#right maybe tried to get a cover up tattoo over his ccc id
flamingredanon · 1 year
I have some small thoughts about this idea that I still don't have a proper AU name for, particularly about the CCC and the three's time there.
Reginald and Terrence came up with their names based on their CCC identifiers, Reg being R3667 and Terrence being T3887. Right came up with his name because he thought the name was cool, with his identifiers just being T3885.
I would imagine the identifiers are specially tattooed somewhere on each of their bodies, but I'm not exactly sure where each would be. All three men hate it though and make sure to cover up that area so they don't have to look at it.
The CCC base that held the three held two different types of experiments, the R series being based off of surpassing reality in human expectations and focusing on things like super strength, super speed and things like that, while the T series was based off of all things time and the possibility of controlling it and even seeing parallel timelines.
Reginald, Terrence and Right were the last three surviving experiments before they escaped, with most of the R series being pushed past what they could do and their bodies couldn't take it while the T series side suffered from mental breaks and even their brains shutting down from the stress of trying to control time and trying to glimpse into other timelines, or the ones that didn't break tried escaping or attacking a CCC employee in an attempt to escape.
That CCC base was originally going to put Reg, Right and Terrence in suspended animation and ship them to different bases as they were going to be shut down, but thanks to Terrence accidentally seeing what they were up to ahead of time, he was able to get with Right and Reginald during rest time and the three used their abilities to escape.
The CCC still want their escaped experiments alive, but they have no idea still that they went to the Toppats, casually thinking the three would try to live normal lives (and in their searching they find out about Ellie and Henry)
Terrence, with Right and Reginald still to this day, cannot sleep or work without some kind of white noise going, as the sound of silence reminds them of their time back at the CCC.
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