#rijhgudnc oops sorry
chemicalbrew · 8 years
it’s been twelve thousand years... I mean, 10 days
(tagged by @ostia-la-vista-hector)
Is the dream job you had as a child different from the dream job you want/have now? - yeah, when I was a kid, I wanted to be an artist that can make electronic music (I called that being a DJ lmao) but now I’m perfectly ok with translating stuff for a living. Who knows tho
Do you prefer hot weather or cold weather? - hot, but not too hot... unless it’s a hot spring we’re talking abt (I am dead serious, that’s not just a KIU ref lolol) Do you listen to music in order to become productive/get the creative juices going? - yes, writing stuff down from your dratfs can be boring af sometimes and fast-paced music can often help get that shit done If you could choose between staying up as long as you wanted without ever feeling tired or sleeping for as long as you wanted without anything ever disturbing you, which would you choose? - staying up because then you don’t even have to sleep, this question doesn’t make much sense otherwise tbh. (i’d miss dreaming sometimes though) Mayonnaise: Yay or nay? - dependes on the amount and the food i’m eating. i could easily live w/o it however (sour cream ftw!) Are there some words in your native language that you just can’t ever seem to spell right no matter how many times you spell them? - uhhh i don’t really know, I have a good memory so I don’t have a whole lot of trouble spelling words. I hate when people around me misspell the word ‘ocarina’ though lmao 
What are some movies you’d recommend? - i don’t watch movies all that much either, my guy. however, I watched the 2010 Prince of Persia film w/ my dad today and it was really damn great imo. at least for 2010. where’s my Prince of Persia X Legend of Zelda crossover, huh?! What kinds of fictional characters do you tend to be drawn to (a.k.a. do you have a type)? - I guess the cinnamon roll stereotype sits rly well with me. (esp if the character is a badass cinnamon roll, see about half of the Links and also Pit and Chrom who, as a friendly reminder, ate a whole orange unpeeled once) What’s your favorite kind of tea/coffee? - Lemon tea/coffee with milk and some caramel syrup, yum You have the ability to bring one fictional character to life, who would you choose? - BotW!Link was the first one to come to mind. I love him ejfbeuxnwjgfj Do you think things like karma exist? - well, I wholeheartedly believe in Murphy’s law, so yes, I guess
okayo, I forgot abt making my own questions and stuff, sorry again (tagging @hanabira, @xph03n1xx86, @11volt, @elicorn-prince and @rabbitstep17! you don’t really have to do it though, it’s ok)
Do you listen to the radio often? if yes, which stations do you listen to and why do you enjoy doing so?
Tell me about something that scared the crap outta you as a kid (it’s ok if you skip this BTW)
 Is there something you’ve wanted to get your hands on for the longest time, but just couldn’t for w/e reason?
Maths or Literature?
What is the funniest/most memorable commercial you’ve ever seen?
Have you ever read an entire book in a foreign language?
Do you get seasick at all?
The city or the countryside?
Which songs do you use to help yourself fall asleep? (if you don’t have one, just tell me what things you like to do in order to/just before falling asleep)
Who is the one person, fictional or not, that inspires you?
Do you know how to play an instrument? if you don’t, which one would you like to be capable of playing?
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