#rhq renegades
therenegadehq · 5 years
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A Little About Our Renegades:
Renegades are seen as heroes. They fight crime and attempt to keep the city safe. However, after the most recent war, it’s difficult to say whether the Renegades were truly heroes or if they had begun to let the power get to their head. Many Renegades began to act with more violence than the villains they were supposed to be reprimanding. 
With a couple old superheroes from before the war leading the way, the Renegades are trying to change their ways. Their full mission is to help the city and help is what they are going to do even if not everyone supports them. 
There are still some who are wary of our Renegades. They fear that the power will get to their head once more - If not now, then in the future. So, many citizens have become reluctant to join the Renegades which is why you’ll have noticed that their numbers have decreased. 
The current Renegades seem to be going on more scouting missions than anything else, trying to gather the recruits they used to have rather than actually dealing with crime. 
Renegades used to showcase their powers in an arena in order to join the force but now, in order to keep things fair and make sure that no one feels as if their power is meaningless compared to anothers, they simply do a background check and an interview and decide from there if someone will join. Many in the force have criticized this practice, as an anarchist could easily sneak in amongst the ranks and tear apart their whole organization once more, but this is the only way to keep things fair for right now. 
Renegades go out in patrol groups. Each group is designated to a certain area of the city and given specific tasks. To get your patrol groups together, you must contact the main. 
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