#rio is 16 he’s japanese he’s from kyoto
mshoji-blog · 4 years
A paper by a Kyoto University mathematician that claims to have proven "the abc conjecture," an extremely difficult problem that has baffled mathematicians around the world for years, will be published by a mathematical journal edited by a research institute at the university, the institution announced on April 3.
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The abc conjecture is a proposition that expresses the relationship of factorization in prime numbers with addition and multiplication. It took eight years for the 646-page paper written by Shinichi Mochizuki, a 51-year-old professor at Kyoto University's Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences (RIMS), to be peer reviewed due to its novelty and abstrusity, but his proof is finally being accepted as correct.
The latest achievement is a feat akin to the solving of Fermat's Last Theorem in 1995, and the Poincare conjecture in 2006.
In August 2012, Mochizuki published four papers on Inter-universal Teichmuller (IUT) theory online. He claimed that with the use of this theory, which took at least 10 years since its inception to complete, many difficult problems could be solved, including the abc conjecture. While his claims attracted widespread attention, the concept he put forth was so innovative that it was even called "a paper from the future." In addition, to understand the IUT papers, one must be familiar with Mochizuki's previous work of 1,000-plus pages. It is said that only around a dozen mathematicians in the world have been able to understand the papers.
Through Kyoto University's public relations department, Mochizuki released a comment that it took him around 20 years to complete the proof of the abc conjecture, and also that "the solution to the abc conjecture is not just an important outgrowth of the IUT theory, but it proves that the IUT theory has enough depth to capture the deep nature of integers."
According to Kyoto University, Mochizuki's paper was accepted on Feb. 5 for publication in the journal PRIMS, which is edited by RIMS and issued by the European Mathematical Society. The paper is slated to be published in a special issue of the journal. Mochizuki is editor-in-chief of the journal, but was removed from the review process for his paper, for which a special editorial committee was set up.
Born in March 1969 in Tokyo, Mochizuki moved to the United States at age 5 when his father was transferred there for work. He skipped grades and started studies at Princeton University when he was 16, and then proceeded on to graduate school at age 19. He studied under Gerd Faltings, a winner of the Fields Medal hailed as the "Nobel Prize of the mathematics world."
After Mochizuki completed his Ph.D. at the age of 23, he returned to Japan, where he went from being an assistant at Kyoto University's RIMS, then an assistant professor in 1996, and then a professor at the tender age of 32. His achievements in arithmetic geometry were recognized early on, and he became the first winner of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Prize set up in fiscal 2004 for researchers under the age of 45.
Fumiharu Kato, a professor of arithmetic geometry at the Tokyo Institute of Technology, who knows Mochizuki -- a man who has stayed away from media exposure -- both professionally and personally, praised his colleague and friend. "The IUT theory (that professor Mochizuki proposed and used to prove the abc conjecture) can be said to be a 'revolution' in the math world. He's accomplished something for which no number of Nobel Prizes could suffice," he said.
(Japanese original by Shuichi Abe, Osaka City News Department, and Koki Matsumoto, Osaka Science & Environment News Department)
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fardell24b · 6 years
Rise of Weirdness - Part 58
September 16, 2181:
Warlock Peter Niersch of Nuremberg, launches an armed insurrection which he claims is in solidarity with the State of Aphrodite,...
April 22, 2182:
Crystal Star Fox announces the formation of a new calendar in the State of Aphrodite as a "break from the ruling patriarchy", fueling international attention...
June 21, 2182:
Japanese Prime Minister Oda Mitsuhide is assassinated in , signalling the growing divisions amongst the keiretsu/zaibatsu factions,....
August 22, 2182:
Hamalian Offworlder state declares war against the Sheratan, provoking one of the bloodiest wars in inhabited space, provoking concern about the stability of the interstellar states,...
October 23, 2182:
Chinese-backed Siberian forces led by (insert name here) proclaim independence at Isker, fueling tensions across the region,..
March 31, 2183:
Bologna Scandal; Vatican City officials claim that the State of Aphrodite is behind a rash of demonic possessions in Bologna, Italy,...
June 2, 2184:
Circassian Ghost Uprising; Tensions mount across the Caucasus after the ghosts of Circassian ethnic cleansing campaigns,...
April 3, 2185:
Order/Chaos by Ma Cixin is considered one of the most important novels of the century, detailing the cycle of violence and peace that permeates life in the Offworlder/ Transformed communities, becoming a major bestseller,...
January 26, 2185:
Ramallah Proclamation; Sunni-Shiite clerics vall for a ban on "regional interpretations" of the Muslim faith, fueling civil unrest,...
April 4, 2185:
Ralnar Disaster; Dimensional breach from Tezmet led by Yuxquy Picwip attacking Offworlder nation of Ralnar, showing that the issue of dimensional breaches isn't a purely Earth issue,...
March 5, 2186:
Mars Transformation Event a.k.a. Malacandra-Barsoom Event; Tensions mount after "Bland" Humans of Mars begin to mutate into beings resembling the Martians of Edgar Rice Burroughs, Ray Bradbury, C.S. Lewis, et al., fueling ethnic and sectarian divisions across the Inner Solar System,...
December 17, 2186:
Leung-wuxia (a.k.a. "way of the ghost") spell-fighting technique is developed in Singapore, as a means of evading weapons bans and biometric scans,...
July 14, 2187:
Warsaw Massacre; Polish officials report an attack by a Cockatrice/ Basilisk in Warsaw, fueling concern about the nature of Transformed wildlife,....
October 10, 2187:
Martian colonists proclaim independence from Earth, detonating a nuclear weapon to create and harness a "Hellstorm" at Olympus Mons,...
March 5, 2188:
Phnom Penh VR/AR Riots; "Hacktivists" launch a major attack against the game "Bordello Blues" citing misogynistic narrative and violence, shutting the game down for 3 hours,....
September 24, 2189:
Offworlder Stock Market Crash; Tensions mount across Inhabited Human Space, over the growing financial debts and credit afforded to humans, fueling fears of collapse of human financial interests,....
October 31, 2189:
Cologne Werewolf; Werewolves led by Walter von Stumpp launch an armed insurrection in Cologne, Germany, fueling anti-Transformed sentiments across Europe,...
January 18, 2190:
Swedish forces led by (insert name here) defeat invading Russian forces, sparking international attention,...
August 2, 2190:
Earth President Yukio Asanuma; Political records and investigation will determine that the State of Aphrodite was behind the assassination in Kyoto, Japan,...
December 16, 2190:
Scottish police officials in North Berwick, announce a major crackdown on vampires and neo-pagans, citing the need for "public safety and security",...
February 25, 2191:
Indonesian President Joko Yudhoyono is accused of "apostasy" fueling political and sectarian tensions in Southeast Asia,...
March 18, 2191:
Livingstone led by Daniel Orome announces its secession from the Earth government, fueling international tensions....
May 13, 2191:
Brazil passes the "Juventude Preciosa" (Treasured Youth) legislation in Rio de Janeiro, effectively banning the use of youth and clones from being used for life-extension technologies, fueling tensions between the United States and Brazil,....
May 23, 2192:
Japanese keiretsu/zaibatsu security forces launch "security actions" against Korean forces in Pyongyang, sparking fears of a war in the region,...
May 9, 2193:
Long Recession triggered; Offworlder financial investments collapse, as debts and financial speculation fails to make a dent in macro-economic concerns across inhabited Human Space, fueling anti-Offworlder sentiments,...
October 24, 2193:
Scientists in Manila, Philippines led by Debra Canalese perfect teleportation, instantly sending a test subject from Manila to Mexico City,
March 1, 2197:
Scottish police officials in Aberdeen, announce a major crackdown on vampires and neo-pagans, citing the need for "public safety and security",...
June 14, 2198:
"Age of Arcologies"; arcology environments as seen in Brasilia, Bandung, Kinshasa, Luanda, and Burroughs City, are seen as a major sign of modernity and economic prosperity across inhabited space,...
July 14, 2198:
Panic erupts as the town of Amherst, Nova Scotia and its residents vanish without a trace, fueling anti-Transformed sentiment,....
April 5, 2199:
Fighting erupts between Chile and Peru at Antofagasta, fueling a massive humanitarian crisis in the region,...
July 2, 2200:
Earth's government reports that the economy accounts for 24.27% of the overall Human-occupied space,...
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osamu1909 · 1 year
Tumblr media Tumblr media
when you’re 16 and it isn’t your fault for eating stars in the womb and then you get stuck with this freak when they try to take you back but he’s become so immune to the atmosphere of space that he doesn’t care if you stay or go. and also you don’t speak english and he doesn’t speak japanese.
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