#rip darius tho hunter is obsessed with sewing & still has NO fashion sense
drbtinglecannon · 2 years
Hunter's absolute obsession with sewing and him low-key bragging about getting neater stitches than Darius is what I'm gonna cling to rn
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"I-it's not like I don't wanna return! I just, uh, need a way to pass the time. That's all."
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And the way he chooses to pass the time is with a hobby Darius initially taught him and then Camila helped him further. The two adults that Hunter has the most connection to, combining into the main outlet Hunter uses to express and enjoy himself.
Anyway I'm normal about all of this.
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drbtinglecannon · 2 years
This week on "Dadrius can still win" I bring you:
Dana's newest art of the Hexsquad & Hagsquad, focusing specifically on Hunter.
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1. That outfit is FAR too fashionable to be clothes Hunter picked himself, or any other adult in his life would've for that matter (no offense to Camila, offense to Eda tho). From the nice dress shoes, to the fitted yet baggy jeans, the sleek jacket, sunglasses, and slicked back hair, this entire look screams "Darius picked it out for me :)"
2. Patches on the jeans & jacket, both a reflection of Hunter's current obsession with mending clothes but also that sewing is a part of his relationship with Darius, being the one who initially taught him & that Hunter observed enough of his handiwork to notably recall details of how it looked vs the sewing machine.
4. Hunter's demeanor. Hunter's a dork, that's what we love about him. Yes he's a competent fighter & has decent parkour moves & has confidence in his abilities, but he's not exactly suave or cool. That air he's got feels so much like Darius', with it being even funnier that Darius is also putting on fronts a bit with it.
3. The patches themselves!!! We got a King face, one polkadot patch & two striped patches (patterns are another fashion thing, aka something Darius cares about), a flower (that looks similar to the ones Willow has all over her jeans), the "Quitter Badge" that Eda made for her Bad Girl Coven that she offered to Luz back in "The First Day" (it took me FOREVER to read it before I realized it was a show reference. Also there's a second connection to the Clawthorne fam on his jacket), a Cardinal wing in the center of his back (rip Flapjack my beloved), and last but not least an abomination coven logo. Hmmm, that's a bit random isn't it! He's never shown a particular interest in abomination magic -- unlike how he has for wild magic -- but also the Coven system was a product of Belos, someone Hunter has finally cut off from his life. So. The abomination logo can only be a reference to Darius, otherwise Hunter has literally no ties to it so it'd make no sense being one of the patches on his jacket. And the fact he has that patch that can ONLY be for Darius feels like an extremely blatant reference to their relationship.
Edit: 3.A. The abomination patch is actually not the exact coven logo, it has a ponytail added to it, which is Darius' signature style. Further points to Dadrius with the abomination patch
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Anyway here's teen Darius to match because omg he's so fucking cute & a GOOBER. DARIUS HAS BEEN A LIFELONG GOOBER.
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Perry really cuts into the way Darius' cloak elegantly swishes behind him. But he can't be bothered to care when he has to Strike A Pose ✨ And All rn. His giant smirk with his hand cupping his chin is the best detail
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