wildartsstuff · 6 months
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"yes, yours..."
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wildartsstuff · 9 months
Ciaoo! Ti faccio i miei complimenti per le bellissime fanart su Lies of P (e anche degli altri fandom), mi piace molto il tuo stile di disegno. Posso chiederti un mini sketch di Pino che mangia un bel piatto di spaghettazzi alla carbonara? (O quello che vuoi tu) Così, senza troppo impegno. Grazias~
Eyooo grzie mille per i complimenti, apprezzo molto! Scusa la lentezza nel rispondere, sfortunatamente il mio artblock ha deciso di colpire al momento sbagliato. Comunque, ecco P che si mangia una bella carbonara, se la merita!
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wildartsstuff · 4 months
My art keeps getting stolen or uncredited. Seriously losing my patience about the fact that as an artist I am not protected nor respected as a person and for my work.
It takes you NOTHING to use Google lenses and reverse research an artist if the picture is reposted on Pinterest ( since lots of my work has ended up there uncredited too ) and copy and paste the link to your post, especially if you do it from your pc/laptop.
Unfortunately has an artist that has gotten a certain notoriety into the Lies of P fandom I always expected it but never have to deal with SO MUCH reposters and thieves. A few months ago someone tried to sell 3 of my works in their shop on tshirts and luckily none of them were sold and the owners had the decency to fire the person selling the works as “original designs”.
Then someone using my Carmeo piece to spread words of hate on those who actually enjoy the ship and got their account taken down because of their awful action of using art as a personal propagandist hate.
Is has become stressful.
“Just add a big watermark on it!”
Is useless because people can remove it with photoshop and AI
“Then Glaze or nightshade your work!”
I do not consider Glaze and nightshade still good enough to poison and protect my art from AI and even because as someone that wants to use the web version of said programs has to do too many passages to get an account and is not willing to download either glaze of nightshade because of lack of memory in his laptop hard disk.
Please, if you want to use my work, credit me. Not asking that much.
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wildartsstuff · 6 months
Volevo solo farti i complimenti! 🥹 I tuoi lavori sono qualcosa di pazzesco.
Sei un' autentica perla rara; disegni impeccabili e OC accattivante 🤌
Sul serio, Lampwick mio padre totale.
Un ultima cosa: Alla fine Pinocchio i dú spicci per anná Grosseto gli ha smollati?
Ehiiiiii grazie mille!! Cerco sempre di fare del mio meglio quando ho voglia e tempo di farlo. Mi fa molto piacere della popolarità che Wick stà ricavando. Anche lui, come la mia arte, è un soggetto che cerco di migliorare ogni giorno nella sua scrittura.
Comunque sì, alla fin fine gli spicci pe Grosseto sno stati dati... peccato nessuno gli ha detto che i treni a Krat non funzionano.
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wildartsstuff · 8 months
Question(s) for you.
What do you think Pinocchio's exterior is made out of?
Virtually all of the Puppets we see throughout the game are made from either metal or porcelain. Pino, however is obviously much more advanced and looks convincingly human per a prolonged surface glance. Do you think he has actual synthetic skin and hair or is it an assortment of materials that are simply very good at mimicking it? From my research, I can't find any belle-epoque era materials that could have pulled this off.
The technology in Lies of P is clearly more advanced than ours but also firmly Victorian in foundation.
Another question is his eyes and how they work. A friend of mine proposed a theory that Pino actually just has glass eyes and that neither he or any other puppet in game actually uses their eyes for sight and instead use some form of artificial "seismic sense" to "see" by having their bodies be hyper sensitive to vibrations around them. I don't see much evidence for this as Pino does seem to actually use his eyes in-game but it's a cool theory especially since in reality, virtually all robots use motion sensors instead of any form of actual vision.
You know, I thought about this ask for a LONG time because you indeed made research about what could be available at the time as synthetic skin and to be fair, Lies of P has many incoherence when is about time accurate things from the 19th century.
Spoilers ahead.
In Venigni’s quest after we meet Arlecchino ( answering to all the riddles correctly is required to meet him at the Alchemist island ) you exhaust all the dialogues with him, he gives you a doll that used to belong to Venigni as a child before his parents got brutally murdered by Arlecchino in person :
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This toy is a reference to the film “A trip to the moon” made in 1902. The first film ever recorded was in 1888 and Venigni says in game that as a child, this toy was from his favourite film. The game takes place in 189X which is the end of the 19th century and this film is not SUPPOSED TO EXIST before 1902.
And you are probably wondering “What has this whole film to do with my question about P and the material of his skin?” The answer is simple : Krat is so technologically advanced that has predicted some of the 20th century technology 70-50 years prior. So, yeah, probably P’s skin is actually synthetic and we shouldn’t base ourselves on what was available in our world.
Now, I have to say, that after the bed ending scene, where you accept to give P’s heart to Geppetto, I can suppose that P and Carlo’s bodies are purely made of magic. Ergo is more like a magic source and the main reason why P looks like Carlo and vice versa, is because Carlo’s souls was inside of P’s P-Organ and basically gave him the looks on how Carlo looked like before dying. About the blue eyes and freakles I honestly have no clue where they could come from but in my own opinion everything about P is real externally but is just the magic of ergo itself making it feel and look real, because it would be impossible for Nameless Puppet to take the looks of Carlo if it wasn’t about soul and essence themselves.
P definitely can see through his eyes and they are not glass for sure. If it was more about senses I think the game would have told us how to use them ( sort of like Hyakkimaru’s from Dororo which I used to have a huge obsession with. This kinda reminded me of it lol )
So yeah, those are my answers. But at the end of the day is a fantasy-steampunk world. I honestly never ask myself those kind of question of what used to be accurate or available at the time when magic is involved. But I hope the wait was worth to know about what I think about! :)
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wildartsstuff · 1 month
Hey!!! Two question Howdy'! It's so greatful seeing you art I really hope you are okey. And second, Finally I continue the respond I got for you, remember? About Gemini hahaha. Okey, How do you think he react with cute chiks? (I leave the comic here😋) edit: I do this again, I literally lost all my drawings including the old version of this. So I decided to redesign and remake my things including anatomy problems (face) Soo that's all. Pls still making art, take care! 💜
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Very sorry I saw this very late! But very glad to see how cutely you drew Gemini blushing. Look at him! He can’t contain his joy!
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wildartsstuff · 8 months
So okay, I have seen people use CarMeo for Carlo and Romeo as a ship name, perfect.
However WickPi is something I idealised for my Lampwick and Pinocchio ( P ) relationship for the simple fact that I perceive Carlo and P as different people as much as Romeo and Lampwick are ( in game they are the same people obviously but for the thing I am working on they are twin brothers as you have already seen )
So yeah, just saying this for those who do not follow me on my Twitter or are new to me as an artist in general and do not know the difference between me using CarMeo and WickPi :)
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wildartsstuff · 9 months
Writing this post just to say that I am still playing LOP and I will answer your asks when I feel like to or when I have time. Btw don’t stop your question coming! I am just trying to finish this game as fast as I can to be able to go back arting hahah
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wildartsstuff · 1 month
Ok weird idea but what would happen if Wick followed P throughout the game and they got to the nameless puppet boss fight, how do you think Wick would be involved in that scenario, would he be critically injured? Go after Gepetto?
Is not a scenario that I have not think about so I do not consider it weird as an idea haha. There are two finales for Lampwick in my head in which he dies by following P on the Alchemist Isle, but he does not survive until Simon’s fight. There is too much ergo concentration that would slowly kill Lampwick, infecting his lungs because of the ergo spores he would be inhaling especially on the beach.
He would do a last blow on Simon and then collapse to the ground which would lead him to just die before the battle with the Nameless Puppet.
But, if we have to consider Wick surviving Simon, he would follow Pinocchio until his last breathe and try to act as a distraction for the Nameless puppet so that P can focus on him to attack. Wick would also try to shoot at Geppetto from time to time to stun the Nameless puppet by hurting the wielder controlling him. So he would act much more than a support in gameplay giving you a double stun if necessary ( making it even kind of easier to beat ).
For the true ending he would sacrifice himself by getting stabbed by the nameless puppet ( kind of like Geppetto did ) but using the last of his strength to hold on his shotgun and kill Geppetto. Then everything goes how it is canonically. ( this would happen with a low confidence rank relationship with Lampwick but also with a higher one if you decide to bring him with you. The higher rank would be more emotional obviously. )
I have prepared a monologue for this situation though :
Wick : Shit... hehe. I think I exaggerated, huh? ( Coughs blood ) You will have to go alone, my friend. Avenge my brother on my part and whatever happens, don't fall for his nonsense. Pinocchio, you are the most human person I have ever known, never let anyone tell you who you should be. Be yourself, live your life as yourself. (Wick takes his hat and rests it on P's head, a tear comes down from his face) See? You are human, much more than me. This... was... an interesting adventure. Thank you. Ah, brother, Romeo, here I am. Forgive me if I left you... now... we are together... at home... ( Wick gives his last breath, a serene smile is printed on his face. He is happy. )
( This was written for the Simon’s final blow ending but if you adjust the first two sentences it is perfect for a tragic ending after the nameless puppet battle )
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wildartsstuff · 4 months
How long did it take for P to properly recognize 'unbearded' wick?
Not too much, probably a couple of hours to get used to it and stop hiding under the reception counter.
He then saw Spring cuddle with Wick and was like “ah, all right, that’s him :D” because spring loves Wick and is the only person she ever trusted at first glance.
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wildartsstuff · 9 months
Heyyy ✨. Hope you're doing well.
I'm just curious whether you'll be sharing your thoughts on Lies of P, cuz I've got thoughts and I wanna discuss them with the community.
Also I went and did that Google search you mentioned in a different post even though I already had suspicions I didn't want to believe it cuz I love your interpretation of him 😭 (I would also love to discuss some HCs with you).
Anyways, take care ✨.
I am been doing very well, thank you!
I have been sharing my thoughts about Lies of P in my Twitter, is mostly me being frustrated about bosses and making considerations about random items I see around the map.
I will eventually be more open about conversations when I’m done with the game, at least for the first route. From down there I’ll be open to discuss anything with no filters. I am happy to know more headcanons about how people view Krat and its citizens ( for those who have survived at least ).
Romeo has grown on my has a character so I can excuse Neowiz/Round8 for massacring my boy /s
I love both Romeo and Lampwick, more Wick ofc, but for what I do with my ginger man is an AU so we can consider him an alternative version of what happens canonically.
Also, you too, take care ✨
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wildartsstuff · 5 months
Happy new years 🍾
Thank you so much for the joy the LOP fandom has given me this year. Never thought someone would ever enjoy my content so much. I am looking forward for what is coming!
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wildartsstuff · 6 months
Writing this because I saw a the notification of someone asking if they can use my art as pfps and headers but for some reasons I cannot see it anymore.
Yeah you can use my art for your profiles AT THE PACT THAT YOU CREDIT ME.
No matter which social media just credit me thank you.
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wildartsstuff · 8 months
So first off, wanted to just say how much I adore your art you've made of Lampwick and P, it's so dang good, and you've inspired me to draw fan art of my own!! And second, any chance you'd be willing to try your hand at drawing Arlecchino as he would have possibly looked before how we end up seeing him in game? If not totally okay, but I love your work and would love to see your thoughts! ;w;
Hello!! Thank you for your kind words thye are really appreciated! I unfortunately have no time to draw Arlecchino how I think he would look like, but I found a original illustration of him how I imagine him to be.
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Sort of like this but apply the Jaster puppet at the Venigni arcate and give him this design (ofc make it more puppet like hahah) Also very glad you like my Wick, I love him to death and pitch his cheeks like a auntie with his nephew daily!!
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wildartsstuff · 7 months
Hello everyone. I am writing this post on Trimble because of long characters but I will be writing fast because last night I used my lamptop portable battery as my last energy source, so probably you won’t hear for me for the last few days. I will try to explain the situation as breafily as possible : my city has entirely flooded. We have no electricity, no gas and almost no water.
The water lever has miraculously decreased by a ton, but still I don’t know how much long, probably for another 2 days. I spent the last two days looking outside my window, reading some mangas to distract myself. My head is full of thoughts I cannot express. The light of the day is limited and the only funny activity I can allow myself is to look out of the window. We live with a huge blackout.
For those who have their commissions pending I am really sorry, if you are still willing to accept me as your artist to commission I would be happy to and I would only ask you to wait. Everything was an unfortunate event.
I e lost everything in our garage that is literally under the ground. But we son’t know if our car still works.
With this I say : see you soon.
I am fine.
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wildartsstuff · 11 months
I have been holding a Lampwick stripping game on my Twitter, if you wanna help me reach the goal for the 3rd step ( until the final one ) go and interact with the post 👀 ~ ✨
Click here, come one, come one!
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