#rip juan i'll always miss you sad pretty prince
earlgodwin · 1 year
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❝Because of the opium addiction and because of what he’s saying and because it’s so heartfelt and emotional, for the majority of that speech, it was quite singularly focused upon him. It was this torrent of thoughts rushing out of him that he’d been wanting to say for such a long time. And then finally, in that hug, everything comes to a head. That was quite moving. But, I’m not sure [Cesare] will reciprocate that. Through all of that walk, he was so rigid and just preparing himself to do it that he was not really listening to [Juan], I thought, on the day, but intentionally, in character. If he had listened to what he was saying, perhaps Cesare would not have gone through with the act of killing his younger brother, especially when they are apologizing for their bad habits and trying to help them become more comfortable with themselves.❞ (x)
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