yrshots · 4 years
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| É T A N G D E R I C H E L I E N | . 📸 Photo™ by @yr.shots / #YRShots / ©2020YRShots 🚩 "Étang de Richelien, Versoix 🕕 Jeudi 21.05.2020, 18h20 . 📷 Canon EOS 80D Canon EF-S 18-135mm f/3.5-5.6 IS f/9 -- 1/14 -- 44.00mm -- ISO250 . . 🌐 http://yrshots.ch __________________________________________________ #Versoix #MyVersoix #Geneve #Geneva #CanonEOS80D #etang #étang #pond #etangderichelien #richelien #nature #igersgeneva #instageneva #igersgeneve #instageneve #ig_geneva #genevadiscovery #exploregeneva #photographiegeneve #lac #lake #forest #foret #reflet #reflection #vert #green #park #parc (à Richelien) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAnoMORnD9P/?igshid=maxlzyr6fd4a
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1824 Thursday 18 November
8 25/60
1 55/60
Hurried over my breakfast meaning to go as soon as possible to Mademoiselle Victorine (n°number 1 Rue Harard, tout pais la rue de Richelien) to ask the lowest price for which she would make me such and such things – but Madame de Boyve sent for me and I sat by her bedside from 10 to 11 1/2, talking over her household economy etc. etc. advised her what to do –
of Mrs Barlow she said she was quite another person now and had been for the last three months when she told Mr de Nappe that Mrs Barlow had complained of his conduct he said why should she of all people she was much changed   I said I did not like him Madame de Boyve said he declared upon his honour he had seen Mr de Chateavillain or perhaps it Chateavillard come out of her room and he Mr de Chateavillard had slept with her all night   Madame de Boyve said she did not believe one word of it but if well educated people could so scandalize a gentle woman and believe it all well might Miss Page or others in low life scandalize Madame Chenelle   I said Mr de Nappe was a mad man but if what he said was true he was a poltreen to tell it and if not true he was the worst of calumniators his insinuation against Mrs Barlows conduct could not excuse his sso kissing the hand of Madame de Boyve whome conduct had always been proper this was proof he coulor might have so so conducted himself to Madame Barlow even if her conduct had given no licence   Madame de Boyve said she was ssorry Mr de Nappe had spoken if excuse for his conduct to Mrs Barlow before Eugene she Madame de Boyve must say Mrs Barlow was coquette au calme at first when she came the first time   she saw Mr de Cuilly a ta soiree here she took hold of his arm paced about the room and their looks were said to be comme des amants   people said they must be engaged and asked Madame de Boyve but she declared on her honour it was the first time they had met   above the line and more lately when he x had put his arm round her waist and she made a piece of fuss he said what was the matter with her that she was sso altered   regular line Mademoiselle iean was a spy in the drawing room and told Page everything   Mrs Barlow too had far too much communication with her servant   after many apologies for fear I should blame her for telling me she said she was amused to see her always walking with me now after all she said of me at first that she could not be seen with me etc   people would think she was with a man in womens clothes   Miss iane had told Page the tread mill business   Page mentioned it in the little salon and Madame Chenelle had asked Madame de Boyve what I could have been doing in England   a person so liked by everyone in the house so repectable distinguee etc etc   most high praises of my character magnanimity frankness etc   I merely said I neither wondered at nor blamed Mrs Barlow   it was all natural enough xxxxxx   Madame de Boyve made great profession how delighted she should be to be worthy my friendship etc etc   I thanked her – some lady came and interrupted us and I left the room and went immediately to Mrs Barlow and sat with her till very near one   I had called for a moment as I went not having said where I was going before she asked if Madame de Boyve had sent for me   she said why did you not tell me   I now represented everything momt favourably studiously concealing all the rest but happening to try her by saying when I asked what Mr de Nappe said to the complaint made that Mrs Barlow was much changed she caught at this saying she did not believe he had said or would say it   it was a much ancete of Madame de Boyve s   I quieted her by calmly saying it a was probable excuse for him to make whether iust or not and commonly urged on such occasions   it strikes me however there is always ssome iealousy of and curiosity about what Madame de Boyve says to me and Madame de Boyve is certainly iealous of Mrs Barlow   why does she tell me all these things for good or for evil   is she astonished the seem all disregarded   she said too that when Mrs le Marchant was here put under Mrs Barlows care Mrs Barlow was very different from when she was before –
Madame Galvani came at 12 55/60 and stayed till 2 6/60 – all the time spent in conversation – she happening to ask me to cut her pencil gave her the patex silver one that will not want cutting I bought in London thinking it would save me buying anything else   wrapt it in a sheet of paper on which I wrote – ‘à Madame Galvani de son amie A Lister Thurs Jeudi 18 Novembre 1824’. –
went to Mrs Barlow we went out together at 3 – called on Mademoiselle Victorine (vide line 1 of today). She herself was engaged – but learnt that a ball dress tube over satin would be (au plus juste) 228 francs of which the garniture would cost 100 francs the satin would be 12 francs per airne – a redingote (pelisse of silk not trimmed with fur) would be 190 francs and a morning gown of levautine was 160 francs – the one I have had made by Madame Bomatier of gros de naples cost not quite 105 francs – said I, je ne suis pas riche – c’est très chère – j’y penserai – Mrs Barlow and I then went Chez Baudy, rue du coq – to look at his edition of Lord Byron’s works 23 volumes 18 mo printed for himself 30 francs – then went to Galignani’s (rue Vivienne) his edition in 16 volumes 12 mo or small 8⁰⁰ on better paper and more Margin, 101 francs – asked him to abate (pour une diminution de dix pour cent) 10 per cent which he refused – and we came away and got home at 4 50/60 –
she talking whether to give me bracelets or a chain the former would cost eighty five franks   I foolishly told her I meant to give her lord byrons works she mentioned galignanis edition which I knew not of and I must give it –
Dinner at 5 40/60 – stayed down stairs – Mrs de Bellevue came about 9 – came upstairs at 9 55/60 – Mrs Barlow came at 10 40/60 and stayed with me 40 minutes – from 11 1/2 to 12 40/60 wrote the whole of this journal of today –
Very fine day – Fahrenheit 62° when I took it out of the xxxxx stass drawer and looked at it about 12 p.m. – Felt a cold coming on yesterday – it has been bad today –
Mrs Barlow and I flirted this forty minutes but did it gently I speaking a great deal of French let her leave me at once and behaved well –
Miss Pope returned this evening – Miss Middleton and I paid her a 6 or 8 minutes visit this evening about 8 – 1/2 hour eating grapes –
 left margin
I remember Mrs Mackenzie I think it was not her mother one day speaking of Mrs Barlow she did not quite know what to make of her she had always ssomething to say against everybody
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Wednesday 20 May 1829
7 1/2
11 1/4
Dressed in an hour – Forest came a little before 9 and Madame DeCante soon afterwards 
Ordered him to get me what I wanted for my head and come at seven tomorrow and she to redo up my gown and come and dress me at quarter before eight – 
Till 10 reading from page 52 to 67 Arnott, and studying over definitions (of sines tangents etc.) beginning of Hutton’s course of mathematics volume 2 – then wrote rough draft of index from 16 to 22 April last, then breakfast at 10 35/60 to 11 5/60 – 
Went out at 11 1/4 for about an hour looking in rue Mont Thabor to see if any apartments then inquired rue Castiglione then at 355 rue Saint Honoré 1[m] [premier] and 2nde – looked at both [of] these attentively – then saw the proprietor who lives in the Entresol – asked 4800 for the 2nde and 5000 for the premier – Talked to him some time – gave my address – and on his pressing me to name a price said 3500 for the 2nde – promised to take a friend to go and see it tomorrow at 3 – the apartment au 2nde no. 8 rue Mont Thabor may look at tomorrow – yesterday after dinner my aunt for M Séne’s premier rue neuve Saint Augustin because we should not be tied down to time then – 
On coming in about 12 1/2 wrote out rough draft of index of 22, 23, 24 April and had a nap on my sofa – then wrote the last 7 lines and dressed at 2 10/60 to 2 35/60 – then wrote rough draft 25, 26, 27 April – at 3 1/4 the carriage comes back from the Bois de Boulogne with my aunt and McDonald and I off to the Embassy –
Sat a minute or 2 in the carriage at the door – a little note from Miss Hobart to say, she was almost ashamed she could not go with me today but her Copenhagen sister was just arrived and she ‘must go and spend the day with her – you will come to the soirée tomorrow ‘I hope, and we will see each other, though not very comfortably – Forgive and believe and believe me your affectionate V Hobart’ – but message with the note to say she was upstairs! and alone – just reading this and getting out of the carriage when Lady Stuart came out to get into her carriage – she very civilly stopt – shewed me into the conservatory – sent for Miss Hobart, and, in fact, did all that was civil, and left me to walk about – Miss Hobart soon came – we walked about a little in the garden – said I had written yesterday per post to Miss Maclean uneasy about her – had not the same confidence in Mr Long she had – it was her own persuasion she should not survive long – she seemed certainly to have bad symptoms – loss of strength and appetite – we both looked grave – said the going to Hampshire for a week would be a hurry for nothing – might go to Guernsey – I would fetch her from there – Miss Hobart thought she might be as cool in Paris as London – Lady Stuart senior would have brought her with her, but she was not strong enough to bear the journey – 
The Fosters had put off coming till June – Lady Stuart resolved to come without them – might, or might not be set off now – Miss Hobart going to her sister Madame de Hagerman Hotel des Princes rue de Richelien – I to set her down there – drive 1st farther into the faubourg Saint Honoré for her to leave 2 notes – then to number 6 rue Blanche for her to inquire if Mrs Hodge had got a note she Miss Hobart wrote the other day – then stopt at the hotel des princes] and I after calling at Drake’s to ask about horses to Mortefontaine, got home at 4 3/4 – Told Miss Hobart I should have been glad to have her to dine but my aunt’s health so indifferent I could not ask anyone – mentioned Mortefontaine, Miss Hobart thought it would be too much, then said perhaps, perhaps she could go on Monday for she had always been at the Comtesse d’appony’s breakfasts and would not go next Monday. Lady Stuart would take the children – Miss Hobart is to tell me for certain tomorrow – wrote the last 20 1/2 lines and had just done at 5 55/60 – 
Miss Hobart said when I told her I must go alone that she would introduce me to Mrs Hamilton who was a great addition to the embassy and very useful to Lady Stuart said I should have had someone with me but expected Miss Maclean. If she did not come, might have someone else next winter would Lady Stuart allow me to take my friend with me to the balls. Oh yes, she would name it to her she somehow began saying it was a mere form but would I send my card after the soiree tomorrow. Lady Stuart had said that as she saw me the first time I had not left one and therefore my name was not down in her book, said that was odd for I had sent my card the day after the ball. Had she not mentioned my card I should not have thought of send after a soiree like that tomorrow but had punctually done it after the ball. Thanked her for naming the thing hoped she would let me know when her aunt Lady Stuart arrived, yes certainly I said, nothing but certainly mean to call on her when she arrives. Perhaps I shall fish out all the etiquettes by and by but I am come home saying to myself Miss Hobart is flippant. She laughed and asked if she ought not be something equivalent to nervous on seeing her sister whom she had not seen for so many years she thinks not very deeply of Miss Maclean? 
Wrote the last 13 1/2 lines and dinner at 6 1/4 – came to my room at 8 – wrote rough draft 28 April to 6 May which took me till 9 – reading a page or 2 Mérat’s botany – coffee at 9 20/60 – came to my room at 10 1/2 – very fine day – very warm tonight Fahrenheit 62˚ (hanging out of my window) at 10 1/2 p.m. –
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yrshots · 3 years
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| P E T I T H A V R E D E P A I X | 📸 Photo™ by @yr.shots / #YRShots / ©2021YRShots 🚩 Moulin de Richelien, Versoix 🕕 Vendredi 04 juin 2021, 17h26 📷 Canon EOS 80 D Canon EF-S 18-135mm f/3.5-5.6 IS USM f/8.0 -- 1/100 -- 106.00mm -- ISO100 🌐 http://yrshots.ch __________________________________________________ #richelin #LaVersoix #Versoix #MyVersoix #igersgeneva #igersgeneve #ig_geneva #photogenevefestival #havre #paux #nature #beautifulplaces #fetedelanature #naturephotography #naturelovers #fetedelanature #fetedelanature2021 #ig_myshots #river #riviere #fetenaturesuisse2021 #landscapes_league #reflets #reflection #raw_reflection @ig_swiss #concourspgf2021 @apprendrelaphoto #photographeaccompli #formationsphotoalp #sublimezvosphotos #compositioncaptivante @photogenevefestival @igersgeneva @myversoix @igersgeneva @fetedelanature.ch @raw_reflection_ (à Versoix, Switzerland) https://www.instagram.com/p/CW3WxV_oyA7/?utm_medium=tumblr
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