444names · 3 months
Names generated from the list of castles article on awoiaf.org
Ackcroweep Ackpoing Aegal Aegod Aegon Aegrast Amblakee Anchmer Anchmeren Andares Andarfeld Antrooke‎ Apple Arest Arrone‎ Arrun‎ Arverwyn Ashold Ashordsprie Astack Astonrake Astwall Atendsgre Aterhallow...
Bance Bandsprive Bandstothre Bandst‎ Banes Barbreal Barde Bards Barfelver Barve Black Blakwater Blasters Blester Bleyholf Brestow Bride Briely Bring Brins Brivy Broadfaitt Brood Browsgriden Bureep‎ Burey Caide Caitall Caitt Cashort Cassfiew Casta Caste Casterry Castfirosby Castideent Caston Castonburne Castones Castotter Catchmer Catewke Cerhostach Cidandars Cidow Cidower Colad Coldfor Coldst Collones Colmaiden Cord‎ Cornwood Crack Cragarry‎ Crages‎ Crant Craterspeal Dandantach Darre Darrunst‎ Deenhold Delverstfin Dendfall Dendfort Dentre Dragolt Draidge Drastideld Draters Drendhal Driell‎ Dundforping Dyreeton Dyridend Everivy Everlad Eyhale Eyredges Eyrerly Eyriden Faidow Fallaw Fallhouse Feage Fearey Feark Feldcastone Flighgard‎ Gall‎ Garred Ghgarrood Ghtwood Glarpikeep Glestamble Gleton Glimar Glimmers Golaw Goldmone Golyhome Gongbown Gorth Grack Grackmaiten Gracktydell Grages Graide Graks Grammerhall Gramsgarry‎ Grass Grastletone Gredar Gredge Grenhallone Gren‎ Gridower Griftword Grimsterwyn Grone Grown Halend Hallon Hallown Hallownd Halls Hammer Hareen Harry Haston‎ Hastood Haver Haverhall Havestle Hayce Haych Hayfallorn Heagort Heard Hearrhalls‎ Hedart Hedford Hedforedge Heldforde Hellgarpse Helwood Helyhouse Herhals Hewood Highamble Highamsgrak Highgallone Highgatew Hight Hiling Hillarsfin Hill‎ Hislew Histagod Histles Histon Hiter Hiters Hoaten Holdfort Holdmort Hordeldmon Hordell Hordstons Hormood Horne Horpseager Horrideep‎ Horthrends Housead Houseaden Housearden Housear‎ Imard Imarkden Imsgramme Imsgrater Ingfins‎ Ingriver Intark Ircaster Irch‎ Ireep Ireepwood Ireepworn Irend‎ Irock Irone Irongrinst Ironwood Irood Irosby Irover Iroverrown Irowerm Iverhare Karpse Kehaletoth Kinewoone Kingsharre Lacer Lakent Laredge Lingbow Lonstorth Lontrongbow Loweep Lowerbers Lowinsporry Lowndston Lyhayfast Lyhorn Magong Magort Maidee Marhall‎ Mislen Mispeark Mitherruns‎ Mittswers Moadforth Monell Monter Mootagolong Mord‎ Mornfin Motages Motterhaver Nedfall Nehall Newall Neyre Nighgarp Ninspood Oadfass Oadforne Olden Oldstonbury Ollhosby‎ Oltumble Olyce Ounes Ouseager Ouseages Parry Pikeng Pike‎ Pinelm Pinsperhall Pointard‎ Pornwood Pykee Pykeent Pykeepdow Pykend Pykewkee Pykewkeep Racord Raiter Ranchmeriew Rategarree Reastleton Reaston Redars Redgrone‎ Ridengfing Ridenspeage Rident Ridge Ridow Ridown Rield Riellsking Rielych Riftwall Riftwor Righallace Rimarre Rinst Rintle Rislest Rislestong Roath Ronfarlan Rontrosby Ronwood Ronwoons‎ Roodst Roven‎ Rowetterm Rowsgatchon Runsperfely Sals‎ Sandee Sandfal Sand‎ Sards Sareep Sarth Seage‎ Searly Seastach Seastowee Shalt Sharkde Shasterly Shast‎ Shayst Shforn Sholt Shorn Shorthewood Shouse Silvins Skint Skyriden Snake‎ Snaks Soldcass Sollonew Sonew Souse Spebble Sperheld Spoing Spoint Sprimmerhar Sprivy Squarpse Stablark Stables Stace Stacerhall Stack Stackcrast‎ Stages‎ Stark Sterfel Sterwyl Stletonoake Stokewood Stords Strey Sumbeck Summe Summer Summerfeace Sunest Sunhategold Sunspoing Sunst Sunstonoat Sween Sweton Swood Swookeep Swor‎ Table Tager Tagolt Tokenstone Tones Tonewke Tone‎ Tonraverry‎ Tonspers Tummeren Twall‎ Twing Twood Upleton Upletonwood Vaidarrhor Vaire Vallor Vallorrigh Volowick Vulls Water Wathe Wath‎ Watterspood Wayfarhals‎ Weepwood Weton Whigh Whighgarp Whighport Whightsons Whill Whill‎ Whisle Whisletonst Whisping White Whiter Wickhayfass Wickpoing Widell Widenhal Willgate Wilving Winey Wingbown Wingrame Wingta Wintswer Woolt Woonoad Wormiter Wyndent Wyndstong Yreen Yreywat
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rinazhar · 3 years
THREADLIGHTLY is the thrift store I started. We believe in optimal intersectionality. The aim of THREADLIGHTLY is to work towards making the world a lot more inclusive, a lot more positive. We want to make a change and we are thankful to have like-minded people supporting us all the way. 
My main job scope besides handling finance, would be Social Media Managing and creating graphics for social media pages and adverts.
Currently, Threadlighly sits on the second floor of Queensway Shopping Centre. Although no longer non-profit, we still donate a portion of our sales every month to our chosen monthly beneficiary. Most recently, our beneficiaries have been The Project Hills, TwilightLOVE, ItsRainingRaincoats, and OogaChaga.
To learn more about the store, you may visit this page.
Applications used: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator and RoughAnimator, and Adobe Premier Pro
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rinazhar · 3 years
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@t.hreadlightly / @threadlightly
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rinazhar · 3 years
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this was for my third drop, where i was playing around with still videos and video editing.
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rinazhar · 3 years
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i animated these for my second drop as well, using my ipad and ipad pencil. these were my first ever hand-drawn animations. i’ve come a long way since then.
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rinazhar · 3 years
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these were the posts i made for the second threadlightly drop. i animated everything using my ipad and apple pencil. 
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rinazhar · 3 years
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this was the instagram promotion for the first ever we drop we had at SCAPE*. the posts were divided into a nine-grid post.
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rinazhar · 3 years
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this was the instagram campaign + posters to promote the store and store instagram when i first started threadlightly in 2017/8.
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rinazhar · 3 years
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you can visit threadlightly’s instagram page here.
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