#right down to the finale where Buffy sends Angel away and says ‘I can’t risk you’
missusgordo · 6 years
What are your thoughts on the cookie dough speech, and Buffy and Angel's reunion in general? (@sulietsexual just shared her take on it, and then I gave mine, so what's yours?)
Thanks for the ask! It’s been a minute. I did read both of your takes so I’m happy to share my thoughts on the scenes.
Just to clarify, it seems the topic ya’ll touched upon is not just the cookie dough speech but the entire two scenes of Angel’s appearance on btvs s7. The short answer is - I kinda love it all. First of all, I find nothing out of character for either of them. There is often talk that this scene was purely fan-service. Well - the fans were, in fact, serviced by seeing Angel return for the finale. Whether the entire fandom likes it or not, Angel was a character on BtVS for three seasons, was the love of Buffy’s life, and went on to be the cornerstone of the other half of the Buffyverse. Having him come back for the finale was a nice homage to the early seasons, it tied in the events from the Angel-verse to the Buffy-verse, and it was a great way to make a final statement on one of the most iconic relationships on TV in the late 90s.
From a more Watsonian perspective, nothing in that scene feels entirely out of place. Buffy is not in any type of relationship at the moment. It’s true that she shared a tender moment with Spike the night before. And in fact, she tells Angel that Spike is in her heart. But her having feelings for Spike doesn’t mean she doesn’t still have feelings for Angel. Her kissing him when he arrives clues us in on her continued love for Angel (nevermind that she just told us earlier that season that she has never loved anyone the way she loves Angel). I’ve written about this before but Angel doesn’t seem out of character to me either. Whether you think Angel was in love with Cordelia or not, they were not in a relationship at the time that he visited Buffy. Also, when Angel leaves LA the last thing we see of him is how he sees Connor happy with his new family. I’ve written about this more extensively before so I won’t repeat myself but suffice it to say that by the time Angel arrives in Sunnydale his most pressing worry - Connor’s safety - is taken care of. And even if Angel has a heavy heart because his dear friend is in a coma - seriously what is it that fans want to see here? Do they want Angel to come to Buffy, sit her down and say “listen I know you are fighting an apocalypse of epic proportions but do you have some time so I can fill you in on the last season of my show?” It’s just not realistic. And it’s also not in Angel’s character to over-share.
The bottom line is this: whether Buffy and Angel have feelings for other people at the time they see each other, doesn’t mean they have stopped loving each other. And honestly, if you think that’s the case then I think you may want to remove your shipper goggles. Because the show is quite clear that Angel and Buffy continue to feel strongly about each other throughout their time apart. AtS season 5 makes sure that you know this from Angel’s side of things.
With regards to their back and forth about Buffy’s relationship with Spike, I think it fits their pattern fairly well. Putting aside Forever, because that was dealing with Buffy’s grief, the last time before that he was in town he beat Riley up, he made snide remarks at him, gave him a smug ‘eat shit’ grin when he went outside to talk to Buffy and then told Buffy that he didn’t like Riley. Angel has a jealous streak. We see it throughout AtS. The conversation regarding Spike is completely within character to me (I will give you that it’s just a tad heavy heavy-handed - Joss likes to write Angel extra petty) but it’s just par for the course for the B/A dynamic. (Buffy btw is also super jealous with Angel). 
Another thing that is perfectly within the B/A dynamic is Buffy being snarky with Angel. This is the same Buffy that told Angel to contemplate getting over himself in WSWB. The same Buffy that threw his vampirism in his face when she asked if his heart was even beating when he broke up with her. The same Buffy that told Angel that she loved Riley in Sanctuary out of anger. Buffy can be rather hurtful when she’s upset. So when she says the line about “what was the highlight of our relationship?” while to me as a ride-or-die bangel it guts me, it’s honestly just Buffy being Buffy because she’s annoyed that Angel is giving her crap about Spike (which if we’re being honest not really Angel’s place - and to his credit he says he’s probably out of line for asking). But Angel can take it. He knows Buffy just as well as the audience does.
But also, the line regarding the highlight of their relationship from Buffy isn’t 100% entirely wrong. Ok - hear me out before you throw things at me. Of course, the B/A relationship had a number of great and wonderful attributes including mutual love, respect and support. I wouldn’t ship it to hell and back if it wasn’t so great. But the relationship was in large part tragic. Their happiness was constantly ripped away from them and she did send him to hell and he did leave her. Not because she wanted to kill him and not because he wanted to leave her but because they had no choice but to do so. And so yeah, Buffy hasn’t been quite so lucky in love. Which leads perfectly into the speech that is to come.
Ah - the cookie dough speech. I’ll be honest. I haven’t always loved it. I’ve had years where I thought it was great, others where I thought it was dumb. I think I’ve swung back around to the great category. What I have always loved about the speech is this very important message which is Buffy is finally making this about herself. First and most importantly she is finally recognizing that the reason things haven’t worked out with all of the men in her life IS NOT HER FAULT. Which - duh right? But unfortunately thanks in large part to Riley and Spike that lesson was not always obvious. And then she goes on to basically convey that she is choosing to live her life, experience things, get through the next apocalypse and the next one and maybe one day she’ll think about who she settles down with. But it will not be this day. And honestly - this speech is so fucking meta. It’s the show reaching into our living rooms (or now computers or whatever) and saying - ‘listen shippers - this isn’t about Spike or Angel it’s about Buffy.’ And fuck yeah it is! There is literally no other way they could have ended this, in my opinion. 
Oh but wait - we aren’t done yet - because Angel’s walking away, he’s respecting Buffy’s wishes. He’s heard that she needs time to bake. He’s being the respectful and beautiful man that he is - and Buffy can’t just leave it like that. She has to let him know that - she does - sometimes think that far ahead. The implication is clear. She may not see grandchildren in the offing with Spike but she does think of him in the future, sometimes. And hey - sometimes is something.
On the whole, I can’t help but love it. I love all of it. I love Angel letting Buffy kick Caleb’s ass alone, I love him enjoying watching her fight, I love her unable to resist kissing him. I love that he wants to fight at her side. I love that she doesn’t want to risk his life in this battle. I love that Angel wants to know who Buffy thinks about when she thinks of a future. I love that Buffy leaves the door purposefully open on their potential future. I guess... I just ... love it all. 
Ok I’ve rambled enough. Maybe this is why people don’t send me asks haha. Thanks for sending me one though my friend!! Even if we have slightly different takes :)
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tialovestelevision · 8 years
A Tara episode. Where she does something rash. I wonder if she’ll finally make the opening credits? 1. Tara is telling a story for Willow about Miss Kitty Fantastico. Willow is sleepy, but Tara wants to look up spells. These two are absurdly sweet. Huh… this is the same time Buffy’s fighting the Beast. 2. Buffy and Giles at Joyce’s house, talking about what Buffy learned. Her father is in Spain with his secretary and hasn’t called back. Buffy’s talking about the memories of Dawn her the monks implanted. They’ve decided not to tell anyone. 3. Factory. The Beast just dug herself out of the collapsed building. She’s upset. Opening credits. No Amber Benson yet. 4. We’re at the university. Harmony is in this episode. They’re getting Buffy moved into her dorm. Xander and Riley are fighting. Huh… not moving in. Moving out. Back to Joyce’s house. Buffy is worried about Dawn. Tara made a bad joke and Riley made a good insult. Willow is planning a birthday party for Tara… it sounds like people have forgotten. I feel sad. 5. Now we’re seeing Ben at the hospital. Another person with a broken mind coming in. He’s in the locker room, walking through… at his locker. Changing clothes. Camera pans away. There’s a demon there with a very long tongue and cuts on its face. Forked tongue, too… and it ran into the Beast. 6. Magic Box. Anya is working, and delighted. Buffy and Xander did in fact forget Tara’s party. Xander and Anya are kissing. Nobody appreciates Xander’s unhelpful help. They can’t figure out what to give Tara. They don’t understand Tara. They think Tara has a lot of friends. Xander says Buffy should work off the tension. Wow, I… really disliked them both, there. Seriously… they were treating Tara like she’s an inconvenience. 7. Buffy is working off tension by beating Spike up. Except this is a dream, because he’s hitting her. Hurricarana. And now sex. God, I hate this arc. Spike is having sex with Harmony and thinking about Buffy. Did I mention I don’t like this arc? 8. Magic Box. Still talking about Tara’s present. Giles called them stupid, which is satisfying. And now there’s a guy there making fun of them for having magic books and maybe doing spells. Willow and Tara just came in, Tara saw the guy, and… she froze. He’s her brother. She looks terrified. Very terrified. This si going to keep getting ugly, isn’t it? 9. Brother’s name is Donny. Tara’s stuttering a lot. Willow noticed. And… more people coming in. Older man… Tara’s father. She hesitated before hugging him. And Cousin Beth. They were directed there by her dorm-mates. He asked if they can have dinner. She agreed. Tara looks very scared, especially of her father, but also Donny. Willow is trying to comfort Tara but also minimizing… of course, given that Buffy and Giles and Xander are there, that might be a bad idea not to do. Tara’s obviously not close to them. 10. Buffy gets home… I hate that she’s back in Joyce’s house. Even after those last scenes, I still like her and dislike Joyce a lot. Riley’s there. Buffy’s making herself look crazy to keep Dawn safe. Riley has noticed that Buffy is being odd. He offered to contact the Initiative, but Buffy turned that down… good idea. Riley is leaving the house. He wants her to tell him things. 11. Tara just got to her room. Her father’s there. He came in without asking. He disapproves of her magic. Abuse-a-mania is running wild in this scene. He says something’s going to happen when she turns 20. God, this hurts to watch. He wants to take Tara home. She should NOT be alone with him. She should have Buffy there if he’s there. “Your family loves you, Tara. No matter what.” Then immediately we get him trying to isolate her from her friends. Well, from her girlfriend, and those people she takes immense risks on behalf of but who consider her a burden. I hate this episode, and it should be really good. 12. Forked-tongue demon is there with the Beast, who’s throwing shoes at it to wake it up. The forked-tongue demon is a Lei-arc. They used to be warriors, but now they’re scavengers. The Beast knows that, which indicates age. The Beast is embarrassed to have been fight a Slayer. She’s sending the Lei-arc to get a posse and kill Buffy. 13. Tara’s room… she’s staring at a crystal and being sad. Willow wants Tara for a meeting. Tara sent Willow away. She’s tired. I don’t blame her. I’m tired too. Willow offered to be demon hunters with Tara. Now Tara’s looking for a book of magic… found a spell. Looking around nervously. 14. Meeting at the Magic Box. They’re talking about the Beast. Tara’s hiding in the training area, chanting. She cast a spell on them… something went up their noses, then they kept talking. Tara snuck away. 15. Bar. Riley’s there, in spite of having a rep with the demons who go there. He’s getting very drunk. A girl sat down next to him. He’s buying her a drink. She’s Sandy. She’s offering to go somewhere more private with him. She’s a vampire. 16. Spike’s place. Harmony got some clothes. Spike just found out about the lei-ach. He’s leaving to get a decent seat for Buffy’s murder. 17. Tara’s on campus, and ran into Cousin Beth. Tara told Beth she’s not going home. Beth is now contributing to Tara’s father’s abuse of her. Tara’s spell was to keep Buffy and all from seeing the demon part of her. 18. Willow opens the door. A whole squad of lei-arcs are outside. She doesn’t see them. Well, that’s a spell gone awry. 19. Beth is still beating on Tara’s well-being. Meanwhile, the lei-arcs are walking through the shop, not noticed by anyone. The demons are going to the training room… they’re spreading out around Buffy. I think her Slayer senses are going off but she still can’t see them. She blocked a blow, but she’s been pinned, and Xander’s being strangled. Willow hit the one strangling Xande,r then got thrown across the room. Now Spike is there, watchign the demons… and he’s attacking one. Buffy’s fighting one… she had contact with it for a long time. She can’t see Spike, either. I wonder if she could see Angel… Giles is fighting one. Or trying to. Buffy shuts everyone up. Tara comes in and sees one, and warns Buffy. Spike grabbed the Ultimate Slayer Weapon. Tara realized what the spell was doing and removed it. Now the demons are dead. Tara is apologizing. Says she was trying to hide - she didn’t want them to see what she is. Her father says that the women in his family have demon in them. That that’s where the magic is from. Willow’s being brave and good here. Tara’s father: “The girl belongs to her family. I hope that’s clear to the rest of you.” Buffy: “It is. You want her, Mr. McClay? You go ahead and take her. You just gotta go through me.” Tara’s father: “What?” They’re all protecting Tara. Except Spike. Tara’s father: “You people have no right to interfere in Tara’s affairs. We are her blood kin. Who the hell are you?” Buffy: “We’re family.” Donny is offering to beat Tara up, and Xander’s threatening him, and it’s kind of wonderful. Beth: “I hope you’re all happy hanging out with some disgusting demon.” Anya: “Excuse me… what kind?” Now Anya’s schooling them on demons. And Spike punched her! He set off his chip to prove that she’s not a demon! Spike’s now tearing into Tara’s father. This is going to be GLORIOUS. Giles: “Mr. McClay, I would say your business here is finished.” And Tara’s throwing him out. Beth: “Are you happy now?” Tara slowly smiles. She’s free. 20. The Bronze. Tara’s party! Dawn is running around and Tara’s opening presents. Dawn got her a broom. Riley just showed up. He brought a present. Tara’s explaining her joke to Anya, and Dawn just cut off their drinking. Willow just asked Tara to dance. “Good birthday?” “Best birthday.” Very sweet talking and dancing. Pretty sure they’re levitating. Someone should tell them. Yep. Levitating. Overall: That was a painful episode with a very satisfying conclusion. Family isn’t about blood. Being family with the people you share blood with is nice, I guess - it certainly makes growing up easier. But family is love. Family is grace. It’s forgiveness and devotion and knowing that where they are, home is. Family is mercy and joy and tenderness and caring. Tara’s father and brother and cousin weren’t family. They’re just people she was stuck with until she left for college. Worse, they were abusers. Liars. Malicious controllers. Monsters. Buffy and Xander and Giles - especially Buffy and Xander - spent a lot of this episode being very insensitive about Tara. If it were possible to tell her what they were saying and thinking without causing her unnecessary pain, I’d say they owe her a plea for forgiveness, just as she owed them one for what happened with her spell. But family IS forgiveness and grace and mercy, so they offered it to Tara, and family is safety, so they stood between her and those who would hurt her. As for the Beast? Useful plot element, here. I’m looking forward to the episodes where we learn what she is so I can talk about how she relates to the show.
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