#rhys darby's slutty little fingers
gentlebeardsbarngrill · 7 months
Rhys' Slutty Little Fingers
There's been a trend lately in celebrities and their slutty body parts coming to light, and today, we're here to present our case regarding Aotearoa's Rhys Darby.
First we had Pedro Pascal, with his slutty little knee.
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Then the court may remember the evidence this prosecutor provided regarding Taika Waititi with his slutty little shoulder.
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There's been a lot of conjecture going around on what parts of our defendant, Rhys Darby, are the sluttiest, and we are here today to present our case to the court, that Rhys Darby does in fact, have slutty little fingers.
Exhibit A: His blatant disregard for hand gestures and what they can and/or do.
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Exhibit B: While this example is much more innocent, it caters to the overall theme of the uncontrolled, rampant use of those fingers.
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gif by @celluloidbroomcloset
The following Exhibits going forward may be considered quite graphic, so viewer discretion is advised.
Exhibit C: Notice the delicate, intended caress of inanimate and animate objects. Coconuts, Water Foul, no one is safe.
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Exhibit D: Rhys' own body cannot escape their wayward attentions.
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Exhibit E: They truly seem to have a mind of their own.
A suggestive mind.
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and finally: Exhibit For Fuck's Sake:
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This prosecutor doesn't even need to explain the last one your honour, the evidence speaks for itself. I rest my case.
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