#rgm fan theories
wolfwhiteflowers · 5 years
I keep having fan theories/wishes/hopes✨ of the Rick Grimes movies. 😅🙃
Oh boy. ...I’m gonna have high expectations and stuff about the movie. arghhh ...um I need a fanfic or something. 
Anyway, I guess I put some thoughts on here ..so then I don’t make new posts all the time or something. I also wanna do fan edits. It helps to write out my wishes and go like there thats my “head/canon” ending of TWD/RG’s story.
-So lately I think the movies are gonna be like a repeat of the show’s premise and I kept thinking maybe Rick will be friending with a teen boy who is similar to Carl or he could be Asian and it also reminds us of Glenn. So it would be like father and son figure trope-storyline like other shows/movie have done.
-It would be cool to see Heath there (idk if the actor’s available and etc.) Then it also reminds of some theories like if Morgan’s son Duane is still alive and they’re at CRM. But I think that messes up Morgan’s story though.
-I have that whole “#Carol’s mission” theory...and was wondering how Carol and Daryl (Grimes kids, and other current characters in the show and FTWD, TWDWB) appear in the movies. Maybe the movies’ timeline takes place after 2 years or less from the show(or after the show’s series finale time-wise). So, it would be like the movies are ahead and we watch the show -on how the characters get to the point they were at in Movie 1.
I really don’t know what the plot could be and for 3 movies.😑 Like what’s the conflict and who’s the antagonist.
-someone kinda mention it already and I like the idea that it could be CRM (antagonist) vs. Commonwealth. Or, within CRM, Group A vs Group B (where Rick is at). I kinda had this idea that Group A/CRM are dressed in black and Group B are in streetwear, casual, and wear white/Commonwealth soldiers (and red? Commonwealth and TF helps them.) So it’s black vs white.  ....But Idk what A and B means...I’m hearing it’s “after or before” bitten? ok
-It would be funny or fun if each movie has a different theme to it. Like movie 1 is spy-like movie, movie 2-rom / romcom movie, movie 3- road trip movie.
-I’ve been doing edits and like yeah ok it doesn’t make sense and blah. Idk what my ending I want. Mainly everyone wants a Grimes (and others) reunion. Yeah we want that but i think there’ll be more to it(3 movies!)..other plots going on. 
So, hmm ..it would be cool if they did my wish/idea that I wanted for The 100 show to do. But, the show didn’t but Falling Skies kinda did it. It would be interesting if with my theory TWD does it. The theory/idea is like Rick goes west of USA, territory by territory to save everyone kinda like Lewis and Clark(get it from The100..k) traveling to west... and Rick find other communities. Gaining other communities/friends..against walkers or enemy. Rick would be the leader or someone who help unite communities/territories together. I guess this is like LOTR or a road trip movie. (I told my sis about Falling Skies and she said so there would be bad zombies and good zombies? lol 😑)
- I was thinking maybe there would be an arc, like in the Commonwealth arc in the comics, where it’s Old World vs New World.
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- maybe the movie(s) will be like TWDG s3 with the logo on the title parallel and Clem&AJ are like Judith&RJ. heh Well if the kids are gonna be in the movies. I hope they are.
- Maybe they film in May ‘20, after DG’s HBO show. *shrug* :\
-I was thinking if Gimple is all about the easter eggs and creating a TWD universe with many shows/things kinda linked together, then I think TWD movie(s) are like the mothership story (right? movies are the big deal of hollywood/franchise).  Anyway, Gimple really have to plan the movie story out or just have this big plan and endgame in mind ahead of time. This seems really hard..and timelines. Like 3 shows kinda hinting CRM, they all keep going forward into their story, while we get movie1 and then later movie2. It gotta make sense. That’s hard..with SW and Avengers it was already based on books or planned out already(George Lucas). Or movies came out first. TWD comic books ended like s12-ish. // ok... Sigh so many promises.
- Those scifi movies or the mythology in the story is all crazy drama but the answer is LOVE. heh that would be cool. Idk how that works in this. They won the great war, found cure from zombie bites, and everyone’s at peace because of (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ , L💖VE. (easy way out-writing)
-Gimple mentioned “wild directions” on the movies and I just hope the movies still feel like TWD and nicely wrap up Rick’s story. Just no retconning, love triangles, and killing other major characters. 👽
-Doing random edits and like ahh it’s like fic but I see it. FeelsFeelsFeels. Anyway what if Rick, every place he’s been at, left Michonne letters just because(and misses her and loves her still) and it kinda becomes like clues for Michonne to find Rick. Michonne finds love letters for her all over the world/US. 😢💖 But uh my theory is he’s in one place or not idk.
-ok but what if Richonne Reunite on a bridge. 😭💞I like the idea of also being like their first meeting in s3 when they’re by the fences. Also, maybe, something do with their hands..hand touches. -they do a lot of hands holding on the show, btw.
-eta. I haven’t thought of ideas lately and I also did my big twd/rick movie AU edits and felt like satisfied like..there’s that my wish or my au wish to depend on. And also felt discouraged or hopeless?.. on those movies and tired of these rushed early plans on what gimple is gonna do. Like I  mainly just want an overall plan. So far I think i figured out that the movies might be after “TWD World Beyond” ends.  And idk whatever crazy thing AMC is gonna do. like solo movies wtf?
Anyway, I guess they’re kinda saying or rumors that TWD other characters(WB, FTWD) will join. Which I figured because hello movies..make it a TWD movie(more interest, fans, $$). ok. So, if true, Carol/Caryl will be there. And I recently thought of a different idea than before. Like maybe Caryl team will go to New Mexico to meet up FTWD’s group..to help fight against CRM.. ..and to bring them to the movies. Just an idea but idk how that works with other TF/Grimes kids and the tv show. Well I guess maybe it works for both before or after Rick movie #1, and tv show still going (if they still continue the show after s12,TWD:WB and movie #1.)
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