#rhys rambles about gw2
drakeheart · 1 year
do you think some transmasc charr shave their tails down to look more masculine...
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drakeheart · 1 year
i'll never forgive anet for bimboifying aurene
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drakeheart · 1 year
spent the evening doing all the achieves for the heroic emote, only to find out the event for the last one is so badly bugged that it’s impossible to complete...
siiiigh. :(
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drakeheart · 1 year
it's so funny to me how i saw sylvari in the character creator for the first time and went "oh damn, sweet, creepy-looking glowing plant people, let me make one for later" and designed a sick little thief dude with a mushroom head, all ready to gremlin it up and scare people
but then i actually played him and as soon as he opened his mouth and started talking i was just like Oh. No. that's not his voice. and just completely noped the fuck out for years lmao
idk WHY but i was so deadset that they should obviously be weird and creepy!! and the fact that they weren't and instead were these goofy ass chivalrous caricatures just turned me off them entirely.
obviously i can headcanon my own sylvari to be whatever i want, and i do for the few i have. but the in-game voices still throw me wildly off to this day. no shade to the VAs or anything, they did a great job, but it just clashes so bad with what my brain wanted the species to be...
anyway. i'm currently remaking my very abandoned sylvari ranger into a sick mordrem guy and was reminded of why i struggle so much with 'em. thank you for coming to my TED talk.
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drakeheart · 1 year
i feel like i use the "lost their warband" trope a lot for my charr, but the more i think about it, the more it makes sense to me as the only logical factor that would drive a charr to a non-militant narrative.
a warband is a charr's main family unit and integral to their placement in society. even if an individual wanted to be free from this cycle of war the charr can't seem to escape, to do so they would have to turn on not just their entire society, but their closest family, and that's an incredibly difficult choice to make on your own.
it's loyalty twisted into chains, and the only way to get free is to betray the ones you love, or to lose them.
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drakeheart · 1 year
i warned you there was a playlist happening
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drakeheart · 1 year
you can tell what flavor of queer i am the way that 2/3 of my characters are wearing the leather strap top
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drakeheart · 1 year
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@commanderhorncleaver hope you don't mind me giving this a response, my brain really wants to chatter about charr right now and you gave me an opportunity here. :p
first of all, i love your idea of gladium outreach/charr therapy services. these battle cats really do need that kind of reform if they ever hope to escape the cycle of self destruction their society currently drives them to. it's just a really good idea, and from what i know of gaius, he's probably doing a fantastic job.
that said, decima just might get a redemption. her story could really go either way. she would absolutely hate to have to talk about everything that's happened, but she really would be a good candidate for rehabilitation if she did manage to survive the events of IBS and the fall of jormag. despite all that's happened to her, she still wants to live, and especially wants to make sure that everything she's suffered doesn't happen again to anyone else.
regardless, thank you for the nice tags ♥
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drakeheart · 1 year
they're called dailies because it takes me the entire day to remember to do them all
i have untreated adhd
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drakeheart · 1 year
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the queen has fallen...
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drakeheart · 1 year
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i have news
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drakeheart · 1 year
not to sound like a dps enjoyer but getting 23k bleed ticks on condi druid like 💓💗💖💓💗💖💓💗💖
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drakeheart · 1 year
mmm still dealing with mixed feelings regarding the m!sylvari voice on caradoc, which is somehow further entangled by playing untamed
sometimes he's just spouting your standard poncy sylvari combat lines with all the aggression of a teacup. then i unleash and get hit with "NOW YOU'RE MINE" or "RIP THEM UP" and i just... 😳???
if only their voice could sound like the untamed lines all the time...
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drakeheart · 1 year
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decima stuff below cut because my brain's sparking over her
she was previously a legionnaire in the iron legion. still knows a lot about iron's siege and weaponry, including their weaknesses, and is happy to use that against them.
injuries include facial scarring, extensive internal torso damage, and the complete loss of her right leg from the knee down. these were inflicted by a landmine, that she herself detonated in order to stop a flame legion ambush that had already downed her warband and would have struck at a nearby town if not taken out.
she did not expect to live, and nearly didn't. by some twist of fate she survived what should have been fatal wounds, only to be met with a demotion to gladium upon her recovery.
soon after her discharge, a rumor was spread that she had been the cause of her warband's death, that it was her failure to set up the landmine properly. she suspects this was a cover up by one of her prior superiors. easier to pass the incident off as an incompetent soldier's folly than to explain to the public how the flame legion were able to strike so close to home.
her revenant abilities only manifested after her scrape with death, before this she had no capacity for magic, and like most charr hated the mere idea of it. it took her time, but through kalla's guidance she was able to come to terms with the changes. even so, she only practiced it in secret until she joined the dominion.
varinia was the one who recruited her, as the two had some history together when they were younger. knowing that decima would be skeptical of the propaganda, varinia sought her out prior to the rally and instead appealed to her desire for retribution against the legions for what they did to her. it worked, and she became one of the first to pledge to the dominion.
when she became an icebrood, she went through a number of physical changes. she grew much larger, as did her horns and claws, which became veined with corrupted ice. her visible flesh (i.e. tongue/gums/pawpads/etc) turned a frostbitten blue, and she constantly exudes cold mist from her mouth/nose.
the first thing she did after transforming was use her newfound powers to shape herself a new leg, eschewing her clunky, hated prosthetic for a limb of living ice magic.
she can also sheathe her claws in this same magic, and even temporarily extend the effect to any melee weapon she wields.
she also has an ice breath attack. because it's cool.
being a revenant gave her unusual mental fortitude against the will of jormag. even as an icebrood, she maintains significantly more autonomy than many of her brethren.
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drakeheart · 1 year
feels like i'm the only gw2 player in existence who is wholly ambivalent about trahearne :T
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drakeheart · 1 year
anet, are you really gonna tell me that traveler outfit couldn't have been done as armor pieces. really.
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