redmeadowes-blog · 5 years
“ how could i ever refuse ”
Dorcas giggled at his response. While the two weren’t extremely close, they still had good banter which she enjoyed. There was something about Sirius that played on her goofy, which she enjoyed.
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“You couldn’t! That’s why I’m asking you!” She handed him the bottle of nail polish. “I’m telling you, no matter what, I cannot paint my right hand. I will owe you one if you do this for me! Dinner on me?” She attempted to give him her best award winning smile.
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scvcrvssnape · 5 years
“ i can see it in your eyes ”
Severus’ aforementioned eyes narrow as he snaps his gaze over towards Black at the comment. 
Immediately, his mind goes into overdrive-- analyzing the tone of his voice, analyzing whether or not this is just another attempt at bait that he’s meant to rise to. 
He shouldn’t interact. He shouldn’t interact. He shouldn’t interact. 
No good will come of it, no matter what he says. There’s no imaginable outcome in which Severus can ever win. But still... a traitorous thought prods at him sharply, reminding him that to ignoring Black would be just as much of a defeat. Just because it’s impossible to win doesn’t mean he has to lay down and lose. With that in mind, he allows tendrils of bitterness to unfurl within his chest and begin to stretch. 
“It? Very specific.” Scorn drips slowly off his tongue. “Best work on expanding your vocabulary. Twelve points to Gryffindor, though, for attempting to use your words-- albeit ineffectively.” 
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dyinglightroleplay · 5 years
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NAME : Sirius Black RELATIONSHIP TO THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX : Member ( active - duty ) AGE / BIRTHDATE : 19 Years Old / born 3 November 1959 + 12:02 AM ZODIAC SIGN : Scorpio ( sun ), Sagittarius ( moon ) + Leo ( rising ) EDUCATION : Hogwarts Graduate ( Gryffindor House ) BLOOD STATUS : Pureblood
✧     Kingsley Shacklebolt ( platonic ) ✧     Ambrose Thomas ( antagonistic ) ✧     Sturgis Podmore ( player’s choice )
Near the Hogwarts dungeons.  Sirius is currently missing.
CHARACTER NOTES : Sirius is an unregistered Animagus.  The Black family is Italian.
PLAYER : Lin FACECLAIM : Luke Pasqualino URL : @riibellarsi
ZERO / RISING. * How is your character perceived by others?  What mask do they wear, and is there more than one?
Arrogant boy! Who is he, to think himself beyond the confines of a strong family name!
Literally, who is Sirius Black if not for the child most disappointed by family.
There’s something to say about masks, that they’re impossible to wear unless critical parts reflected are actual traits of the wearer. To some, they might see a man whose unearned confidence is a shining beacon of youthful mediocrity. To others, they can pinpoint where exactly the big bad world hurt him by the bags occupying space under his eyes.  He’ll play up the fact that he’s persnickety, he’ll lean into his own lacking prudence, both of which are caricatures of a man trying to find himself through the valleys of chaos young adulthood coupled with … war brings.  But ultimately, Sirius’ mask is that his isn’t a mask at all. If you’re trying to hide something by showing only what you want to an audience, it’s best to know what that something is. Wouldn’t you agree?
He’s entirely too much. Too emotional, too possessive, too careless, too, too, too —-. If asked, this topic of masks would be answered with simple “I’m an idealist.” He hides, at most, his disappointment when these wild expectations in life aren’t met, yet retains his natural buoyant, optimistic, and cheerful independence.
ONE / THE SUN. * Choose one to explore : what about their personality, general preferences, sense of self / ego, or fundamental traits attracted you to them?
Anyone who has tried to flourish within an unhealthy home environment can speak to the difficulties of breaking cyclic ignorance. Like yelling into mirrors, every opinion is in agreeance with one another until the echoing chasm of like minds is deafening. In Sirius’ case, I like to think his initial break sprouted from boredom. Teenage boyhood rambunctiousness and need to start shit just to keep him from falling asleep at the supper table. His rebellious streak isn’t entirely unheard of when talking the handful of rogue men and women the Black’s have raised, but it’s certainly noteworthy. What I find the most interesting about him is despite being humbled by his found family, his personality remained rather sure. That deep seeded desire for validation is relatable as fuck, and he didn’t strike me as the type to be embarrassed about it. He owns it. He owns that he’s come from mistakes, that he’s imperfect, but that doesn’t mean he can’t want for better (FIGHT for better) or doesn’t deserve better.  
TWO / THE MOON. * Which color would you associate most strongly with them and the emotions that dominate them?  Describe however you’d like.
Purple. Not for traditional association with regality and wealth so much as its rich encompassing nature. It’s never been a primary color, it requires work and an excellent eye to make it appear naturally or in artwork without overpowering the subject. Purple as the grapes ripened on vines in summertime and the deep coloring of a fresh bruise.
Sirius Black is a mixture, you see. Despite a period of time where he may have thought himself harsh blues like his family, there’s always been something red to draw his passions out. Reds in the house where he befriends the Marauders, reds in the blood same as everyone that beats through one heart. He’s someone considered to be at constant flux, sometimes a shade of purple so dark it’s near black ( all puns intended ) and others so light he’s walking talking springtime in a meatsuit. While these hues can still be thought as colors of wealth, for him it’s a wealth in love, a wealth in comradery, a wealth in experience, a wealth in knowledge.
THREE / MERCURY. * What is this character’s area of expertise? Where do they excel?
Beyond being an absolutely beguiling man in constant, dire need of confirmatory love from others? He’s always excelled at dueling. Specifically when defensive charms are being doled out rapid fire. Years of boyish wonder in magic has lent itself to an encyclopedic memory of spells that really have no purpose other than defense ( stomp, stomp, stomp ) defense ! Yeah, defense against the dark arts and transfiguration are both contenders for top spot, but they’re not where he’s set himself above expectations.
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lyriumless-blog · 9 years
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  *muffled 'rude' by magic! playing in the distance*
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