#rhaena tagaryen
myfandomprompts · 5 months
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misguidedasgardian · 2 years
The Dragon's mistress
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Warnings: death of characters, war, HOTD, Dance of the dragons spoilers
You had cried so much you didn’t have any more tears. Being the last child of Rhaenyra Targaryen was a heavy burden
Everyone in your family was gone, dead, buried, burned, eaten… Your siblings, your mother, your father, your stepfather… everyone you ever met
All because of the Iron Throne, and because your uncle had decided to usurp it, and war ensued after that
The first to go was your younger brother Lucerys… killed as a messenger by Aemond Tagaryen, your uncle, they said they couldn’t find his remains, that they probably were inside of Vhagar’s stomach and the very thought chilled you to your bones on this rainy day.
Then your “grandmother” Rhaenys, lost in the battle of the Gullet, killed by Aegon and… Aemond Targaryen
Then It was Jace, your big brother, your protector, he died fighting valiantly in the Narrow Sea, a great and gruesome Naval Battle, he died half drowned and as the target from numerous arrows from the enemy flee.
Then it was your stepfather Daemon, but you knew he wasn’t your stepfather, he was your true father, and you were his bastard child with RHaenyra, he confessed as much before he departed to take Harrenhal, he cradled your face in his hands, he looked deep into your eyes and promised he was going to come back to you, but he never did, he was killed, also by Aemond Targaryen.
But your mother was already settled in the Red Keep, with Joffrey and your baby brothers, he had insisted you remained in Dragonstone, she thought you would be safer here, as the princess of dragonstone, next in line to the Iron Throne, so you had to protect your seat, at least until all the Greens were dead…
You thought this was over, but the people of King’s Landing didn’t think so, they rebelled against your mother, the Dragonpit was assaulted, and that resulted in the slay of all the dragons of the side of the Blacks inside, and in the death of your baby brother Joffrey.
And that gave Aemond and Aegon Targaryen the advantage that they needed, being the riders of the last remaining dragons, they took the capital, they murdered your mother, and they sunk the ship your baby brothers were scaping in… they locked up Baela and Rhaena, and you didn’t know anything of their whereabouts
So here you stood, the last of your house, a false Velaryon, the defender of Dragonstone with only one living dragon, and a castle filled with fearful people, not warriors, no soldiers, but servants, maesters and maids.
So you waited for your fate, your heart broken, your eyes dry, and any instinct for survival killed.
You could ride your dragon to the other point of the Earth, you could have run away, you could have escaped, but at that moment, you didn't quite find a reason to. You knew it was a matter of time… so you waited
A whole moon later after the murder of your mother, you saw in the horizon upon the waves, five huge war vessels, the golden three headed dragon flaming over a black field. 
And the Monstrous Vhagar flying above them. 
They had come for you, and for your seat
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fastlikealambo · 2 months
so much wasted fucking time in this finale, i'm more annoyed than pissed .
spoilers ahead below
this tyland annister plot was unnecessary and wasted minutes, this took away from so much. I don't know if it was in the book, I don't really care but going from making him a joke to giving him half the fucking screentime of the episode in tortuga was frustrating.
so much talking for a finale, there was no big finish worthy enough for the wait that is coming. we are in exactly the same place as we were at the start of the season.
rhaena should have claimed sheepstealer, we should have gotten to see that. we had to sit through ulf being a halfwit multiple times and all we get is rhaena struggling and staring at sheepstealer. they are putting emphasis on the wrong fucking characters and if they are going to fuse two black characters together than a least give the one character a fucking storyline. how did we spend so much time watching ulf and hugh claim and not rhaena, the last dragon rider of her generation? Jesus fucking Christ.
emma and olivia were great in that scene but again, we wasted time with alicent's long walk, that was not needed, there is just so much wasted moments that should have been here and knowing that it is going to take upwards of three years for the next season this was just so disappointing.
and lastly, puting daenerys in daemon's vision was just sad seeing as we all know what happens to daenerys and what doesn't happen to her killer and the house that doesn't hold their fucking oath to house tagaryen. it also cements why the targaryens are the ones the shows focus on but also why it's so hard sometimes to watch house of the dragon knowing how game of thrones ends.
im just disappointed.
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princesssszzzz · 2 years
I appreciate that your one of the few actually valuing Rhaena. Team Black sees her as a lackey only there to be an extension of other characters. They mention her occasionally to pretend to care, post nonstop about less important or dead members but claim they can't regard her because of a lack of lines. They don't see her an as individual but literally just an add-on to selfish Daemon, her egomanical stepmom, or the dead kid they have bizarre post about.
Team Green has been propelling that she's evil for approaching Aemond in the cave, entitled, and insulting her for not claiming a dragon yet despite Aemond of all people being on their team. They "care" about him getting the same rude remarks as Rhaena and it's obviously not authentic if they make fun of another Tagaryen for the same thing.
Either that or they pretend to care just like Team Black only as a gotcha when they childishly argue with each other. They all are very disingenuous so it's nice to see someone actually giving her some recognition and sympathy.
Thanks anon,
That’s why I had to make this account because I saw only 2 or 3 people from each team actually caring and showing her character respect but everyone else saying bs to make her less than another black, offending her to uplift a green, or ignoring her altogether.
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mejcinta · 2 years
House of the Ds, Game of Names.
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mejcinta · 2 years
Aemond and Rhaena being 'late maturers' not having dragons yet when everyone else is thriving is actually something so personal to me. My poor, poor little babies.
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mejcinta · 2 years
The Prince's Pearl chapter 2 progress is pretty slow but good. Being very meticulous with this one as there's more characters and family dynamics covered.
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mejcinta · 2 years
Rumor is the writers have planned a worse death for Laena than what she gets in the book, taking away from the fact that she would never leave her children and Daemon without a physical memory of her. Hmmm.
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