don’t look like what some people have tried to paint it. A bunch of happy trees and Bob Ross mountain ranges that we all stand on, Holding hands and singing “Kumbayah” while hierarchy sings “Burn the Witch” This magic is too strong for patriarchy to cast shitty spells on us, But some of us forgot to salt our houses, put that salt into wounds instead, And now carry that iodized internalized hatred into spaces, Instead of creating changes, we added fuel to flames that, Were never meant to do anything but burn us alive.
Revolution ain’t elders paying more attention to their pride than their peers, Letting ego be the one entity you let have space in the room, The eyes of your future being forced to see you as enemy, Calling me, “sister,” when it’s clear you don’t fuck with me like that. The goal of the oppressor personified in your bullshit rhetoric about how, “We started this shit, so you have no opinion.” Please….Spare me the words that I hear from people who’d rather see us dead. We come to you for guidance, for support, for understanding. In our anger, and our confusion, But you’d rather protect your place in the very game we’re supposed to be dismantling, Just cause you have the high score already….. What…. think they won’t unplug you too? Better take the red pill and wake the fuck up.
Revolution ain’t spending money on lavish hotels and open bars, While the future sleeps on the streets two blacks, I mean, two blocks away. It’s not inviting people who persecute people to receive praise for being the exception. While their armies raid our homes, kill their people, treat our Palestinian family as POWS. But instead of exposing their injustices, they were invited here. Here under the full protection of organizations that received hundreds of dollars a head, To take our ideas and sell them back to us later, likely for twice what we paid to give them away.
Revolution ain’t walking around the world like you own it, Claiming you’re just trying to save it, And receiving grants for casualties. Revolution ain’t silencing people you should be listening to, Because you’d rather hear the sound of your own voice. Revolution ain’t showing up to protests to call us oppressors, While the real enemy sits in a conference room protected. But it’s all good, cause our anger is your economy, Hatred is your hotel room cost, Chains are your pocket change, But I won’t be buying your bullshit, not from none of you. I’m tired of paying for it with pain, and the pain of our people. My revolution and the revolution of our people, all of our people… …..will be free.
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