#rin plays feh
phantom-julia · 1 year
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break-six · 5 years
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Rins so pretty!
(I refuse to give Ishtar credit for the vessel)
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mrfeenysmustache · 3 years
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Banner art by @cakeit0n
Written for Discord Drabble Night
All word counts: 100
Prompt One: Cold
The blood on his hands. The ice in his veins. The rage in his heart.
There was a lot about him that others didn’t understand, and her feelings for him bewildered her friends.
But they didn’t see him. The gentle way he held her hand. The heat of his body wrapped around her in the night. The passion that simmered below the surface of his skin. The softness of him when he pulled her close, kissed her face, said her name.
He was controlled. He was reserved. He did not suffer any fools.
But there was nothing cold about him.
Prompt Two: Blur
In a blur of yoki, the silver fur that covered his body shortened and his body shrank and shifted, leaving behind a bedraggled man with knotted hair, tattered clothes and half feral eyes.
He took a deep breath and held it.
He recognized that scent.
Hundreds of years roaming countrysides hiding, waiting, searching, and Sesshomaru had lost nearly all his sense in isolation, but this scent held promise.
He stepped out of the trees onto the path, and beloved blue eyes widened and watered.
She was in his arms and he sighed in relief.
He’d found her. Home.
Prompt Three: Grim
“Oh, this is grim indeed.” Sango’s voice was serious, sympathetic. Grave.
Kagome rolled her eyes and huffed.
“I know it’s a long shot but I can’t help it! I can’t explain it either. He’s just… different from what everyone else thinks!”
Sango looked skeptical, Miroku ignored them to search through her underwear drawer, but Inuyasha snorted harshly from his spot lounging across the bed.
“A long shot. FEH! That bastard’s been mooning after you for months. Will y’all just bone and get it over with before you drive me crazy?!”
“Uuugh, Inuyasha!” She chased him cackling from the room.
Prompt Four: dread
A woman’s scream, sharp and shrill, sliced through his sensitive ears and ricocheted down his spine.
He smirked.
The part he’d been waiting for, the one he knew she’d been dreading, had finally arrived and the results had been better than expected.
He’d always said he had no use for horror movies. As long lived and powerful as he was he’d seen plenty of real, actual horror. But the way the sweetly scented woman pressed her soft body into his side, buried her pretty face into his chest, cling to him for safety and protection, had him reassessing those opinions.
Prompt Five: Shadow
Touching down at the edge of the little sun warmed meadow, Sesshomaru flared his aura, smiling softly as the door to the little hut opened and two puppy eared children raced out and leapt into his arms.
Kagome followed slowly, stomach round with another life. He nuzzled her hair, wrapped her in his arms, ignored the sadness in the depths of her eyes as he listened to the children tell him of their latest adventures.
He longed to bring them out of the shadows but it was still too dangerous, and he was not his father-
He would keep them.
Prompt Six: Ominous
Her heart fluttered rapidly, her palms sweat, and she around nervously, the ominous silence in this part of the forest putting her on edge.
The leaves rustled, branches cracked, the sound of footsteps echoed all around, and then out of nothing stepped the spirit of the forest.
There he stood, beautiful and otherworldly, silently waiting for her request.
“M-my… my brother is sick, I’ve lost my job, I have no more money to help my mother with.”
“You know the price of my assistance.”
“Yes. My firstborn.”
He smirked, sending a bold of heat through her.
“Let’s get started.”
Prompt Seven: Obscure
“Grain Preparation in the Feudal Era” was an obscure class, one you could only attend at 8 am on Wednesdays on the farthest corner of the campus. It was related to her major, the one she’d chosen to keep her connected to her people and adventures in the past.
She was taking it for Professor Sessho Wantanabe, a professor who’s name she hadn’t noticed before.
Her heart thundered as she stood at the door, pushing it open slowly and gasping at the sight of him, golden eyes glowing warmly.
“I found you.” She breathed, and he rushed to her side.
Prompt Eight: Fear
He noticed her smile.
He noticed her glowing eyes.
He noticed the subtle notes and shifts in her scent.
He noticed the way his skin burned when she touched his arm.
He liked the way her cheeks bloomed like roses when he spoke softly to her.
When some fool in the village proposed to her it took all his strength not to rip his head from his shoulders.
When she was snatched naked from a hot spring by a bat demon he raged that someone had seen her so bare and vulnerable.
It was as he feared- he loved her.
Prompt Nine: Smother
Kagome twirled her fingers through the tendrils of silver silk that fell over her skin as his mouth smothered every inch of her body with his lips and tongue and teeth.
She closed her eyes and sighed, her blood singing and body humming, sated yet starved even after being locked away with him for days in his rooms once the ceremony linking them for eternity completed.
He crept back up, captured her lips, pressed her into the sheets with his full weight, sending her thoughts into a tailspin until they centered back on him and she sighed his name.
Prompt Ten: Balance
Wearing her new white summer dress for her current visit to the Feudal era had seemed like a good idea that morning.
It was a clear summer day and she’d be sitting by the river while Rin and Shippo swam and played. The other adults were busy helping build Inuyasha’s hut for his new bride, but she’d been happy to volunteer to watch them.
Until she’d tripped and fallen in. Sesshomaru had shown up, eyes plastered to her chest in her now transparent white dress.
“Your balance is abysmal,” he said, “but I cannot say I find the results displeasing.”
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mythicamagic · 6 years
Swimming in Silk - Chapter 12
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Training in front of her, engaging her in conversation and now lending her his clothes…Kagome is starting to suspect that Sesshoumaru is trying to gain her attention.
Sesskag - Romance, Humour, Drama, Angst
Rated M - As always you can read this story on Ao3, fanfiction.net or Dokuga
Chapter One - here       Chapter Three - here    Chapter Five - here
Chapter Two - here        Chapter Four - here       Chapter Six - here  
Chapter Seven - here    Chapter Eight - here    Chapter Nine - here          Chapter Ten  - here    Chapter Eleven - here   Chapter Thirteen - here
AN: So I hear that fire axes might not be a thing available to the public everywhere but ehhh. If it bothers people I'll take that bit out, let me know!~ Thank you so much for all your comments guys, they've really cheered me up as I've been struggling recently with a few things. So thank you!
Searching for Shoji ~
Routine felt like a sorely missed friend to Kagome. She'd give almost anything for her days to regain some semblance of structure. It felt entirely surreal when Mama Higurashi wandered into the living room, offering the grown version of Shippo a drink or bite to eat.
When he politely declined, Kagome took the opportunity to observe him. He appeared to be in his late 20's, with only a few slim echoes of the child she'd known hiding in his features. The rest of him looked grown, from the line of his jaw to his slim build. He wore an open plaid shirt, giving a casual appearance. Dishellved red hair curled into his disarmingly warm eyes that held an undercurrent of sharpness in their depths. Cunning.
She jumped, brought out of her musings by her mother's soft voice. She looked concerned.
"You've been gone for a little while. We were all starting to worry…"
"I-I'm sorry, mom. I'll explain later," she murmured.
Mama Higurashi nodded, before patting her damp shoulder. "For now, how about you get changed into some fresh clothes?" She gently suggested.
Kagome nodded, hurrying upstairs and towelling her hair. Unfortunately, since she hadn't gotten a hair dryer to it sooner the ends were starting to kink, but that was the least of her concerns. She smiled sardonically in the mirror, wondering why she felt a little nervous. It was just Shippo right?
Then why did he feel like a stranger in a familiar body? It felt different to seeing Rin or Kohaku. The kit had been her closest friend at times during the warring states era- snuggling with her at night and whining when she didn't give him sweets. He'd come to her defence and played dumb games with her, all the while grinning mischievously.
She'd loved that boy. Whether as a weird son or little brother, she hadn't exactly pinned down, but affection couldn't really be examined.
Getting changed, she wandered back downstairs, steps laden with awkwardness.
Sitting in her place again and fiddling with her hands, blue eyes glanced up. "It…it's good to see you, Shippo." She murmured.
He chuckled good-naturedly, "this is a bit of a shock, right? I get it."
"Just a tad," Kagome muttered, shoulders dropping with relief as he smiled at her almost boyishly. There he is, she thought dimly. There's the Shippo I knew.
With a sigh, she brushed her hair behind her shoulder. "It's been hard to adjust to um…anywhere. But that's not important right now," she stood, wandering over to him. Reaching out, she placed her hand on his own and smiled with open relief. "I'm so, so glad you made it to this time. I knew you would. My little squirt outfoxed everyone, I bet."
Shippo's eyes widened and he scratched his cheek, some colour lighting them. He stood and placed his hand on her shoulder with a nostalgic grin.
"You aren't anything like how I remember last seeing you," he muttered, fondness colouring his tone.
She blinked, tilting her head. "Really?"
"Yeah. More fresh-faced and wide-eyed. Don't worry, you'll get used to the jumps."
Kagome wasn't sure if she should be comforted by that. She smiled anyway, glancing at the hand on her shoulder, before gasping. Seizing his fingers, she bounced on her tiptoes, emotions doing a 180. Pride and elation rose up in her chest, blurting wildly out into a stream of words. "OhhhhmigoshShippoyou'remarried!" She squealed.
The Hanyou in the room groaned, ears laying flat as he listened to the miko gush. Laughing sheepishly, Shippo rubbed the back of his neck with his free hand while Kagome clutched onto his ring finger. "Mhm, got myself a mate a few centuries ago. We have kids too~"
"Kids!" Kagome began to feel faint. "Kids as in plural. As in m-more than one?!" She reeled from the thought, staring up at him. Husband was one thing but- a father? The information wouldn't stick in her mind. He still looked so young.
"Last I checked we have five," Shippo chuckled, grinning toothily. "It'd be great if you met them."
"I'd love to!"
Inuyasha loudly cleared his throat, making Kagome aware of his presence in the room once more. She dropped her hands, looking down as she slowly sobered. "Right, er- Shippo…I'm guessing you came here to explain things to Inuyasha, which I'm super grateful for. But how did you know where to find him? And where is…"
She nodded slowly, eyes widening.
Green eyes shifted away, and he squeezed her shoulder. "Not coming. It's complicated but-"
"But he's safe?" Kagome checked, heart thundering in her chest. The question had leapt from her throat without warning, thoughts refusing to quiet. Shippo gazed down at her, something in his features gentling.
"Obviously. It's pretty difficult to kill the 'Killing Perfection,' though attempts were made!" He chuckled, slowly noticing she didn't share his humour. "Look, he won't be visiting you until you've made a few more jumps. If I remember right, the next ones are important."
"Feh, if they're so important why ain't he here to explain them himself?"
"The Boss just doesn't want to interfere with time too much," Shippo shrugged it off. Kagome got the distinct feeling he was omitting a few important details. She arched a brow, the Boss?
Inuyasha shifted to stand, tapping Tetsusaiga in an irritated fashion against his shoulder. "And it doesn't piss you off that the bastard is putting her in danger?" Golden eyes fixed on the kit, glaring fiercely. "Tell her what you told me."
When faced with Kagome's questioning look, Shippo seemed to quiet, as though not wanting to disappoint her. "Sesshoumaru...isn't sure how many time jumps there are left. Could be less than 10, could be more."
"Why wouldn't he be sure?"
He winced. "Let's just say he wasn't himself for a while and may have lost track of your er- visits."
"Not himself? Shippo, you're not making any sense."
The Hanyou snarled, sweeping his hand out and balling it into a fist. "Maybe this would make damn sense if that fucking bastard got off his ass and came here personally!"
"Don't call him that!" Shippo growled.
"I'm sorry to interrupt," Mrs Higurashi's calm voice cut in gently. "But dinner is ready."
The three stopped, instantly quieting. Inuyasha's ears lay flat and he folded his arms, surprising Kagome by trudging moodily into the kitchen. She'd expected him to run off. Mrs Higurashi smiled warmly, turning to usher the Hanyou to his seat.
Turning back to the kit, Kagome bit her lip. "Sorry..."
"Don't, it's cool. I'll just wait outside, I need to make a few calls anyways. Join me outside when you're ready."
Nodding, she watched as he turned, padding to the front door. Relaxing her eyes a little, she could make out a vague ripple in his image. Just for a moment, the kit looked like he had four tails, before he disappeared from sight.
After eating and washing the dishes, Kagome stepped outside, holding her arms. Noticing the moonlight catch on red hair, she smiled and joined the kit at the top of the shrine steps, taking a seat next to him. Shippo finished his conversation and lowered the phone from his ear.
"Was that him?" Kagome murmured.
He tucked the phone away in his pocket, lips curving up. "Nah just the Mrs."
"Inuyasha still seems upset. I-I don't really know how to help."
"You should have seen him earlier, cursing up a storm. Don't worry though, he mostly seems angry at Sesshoumaru."
That really doesn't give me the warm fuzzies. Smoothing her skirt over her tights with a sigh, her voice dipped into a casual tone. "So…wife, huh? Do I know her?"
"Heh, I can't give you spoilers."
"Oooh that's a yes," she grinned impishly.
Shippo returned it, flashing sharp fangs as he bumped her shoulder with his own. "I swear you've got kitsune blood in you somewhere," inhuman eyes danced. Slowly however, he seemed to sober while gazing at the city lights. "Chatting about my Mrs isn't what you really wanted to talk about though, was it?"
"I-I'd like to know more, honestly. I want to meet her-"
"Kagome." Green eyes pinned her with an almost reproachful look, before dissolving into worry. He sighed, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Are you good?" He asked quietly. "Tell me honestly."
Shifting to gaze out at the vast stretch of lights, Kagome's lips thinned. He really is still my ally. "No Shippo, I'm not," she confessed in a subdued voice.
A beat of silence permeated the air while she held her arms, trying to fight the chill in the air. The phantom sensation of mokomoko brushing her skin glided over her collarbone, whispering goosebumps over her flesh.
"I feel like I've been no help at all to anyone recently. Maybe I've been a comfort to Sesshoumaru a few days while in the feudal era, but it's…difficult. Difficult to feel like I've really impacted him for the better. If he hadn't mated me, he could've had someone at his side during those 50 years at the Western Stronghold- hell he could've had someone right now in the past." Kagome let it all pour out of her like a faucet, the truth loosening her tongue. The kit sat quietly, and she glanced at his profile, slightly amazed by how much he'd changed.
Shippo noticed her stare and quirked his lips, gaze softening. "You've been struggling with heavy stuff, huh?"
"Yeah," Kagome gave a self-deprecating smile.
He hummed and gestured to come closer. "Alright, c'mere a sec."
"Hm? What are you- gah!"
Kagome felt herself be tugged closer- a palm closing over her eyes. She held onto Shippo's arm in confusion. "Um- what are you doing, kiddo?"
A chuckle sounded near her ear, "I'm making you see better."
"This is the opposite of-"
Shippo hushed her, clearing his throat. "Now concentrate. Clear your mind of all the other crap going on and just ask yourself one thing: Would you be feeling this way if you weren't being tugged back in time to random events?"
Kagome paused for a moment, her silence speaking volumes about her puzzlement.
The kit huffed, "okay imagine if after the Bone Eaters Well had closed, Present Sesshoumaru had come waltzing up to your door. He says something like-" Shippo cleared his throat, deepening his voice into an admittedly good impression of the Daiyoukai's velvet tones. "Kagome, this one has waited 500 to be with you, and now here I am. True your friends are dead and my lands are gone but that is in the past. Fall into my arms, miko~"
Kagome burst into a laugh, "present Sesshoumaru sounds like a smooth operator."
His amiable chuckle sounded boyish and charming. "Do you see my point though? If it weren't for the items pulling you back and forth you wouldn't be feeling so crappy right now." His voice gentled, trailing into something almost concerned. "You wouldn't feel like all the stuff in the past…was your responsibility to fix."
Kagome sighed, leaning against him slightly as her hands tightened on his arm. "I guess I'm just used to-"
"Playing superhero in the Feudal Era? Yeah I get that."
"But…I still don't feel any better about Sesshoumaru being alone for so long."
She could hear the shrug in his voice, "it was his choice to mate you and extend your life-span."
Kagome opened her mouth but Shippo cut her off.
"No buts. If he had a problem with the long stretches of time between seeing you, do you think he'd pout and be afraid of telling you? He'd be honest and break it off, am I right?"
She huffed, finally tugging his hand away. "Sesshoumaru told me once that you can't just break a mating, but you have a point. It just hurts…knowing I can't be there to help him." Kagome peered up at him worriedly. "I'm guessing you don't know anything about why the items are carrying back into the past?"
"Nope fraid not. You'll just have to ask the Boss once you finally see him, he might know." Shippo set his hand on her head, giving a fond little rustle of her hair. "You're a lot younger than I remember you being," he said gently, hand lingering in the long locks.
She frowned and huffed, poking him in the ribs. "And you're a heck of a lot taller."
He laughed jovially, bringing her in for a hug. Kagome squeezed her eyes shut, wrapping her arms around him and remembering all the times he'd been small enough to ride on her shoulder.
"Ah! Almost forgot this- it's for Mrs Higurashi." He exclaimed, pulling away to reach into his pocket, bringing out a crisp white envelope. Kagome accepted it, mildly perplexed. But the handwriting was instantly recognisable.
"Is this from him?"
Shippo nodded, "technically you're married. Pretty sure that's something to help out."
She wasn't entirely sure how to feel about that. Kagome weighed the paper in her hand, brow furrowing.
His lips quirked, reading her expression. "Grandpa's funeral took a toll on your money, just think of this as a gift."
"He didn't need to do that," she swallowed a lump in her throat. With a sudden gasp, her eyes widened. "Oh no! I haven't even told Mama about getting engaged- let alone married!" Her shoulders slumped. Daughter of the year.
Shippo burst into laughter, clapping her on the back. "I'll leave that in your capable hands. Speaking of, here's my number," he waved his hand- a leaf sliding from his sleeve and popping in a burst of smoke into a business card. Though the font looked a little unprofessional.
He grinned, "you've probably got tons more questions but the Boss won't let me say too much yet. Just keep searching for the items and things will fall into place, promise!~"
The kitsune stood, seemingly heedless of her silence. He slid his hands into his pockets and turned with a cheery expression. Kagome quickly stood, heart constricting painfully in her chest. "Can I…write to him? I'd like to ask how he's doing- or where the elixir is."
Shippo didn't react, but he did not turn to face her. Kagome's grip tightened on the envelope. "There must be a reason he doesn't want any contact with me."
The fox kit shifted to look at her, features illuminated by a nearby streetlight. He seemed far older then, hiding multitudes of secrets. Kagome couldn't remember a time he'd ever hidden something from her before.
"It's not what you think. He really doesn't want to mess up the timelines, but- it's also something else. I reckon he's got it in his head that you're not his yet. Not until the time jumps stop."
The miko bit her lip. "I don't really get it- if we worked together we could probably find the items much faster, but I won't push," she forced a smile.
Shippo's brows drew together, scratching his nose. "You probably will soon…" he glances at her hair, before starting as something brushes against his leg. Buyo meows, tail flicking. "Ah, hey there Kirara," he grinned, leaning down to pet the cat's head.
"Wait what?" Kagome choked. "You're kidding right?!"
He flashed sharp teeth at her, "hmm I wonder~" he winked.
Kagome stared, bewildered as he padded down the stone stairs with a spring in his step.
"Jerk," she mumbled fondly, unable to stop the gentle smile on her face while she watched him go. Leaning down, she picked up her cat. "Kirara?" She asked carefully.
Buyo blinked up at her, mouth opening- yawning widely. Rolling her eyes, Kagome carried the fluff ball inside.
After hesitantly passing the envelope over to her mother, she'd been on the receiving end of many questions. Apparently, Sesshoumaru had handed over a sizable check. Kagome had come clean but declined any offer to share the money.
"But he's your husband, sweetheart."
"I know Mama, but...I'd feel strange taking it from him like this. You use it."
Feeling despicable about not confiding in her mother earlier, Kagome had set out to try and do something nice to make up for it. Using her own money. So that was partly why she'd decided to wrestle her best friend out of his early signs of agoraphobia.
Inuyasha had been against the idea, but Kagome had dragged him out to the mall for a shopping spree. He couldn't keep running around in bare feet and robes all the time, and no- a cap was not enough to 'blend in.'
Shippo had helpfully offered a spell to turn his hair black, but the Hanyou had hated that idea even more.
Kagome dragged him from store to store, having to estimate his clothes size since he wouldn't let anyone come near him with a tape measure.
"I told ya, I don't like any of them!" Inuyasha glowered. His shadowed eyes remained stormy under the rim of his cap.
"Inuyasha, I know you've probably gone centuries in the same outfit but some co-operation here would be appreciated. Wearing this kind of stuff is necessary." She deadpanned, sorting through a clothing rack. Grabbing a dark jacket, she held it up to his chest, appraising him. "Fancy," she snickered.
"It looks dumb," he grumbled.
Kagome gestured to the folded t-shirt stand on their left. "Then how about these? See, this one is v-neck and this one is crew neck. Which one do you like better?"
He stared, utterly bewildered. Seeing no response forthcoming, Kagome forced a smile.
"A couple each then. I'll get you a regular shirt too," she picked them up, deciding not to be too experimental with colour since he glared at every yellow and green one as if they'd personally offended him. "I'm starting to think the only fashion that's going to appeal to you is the rebel kind," Kagome muttered under her breath, putting the clothing in her basket.
Inuyasha followed her along miserably as she gravitated toward the shoe aisle. He stopped dead the moment she started to peruse the sneakers, shooting him a hopeful look.
"No." He said firmly.
Kagome took a breath, turning to him and setting her hands on her hips. "Look," she said in a measured tone. "Do you see anyone else walking around in bare feet?"
"Feh, who cares?"
"I care!" She growled, leaning down and grabbing his ankle. Lifting it up with a yank, she sent him off balance.
"Kagome!" He barked, grabbing onto a display unit and making it shake precariously, sending some items flying. Other customers looked over in confusion.
"Aha! Just as I thought," Kagome nodded, inspecting the black soles of his feet. She gestured to them with exasperation. "This is a city. You can't just walk around as you normally would. See here, you're bleeding! Probably from that glass outside..." she sighed, brows drawing together. "You could step in chewing gum or who knows what else. We're getting shoes. It's not like we know how long you're staying in my time. This is good insurance in case-" she cut herself off. In case his stay was permanent.
Inuyasha tossed his head, "I still don't wanna. Shoes feel weird as hell."
Kagome grabbed a foot measuring scale and set it down. "Just stand on this, you don't have to try them on right now."
In fact, it's probably best you don't, Kagome thought, glancing at his dirty feet. Inuyasha huffed, ears flattening beneath his hat as he reluctantly placed one foot on the measuring scale. Kagome checked from heel to toe, humming and measuring the other.
"Okay! Good! Thanks," she grinned up at him. "See that wasn't so bad was it?"
Inuyasha's expression remained sour, grimly following her to the checkout. She grabbed some red sneakers in his size on the way, deciding he could try them at home...after washing. She'd keep the receipt just in case.
She winced when the total flashed up on the till screen, glancing at the amount of clothing she'd ended up buying for him. Inuyasha tilted his head, "what's that mean?"
"It's the price, but that's not important," she waved it off with a breezy laugh. Inuyasha blinked, brows furrowing. As they exited the store, Kagome released a breath. So buying men's boxers had been an experience. She wished Inuyasha had at least checked out a few of the clothes out of his own interest.
I wonder what modern Sesshoumaru wears. Probably a lot of white shirts. He'd look nice in a suit...
Kagome blushed a little at the thought. "Want something to eat?" She asked out of the blue as they padded up the street. Inuyasha glanced at a nearby food vendor.
"Oi. When did you start shitting money?"
"Excuse me?" She squeaked.
"Keh, you've been buyin' me stuff all day. I don't see how you got enough to pay for it. Your family ain't exactly rolling in it."
Kagome glanced away, "I'm just helping out a friend. Don't worry about it," she turned, only to feel a hand on her arm.
Slightly narrow gold eyes peered at her while a bushy brow raised. "What's going on with you?"
The miko stopped, biting her lip. "Let's...talk about it over food. You haven't eaten since breakfast," she mumbled.
They were sat at a table outside a quaint café soon enough. Inuyasha sniffed suspiciously at the food while Kagome fiddled with her hands. Summoning her courage, she looked up.
"Aren't you... Upset?"
"I mean, I ain't happy with it but all your food tastes weird to me."
"N-no, not that. I mean about Sango and Miroku."
Inuyasha tensed across from her, quickly taking a bite out of his foot long sandwich. "Don't wanna talk about it," he grumbled.
Kagome glanced away, fixing her attention on the busy crowds. "Okay."
He stopped and swallowed, guilt flashing over his face, "hah? Why aren't you angry?"
"Why would I be? I don't know how to help...Or even make you feel better about it. I guess... that's why I've been buying you so much," she confessed quietly. "I'm sorry."
Pausing, Inuyasha lowered his food, golden eyes shifting to the table. "It ain't somethin' you can fix, idiot."
"I know, just-" she took a breath. "I'm here if you want to talk."
It's not his style to just blurt his feelings but he considered them family. The village was his home…
"You're not alone," she mumbled. "Souta, Mama and I are still here."
His eyes widened, and Inuyasha took another bite of his food, uncomfortable. "Keh, except you might get pulled away by time every so often."
Kagome's heart dimmed and she glanced away, unable to protest that. Hearing her silence, the Hanyou noticed her quiet demeanour, claws twitching as his nostrils flared.
"H-hey, you know those socks you bought? The ones with the ninja food on them?"
"Hm? Yeah?"
"…I guess they weren't so bad," he shrugged, taking a bite of his food again. "Might wear them."
Kagome brightened, hiding a smile. She'd actually thought they were tacky at the time. "Thank you," she said gently.
"I told ya not to spend any more on me!"
Kagome shushed him, glancing around with paranoia as his booming voice echoed around the spacious room. "This is a museum, Inuyasha. You don't have to pay to get in, I was just giving a donation!" She whisper-hissed.
"Oh my, look at how high the ceilings are," Mama Higurashi smiled, apparently quite satisfied with just the look of the building and not the displays. "Souta, isn't this cool?"
Blaster noises sounded off from Souta's game console in reply.
"Guys, you didn't have to come with me," Kagome gave a weak smile.
"Nonsense, we want to support you. Besides I haven't been to a museum in a while," her mother beamed, pausing to coo at a stuffed lion on display. "Grandpa would have enjoyed it here."
Kagome gave a smile tinged with nostalgia, "yeah. He would have." She somewhat wished they could have just a normal outing together instead of her having an alternative motive for being there. At least Mama didn't seem to mind.
As they wandered around inside the large, ornate building, drifting from room to room, Inuyasha kept tugging at his red sweater, scuffing his sneakers on the marble floor.
"Inuyasha," Kagome nagged quietly, gritting her teeth.
"They feel weird!" He snarled back, voice sounding too loud in the quiet space.
"Yeah but you look super cool," Souta gave him a thumbs up, pausing his game. The younger boy grinned, tugging at Inuyasha's sleeve. "Hey, let's go look at the dinosaurs!"
The Hanyou blinked, "what's a…dino-saur?"
He was soon dragged away into the next exhibit, Kagome grinning after them. Mrs Higurashi ventured into the arts section to peruse the paintings.
With no one to accompany her, Kagome found herself free to wander, naturally gravitating to the old Japanese exhibit. With hope in her heart, she stuck like glue to the Sengoku period.
It was definitely a long shot that anything would be there that she could use to time travel. But after searching for a few weeks in corner shops and antique stores dotted all over Tokyo and coming up with nothing, Kagome had decided to try since Shippo remained frustratingly vague.
Blue eyes scanned over the wears, looking closely at the beautiful kimonos, tea sets, vases- the intricate scrolls and kamon crests. Weathered, tattered armour stood on display next to swords and various weapons from battles long since passed.
Kagome hesitated. A shoji screen stood behind a glass wall. Her heart quickened, blood racing through her veins. She didn't exactly understand how the time travel thing worked, but now she felt almost certain. The items must be calling to her in some way.
"It's too much of a coincidence," she murmured, staring at the white inuyoukais printed across the screen. Her fingers itched to touch.
Stepping closer to the glass, she glanced around. Great, now what? Do I smash it?
She squinted, catching sight of something at the top right-hand corner. It bruised the screen with a dark mark, as though the corner had been singed. Had there been a fire at the Western Stronghold? Fear and worry slammed into her chest, thinning her breath.
Was Sesshoumaru hurt? Just a minor fire? O-or something worse?
Kagome jumped when a loud noise pierced her hearing. The fire alarm blared loudly, filling up the rooms of the museum. She lifted her head when the sprinklers came on, dousing her in a light shower. Vague concern skittered through her. She wanted to know what the hell had happened of course, but…
Glancing at the shoji screen, Kagome's lips thinned. She probably wouldn't get this opportunity again. Slamming her foot into the display glass, Kagome grunted, drawing away. Of course it didn't budge. What was I expecting?
Looking around desperately, her gaze landed on a red axe. It was held in a container, meant to be used in the event of a fire.
"I don't see any flames, but it'll do!" Kagome breathed, feeling her hair get thoroughly soaked as she dashed across the room. Breaking the thinner glass container with her fist, she grabbed the axe, pulling it free from the brackets and hesitantly shaking the shards away. Hurrying over to the shoji screen once more, Kagome lifted the handle up.
Holding her breath- she slammed the axe down. A crack appeared in the glass. Kagome grunted, trying again. She'd become soaked by the downpour by now but the miko didn't stop- bringing the axe down one more time. The impact sent the glass flying as it caved in. Shards spilled everywhere.
Kagome could hear voices approaching from the hallway. Desperately reaching forward- she discarded the axe and placed her palms down on the screen. The inuyoukai seemed to ripple and dance beneath her fingers. Solid material gave way to water.
Kagome dipped forward, falling through the screen. The waters swallowed her whole, until the blaring room was left empty.
Steam curled from the large tub that had been placed in the centre of the room. Sesshoumaru sat behind his shoji screen at his low desk, pouring over various scrolls. He'd been working nonstop for who knew how long, double checking battle plans and negotiations for alliances- scrapping the few that wouldn't comply with his demands.
He'd been heedless of the servants as they'd prepared a bath for him despite the hot-springs readily available on the property. Sesshoumaru simply wasn't interested in relaxing. Bathing in the tub meant he could wash and organise at the same time. Much more convenient. Unfolding his legs, the demon rose, sighing as he ran a clawed hand through his hair. His muscles cried out- stiff from remaining in one position for so long.
Loosening his obi, Sesshoumaru stilled when a loud splash caught his attention. Water sloshed over the side of his tub, spilling onto his immaculate wooden floor. Narrow golden eyes swung to the silhouette that had appeared behind the screen. Sharp claws lengthened, and his lips tilted up- quite pleased at the prospect of killing the intruder- before his muscles locked.
"Did I make it?" A woman coughed, her voice achingly familiar.
His heart quickened. Suddenly everything zeroed in on the new presence.
Sesshoumaru padded to the edge of the screen with measured steps, folding it back with treacle immediacy to reveal the miko that had haunted his dreams.
She rubbed the moisture from her eyes, her soaked hair further obscuring her eyes. Dark strands clung to her cheeks, full mouth slightly parted.
He couldn't help but reach out- nails skimming her forehead while he lifted her bangs aside, brushing them away. Kagome blinked owlishly up at him as she slowly gave a warm smile, her relief palpable.
Sesshoumaru stared, drinking in her image. He knelt beside the tub. Sliding a hand into her hair, his breath caught.
"You're back."
His mate nodded, touching his striped wrist. She gently brushed her thumb over the magenta markings. "I'm back."
Firm lips crashed to hers a moment later. The touch of her mouth scattered battle plans, strategies and army tactics to the wind, and if only for a moment, Sesshoumaru lost himself completely in her.
Curiously however, the water stirred. It then lurched up with a loud thrash as a figure broke the surface. Droplets spilled into the air as Kagome screamed in surprise.
"Ach! W-what the fuck, Kagome! Where the hell are we?"
And that was how Sesshoumaru almost succeeded in killing his half brother.
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thanatosaria · 8 years
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teefa85 · 5 years
Second Section of this little scavenger hunt.  Same rules...I can use a picture from any show or game, as long as I can identify them, even if I haven’t seen it personally.  Since it’s a hunt more than a “I want a pic of this chara”
Character Situations
Main Character The main character of any show or game.  If there are two characters counted as the lead, you can use either of them! FOUND...Sword and Shield Male and Female protagonists with Lillie
Main Antagonist Now, as Anime sometimes shift who the Main Antagonist is (due to subordinates taking over after a main villain dies, or even just new antagonists every arc) and games do this from time to time too, as long as the person spends some time as the major threat in the heroes’ eyes, it will count. FOUND...Shigaraki with Himiko (Hero Aca)
Two Cosplayers as a Canon Couple Now, I know “canon” can sometimes be debatable when it comes to a series.  Therefore, we’re only going for 100% verified couples who get together by the ending, between a show/game and a sequel series, or they’ve been stated to be romantically involved by the creators themselves.  So for characters who appear to be canon but don’t officially get together (such as Ark and Ivy from CIMA...I know you don’t know who they are but that means nobody is going to complain about me using them as an example), they wouldn’t count. FOUND...Alm and Celica (Fire Emblem Echoes)
Two Cosplayers as a Non-Canon Couple This is for any couple that 100% DOESN’T get together (usually because one or more of them are involved with someone else, or the show/game isn’t romantic in nature).  Again, that means you can’t use people (like, again, Ark and Ivy) who seem to be canon but aren’t 100% confirmed, as they exist in a gray zone between canon and non-canon.  However, if the character is from a Harem that doesn’t answer who the MC canonically got with, any of the characters would be fair game (unless one is heavily implied to be the canonical love interest, but then you could use any of the other characters).  You should probably try to choose a pair that is clearly playing them as a couple.  However, if you can’t find any, feel free to choose any pic of two people you ship together, or possibly just make finding a duo acting romantic as bonus points.  But...nothing with any extra characters in it (unless you’re playing it off as an OT3, OT4, etc.). FOUND...Ophilia and Therion (Octopath Traveler).  Hey!  I’m in one of these!  The non-canon couples were pretty dry this year and this is my favorite ship for her.  Even if we didn’t take the pic as a shipping pic.
Cosplaying Family Sometimes, the parents who cosplay will do a family cosplay with their kids.  This must contain at least one adult and one child or teenager, and they must be in costumes from the same game or show!  Not a family where one parent went as Kagome, one child went as Deku, and the second child went as a Pokemon Trainer. FOUND...Robin, Tharja, and Morgan (Fire Emblem Awakening)
Guy With a Giant Weapon It can be wide.  It can be tall.  It can even be both!  As long as the damn thing is nearly as large or larger than you (or at least as large as your convention rules will allow) it can work! FOUND...Breath of the Wild Link with a Lynel Sword (Legend of Zelda)
Character With Lots of Weapons He doesn’t have to naturally carry them all on him in the game/show.  Or even be a dude!  But as long as you see someone running around with at least 3 weapons, you can use it! FOUND...a Cloud getting weapons ready for a fake duel (FF7)
Superhero I don’t care if it’s an American Comic Book hero, a Magical Girl, or a Japanese take on the American Super Hero!  If the character can be classified as a Super Hero, you can use them! FOUND...Tsu (Hero Aca)
Magic User Tomes, Staves, Scrolls.  Healing or Destruction.  Human or Non-Human!  If the character’s power is over mystical forces, they fit! FOUND...Flonne, Fallen Angel Version (Disgaea)
Deity Character They can be a god or goddess who shaped and created the world.  Someone with limitless power.  Or even along the lines of “nigh immortal and doesn’t consider themselves divine but is considered a god.”  Just as long as they’re seen as divine by someone within the universe.  Demon or Youkai Gods do count if that’s all you can find. FOUND...A Konosuba Group, so that means Aqua was there (Konosuba)
Dragon Character They can be in a full dragon suit, use body paint, look human but have some draconic features such as wings or a tail.  Or even just be fully transformed into their human form.  If the game or show classifies them as a Dragon, they work! FOUND...a hilarious pic of Corrin and Azura doing Jojo Poses due to a botched FEH summoning ritual (Fire Emblem Fates)
Demon Character Good Demons or Evil Demons, it doesn’t matter.  I’d even count Youkai in this mix if you manage to find someone from a series that focuses on it (there are usually a few Touhou characters running around).   Just as long as their series of origin classifies them as a Demon in some way. FOUND...Rin, actually in full Demon Mode (Blue Exorcist)
A “How Do They Battle Evil in This?” outfit Sometimes...games and anime make no sense!  Too skimpy!  Dress too long!  Complete fashion disaster where their only victories should be due to making the enemy laugh so hard!  It all can count as long as you or other people ask this question about them. FOUND...Judith (Tales of Vesperia) although she was also with Flynn who definitely does not count on this!
Pokémon Trainer They can be an actual character in the games or anime, a representation of one of the Trainer Classes in the games, or even just someone wearing normal clothes but running around with Pokeballs and at least one plushie!  Although, you can choose to only go for actual characters or classes, or make getting one of them a bonus point. FOUND...Red with a Pikachu and Charmander
Any Pokémon Design Reinterpreted as Clothing Seriously!  I’ve seen some creative things, such as the Hoenn Weather Trio being reinterpreted as a Kimono (Kyogre), a Samurai (Groudon), and a Ninja (Rayquaza).  People who cosplay actual Pokemon usually do an amazing job at capturing their chosen ‘mon in human outfits. FOUND...Schoolgirl Scorbunny
Animal Companion Any animal that might assist the heroes, regardless of whether or not they are the game or show’s mascot.  Even if that character is only around for minimal time, if they appeared and helped out, they count! FOUND...Rubble, Sky, Marshall, Chase (Paw Patrol...no, really, they even helped cheer up a crying baby at one point)
Mascot Character The opposite of above!  It’s a mascot, regardless of whether said mascot is an animal, a mechanical lifeform, or even a mecha!  As long as it’s very synonymous with the series of origin, it works! FOUND...Detective Pikachu (Pokemon)
Fursuit Whether they’re portraying an actual animal character or their own furry avatar, it doesn’t really matter.  As long as they’re in a full on fursuit that you have to hand it to them for wearing even in the summer! FOUND...Susie (Delta Rune)
Group of Bishonen Doesn’t all have to be from the same series.  As long as a group of friends are portraying a bunch of hot guys, it fits.  Also, they don’t have to be the only people in the group, like if you got lucky and managed to find the entirety of a Reverse Harem’s cast which included the female lead they were all going crazy over.  As long as most of the people are playing guys, it’s cool. FOUND...Fire Emblem Lord Group (that also had Lucina and Celica)
Character From a Game That’s Not Out Yet As long as you took the picture before the game is out, it’s fine.  Even if said game is going to be coming out within a few days! FOUND...Kris and Ralsei (Delta Rune), though if you don’t think it counts due to Toby Fox’s vagueness on when the game will come out, I also did find Sonia from Pokemon Sword and Shield (because this fandom works crazy fast...there was also a Milo and two Wooloo running around but I didn’t get pics).
Jesus! No, really!  I’ve seen people cosplaying Jesus at many a convention! FOUND...I found him!
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phantom-julia · 2 years
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phantom-julia · 1 year
So I’ve came up with the team straight from your nightmares
Fomortiis, Ascended Idunn, Legendary Yuri and Legendary Sigurd.
All with at least a +1
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Armored March 3 sacred seal for everyone’s favorite demon king to help both him and Idunn move more than one space.
Distant counter for Idunn in case she somehow isn’t within the range of Far save.
Yuri and Sigurd work together well enough for Foul play to get some sort of use (bringing Sigurd back towards everyone else).
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phantom-julia · 1 year
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This was your fucking idea mister! Your going to keep the body you stole and your going to BEHAVE.
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phantom-julia · 1 year
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phantom-julia · 1 year
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So uh yeah the Yuri banner gave me two more Sigurds
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phantom-julia · 1 year
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He’s so much fun to use
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phantom-julia · 2 years
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No context only clown nose
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phantom-julia · 2 years
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phantom-julia · 2 years
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Also hi bby hi honey I’m squishing your face
Two on a free summon ticket oh the hype
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phantom-julia · 2 years
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