#rhinoplasty surgery cost in delhi
Orange tree Clinic is the best Rjhinoplasty Sugery Clinic in Delhi . Looking for the premier rhinoplasty surgery in Delhi to reshape your nose? Our esteemed clinic provides top-tier rhinoplasty surgery in Delhi, ensuring customized natural results to suit your features. With a dedicated focus on precision and patient contentment, our seasoned surgeon delivers remarkable transformations. Explore affordable rhinoplasty costs in Delhi without sacrificing quality. Entrust us as your prime rhinoplasty surgeon in Delhi, boasting over 15 years of expertise! Bid farewell to nasal imperfections and attain a beautifully sculpted nose in Delhi today!
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medesthetiks · 4 days
Which Hair Transplant Method is Better?
Hair transplantation is cosmetic surgery. It is a surgical procedure that transplants hair follicles from any part of your body to the hairless site of your scalp. Some sites of your scalp may be unaffected by hair loss, as the backside of your head. So, follicles are transplanted from these sites. The site from where the hair is extracted is the 'donor site’. The area of your head to which it is transplanted is the 'recipient site’. This technique is mainly implemented for male pattern baldness treatment. 
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Types of Hair Transplant Technique CALL US FOR More Information Or Whatsapp :-  +91- 8800203431
Hair fall may impact you in many ways, like a professional and personal life. These days irrespective of age groups, individuals encounter hair fall issues. Patches of skin exposed around the scalp or other signs of hair fall may give a shabby look. The primary cause of baldness is stress, nutritional deficiency, genetics, hormonal imbalance, side effects of drugs or health disorders. A hair transplant is a permanent cure to restore your hair with natural and youthful aesthetics.
Hair transplantation is the effective treatment of choice for hair loss in hair transplant clinics in Delhi.
Types of Hair Transplant Technique
The prominent and effective hair transplant techniques include follicular unit extraction (FUE) and follicular unit transplantation (FUT). They mainly differ in the pattern of hair follicles extraction from the donor site. Let us evaluate 
Follicular Unit Transplant (FUT)
This procedure begins with surgically removing a healthy hair-laden skin strip to exfoliate the hair follicles. They are dissected and implanted into the recipient site. This is a technique of choice for an advanced hair loss treatment.  Advantages of FUT:
Minimal operative time 
Minimal transaction of hair follicles 
Low resection rate
The wide hairless site is covered with minimal sessions
FUT Donor Site Harvest 
You are seated in a prone position
The donor site’s hair is reduced to two millimeters
The haired strip is marked  
Administration of anesthesia
 The incision is made parallel to follicles
The donor strip is excised off 
 Suturing of incision 
Follicular units are isolated and retained in a holding medium
Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) 
This hair transplant extracts individual hair follicles. Hair transplant surgeons incise micro-punches to pull out follicles carefully. The manual dull punch technique, powered devices with oscillatory punches, and vacuum-powered exfoliation are a few advanced techniques in FUE extraction. Currently, FUE is considered the standard approach of hair transplantation owing to its prospective benefits. Here are a few advantages of FUE:
Greater number of grafts
Minimal scarring 
Procedure completed in 3-4-hour over multiple schedules
Insignificant postoperative pain 
Select specific follicles of a size according to diameter and pigmentation 
Permits hairs from any donor site like beard, chest, pubic area etc
It does not depend on donor site hair density  
Speedy recovery 
 Donor Site Harvest 
 The harvest site is the initial phase of hair transplant, irrespective of the method. To begin with,
You are seated in a prone position 
The hair follicle in the donor site is trimmed to one millimetre to access the follicular angle
 Administration of anaesthesia
The follicle is segmented with the punch method 
 Extraction of hair follicles
The extracted hair follicles are transplanted into the recipient site in hair transplant
The implantation is minimally invasive and precise, irrespective of the Follicular Unit Extraction or transplantation method.
It begins with outlining a sharp temporal recess and candid temporal recess in males and females, respectively. Additionally, the angles and orientation of the hairline are done to impart a natural appearance. 
The recipient sites are created randomly and irregularly. The graft is then implanted into the recipient site. A topical antibiotic with a non-adhesive bandage is applied across the sites.
The Better Hair Transplant Technique
Each technique has its advantages and limitations. Finally, the better is the one that suits your requirements in all aspects.  Both FUE and FUTs impart a dense outgrowth of hair, and both procedures ensure hair growth with natural aesthetics.  However, detailed patient examination, evaluation and implementation of a comprehensive treatment plan are essential for the success of hair transplant surgery. It ensures safe, accurate, and evident everlasting results.
Recovery After Hair Transplant in Delhi
After your procedure, swelling, pain, and bruises in the scalp may be expected, which regress completely during the recovery phase. Antibiotics and analgesics are administered to limit the pain expedite wound healing. You may resume your regular activities within a few days. 
The transplanted hair may shed 2-4 weeks post hair transplant procedure, a common phenomenon. This is followed by new hair growth. Most people have regained complete hair growth in 8 to 12 months. 
Dr Lokesh Handa at Med Esthetiks is a well-experienced plastic surgeon in the best hair transplant clinic in Delhi. His exposure to hair transplant surgery equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and infrastructure adds to his credentials. Dr Handa’s expertise and caliber assure the best hair transplant and utmost precision and care.
Finally, deciding on FUE and a FUT procedure depends on you and your hair transplant surgeon. Your surgeon may walk you through all the aspects of both procedures. He would guide you with your choice based on hair fall, the area of the thinning site, and the amount of your donor site.
Choosing the best hair transplant in Delhi with a well-trained board-certified hair transplant expert is essential. Dr Lokesh Handa is an expert hair transplant surgeon with years of experience in various hair restoration procedures. His expertise and proficiency assure the best treatment in hair transplant with utmost precision.
Contact Us
Address: C-203, M- Block Market, Greater Kailash 1, New Delhi - 110048
Phone: +91-8800 203 431, +91- 8800203631. +91-11-40366377
Working Days/Hours: Mon To Sat / 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM
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clinicdermatechdelhi · 3 months
A Simple Guide to Nose Reshaping with Rhinoplasty
Rhinoplasty, often referred to as a "nose job," is a surgical procedure aimed at altering the shape or function of the nose. Whether you're considering it for cosmetic reasons or to address breathing issues, understanding the basics of rhinoplasty is essential. This guide will explore the procedure, costs, and alternatives like non-surgical rhinoplasty, focusing on rhinoplasty in Delhi, including nose surgery costs.
Understanding Rhinoplasty:
What is Rhinoplasty?
Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure that involves reshaping the nose. It can be done for cosmetic reasons, like changing the size or shape of the nose, or for functional reasons, such as correcting breathing difficulties.
Cosmetic vs. Functional Rhinoplasty:
Cosmetic rhinoplasty: Focuses on enhancing the appearance of the nose. It can address issues like a bump on the bridge, wide nostrils, or overall symmetry.
Functional rhinoplasty: Aims to improve the nose's functionality, often addressing structural issues that may cause breathing difficulties.
Reasons for Rhinoplasty:
Cosmetic Concerns:
Reshaping: Many people opt for rhinoplasty to reshape their noses, achieving a more balanced and harmonious facial appearance.
Size Adjustment: Whether reducing or increasing the size, rhinoplasty allows for adjustments to fit an individual's facial features better.
Functional Issues:
Breathing difficulties: Rhinoplasty can correct structural problems that impede airflow, addressing issues like a deviated septum or nasal valve collapse.
Rhinoplasty Cost:
Factors Affecting Cost:
Several factors contribute to the overall rhinoplasty cost:
Surgeon's fees: Experienced surgeons often charge higher fees.
Facility fees: Costs associated with the surgical facility.
Anesthesia fees: The cost of administering anesthesia during the procedure.
Rhinoplasty Cost in Delhi:
As a medical tourism hub, Delhi offers a range of rhinoplasty options. The rhinoplasty cost in Delhi may vary based on the surgeon's expertise, the facility's reputation, and additional services provided.
Non-surgical Rhinoplasty:
What is non-surgical rhinoplasty?
Non-surgical rhinoplasty, or liquid rhinoplasty, is a non-invasive alternative to traditional rhinoplasty. It involves injecting dermal fillers to reshape and contour the nose without surgery.
Pros of Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty:
Less downtime: Non-surgical rhinoplasty typically involves minimal downtime.
Temporary results: Results are not permanent, offering flexibility for individuals who may want to explore different options over time.
Cons of Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty:
Temporary results: The flip side is that the results are not permanent, and repeated treatments may be necessary to maintain the desired look.
Limitations: Non-surgical options may not address certain structural issues that surgical rhinoplasty can.
Rhinoplasty in Delhi:
Why Consider Rhinoplasty in Delhi?
Delhi has become a sought-after destination for rhinoplasty for several reasons:
Qualified surgeons: The city boasts skilled and experienced surgeons with expertise in rhinoplasty.
Advanced facilities: State-of-the-art facilities equipped with modern technology.
Cost-effective options: Compared to many Western countries, rhinoplasty costs in Delhi can be more affordable.
Nose Surgery Cost in Delhi:
The cost of nose surgery in Delhi varies, and it's essential to consider factors such as the surgeon's credentials, facility standards, and the specific nature of the procedure.
The Rhinoplasty Procedure:
Initial meeting: A consultation with a qualified surgeon is the first step. During this meeting, you'll discuss your goals and expectations, and the surgeon will assess your nose's structure.
Surgery Day:
Anesthesia: Rhinoplasty is typically performed under general anesthesia to ensure patient comfort.
Incisions: The surgeon makes incisions, often inside the nostrils, for minimal scarring and reshapes the bone and cartilage to achieve the desired outcome.
Recovery Period:
Swelling and bruising: Some swelling and bruising are common after rhinoplasty. These effects gradually subside, and most people can return to daily activities within a week.
Tips for Choosing a Surgeon:
Board certification: Choose a board-certified surgeon with specific expertise in rhinoplasty.
Experience: An experienced surgeon is more likely to deliver satisfactory results.
Communication is Key:
Express your goals: Communicate your goals and expectations during the consultation.
Ask questions: Don't hesitate to ask about the surgeon's experience, the procedure, and the expected outcomes.
Final Thoughts:
Rhinoplasty is a transformative procedure with the potential to enhance both appearance and function. Whether you're considering rhinoplasty for cosmetic reasons or to address breathing issues, thorough research, and open communication with your chosen surgeon are vital. In Delhi, where rhinoplasty options are abundant, exploring the nose surgery cost in Delhi and weighing the benefits of non-surgical alternatives can help you make an informed decision. Remember, the goal of rhinoplasty is not just a physical transformation but an enhancement that aligns with your individual goals and aspirations. If you are looking for an affordable cost of Rhinoplasty in Delhi, get in touch with Clinic Dermatech.
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delhiplasticsurgery1 · 3 months
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Breast Reduction In Delhi
Introduction: Breast reduction surgery, also known as reduction mammoplasty, is a transformative procedure aimed at alleviating physical discomfort and enhancing the quality of life for individuals with disproportionately large breasts. In Delhi, Dr. Sachin Rajpal is a distinguished plastic surgeon renowned for his expertise in breast reduction surgery. Understanding the procedure and its benefits is essential for individuals considering this option in Delhi.
Breast Reduction Surgery in Delhi: Breast reduction surgery involves the removal of excess breast tissue, fat, and skin to achieve a more proportionate and aesthetically pleasing breast size. This procedure is particularly beneficial for individuals experiencing:
Physical Discomfort: Large breasts can cause a range of physical symptoms, including back, neck, and shoulder pain, as well as skin irritation and posture problems. Breast reduction surgery can alleviate these discomforts and improve overall well-being.
Psychological Distress: Women with overly large breasts may experience emotional and psychological distress, such as self-consciousness, low self-esteem, and difficulty finding clothing that fits comfortably. Breast reduction surgery can boost confidence and enhance body image.
Lifestyle Limitations: Activities such as exercise, sports, and even daily tasks can be challenging for individuals with disproportionately large breasts. Breast reduction surgery can restore freedom of movement and improve quality of life.
Dr. Sachin Rajpal: A Leader in Breast Reduction Surgery Dr. Sachin Rajpal is a highly skilled plastic surgeon with a wealth of experience in performing breast reduction surgery. His approach focuses on delivering natural-looking results while prioritizing patient safety and satisfaction. Patients choosing breast reduction surgery with Dr. Rajpal can expect:
Personalized Consultations: Dr. Rajpal conducts thorough consultations to understand each patient’s unique concerns, goals, and medical history. He educates patients about the procedure, discusses expectations, and addresses any questions or concerns.
Customized Treatment Plans: Dr. Rajpal tailors treatment plans to meet the specific needs and desires of each patient. He utilizes advanced surgical techniques to achieve symmetrical, proportionate, and aesthetically pleasing results.
Compassionate Care: Dr. Rajpal and his dedicated team provide compassionate care and support throughout the entire surgical journey, from pre-operative preparation to post-operative recovery and follow-up appointments.
Benefits of Breast Reduction Surgery with Dr. Sachin Rajpal:
Alleviation of Physical Discomfort: Breast reduction surgery can relieve back, neck, and shoulder pain, as well as improve posture and alleviate skin irritation caused by oversized breasts.
Enhanced Body Confidence: By achieving a more proportionate and balanced breast size, patients experience improved body image and self-esteem, allowing them to embrace their appearance with confidence.
Improved Quality of Life: Breast reduction surgery enables patients to engage in physical activities more comfortably, leading to a healthier and more active lifestyle.
Breast Reduction in Delhi
Breast have a very important role in female beauty. They help to give an attractive feminine look but at the same time if they grow out of proportion to rest of the body then they become the cause of embarrassment and frustration.
It is generally observed that females with very large breast suffer great deal of uneasiness. It is embarrassing for any female when the overly large breasts become a prominent noticeable thing. It limits the activities and clothing choices as well. In addition there are problems like chronic neck and shoulder pain, skin irritation and rash due to rubbing of skin.
There are many techniques of breast reduction surgeries like vertical reduction, wise pattern, liposuction etc. All the aforesaid methods give excellent outcomes. Irrespective of the technique chosen all breast reduction surgeries involves pattern-based skin incision for accessing your breast tissue which is followed by excision of excess fat, breast tissue and skin. This will decrease the overall size of the breast thereby giving it new improved and proportionate shape. In this procedure the size of areola is also reduced, and repositioning of nipple and areola is also done.
The technique best suited to the patient is decided depending on their needs and the ideal outcomes.
Recovery time
Many patients feel immediate sense of relief from breast burden immediately after surgery. One may expect little pain which can be taken care of with oral medications. After a breast reduction, one may experience temporary numbness of the nipples and breasts which can last from 2 to 3 months but may last longer. Patient will have to wear sports bra for support for 2 to 3 weeks. Normal routine work can be resumed in 2 weeks’ time, but strenuous activity must be delayed for about 4 -6 weeks.
What is Breast Reduction?
Breast reduction technically called as “Reduction Mammoplasty” is a plastic surgical procedure which involves excision of excess fat, breast tissue and skin. This procedure makes the chest lighter and smaller and relieve the patients from the discomfort and problems associated with it.
Conclusion: Breast reduction surgery with Dr. Sachin Rajpal offers individuals in Delhi the opportunity to achieve physical and emotional well-being through a safe and effective procedure. With his expertise, personalized approach, and commitment to patient care, Dr. Rajpal empowers patients to embrace a renewed sense of confidence and vitality. If you’re considering breast reduction surgery in Delhi, Dr. Sachin Rajpal is a trusted surgeon dedicated to helping you achieve your aesthetic and functional goals.
Schedule Your Breast Reduction in Delhi With Dr. Sachin Rajpal. Name: Dr. Rajpal’s Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery Address: Sector 18, Sector 18A Dwarka, Dwarka, Delhi, 110075 Address: I-102, Second Floor, Block I, Kirti Nagar, Delhi, 110015 Phone: +91–9625 770 177, +91–9810 302 821 Website: www.delhiplasticsurgery.com
You can also search for these treatments: Gynecomastia Surgery In Delhi, Male Gynecomastia Surgery In Delhi, Hair Transplant Surgery In Delhi, Liposuction Surgery In Delhi, Abdominoplasty In Delhi, Breast Augmentation In Delhi, Breast Reduction In Delhi, Scar Removal Treatment In Delhi, Botox & Fillers Treatment In Delhi, Plastic Surgeon In Delhi, Cosmetic Surgeon In Delhi, Hair Transplant Cost In Delhi, Rhinoplasty Surgery In Delhi,
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eternity-hospital · 4 months
Rhinoplasty Doctors in Indirapuram
Hospital Eternity offers top-notch rhinoplasty procedures tailored to your needs. Our skilled surgeons and state-of-the-art facilities ensure the best results. Small mismatching of the nose with face, makes us conscious of our looks and lowers our esteem. Rhinoplasty improves the look of the nose and gives an immense change in self-confidence and positivity. https://hospitaleternity.com/rhinoplasty.html
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rajatgupta9898 · 10 months
How Long Does Rhinoplasty Surgery Take? | Dr. Rajat Gupta
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Rhinoplasty, commonly known as nose reshaping surgery, is a popular cosmetic surgery to enhance the appearance and, in some cases, the function of the nose. Many people looking to get the Rhinoplasty procedure in Delhi, especially the ones coming from far-off places only to get the surgery done, wonder about the duration of the surgery. This helps them to determine how long they will have to stay in the surgical facility. Let’s find out this answer and break down the factors affecting the duration of Rhinoplasty.
more info: https://drrajatgupta.com
tel:+ 9251711711, +9560156136
Address: GNH Excel Medical Centre, BN 10, Poorbi Shalimar Bag, Delhi, 110088
Contect us: https://drrajatgupta.com/contact-us/
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Nose surgery cost in delhi – SCULPT India
Get perfect nose shape by Nose surgery in Delhi at Sculpt India, one of the best clinics for Rhinoplasty surgery in Delhi Visit for Nose surgery cost in Delhi.
visit us:
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looknshapeclinic · 2 months
What Are The Different Surgeries Imparted by Skin Specialist - LooknShape
Dermatological Surgical Procedures: A Range of Expertise
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Dermatologists, also known as skin specialists, offer a comprehensive range of surgical interventions to address various medical and cosmetic concerns. Here's a breakdown of some frequently performed procedures:
Mohs Micrographic Surgery: This highly precise technique is employed for the meticulous removal of skin cancers. It prioritizes the preservation of healthy tissue, minimizing the area of excision.
Liposuction: This surgical procedure targets the removal of localized fat deposits. It can be used for body contouring or facial sculpting to achieve a desired aesthetic outcome.
Blepharoplasty: Often referred to as eyelid surgery, Blepharoplasty addresses concerns related to the eyelids. It can correct drooping upper eyelids or eliminate puffy bags under the eyes, rejuvenating the appearance of the periorbital region.
Rhinoplasty: This procedure focuses on reshaping the nose to achieve a more balanced and aesthetically pleasing profile. Modifications can involve adjustments to the size, shape, or position of the nose.
Facelift: A facelift surgery addresses visible signs of aging on the face and neck. It aims to tighten lax skin and reduce wrinkles, restoring a more youthful and defined contour.
Choosing the Right Skin Whitening Provider: A Focus on Expertise and Safety
While I cannot endorse a specific clinic, here are key considerations when selecting a provider for skin whitening treatments in Delhi:
Board Certification: Ensure the treating dermatologist is board-certified by the relevant medical council in India. This signifies completion of rigorous training and qualifications for safe and effective treatment delivery.
Experience: Investigate the dermatologist's experience and track record in performing skin whitening procedures. Opt for a practitioner with demonstrably successful outcomes.
Comprehensive Consultation: Schedule a thorough consultation with the dermatologist. Discuss your desired aesthetic goals and ensure skin whitening aligns with your individual needs and expectations.
Cost Transparency: Obtain a detailed cost breakdown for the skin whitening treatment. Factors influencing cost may include the chosen technique, severity of pigmentation, and the dermatologist's expertise.
Remember, prioritizing your health and safety is paramount. By focusing on board certification, experience, and open communication with the chosen dermatologist, you can approach skin whitening treatment in delhi with confidence.
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rakshaa-clinic · 4 months
Non-surgical rhinoplasty is a common cosmetic technique that uses "dermal fillers" to temporarily contour the nose without surgery. Rakshaa Clinic offers this surgery in both Delhi and Pitampura. The cost of non-surgical "rhinoplasty in India" varies based on factors such as clinic location, doctor experience, dermal filler type, and number of sessions needed. On average, the cost ranges between INR 30,000 to INR 1,00,000. For more information about our services and prices, please visit our website or contact our staff directly.
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capsdelhi · 4 months
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delhiplasticsurgery1 · 3 months
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Breast Augmentation In Delhi
Breast Augmentation ( implant/ fat grafting ) in Delhi
Breast Augmentation also called as “Augmentation Mammoplasty”, is a cosmetic surgery procedure done to increase the volume and contour of female breast. This procedure helps in restoring the breast harmony in relation to her overall body contour without any significant risk. This can be done using implants made of silicone or saline or by use of one’s own fat.
Indication of Breast Augmentation
Small breast size in relation to overall body configuration
Loss of breast volume post massive weight loss
Deflated appearance of breast post pregnancy and lactation
Asymmetry of breast visible prominently
Benefits of Breast Augmentation
Restoring volume of breast making it more projected
Improves cleavage
Improve breast to hip ratio
Boost your confidence and self esteem
Techniques of Breast Augmentation
Implants : In this technique high quality silicone implants (US FDA approved) are used which are inserted beneath your breast tissue to increase the breast volume. Implants can either be placed below the chest muscle or above it. The decision regarding the correct placement of implant will be taken by your plastic surgeon according to your needs and tissue characteristics.
Fat grafting/ Fat transfer : In this technique your own fat is used for volumizing the breast. The fat is aspirated by liposuction from the body areas having excess fat. The excess fat harvested is processed and used for injecting into the breast tissue. This process is therefore called as Autologous fat transfer. The main benefit of this procedure is that there in no insertion of any foreign body implant inside your body.
Breast Augmentation surgery is a short duration procedure and takes about 2 to 2.5 hrs. and is usually done under general anesthesia. Patient can usually be discharged on the same day.
Incisions Used : Placement of incision depends upon patient’s requirement and body structure.
Inframammary incision
Peri-areolar incision
Axillary incision
Inframammary incision is the most commonly used incision. This is approximately 4–5 cm in length and is placed in the crease underneath your breast to make it unnoticeable. It further becomes invisible in due course of time.
Recovery time
Immediately after surgery one can feel little pain and soreness in the chest region which usually settles down in couple of days. There might also be some swelling and redness which settles in 2–3 days time.
You will be advised to wear a supportive bra immediately after your surgery which is to be continued for about 4–6 weeks which helps to maintain the contours.
Though you can start you daily routine work within 2- 3 days but strenuous physical activities will have to be avoided for about 6–8 weeks.
As the swelling keeps on reducing the breast continues to settle down in its final position.
Though the complication rates are minimal in this type of procedure but all surgeries are associated with some risk:
Hematoma or Seroma (Fluid collection)
Altered sensation
Implant specific Risk
Implant rupture
Implant infection
Capsular contracture
Interference in mammography due to implant in situ
Schedule Your Breast Augmentation In Delhi With Dr. Sachin Rajpal.
Name: Dr. Rajpal’s Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery Address: Sector 18, Sector 18A Dwarka, Dwarka, Delhi, 110075 Address: I-102, Second Floor, Block I, Kirti Nagar, Delhi, 110015 Phone: +91–9625 770 177, +91–9810 302 821 Website: www.delhiplasticsurgery.com
You can also search for these treatments: Gynecomastia Surgery In Delhi, Male Gynecomastia Surgery In Delhi, Hair Transplant Surgery In Delhi, Liposuction Surgery In Delhi, Abdominoplasty In Delhi, Breast Augmentation In Delhi, Breast Reduction In Delhi, Scar Removal Treatment In Delhi, Botox & Fillers Treatment In Delhi, Plastic Surgeon In Delhi, Cosmetic Surgeon In Delhi, Hair Transplant Cost In Delhi, Rhinoplasty Surgery In Delhi,
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indiamedicaltourism · 5 months
Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery Cost
In recent years, the desire for beauty and self-improvement has grown in popularity, increasing in demand for plastic and cosmetic surgical procedures. India, with its internationally recognized facilities, experienced surgeons, and advanced technology, has become a popular destination for people looking for transformative procedures.
India provides a complete range of plastic surgery operations designed to improve or restore physical looks. Renowned cosmetic surgeons in the nation perform a variety of operations, including those for the face, neck, limbs, breasts, stomach, and head. Scar revision, nose surgery restoration, burn therapy, and facial implants are among the various treatments offered.
Plastic surgery is necessary in circumstances of congenital deformities, illnesses, burns, or the necessity to repair certain body parts or face characteristics. Leading surgeons in India are well-equipped to manage delicate conditions, including as cleft lip and cleft palate procedures, which address concerns affecting nutrition, hearing, speech, and general social integration.
Treatment Options
Non-Surgical Procedures: Botox, dermal fillers, and laser treatments are less invasive options for people wanting minor changes without the risks of surgery.
Reconstructive Surgery: Beyond cosmetic changes, reconstructive surgery is required to restore function and appearance after accident, sickness, or congenital issues.
Body Contouring: Procedures like liposuction, stomach tucks, and body lifts address excess fat and sagging skin, molding the body to a more desirable shape.
Facial Rejuvenation: Procedures including facelifts, rhinoplasty, and eyelid surgery try to diminish indications of aging by improving facial characteristics for a younger and more refreshed look.
Breast Augmentation or Reduction: These operations address a variety of needs, including enhancing breast size and shape, reducing discomfort, and improving symmetry.
Plastic and cosmetic surgery cost in India is an important factor to consider. Affordability, along with high-quality medical facilities, makes India a desirable destination. Rhinoplasty ($940-$2,010), breast augmentation ($1,340-$2,010), liposuction ($670-$4,020), and abdominoplasty (about $1,845 in Delhi) are some of the common prices. While plastic and cosmetic surgery in India can provide impressive results, it is important to be aware of the risks and negative aspects. Scarring, infection, nerve damage, hematoma, seroma, and an unsatisfactory cosmetic result are all common risks.
Many hospitals in India are known for their expertise in plastic and cosmetic surgery, including Fortis Hiranandani Hospital, Fortis Memorial Research Institute, Divine Cosmetic Surgery Clinic, BLK Super Specialty Hospital, Artemis Hospital, and others. Plastic and cosmetic surgery in India combines experience, creativity, and cost, making it a popular alternative for individuals looking for aesthetic changes. With a varied selection of procedures, competent surgeons, and advanced facilities, India is a global destination for those seeking to find their real beauty.
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bestsurgeonindia · 6 months
Enhance Your Beauty: Top Cosmetic Surgeries and Skin Treatments in Delhi, India
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As the world becomes more conscious about their appearance, cosmetic surgeries and skin treatments have gained immense popularity. Delhi, the capital city of India, is home to some of the best cosmetic surgeons and clinics that offer a wide range of procedures to enhance your beauty. In this blog, we will discuss some of the top cosmetic surgeries and skin treatments available in Delhi.
Rhinoplasty (Nose Job)
Rhinoplasty, commonly known as a nose job, is a surgical procedure that reshapes the nose to improve its appearance and function. It is one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries in Delhi due to the city's high pollution levels, which can cause respiratory problems. Rhinoplasty can also correct birth defects or injuries to the nose. The cost of rhinoplasty in Delhi depending on the complexity of the procedure.
Breast Augmentation (Breast Implants)
Breast augmentation, also known as breast implants, is a surgical procedure that increases the size and shape of the breasts using silicone or saline implants. This procedure is popular among women who want to enhance their breast size or restore volume after pregnancy or weight loss. The cost of breast augmentation surgery in India depending on the type of implant used.
Liposuction is a surgical procedure that removes excess fat from specific areas of the body such as the abdomen, thighs, and arms. It is a popular choice for people who want to contour their body and achieve a more toned appearance. The cost of liposuction in Delhi ranges depending on the number of areas treated.
Facelift (Rhytidectomy)
A facelift, also known as rhytidectomy, is a surgical procedure that lifts and tightens the skin on the face to reduce signs of aging such as wrinkles and sagging skin. This procedure is popular among people who want to achieve a more youthful appearance. The cost of a facelift in Delhi depending on the extent of the procedure.
Chemical Peels
Chemical peels are non-surgical skin treatments that use chemical solutions to exfoliate and rejuvenate the skin. They can be used to treat various skin conditions such as acne scars, age spots, and fine lines. The cost of chemical peels in Delhi depending on the type of peel used.
Laser Hair Removal
Laser hair removal is a non-surgical procedure that uses laser technology to permanently remove unwanted hair from various parts of the body such as the face, legs, and arms. It is a popular choice for people who want to achieve smooth and hair-free skin without having to shave or wax regularly. The cost of laser hair removal in Delhi depending on the area treated.
In conclusion, Delhi offers a wide range of cosmetic surgeries and skin treatments that cater to different needs and budgets. Whether you want a surgical procedure or a non-surgical treatment, there are many options available at affordable prices. It's essential to choose a reputed clinic with experienced surgeons and dermatologists who can provide safe and effective treatments for your specific needs.
For More details visit: www.drkashyap.com
Location: 4, Aradhana Enclave, R. K. Puram, Sector-13, New Delhi, India
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