#rin&kakashi&obito if they were shifted up the timeline a lot
lesbiankoby · 2 years
tragic and shocking lack of obito&madara content in general
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kusunogatari · 5 years
[ Portal Peril || Chapter Three ] [ @abyssaldespair ] [ Uchiha Obito, Suigin Ryū, Namikaze Minato, Hatake Kakashi, Nohara Rin, Uzumaki Kushina, Uzumaki Naruto ] [ Verse: White Hands of Healing ] [ Previous || Next ]
“All right...it was here.”
“You’re sure?”
Obito gives a nod, gesturing to a nearby tree for his teacher’s benefit. “See that knot? I remember that specifically...and the dip in the path.”
“So, where were you standing?”
Adjusting himself a few paces, Obito checks his positioning. “...here.”
“And the portal?”
“...here,” he confirms, moving to gesture to the proper air space. “About chest height. And then she just...collapsed through, facing back toward Konoha. I was on my way back from that recon task you sent me on.”
Minato nods, brow furrowed as he thinks. “Well...at least you’re able to narrow it down pretty well. I think our biggest concern will be the depth placement. You know the height, and the angle given your view. But the exact degree out from you might be tricky.”
“That’s what I was thinking.”
Minato takes a few paces around the chunk of the road, trying to pick up any scraps of chakra with his sensory skills. “...well, I think there’s not much left to glean here. Do you mind showing me Kamui proper?”
“Of course.” With a surge of energy, Obito takes them through into the darkened world of his Sharingan’s dimension.
Curiosity alights the Yondaime’s eyes. “...so, to your knowledge, only your Sharingan can access this plane…?”
“Yes sir. I’ve never seen or sensed anyone else here unless either I or Kakashi bring them through.”
“So Kakashi can also access it despite not having Uchiha blood...interesting.”
At that Obito gives a small, humorless huff. “Yeah...there’s still some disquiet in the Uchiha clan about that.”
“Yes, Fugaku has mentioned it...but no sense trying to repeat such a risky operation. Besides, Kakashi’s handicap would be greater than yours. His one eye alone serves him far less than yours.”
“And it’s handy when doing team work. Coordinating the ability between two people has its uses.”
“I’m sure.” Minato lays a hand against one of the cubic blocks of stone. “...such a strange place. It’s rather cold, isn’t it?”
“A bit. Guess I’ve never really noticed.”
“Well...I have a theory about how this all came to be.” Arms folding, he thinks for a moment to gather his thoughts in order. “...this dimension is utterly separate from our own, correct?”
“Yes. Once in here, I can’t sense anyone or anything outside it. And vice versa. But it’s coordinates seem to, in some sense, line up with our world’s...but almost...smaller?”
“I can use it to jump distances a lot faster. Ten paces in here is far more in our world. Makes traveling a lot simpler if...I know where I’m going.”
“...fascinating,” Minato muses. “...but if I had to guess...this Kamui is not the same Kamui Ryū-san was placed into originally.”
“Think about it. We know of one timeline beyond our own, now. The one she came from. But who’s to say how many others there are? If the theories of parallel universes are to be believed, then there could be an infinite number of other Obito, most or all with access to Kamui. Assuming they both have their eyes, and unlock the ability to use them. With those odds...surely, somehow, either you or this other Obito that we know of would have seen another Obito at some point. But only just now have we seen evidence of another person accessing a Kamui outside their own dimension.”
Obito’s brows furrow, a hand at his chin. “...so...you think that these Kamui dimensions somehow...align?”
“Yes. If what you said about the coordinates matching but at a smaller ratio are true...then it stands to reason that this dimension butts up directly next to our own. My best theory is that all Kamui are somehow...touching. But only along one axis. Thus, when a hole is made at the same place, and the same time -”
“- it forms a tunnel between the timelines.”
“Exactly. So, when you and this other Obito happened to line up your teleportation, it created a window where those two Kamui dimensions align. And Ryū slipped right through it. Hence why having the right angle, height, width, and depth are imperative. We might be able to overlap and adjust, but...unless they are along that same axis, we’ll miss it.”
At that, Obito sighs gustily, wilting ever so slightly. “...this isn’t going to be easy.”
“No, it’s not,” Minato replies gravely. “But it’s imperative we return Ryū-san to her own timeline. The possibility of paradoxes and other space-time conundrums occurring with her here are too high. It might destabilize our timeline.”
“And besides that...she’s not happy here. It might be the same world, but...it’s not the same people, or experiences. She needs to get back to the people she cares about.”
A nod. “I’m sorry, Obito...but everything else will have to be put to the side until we fix this. You and Kakashi can take shifts and keep trying to open the right portal. I just hope that this other Obito is still working...we won’t be able to tell until we link up the portals.”
At that, Obito thinks back over the traveler’s words.
“...he’s my whole world. I’m not sure there’s any separating us now.”
“...I’m willing to bet he won’t stop until he finds her,” the Uchiha murmurs somberly. If his dedication is even a fraction of hers...nothing will keep him from reaching her.
The thought is...sobering. And maybe a bit melancholy. Can two people really feel that strongly…?
Observing his student’s expression quizzically, Minato murmurs, “...best to head back and get started, then. We shouldn’t waste any time.”
Once back upon their home plane, Minato sighs, hands on his hips. “...you want to take the first shift?”
“I’ll go rendezvous with Kakashi and send him your way. You two can discuss our theories and figure out shifts.”
Obito nods, watching his teacher flicker back toward Konoha before turning to the section of road in question. Nothing left to do but start trying.
In the village, Ryū and her two escorts finish their tea. Rin has been subtly grilling her new companion about seemingly-innocuous aspects of her life to try to get a glimpse into another plane. In turn, she offers tidbits of their own for Ryū to compare to.
“I won’t lie...sounds like your world’s faced its share of hardship compared to our own...and that’s with you leaving so much out,” Rin murmurs, arms loosely folding as they stand to leave.
“It hasn’t been easy,” the younger medic murmurs. “But things seem to be getting better now. I just hope it’s a continuing trend.”
“Are you sure you can’t give me even a little hint about the other me?” Rin then asks, hands clapped together and giving her best puppy dog eyes. “I’m so curious!”
Ryū’s face, in turn, grimaces just a hair. “I don’t want to, uh...risk anything. The only reason I can talk about me is because no one here seems to know me.”
“That’s so strange...guess you must have just had a way different path in this timeline,” Rin muses.
“Or there’s a possibility there isn’t another one of her,” Kakashi offers. “The difference may be that one of her lineage was killed, and she was never born. She might be the only Suigin Ryū in this timeline.”
That earns a surprised blink. “...I guess I didn’t really consider that,” Ryū admits.
“Oh! But if you were...would that mean you could stay?”
She jolts. “...uh…”
“I mean, it wouldn’t lead to any overlap!” Rin points out.
“I...I guess so, but…”
Kakashi, glancing between the two, puts a hand on his lover’s shoulder. “I’m not sure Ryū really wants to stay, Rin. She has a life in another plane, remember?”
“Oh, I know, I just…” There’s a small sigh, her form deflating. “We’re getting along so well so far...I feel like we’d be really good friends, you know?”
Considering the other Rin’s fate, Ryū can’t help but wilt, not having a reply.
Startling, she turns around as a chakra signature simply...appears. “M-Minato-sama!”
“Ah, sorry,” he offers with a smile. “I use my students as hiraishin points. Makes finding them a lot easier.”
Ry�� blinks, recalling Obito’s tale of Minato doing the same during the fourth war. “...I...guess that makes sense.”
With that cleared, the Yondaime turns to his student, sobering. “Obito is getting to work on trying to open the mirrored Kamui portal. Best you go check with him and arranged shifts. We’ll need your help.”
“I figured as much,” the Hatake offers with a nod.
“Just follow the main western road, you’ll find him. It’s not too far, maybe a mile or two. He’ll explain everything when you get there. For now, I need to get back to the administrative building - I’ve been away too long as it is.”
“Hai.” Watching his teacher flicker, Kakashi turns to Rin. “Well...see you later.”
“Be careful. And tell Obito not to work too hard!”
Giving a mock salute, Kakashi heads out.
“Well,” Rin muses, a thoughtful hand at her chin. “I’m off today from any missions or hospital work...so I can stick with you. I guess if this takes more than a day - and it likely will - we’d better figure out someplace for you to stay!”
Ryū can’t help but balk a bit sheepishly. “I...I don’t want to be a bother -”
“Oh, nonsense - you can crash at my place,” Rin assures her. “It’s just an apartment, but it’ll do for while you’re here! Otherwise...I guess we’ve got free reign. Anything else you feel like doing?”
The Suigin hesitates. Left with just Rin, she feels a bit more...at ease being honest. “...to tell you the truth, I’m not sure...I just…” Teeth nibble her lip anxiously. “All I can think about is home. Worrying when and...if I’ll get back.”
“Aw, don’t worry - between Kakashi, Obito, and Minato-sensei, we’ll get you there,” Rin replies, tone and smile confident. “We just have to be patient. But I understand you being worried. So how about I work on trying to keep you distracted, ne?”
“But I -?”
“No buts! Consider this my mission while you’re here,” Rin cuts in, grinning. “The boys are busy working on that portal, so I’ll be your keeper while you’re here!”
At that, Ryū can’t help but relax a hair, smiling wearily. “...thank you, Rin-san.”
“Aw, no need for formalities - like I said, I feel like we’re gonna be fast friends!”
After a tick, Ryū thinks back to her title for the Kakashi back home. “...how about...Rin-senpai…?”
Ambers blink, going round before she laughs. “Well...I guess that makes sense! I’d probably be about that for you if we were both medics here in Konoha, ne? So, you mostly work in the hospital, right?”
A nod. “I sometimes do aid missions, but...yes, I work mostly in the village.”
“Well, I guess if worse comes to worst, you could always do a shift there to keep your mind off things. But in the meantime, I’ve got a better idea!”
Ryū follows curiously as Rin leads her into a more residential part of the village. It’s not quite the same way to her own home (which she wonders is occupied by whom if she’s not here), and soon enough Rin gives a door a knock.
“Coming!” a feminine voice calls, and they can hear some bustling before it finally opens.
Beyond it, grinning foxily with red hair up in a tail, is none other than Uzumaki Kushina. “I thought I sensed your chakra, Rin! And, uh...who’s this with you?”
“She’s...someone from out of town,” Rin replies vaguely. “Her name’s Suigin Ryū. I’ll explain more inside, okay?”
Brows lift in surprise, but Kushina nods. “All right - now you’ve got me curious! Come in, come in, ‘ttebane!”
Feeling sheepish all over again, Ryū just follows like a child into the tidy house. It’s...not exactly what she would picture a Hokage living in, but it seems to suit them.
“So, what’s all the secrecy for, Rin-chan?” the Uzumaki asks, sitting at the table and gesturing for them to do the same.
“Well, given you’re sensei’s wife, I’ll assume you’re at least somewhat knowledgeable about space-time ninjutsu?”
A kind of knowing alights her face. “Ah...is this one such issue…?”
“Well, Obito accidentally let in someone from another timeline with his Sharingan,” Rin offers, a hand gesturing to Ryū. “We’re not sure what kind of impact it might have, so...we’re keeping it just between us.”
“I see...how interesting…!” Kushina then looks to her other guest. “How...similar is this world to your own?”
“It’s the same world,” Ryū offers. “But...it seems the timeline is pretty different. I recognize quite a few people, but most are quite changed from back home.”
“And yet no one seems to recognize her,” Rin adds, leaning her chin in a hand thoughtfully.
“The mystery grows!” Kushina seems to mull that over. “...well, if you’re to be kept a bit of a secret, you’re welcome to stay here as much as you’d like! I’m sure Minato is in on this…?”
“Yes, Obito came to him first for advice. He and Kakashi are both using their Sharingan to try to open the portal back up between the planes so Ryū can go home.”
“Hm...if I know anything about space-time, it’s that it can be finicky...well, until we get this ironed out, we’ll just have to adjust as best we can.”
“She’ll be staying with me otherwise,” Rin clarifies. Then, with a grin, she offers, “She’s actually rather familiar with one of our own on the other side.”
That catches Kushina’s attention, glancing over as Ryū balks. “...oh?”
“Seems she’s pretty fond of that world’s Obito!”
The redhead brightens. “Really? That’s so sweet! Can you tell us more about him…?”
Ryū hesitates. “I’ve, um...being trying to avoid crossing any wires between the timelines. I don’t want anything to be...influenced?”
“Ah...that’s a good point,” Kushina admits, still looking a touch disappointed as Rin had. “Well...it’s getting a bit late. You two want to stay here and help me with supper? We’ll make enough for everyone and just stay here for now. You and Rin can head back afterward, hm?”
“I’m not about to miss out on Kushina’s cooking!” Rin agrees. “You don’t have to help if you’d not feeling up to it, Ryū-san.”
“Actually...I’d like to.”
The three get to work, Kushina sending a note to her husband about the plan with a request to let Obito and Kakashi know. To their surprise, Obito himself shows up a bit early.
“Kakashi’s taking a shift,” the Uchiha offers, smiling tiredly. “I told him I’d bring him a bento, if that’s all right…?”
“He really should take a break with us!” Kushina insists, arms crossing.
“Well, I only just stopped, so...he wants to get more done before we both need to sleep for the night.”
“All right, all right...you sit and rest, though - I’ll have Naruto run the bento out,” she then insists, pointing menacingly with a wooden spoon. “He got home this afternoon and had a nap, it’ll be good for him.”
“Okay,” Obito relents, looking a little sheepish.
“Ne, Ryū-san? Mind making sure he hasn’t overworked himself?” the redhead then asks, making Ryū look up from the vegetables she’s chopping.
“Um...sure!” Wiping her hands on a towel, Ryū moves to take a seat beside him, a hand lifting to flare chakra against his brow.
Ever so slightly, he tenses.
“Don’t worry, I’m just checking your levels,” she assures him with a soft smile. “Any, um...progress?”
“No...not yet,” is Obito’s disappointed reply.
“Well...it’s only been a few hours. And I guess the only progress is to actually find it,” she muses quietly.
Unsure what else to say, Obito just sits quietly as she looks him over. “Your chakra is...white?”
“Mhm. It’s an aspect of my bloodline. It’s also why I look the way I do,” Ryū explains. “The chakra from our sage teacher is so...potent, it affects the visual aspect of both our chakra, and our appearances.”
“Huh...interesting.” After a pause, he can’t help but ask, “So, uh...does your Obito have to get sat down like this a lot? Rin’s always chiding me about overworking myself, heh.”
Glancing to him with a hesitation of her own, Ryū offers, “...sometimes. He, um…” How to explain without saying too much… “He’s not often...in a position to get too tired. At least, not when it comes to chakra.”
“Oh? Is he not a shinobi?”
“Well...yes and no. It’s...hard to explain,” she vaguely replies. “...sorry, I just don’t want to, um...risk saying more than I should.”
“That’s all right. Just can’t help but be curious,” he replies with a grin. “I mean...sounds like he’s quite a bit different than me.”
“...he is. But there’s still some aspects that are the same.”
“Oh yeah?”
A nod. “...you have the same smile.”
That makes him pause.
Letting her chakra fade, Ryū sits back. “...he just...doesn’t seem to smile as often as you.”
“Oh...not a very cheery guy?”
At that, Ryū lets her gaze fall, expression downcast. “The Obito I know, he...he lost a lot. And I mean a lot. I can’t really explain, not without possibly altering something here, but…” She sighs. “...his life has been a very tough, lonely one. Full of pain, and loss, and broken dreams. He fought for so long for an ideal, and in the end...it wasn’t what he wanted. Not truly. Now, he’s left with so little...and…”
Some kind of understanding blooms across this Obito’s face. “...that’s why you’re so worried about him.”
“...in a lot of ways...I’m one of the few things he has left,” she murmurs. “...I’m afraid of the lengths he might be going to to find me. I just hope he’s all right...he must be so scared…” Against her will, a few tears bead along her lids.
That makes him backpedal. “I...I’m sure we’ll get you back soon! And...if he’s really been through so much, then surely he’ll be all right.”
“...I hope so…”
Obito sighs. “...he’s lucky to have you.”
She looks up, a tinge of confusion in her gaze.
“You seem like a very gentle soul, Ryū-san. If this Obito is hurting so badly, then...seems to me like you’re just what he needs. Someone to help ease all that pain. I’m glad he doesn’t have to be alone anymore with you around.”
Something slackens in her expression.
“...a-anyway! Uh...so I’m all good, huh?”
“...yes, your levels are low, but expectedly so, and not to any worrisome extent. But get a full night’s sleep, okay?”
“Yeah...yeah, I will. Thanks. Say...can I see that chakra again?”
Ryū blinks, them lets it spark along a palm. “...like this?”
Nodding, he lets his Sharingan flare. “...huh, it looks white through my eye, too. I’ve never seen someone with white chakra before. It’s a clan trait…?”
“You could say that. There’s...not much of a clan left.” As the chakra fades, she closes her hand, staring at it. “...my village was wiped out during the third war. That’s why I ended up in Konoha.”
“...I see. I’m sorry.”
Her head shakes. “I’ve long since made peace with it. It was...a long time ago.”
Obito studies her for a moment. “...have you considered...trying to find it here?”
The blunt reply makes him jump. “...why not?”
Expression threatening to crumble, she curls her hand at her chest. “...I don’t think...I could handle it.”
“...why not?”
“...either I would find out that my village is gone, destroyed again, empty and lifeless...or I’d find it alive and thriving. And...no matter which, I’m not sure my heart could take it. If it’s gone...it would be like losing it all over again. And if it’s still here...if it wasn’t destroyed…” Her jaw grits against the traitorous thought. “...I might...have trouble leaving...I can’t tempt myself like that.”
“...even if it made you happy?”
“...it’s not just my happiness I need to consider,” she replies softly, letting her tension lessen. “...there’s someone who needs me. And I need him. I won’t betray him, even if it means having back everything I’ve lost.”
Eyes wide in surprise, Obito considers that silently as Kushina calls Ryū back to help carry dishes to the table. Minato arrives a short while later, Naruto woken and sent on his jaunt to Kakashi. The rest of them sit around the table and enjoy their meal. But no one seems to notice the quiet thoughtfulness of the prior pair.
Once dinner and dishes are done, Rin takes Ryū back to her place, thanking Kushina for her hospitality.
“Any time, dear! Come back soon - and make sure those boys keep working hard to get our friend home!”
“Will do!”
Back at her apartment, there’s a stalemate over arguing who gets the bed for the night. “You’re a guest! You take it!”
“It’s your house!”
“So my rules! And I say guests get the bed!”
The pair stare at one another, arms crossed...before breaking out into laughter. “All right, fine...you win,” Ryū admits with a sigh. “But tomorrow we switch.”
“Deal,” Rin grins. “But hey, maybe there won’t be a need for tomorrow, huh?”
“...I hope so.”
Curled up under the blankets, Ryū stares out the nearer window. It’s a foreign view, very unlike home...and yet still some of Konoha’s skyline. Part of her is sure she’ll never sleep, but the rest concedes to trying.
Eyes closing, she employs some slow breathing, mind still whirling. Obito...I’ll be home soon. Just keep trying...don’t give up...!
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     Aaand chapter three! This time featuring Kushina as our resident canonly-dead alternate, lol - and some probably nonsensical portal and timeline / universe / dimension shenanigans. I tried my best to make it make sense, but...who knows if that worked :'D This stuff's confusing, yo.      Also...other!Obito is learning more about canon!Obito. And uh...seems to be finding ways they're similar beyond a few shared traits ;3c That ought to be...interesting...      But for now, that's all I've got. I actually DO have this fic all outlined, and there's another four or so parts, depending on how word counts and the like all shake out. It's not a SUPER long idea. So it shouldn't take me too long to finish this up once...I have time to finish it up OTL As said before, life is being very busy and unpredictable as of late, so...I can't really say for sure. And I've got a few other hobby priorities for my bits of spare time I'm allotted, so we'll have to see how things go! But I wanna wrap this up as quick as I can to work on other projects. Cuz uh...I have a lot in mind, haha! Anyway, with all that said...thanks for reading!
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