reignfms · 2 years
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an unsettling air falls upon all of those in wintefell after the joust, so many unsure of whether they should leave or stay. the new king invites all to stay, feast, and remain warm with the approaching winter storms. hushed whispers all but scream questions of the fate of ser lynderly.
the arrival of ser domeric lynderly from the wall does nothing to silence these whispers, rumors circulating like a wildfire unstoppable in the northern frosts.
but those frigid airs only grew stronger.
the winter storm grew, and grew, and grew, despite not being expected for weeks later. snow descends upon winterfell in true northern fashion, winter is here early indeed. within days the roads become impossible to travel, and a sad realization is the first thing to silence those incessant whispers of the joust.
nobody is going home anytime soon.
you are free to work this in as you wish, either in new threads or over the days the snow grows. basically, work it in however works best for you/your characters bc this is meant to be what binds everyone to one location for the rp, not something major that would require a change in current threads. eventually you will have to involve this in all threads, but by no means does anyone have to force it in to what they have going now. i hope this makes sense, if not ask away ! a follow up for our jouster’s fate will come eventually after some more demon plotting. happy writing !!!
also as it is december (almost) and i know this is a heavy time for many a folk, the same sort of rules apply for activity. try to post at least twice every seven days, but if at all be sure you are posting something in seven days, and not always to the same thread(s). for new characters, though, you have to be past that threshold with at least 3-4 active threads per character / not recently on activity check. if you do end up on activity check and need more time to make your posts, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the main ! this rp isn’t in the business of kicking people who want to be here, but we also can’t just have people holding roles upon roles + fcs and just not posting on them, or favoring things like ships when this is a group rp not an indie rp. 
over all try to be as active as you can, message when you can’t, and try to make sure you aren’t ignoring the common curtesy rules in a rp (posting to more than the same few people, plotting with new members, clearly favoring characters/threads) so everyone here feels welcome even in this busy season !
and happy holidays to you all, i’m thankful for each and every single one of you <3
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winterbloomed · 2 years
open starter @reignrbs​
       it was unusual to have so many strangers about winterfell ; she was not used to seeing it quite so crowded with people of all walks. generally, it was easy enough to spot a southerner, of course, bundled in layers of furs against the cold. given her recent visit south, she could understand the shock of the adjustment, but wondered how their many guests would fare if winter came in full force. making her way through the familiar halls of her family’s seat, she paused at the sight of someone glancing around in what seemed to be confusion. ‘ are you alright? ‘ she asked, approaching them with a careful smile. ‘ you seem lost - may i ask where you what trying to find? ‘ 
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stxrfclls · 2 years
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open starter // @reignrbs​
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 losing  a  parent  was  never  easy  ,  even  if  this  wasn’t  the  first  alexia  had  not  taken  any  part  of  this  lightly.  the  south  had  aged  the  youngest  wolf  ,  and  now  she  felt  like  she  was  too  grown  up  for  the  world  she’d  lived  in.  everything  was  out  of  balance  and  misplaced  ,  nothing  making  sense  and  everything  hurting.  she’d  been  the  most  distant  from  her  family  the  moment  the  new  maester  announced  the  loss  of  the  king.  her  father.  lex  was  far  from  perfect  ,  far  from  obedient  ,  but  she  loved  him  and  had  always  been  closer  with  her  father  than  her  mother.  and  now  he  was  gone.  the  youngest  princess  found  herself  in  one  of  the  windows  looking  out  on  the  great  courtyard  ,  so  many  were  gathering  ,  so  many  had  already  arrived.  instead  of  greeting  like  she  should  ,  alexia  was  hiding.  but  footsteps  sound  ,  causing  the  redhead  to  turn  slowly  to  the  other.  “  hello  ,  is  there  something  i  can  assist  you  with  ?  ”
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patriciers · 2 years
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OSRIC  ARRYN  ,  lord  of  the  vale  .
location  :  the  eyrie  ,  various  other  places  around  the  vale  of  arryn  . the  youngest  lord  of  the  eyrie  could  not  have  returned  to  the  vale  fast  enough  .  he  kept  correspondence  with  some  of  the  friends  he  made  in  the  southern  capital  ,  and  though  hearing  the  stories  of  their  daily  activities  made  him  itch  to  travel  ,  he  kept  any  adventures  short  and  within  the  limits  of  the  vale  .  instead  ,  most  of  his  time  was  spent  with  family  ,  current  and  upcoming  .  with  rodrik  married  ,  and  kadeem  and  sharra  both  betrothed  ,  attention  could  now  fall  squarely  on  finding  osric  a  match  ,  which  ,  given  his  ambitions  ,  he  was  not  at  all  pleased  with  (  and  displeased  he  remains  )  .  he  is  ,  however  ,  the  most  excited  about  the  prospect  of  another  arryn  in  the  household  ,  if  only  to  finally  no  longer  be  the  baby  of  the  family  .
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SERENA  KARSTARK  ,  ruling  lady  of  karhold  .
location  :  karhold  ,  pyke  . following  their  release  from  the  red  keep  ,  serena  returned  north  ,  rather  than  taking  a  detour  through  the  westerlands  as  she  had  once  planned  .  by  the  time  the  karstarks  reached  karhold  ,  she  had  recovered  from  her  illness  ,  and  felt  well  enough  to  join  rickard  and  alys  in  pyke  weeks  later  .  in  her  final  days  on  the  iron  islands  ,  however  ,  something  seemed  different  ,  and  upon  her  return  home  ,  a  visit  with  the  maester  confirmed  her  suspicions  —  she  was  with  child  .  the  novelty  of  the  news  had  yet  to  wear  off  even  as  she  stepped  through  the  gates  of  winterfell  ,  and  though  she  was  (  and  currently  is  )  happy  ,  overjoyed  even  ,  she  has  been  uncharacteristically  reticent  about  it  ,  having  only  made  the  announcement  to  a  handful  of  people  .  she  plans  to  keep  it  that  way  while  she  still  isn’t  showing  .
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TOBIAS  TARTH  ,  knight  &  lord  of  evenfall  hall  .
location  :  evenfall  hall  ,  the  summer  isles  ,  dorne  . tobias  left  king’s  landing  steely  as  ever  ,  but  internally  he  was  beyond  relieved  .  if  he  had  any  plans  to  return  to  the  southern  capital  before  ,  he  certainly  didn't  after  everything  that  transpired  there  ;  if  he  never  went  back  ,  that  would  still  be  too  soon  .  he  stayed  at  evenfall  hall  for  a  while  ,  to  spend  quality  time  with  his  family  for  the  first  time  in  a  few  years  .  there  ,  he  spoke  with  his  eldest  sister  and  floated  the  idea  of  breaking  his  long - time  betrothal  .  she  declined  ,  citing  the  importance  of  expanding  house  tarth’s  network  of  alliances  beyond  the  baratheons  (  there  was  no  talk  of  the  targaryens  ,  given  that  bridge  had  been  throughly  torched  )  ,  and  in  fact  encouraged  him  to  stop  running  away  from  the  arrangement  .  instead  of  heeding  her  advice  ,  the  knight  resumed  his  duties  as  a  sworn  shield  and  reunited  with  aravis  during  her  travels  ,  journeying  north  with  her  when  the  summons  arrived  .
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encirclet · 2 years
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unrcpcntant · 2 years
𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖆𝖈𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖚𝖕𝖉𝖆𝖙𝖊𝖘  !
xavion beesbury. 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖗𝖚𝖑𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖑𝖔𝖗𝖉 𝖔𝖋 𝖍𝖔𝖓𝖊𝖞𝖍𝖔𝖑𝖙.
once free to leave, xavion went back to house beesbury with his wife, child and sisters. since he does not believe there's been justice made for his father's death and wonders if there is another truth to uncover, he has hired a spy to investigate it. this is the one thing he did before leaving. he is starting to let go of some of his anger, rather focusing it on action. he is finally ready to own his title of being a ruling lord of his house and it has kept him quite busy with all the work had been left to wait until he returned from the keep. even after all the terrible things that happened in king’s landing, he’s starting to feel more in control and hopeful, but perhaps a certain someone, who he has been exchanging letters with all this time, is to blame for that.
nara wynch. 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖑𝖆𝖉𝖞 (𝖆𝖘𝖘𝖆𝖘𝖘𝖎𝖓) 𝖔𝖋 𝖎𝖗𝖔𝖓 𝖍𝖔𝖑𝖙.
though currently still in the status of being timur's salt wife for the public eye, their arrangement is said to come to an end soon enough, which is why nara left the king's landing to be reunited with her family in pyke. she spent a few weeks training and sailing with friends and family until she took up a job she hadn't done in over a year to check if she hadn't lost her spark. nara went to lannisport to help her uncle with an assassination and got a really bad scar on her leg because of it. she returned home and has healed well, as it has not affected her overall health. no visible changes to her except for the long scar as a physical reminder that she's grown weaker after a year with less training. she looks forward to finding a good sparring partner in the north to learn a thing or two from the mainlanders.
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wnterreign · 2 years
character updates.
PRINCE KING HARRION STARK.      of the north.
location: winterfell, briefly visits raventree hall and riverrun. 
there were few more eager to return to the north than harrion. however, on the way back he does stay at raventree hall for a week with his wife, RAVELLA STARK. he then returns to winterfell. at first, his father is able to continue ruling but cannot always attend meetings and tires easily. therefore, harry is often left in charge of running not only winterfell but the northern kingdom as a whole as its de factor ruler. he seeks out his father’s guidance often and when tylon is able to, harry steps aside so his father can take up command, but the more his father’s health deteriorates the more harry must step up. 
at the request of AIYLA FREY, he convinces his father to approve the legitimization of her daughter, dilan. 
despite wanting to stay at his family’s side, he is eventually convinced to step away from winterfell for his own health ( everyone can see how stressed, worried, and exhausted the prince is ) and briefly visits HOUSE TULLY in riverrun. however, he’s only there for a week before he’s called back as his father is now rapidly deteriorating.
his father’s death is a severe blow to harry. he buries himself in his new duties as king to distract himself from his grief. when the guests arrived they are greeted by a true king of the north, but there’s an undeniable feeling of sadness surrounding him. 
location: the water gardens.
nymeria returns to dorne still weakened from being poisoned. the maester suggests that she stay at the water gardens, believing the relaxing environment and close proximity to the sea will do her some well, especially since visits there in the past have always helped her health improved. she remains there for the entire three months, running her own mini-court there where she happily entertains all visit; she is especially excited to spend time with her future good sister, DENYNSE REDWYNE ( and might be actively trying to play matchmaker so the future married couple fall in love ). she also writes lots of letters to the friends she made in the south.
by the time news of the northern king’s death reaches dorne, nymeria is fully recovered and her strength has returned. she leaves dorne excited for a new adventure, hoping winterfell will be more peaceful than king’s landing. 
LORD LUKAS HARLAW.        of the ten towers.
location: harlaw ( briefly ), traveling to various places.
lukas heads straight back to the iron islands with his family. however, her doesn’t stay for long. once he sure his daughter is safe back at the ten towers before he sets off again, traveling wherever he can. if anyone asks, he will claim that his restlessness comes from the weeks he was trapped in the red keep, and while that is true, it isn’t the sole reason. staying on the move and finding trouble wherever he can, helps him keep his mind off of someone, who has refused to leave his thoughts ever since he sailed away from her once again.
he had recently returned to the harlaw to visit his family when the letters arrived.
LADY GUINEVERE LANNISTER.      of casterly rock.
locations: king’s landing & dragonstone.
originally, guinevere plans to return home for a brief visit, having not seen casterly rock since her marriage to lord rykker years ago. however, upon learning of REILA TARGARYEN’S pregnancy, she delays the visit and stays with the princess, traveling with her between king’s landing and dragonstone. she does stay in contact with her family via letters. she also maintains a correspondence with MACE REDWYNE over the months, and despite maintaining an air of formality, she is looking forward to see him again. 
shortly before the ravens arrives summoning them to winterfell, she receives an unexpected visit from her cousin, SUNWOO LANNISTER. he brings with him a discovery he’s made. 
LORD WILLAS MARBRAND.      of ashemark and southern master of laws.
locations: the crag & king’s landing.
willas briefly leaves king’s landing with his cousins and stays at the crag for his youngest cousin’s funeral. while he considers staying longer, his duty as master of laws calls him back to king’s landing where he remains until learning of king tylon’s death. it’s a very stressful three months as aedar’s mood seemingly worsens every day and now willas must figure out how the kingdom is going to handle dragons apparently being back. suffice to say, he’s relieved that aedar isn’t coming to winterfell but also worried that the king will cause trouble now that he’s mainly unattended.
LADY ALICENT ARRYN.      of the vale.
location: the eyrie.
alicent is delighted to return home and refuses to leave. she spends the entire three months in the eyrie with the arryns, at last able to fully embrace her role as the ruling lady and have some semblance of a honey money period with her husband. she also spends as much tiem as possible with her friend, NARCISSA REDSMITH. she is utterly delighted by the news of both the two betrothals that bless the family. however, it is the news of her pregnancy that she is most excited about. the news is announced and celebration held shortly before they begin their travel to winterfell, and so alicent isn’t visibly pregnant at the moment but the pregnancy is public knowledge.
DAERON.      of house targaryen braavos.
location: summerhall. 
daeron accompanies his father, LUCERYS TARGARYEN, to summerhall where he meets his grandmother. the atmosphere at summerhall is tense to say the least, and daeron does his best to avoid his grandmother as much as possible. he also develops a friendship with his cousin, VISERA WATERS. daeron still isn’t quite sure what to make of his father’s family and is still adjusting to being in westeros - though he thinks the dragons are very cool and might want one for himself.
LADY HELAENA FLORENT.        of brightwater keep.
location: brightwater keep & seagard. 
helaena returns to brightwater keep with her family and remains there for a month before journeying to seagard. there she reunites with her betrothed, CAILIN MALLISTER. she arrives in the riverlands about a month before the king’s death and spends that month getting to know her future home. she also begins laying the groundwork of spy network amongst the servants, some of which quietly she helped find employment at seagard and the neighboring towns prior to her arrival. 
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reignfms · 2 years
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lady sharra arryn of the vale to prince abraxas martell of dorne .
princess rhaenys targaryen of the south to lady circe baratheon of the stormlands .
lady denyse redwyne of the arbor to crown prince ryon martell of dorne .
lady jeyne lannister of lannisport to lord kadeem arryn of the vale .
princess visenya targaryen of the south to lord ruling lord erling dondarrion of the stormlands .
princess pimchanok targaryen ends the betrothal to lord mazhar baratheon .
lord maverick lannister ends the betrothal .
king tylon stark — prince harrion stark now the king of the north, princess ravella stark nee blackwood is now the queen consort .
ruling lord barris hightower — lady melina now the ruling lady of oldtown .
* 𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐂 .
after recovering his poisoning, and angry at his younger brother for exercising his full power as the hand in his stead, king aedar calls a family meeting in dragonstone two months after everyone is released from king’s landing. as a further show of his own power, aedar makes the decision to no longer hide the largest secret the targaryen family has been keeping for centuries. the targaryens have dragons. and without hearing a word of what his siblings have to say, the king flies off on his dragon back to king’s landing, flying over the city before landing in the rebuilt dragon pit that had previously been used for indoor tournaments. the king does not attend the coronation in the north at this time.
the ruling couple of the vale announce their first pregnancy, a celebration is held in the eyrie for all vale houses to attend.
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reignfms · 2 years
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after near three blissful or chaotic months apart , the ravens slowly begin to filter in. many are weary , expecting the targayren seal to be planted upon the letters , so imagine their shock to discover that of a wolf.
with regret this letter has been written, king tylon stark has passed. 
you are cordially invited to attend the coronation of prince harrion stark as he ascends the throne as the king of the north. there will a tournament and festival to honor the new rulers of the north, as well as celebrate the great reign of king tylon.
and so their travels begin once more to pay respects for a great king and witness the crowning of prince harrion and princess ravella. despite the chill, the welcome in winterfell is warm and somber, but the commonfolk have come out of the woodwork to celebrate their new king and queen.
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EVENT SPECIFIC INFO  .  the event will take place from the start of this post to fri., nov. 18th. if you would like to submit your characters to the jousting tournament, please do so before thurs, nov 3 as that is when i will be doing the brackets. 
the festival is nothing intense, just food + good vendors coming out to sell their wares and monopolize on the high traffic in king’s landing. the fur vendors have come out in droves, of course.
the coronation takes place on the first official day of the festivities, but many of those vendors have been around for the days leading up. we won’t actually write that event due to time constraints.
use the tag: rfms.event03, please only tag opens with the starter tag + ofc as usual everyone gets one free open and tbh just prioritize replying to opens as you’re able and you can post more than that.
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OOC INFO  .  the king’s death is a direct result of the poisoning from the maester even after months of trying to treat him. his funeral was held prior to the arrival of many but feel free to have any northern houses have attended + arrived in time. 
this will place our characters as traveling through early winter, snowy but nothing that can’t be traveled safely if done right. it will be a stark change for many southerners who have never experienced snow before.
another post will be made with updates sent to the main regarding betrothals, marriages and deaths / large changes.
for any questions please just ask ! was a bit braindead writing this, likely forgot important bits.
as we have changed the date a few times, here is a full timeline of what is expected activity wise. ( times are relevant to cst ) there will be an activity check done tomorrow for anyone who has not posted at all in the previous 7 days. if you know you will fall on this check + be unable to post in time, please message the main so we can give you some leniency ! but do note this is a check, not an auto unfollow. players will have time to post ic. a full activity check will still be done on wednesday morning across all characters + accounts. at this point any new characters need to be posted on as well or they will simply be reopened.
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reignfms · 2 years
( i am done fighting w my photoshop so insert pretty graphic here )
alrighty lovebugs ! i mentioned a task, and here it is. we’d like for everyone to make posts about what their characters did over the arc, including changes in their lives, and as much detail as you’d like ! please refrain from posting these until AFTER the new arc drop, and of course you can always edit them.
i would also strongly advice collaboration in your family chats so that way other players know if they’re at home w. their siblings or were forsaken for other travels ! even if you just drop an update, it’s beneficial to all parties to know what’s going in.
have a blast, make them as pretty or as simple as you like + please tag them with rfms.task02 + rfms.arc02 !
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winterbloomed · 2 years
   CHARACTER UPDATE  ;  lysara stark
much like the rest of the starks, after the trial she was happy to return to the north, briefly visiting her family home of long lake before deciding to move more permanently to winterfell. with her uncle ill, her cousin assuming more and more responsibilities, and her own desire to be near to and support those she loved, it was the only choice. she’s happy to be home - but of course, the tragedy of her uncle’s passing has hit her, reminding her of the loss of her own parents. she’s now focusing on supporting her cousins through this difficult time, taking on whatever burden she can to ease theirs, and welcoming the various members of different families to the north. she’s unhappy, though, that such an awful thing could happen - and though the one responsible for her uncle’s death has been executed, it only means she has no one to direct her frustrations towards. 
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stxrfclls · 2 years
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reila spends most of the three months in king’s landing with occasional visits to dragonstone. right before the trial she learns of her own pregnancy, and coming to winterfell she is very clearly pregnant.
sarisa spends her time shoring up her plans to end her betrothal to sunwoo. upon the release from king’s landing she travels home to storm’s end and is there for a month before leaving to travel again.
tharon travels back to the eyrie with the arryns and spends a majority of his time with them save for a few visits to his clan + father.
vareena travels initially to highgarden to mourn and bury her brother. she stays for a little over a month before traveling to storm’s end with elif. she’s there when the call to the north comes, bickered with mazhar the entire way up. she doesn’t travel well.
alexia was sad to leave her new friends in the south, but eager to return to the safety of home. she doesn’t leave winterfell once, spending many moments by her father’s side. his loss is hitting her rather hard.
isabaelda travels to honeyholt with the beesburys but very quickly she and xavion come to realize there is no use in forcing this anymore. she was reluctant at first, worried for her child, but ultimately decides to end their marriage and return with him to the driftmark.
cedrick travels home to the rills with his children and is there for a few weeks before going to winterfell. he was about to leave to visit them once more when the king passed and his now called for them to be brought to the capitol.
brax went to sunspear for about a month before deciding to make a rather large decision for his future. he decides to travel to the vale and surprise sharra with a visit, not really explaining why until after a few amazing weeks together. after speaking with rodrick and then sharra, they announce their betrothal.
achara first goes to skyreach to sleep in her own bed, but not too long after they end up sailing to old wyk with regnar at his request. she hates sailing, didn’t want to leave dorne, but knows she owes it to him and her children to get to know one another.
daegon sails home with his family to ensure his children arrive safely. he remains there for a bit, harassing the salt piece his sister chooses, and eventually leaving once more and sailing to go cause chaos in essos. he’s on this side of westeros when the call to travel north comes.
lucerys travels to summerhall to confront his mother, with daeron in tow. tensions remain very high as she refuses to admit to being wrong. he invites any targaryens to visit and some do, while also occasionally visiting stonehelm to see his former wife and children.
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