#i just wish they had more screentime like...they managed to be the best bros on tv with few scenes
earlgodwin · 1 year
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❝Because of the opium addiction and because of what he’s saying and because it’s so heartfelt and emotional, for the majority of that speech, it was quite singularly focused upon him. It was this torrent of thoughts rushing out of him that he’d been wanting to say for such a long time. And then finally, in that hug, everything comes to a head. That was quite moving. But, I’m not sure [Cesare] will reciprocate that. Through all of that walk, he was so rigid and just preparing himself to do it that he was not really listening to [Juan], I thought, on the day, but intentionally, in character. If he had listened to what he was saying, perhaps Cesare would not have gone through with the act of killing his younger brother, especially when they are apologizing for their bad habits and trying to help them become more comfortable with themselves.❞ (x)
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rosekin · 5 years
Fire Emblem 1, or “The Marth Game”: My advice to everyone everywhere is to never play an RPG thats released on the NES. 0/10
FE2, Gaiden: I really wish this one wasn’t an NES RPG because it’s honestly really promising. Here’s hoping it gets a remake one day haha 2/10
FE3, Mystery of the Emblem, or “Marth 2″: NES RPG 0/10
FE4, Genealogy of the Holy War: Ah, a SNES RPG! Those are often good. Too bad this one has atrocious map design, boring characters, poorly balanced gameplay, inherent genetic superiority built into its royal units, and incest. c’est la vie, 0/10
FE5, Thracia 776: It’s not a BAD game exactly, but it is a game that was designed with the kind of “difficulty” that exists purely to sell strategy guides. 3/10
FE6, Binding Blade: Entering into the GBA Era, we have a game that is incredibly dull and has a lot of poor design decisions reminiscent of FE4. It gets points for including Roy from Super Smash Bros Melee, however. Bold choice, Intelligent Systems. 2/10
FE7, Blazing Blade: The prequel to Binding Blade, Blazing Blade is better than Binding Blade in every regard except instead of Roy, Binding Blade has 3 main protagonists and the only good one is the one with the least screentime. Lyn is a cool and interesting character, but Eliwood is too milquetoast and Hector is a dick. 6/10
FE8, Sacred Stones: It has good maps, good characters, an actual postgame, and introduces a feature that makes it far more replayable than previous games, Class Trees. No longer does every Mage become a Sage, for they could also become a Mage Knight. For certain base classes, this opens up a range of up to 4 possible options for their final class! Some people might complain that Sacred Stones is too easy, but I’ll take a game easy enough that I can use whatever party I want over something like Genealogy where units who aren’t mounted are absolutely worthless any day. No, the only complaint I have about Sacred Stones is the unfortunate misogyny in the writing surrounding Eirika. I highly recommend that if you play the game, you use the Restoration Queen fan hack(it also adds gay marriage which is cool.) 9/10, 10/10 with Restoration Queen
FE9, Path of Radiance: Ike game, baby. This is the Fire Emblem I’d recommend the most for sure. The first game in the series that’s not largely from the perspective of nobility who are in charge of armies, The central players to this plot is a small mercenary company. It’s a very refreshing change of pace. The only problem I have with it is in regards to the Fantasy Racism aspect. I’m the kind of person who would rather have, like, Racism With Furries in a game like this than Actual Racism being portrayed, and PoR honestly handles it rather well, but it always grinds my gears when they’re like “oh yeah mixed people are the most oppressed because the humans and the furries both shun them” like god thats not how it works. Aside from that, wonderful game. 9.5/10
FE10, Radiant Dawn: Ike 2, this time with co-protagonist Micaiah, the first female lord to not be a naive, softhearted damsel, who hails from the “evil” country from the last game. It’s hard to talk about without spoilers, but Radiant Dawn is very pro-proletariat. Also the “Ike gay” subtext becomes closer to being just regular text, and new character Heather is definitively a lesbian. This is, very unfortunately, the best Fire Emblem will ever do for gay rights. 10/10
FE11, Shadow Dragon: A remake of FE1 that doesn’t manage to throw off its shackles of being based off of an NES RPG, which limits its gameplay and story. 3/10
FE12, New Mystery of the Emblem: A remake of FE3 that is arguably worse than its original in some ways, and started the trend of having player avatar characters that ruin the plot by being overly significant. 0/10
FE13, Awakening: Very boring. Makes a lot of gameplay changes that absolutely trivialize the gameplay aspect, as if the bland map design didn’t do that enough already. Had to introduce difficulty modes that made all of the enemies insanely strong with busted skills because that’s the only way this game could be remotely challenging. The characters are bland, the plot is borderline nonsensical, and Robin ruins it all as well.This game also introduces new series mainstays such as homophobia, pedophilia, and rampant oversexualization of women. 0/10
FE14, Fates(Birthright, Conquest, and Revelations): A game so nice you buy it thrice! Fates manages to take a lot of things from Awakenings gameplay and improve them enough that they’d be worth maybe a 3.5/10, if it wasn’t for the fact that Fates continues, and actually increases, the homophobia, pedophilia, and rampant oversexualization of women, as well as adding our fourth horseman of the anime apocalypse, our long lost friend Incest who hasn’t been seen since Genealogy. It’s okay, though, because you just grew up thinking you were siblings, you’re not actually related(except for Azura, who is your actual cousin so that excuse wouldn’t even work). On the bright side, Corrin is actually the avatar character who fits reasonably in the plot so far, if only because the plot of Fates is so laughably bad even compared to Awakening. I could rant about so many things about this terrible terrible game, but it’s already taking up too much of my review post as it is. 0/10.
FE15, Shadows of Valentia: Finally, a remake of FE2, I can’t wait to see what they’ve done with it. It’s got really cool kinda choppy animation in the CGI cutscenes I like that. Wow, they managed to capture the innovative gameplay of the original while updating it to be far less frustrating... And they managed to update the already surprisingly interesting plot by... adding unnecessary characters and making it way more classist and sexist. Great. 3.5/10
FE16, Three Houses: The gameplay, quite honestly? Worse than Fates. The story... I like the characters, and it’s not really as problematic as Fates(hardly any incest to speak of, the sexualization of women isn’t quite as bad, the homophobia is less “depicting gay people in gross ways” and more “the only options for dudes are a base gametwink, a free DLC twink, and a paid DLC twink”). Really the biggest stumbling block is they took the pitfall of doing Actual Racism instead of Fantasy Racism, and then they really fucked up by portraying it far worse than Path of Radiance did Furry Racism. In Path of Radiance, the racist people who join you consist of Soren, who has a Distrusting Furries pass on account of being mixed(I already complained about this) and Jill, who is from Daein(the Bad People country) and has had her brain poisoned by propaganda. Ike doesn’t coddle her on this, however, and tells her to shape up or get the boot. In Three Houses, characters are allowed to be racist with no repercussions. Pretty much any and all character growth connected to Stopping Being Racist is carried out through completely optional support conversations. This? Sucks! It sucks! uhhh 3.5/10 as well
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tfw-no-tennis · 4 years
continuted hxh thotz
we watched more so i continue my ramblings 
so we finished the trick tower stuff and started on the stuff on the island where theyre all hunting each other....wow finally some hunting in hunter x hunter 
can i just say....fuck hisoka i hate that guyyyy oh my goddddd hes the worst. i just feel incandescent rage whenever hes on screen vhbjdshfjhbsd smarmy horny clown bitch. looooord. he invokes a similar emotion to part 1 dio tbh....like i lose my domestication when i see both those bitches 
oh god that part where hisoka had just spent like hours de-hornifying himself or w/e and he looks all crusty and dehydrated and then he spots that old guy who looks kinda ghibli and he just goes AFTER ghibli man....like hisoka literally had one of those wack ass super detailed faces and just started screaming and running at that guy...like man i wouldve died instantly on the spot. jesus 
gon remains best best perfect baby boy. every time he does something so cute and pure that my heart starts palpating, i get even more nervous for the shit hes gonna go thru someday 
gon and killua are literally soooo precious theyre just two lil boys!!! two lads!!! lad boys! augh i love how much theyre vibing all the time...like on the boat to the island when theyre like refusing to tell each other who their target is and then they both start laughing and then show each other....so precious
honestly im really enjoying how they dont really have a rivalry (yet?) - theyre not like ‘yes we are friends but we’re also COMPETING! so we cant be That nice to each other bc that wouldnt be fair! or w/e you know that typical shounen stuff. i only enjoy that sometimes and im glad its not a thing rn, and if it does become like that later i probs wont mind bc i feel like itd be done well 
so ruth and i caught on to the fact that that weird guy with the pins stuck all over himself was illuminati or w/e his name is (illumi? illumini? i forget already) but HOLY FUCK we both thought he was wearing a mask....god i wish that were the case, that face transformation shit was the WORST. sir why can you do that 
also when hisoka just watched this and was like ‘i always like seeing you do that’ or whatever god gross nasty i hate them
my take on the little we’ve seen of hisoka and illumitations relationship: theyre like the catty mean girls-types but Super Fucking Weird. idk if theyre gay togther (probably) but theyd be the epitome of a ‘is this allowed? [gestures at All That]’ couple. i had more thoughts on them but i forgt 
i find it funny that they havent shown killua like at all during this island hunting thing hvbhsdhfbjdk he probably has like 10 randos badges already. i feel like he would give gon a badge or 2 if gon needed them but that doesnt seem to be the case 
when hisoka spotted leorio and kurapika and went after them i was like [guy yelling NOOOOOOOOOOO meme] freal 
thank goodness kurapika could recognize that they would Fucking Die trying to fight hisoka, and bargained w/him instead. also seeing the flashback of leorio trying to fight hisoka was so funny. my man WHAT! were you thinking 
this is probably the stage that tonpa is getting out on and can i just say thank god i hate that guy. good riddance 
that sniper lady looked cool and im bummed illuminty took her out offscreen :( i also thought the black guy with the beehive stick thing was gonna do more but guess not
i find it funny that so many characters have these loud character designs but end up not having a lot of screentime...i feel like ive been conditioned by one piece to see an eye-catching character and mentally prepare to see a wholeass backstory lol
also. illunikn is clearly a huge freak which is probably why hisoka is willing to work w/him, but his design is weirdly cute sometimes (when hes not doing absolutely freaky shit, which....admittedly isnt often)
like the part where he transforms into his True Cat Man Form and then, without changing expression, digs a giant hole with his bare hands (with the body language of a feral person) and then gets into it to nap.....like.....bro. 
also ik illiminini is killuas brother (i think brother?) and wow that family has some strong Cat genes 
i find it interesting that hisoka has been working with illiimini this whole time, hisoka strikes me as a solo type of guy who would be all like ‘teamwork is beneath me’ and only have minions (a la dio, espec p1 dio) but he seems to have a fairly even relationship w/illuimian which is wild. i rlly wonder if thatll last or if hisoka is gonna like, murder/abandon ilubimi later bc he ‘gets in hisokas way’ or st 
i like that kurapika and leorio teamed up....married
i generally really like how the relationships between the main characters are handled, its sweet how theyre just like....generally nice to each other and stuff lol 
also oh my god i forgot that last time i hadnt seen the end of trick tower i need to talk abt that 
KILLUA MY BOY OH MY GOD....ive been waiting for this ngl. ily smug murderous catboy
i love so much how killua casually kills this ~*~scary guy~*~ and everyones like :0 but gon is just like yep thats killua! hes from a family of assassins! like the way he says it so casually and kinda cheery aw i love him. he doesnt even care that killua can murder people in 2 seconds flat, he thinks killua is AWESOME 
and oh my god i love how hard killua is trying like, all the time. he is trying his HARDEST to be AS COOL AS POSSIBLE for gon and thats adorable. its working too gon clearly thinks killua is SUPER cool 
the eternally hilarious part where kurapika asked what killuas secret tactic are re: ripping that guys heart out, and killua is just like ‘uh i just ripped it out. yknow...as one does..’ and kurapika is like wow im glad this murder catboy is on our side.. 
the psychology stuff in the trick tower was interesting as hell (catch me brushing off my psych minor like, oh yeah i know abt this stuff lol)...i like the stuff abt leorio getting discouraged/disgruntled when the majority ended up being against him a lot bc thats true!! thats how it works!! it leads to learned helplessness and stuff like that...also that animation of kurapika and leorio playing cards to explain the tough candle choice was sooo cute 
i really loved the solution to the final majority rule things....ingeniously following the rules while still managing to circumvent them in ways...love it
also gon is so perfect have i mentioned that already
im so curious whos gonna pass the hunter exam, i legit have no idea and i would find it so funny if gon becomes a hunter in the first goddamn arc hjhbdfhsdjbgk as ruth said, itd kinda be like luffy becoming pirate king in like chapter 70
i mean tbf if i had to guess id say gon passes, simply bc i cant see the story taking the time to have him do the hunter exam again in a year. also his motivation is to become a hunter in order to see what its all about bc of his dad - not JUST to become a hunter 
gons fishing rod is so cute. perfect item for a perfect boy 
his training was adorable. hes a smart lad! formidable baby 
the blooderflies were so cool and OH MY GOD how could i forget the part where gon had two blooderflies with little leashes on and had the leashes tied to one of his fingers....OOOUGHHHHGBSJFHSJBFUHEJKSDD bro my heart literally palpated like it does when my cat does something rlly cute, gon is seriously That cute and pure and good
every time hisoka is anywhere near gon i just wanna call the FBI on that clowns ass oh y god. pls leave ladboy alone....
anyways i love the main characters (HISOKA DONT INTERACT) and i cant wait to see what happens next. i might have more thoughts but coherency is not one of my strengths so bye
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miasswier · 6 years
miasswier’s ultimate glee ranking: no 45
45: Big Brother
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Written by: Michael Hitchcock Directed by: Eric Stoltz
Overall Thoughts: This was the first official episode of Blee! Or, at least that’s what the media saw it as. Basically, the first episode where Blaine has a storyline outside of his relationship with Kurt. And boy, was it awesome. Now, I know a lot of people were frustrated that so much time was dedicated to Blaine and his one-off episode brother, but honestly, I think they still gave Quinn a lot of screentime, and even managed to fit in a little subplot of Puck telling Finn to think about himself for once, as if he hasn’t been exclusively thinking about himself non-stop since the pilot episode.
What I Like:
Cooper is so goddamn funny. He’s such an awesome character because he’s literally such a dink. Of course, he’s a lovable dink, and in the end he redeems himself. Even though I definitely wish Cooper had come back, it also feels like his story is pretty complete within this episode. It would have been cool to get more, but I don’t feel ripped off because I didn’t get more.
“Lazy idiots”
“First of all I have no idea who Porcelain is referring to, I’m assuming it’s very gay and niche”
Quinn and Artie make pretty cute friends! The scene where Quinn is going up the ramp is particularly adorable.
Cooper’s masterclass
“A-bro-ham Lincoln”
“I just learned to walk three years ago”
Blaine gets a major storyline! I think this is the first time that Blaine is the A plot. I think why so many people didn’t jive with it is because usually when a particular character (not a couple) is an A plot, they still get a lot of screentime with everyone else. Almost all of Blaine’s screentime was with Cooper, who is a one-off character. So, in that sense, I kind of get why some people didn’t like it, but I am not one of those people. I love every second that Blaine is on-screen and I would kill for about twenty more episodes just like this one.
The “Up, Up, Up” sequence is awesome. In particular, Kurt running super fast in the background when they get to Six Flags.
Honestly just all the songs, the music is really good in this episode
The scene when they’re trying to figure out what to do for Senior Ditch Day (until Rachel makes it all about herself in the guise of making it all about Quinn)
Rachel shaking Tina’s arm when Blaine and Cooper are fighting in the master class.
That Klaine scene at the end and how cute it is that Kurt took one of the animals Finn won for Rachel to give to Blaine.
The scene at the end with Blaine and Cooper which is so cute and funny.
All the jokes about pointing your finger
Joe telling Quinn that he’s praying that she’ll find peace no matter her situation. Probably unpopular opinion time, but I think Joe could have been good for Quinn if they’d actually let them explore that relationship. Not so much in an endgame sort of situation, but for where she was at this point in her life.
They do something really interesting with Artie in this episode, which is that he’s trying so hard to get Quinn to accept her situation, but it comes across more like he wants her to accept it because he can’t accept that her situation and his may not be the same. Similarly, they don’t even allow Quinn the chance to consider that maybe this will be her situation forever. She is so hell-bent that she won’t be paralyzed forever, you can’t help but wonder why she feels like her life will basically stop if that is the case. She would never tell Artie that he’s going to be stuck in Lima his whole life because he’s in a wheelchair, so why does she specify that she’s going to get out of Lima when she’s talking about getting out of the chair? I think they dealt with a lot of really complex emotions in this episode, from both Quinn and Artie, and while it sucks that they were kind of left in limbo and basically never dealt with again (I would have loved Artie to confront Quinn about the fact that she can still live her life the way she wants to even if she’s in a wheelchair, but he’s still sorry that he pushed the idea of it on her so hard because he had selfish motivations in doing so), I think it was important that they put them out there in the first place. Neither Quinn or Artie deal with this situation in the correct way, but they’re both trying, and, I mean, they’re teenagers. I always find it so refreshing when Glee allows it’s characters to be real and flawed.
What I Don’t Like:
This episode basically had fuck all to do with Finchel and yet somehow they bookended it. Like, I get the opening scene, because they had to show us that they didn’t actually get married, but that end scene was just like…? Like, why did it end on this and not on the optimistic scene between Blaine and Cooper? Also, why am I supposed to care about Finn and Rachel trying to decide which one of them is more important in their relationship when Quinn and Artie are dealing with real issues that I actually care about? And also way more important stuff is happening throughout the school?
Seriously, though, I hate that Finn’s story for the next few episodes is “Your dreams – even though you don’t have any – are just as important if not more important than your girlfriends”. It comes down to the fact that he doesn’t know what he wants to do. So why is he (and Puck and Will) making such a big fucking deal about how everything’s been about Rachel? Rachel knows where she wants to go and what she wants to do. You don’t. Why should your hypothetical come before her reality?
Also, does Finn really need people to tell him he’s the most important person in the world? I mean, Will Schuester spent the entirety of the first two seasons doing that. Do we really need to be hit over the head with it some more?
One final also, I just don’t care about the fact that Finn and Rachel have both been told that they’re the only people who matter and now oops, they’re realizing that they can’t be the only people who matter because sometimes their desires are conflicting and oh no! How do we decide which one of us matters more when we’re both the center of the universe? I really, really, really can’t stand how they set Finn and Rachel up for these situations, because all of this drama could have been avoided if they just took a second and said “neither of us are the most important people in the world, okay, now let’s deal with our problems”
Ah, the return of old ass ladies hitting on teenage boys and being seen as sexy instead of predatory and creepy as hell.
I do wish they’d dealt more with the fallout of Quinn and Artie’s argument about her being in the chair vs making a full recovery.
I’m Still Standing: Such a fun song to start the episode off! I really love this cover
Rio/Hungry Like the Wolf: I really like this mashup and the performance is hilarious, but it still drives me crazy that they included the super autotuned part where Blaine goes “hungry like the wolf”
Fighter: One of the best Blaine solos! Love it so much, and its so fucking extra and dramatic. Ugh, so good.
Up, Up, Up: I like the performance of this one more so than the actual song, but it’s still fun and uplifting!
Somebody That I Used to Know: The original of this is one of my favourite songs of all time, so obviously having my favourite character sing it was a dream come true. I think they did it justice, and I’m really happy with how it turned out, even if the lyrics are a bit weird for brothers to be singing
Final Thoughts: If it weren’t for the Finchel/Individual Finn and Rachel elements of this episode, I think it would be a lot higher. I love the Quinn and Artie story, and obviously I love Blaine and Cooper’s story too. Also, it has a bunch of amazing one liners, like oh my god, I always forget but this episode is funny. Overall an awesome episode, though, and one I’ve watched way too many times to count.
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jercythesiscrying · 5 years
And that’s what you missed on Haikyuu!! | Misc. Haikyuu!! Characters, Gen, G, 1.1k
NaNoWriMo Day 26: Nutshell-Style Canon Retelling
Summary: An awful recap of Haikyuu!! done like nutshell-style 2000s fanfic. This is meant to make fun of HQ!! fandom/fanon/fic in good jest so please do not take it seriously. Can be read as gen or otherwise.
WARNING: Manga spoilers post-Shiratorizawa match, up to Chapter 292 just in case. All pairings can be read as slash or gen. Also includes a lot of my personal opinions because I wrote it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Read on Ao3
A/N: This was meant to cleanse my palette after doing AU Week. F’real, do not take this seriously. I wrote crackfic about a volleydong and this is worse than that. Just take the attempt at humour for what it is lol.
Un-beta’d and horrifically so, I apologize  /o\
Hinata is orange volleyball Naruto. His flaw is that he is too short. His power is that he can run across a court in literal seconds and can jump over double his height. He wants to become his idol, the Little Giant, a volleyball ace who’s short like him. He’s never called that though—in fact, he usually receives nicknames like shrimpy or shorty. He makes a lot of squawking bird noises when he’s excited. He also gets into a lot of trouble whenever he tries to go to a bathroom (at least his bathroom song is cute?).
Kageyama is Hinata’s rival—like Sasuke, but nowhere near as emo. He does have capital-i Issues, though. He’s the King of the Court, but he doesn’t want to be. He sorts out his problems during a volleyball match. He pouts a lot, which is very cute because he is also a blueberry. He has a setter soul and is extremely talented. His favourite thing to say is, “Hinata, boke!” (“Hinata, dumbass!”)
The two meet at the only volleyball match Hinata attends during middle school, where they decide they are each other’s destined rivals.
Surprise! They both attend the same high school, Karasuno.
Bigger surprise! They have freaky soulmate-like instincts that make them incredibly compatible on-court, so they’re dubbed the Weirdo Duo.
Kageyama and Hinata bicker and challenge each other a lot. One time they raced they accidentally ended up in another school. This is normal. One time they actually had a fistfight. That was not normal. They are Karasuno’s dumbest players, which is saying a lot quite frankly.
Daichi is the boys’ volleyball team captain. He is very responsible and sometimes acts like a dad by lecturing his team. (People forget that he has petty rivalries with other captains and accidentally set off a fire alarm once.) He is very buff. The author wants to be crushed by his thighs—many other fans agree with the sentiment.
Suga is the team’s vice-captain. He is very caring and nurturing, so he gets called the Team Mom. (People forget that he laughs at his teammates when Daichi is scolding them, or that he assumes when a girl holds his hand she’s asking for marriage.) He is very beautiful, like an angel.
Asahi is the team’s ace. Please don’t scare him—he has a lot of anxiety. He is the very definition of the “looks like he can kill you but is actually a cinnamon roll” meme. He’s quite capable when someone (usually Daichi or Nishinoya) gives him a kick in the ass. He hates that his so-called friends think he looks like Jesus with his headband on. The author wants to marry him.
Nishinoya invented rolling thunder as Karasuno’s guardian deity. He is the shortest on the team, but please don’t bring that up unless you’re looking for trouble. Please do call him senpai. He speaks almost exclusively with exclamation marks and has the cutest laugh on the planet according to the author. He will lay his life on the line for Shimizu Kiyoko (and also Asahi).
Tanaka is the resident baldy tough guy. He can be rowdy and irresponsible, but is also very headstrong and ultimately reliable in a pinch. His current arc involving a childhood female friend is making him act like a fuckboy and the author is very upset about this. He, too, will lay his life on the line for Shimizu Kiyoko.
Ennoshita is very tired rounding up fellow his second-years. Sometimes Daichi asks him to look after the first years too and that’s exhausting. He wants to become more passionate so he can be the next captain that Karasuno deserves. What he doesn’t realize is that he’s already plenty passionate—just look at all his movies!
Kinoshita and Narita are existing characters in this series. Please don’t forget about them. They’re both very good boys who deserve to be recognized more. Kinoshita should have more confidence and Narita needs more screentime. The author treasures these two second-years very much.
Tsukishima is a walking french fry: long, yellow, and salty. He could melt black ice with the amount of salt he has. Don’t worry though, he’s actually quite the tsundere—very soft beneath all the salt. He has dinosaur figurines in his room, therefore he is a nerd. His childhood best friend is Yamaguchi.
Yamaguchi is the team pinch server. He always does his best because he just wants to play on the court. Why anyone would keep him as a benchwarming pinch server when he explicitly states that he wants to be a team regular confuses the author greatly (just let him play during games!). His favourite food is soft french fries.
Shimizu Kiyoko is the most beautiful woman on the planet. This is just facts. She has an entire team that will die for her. She’s very athletic and cares about her boys a lot.
Yachi Hitoka is trying to stay alive. Please remind her to breathe so she doesn’t accidentally throw up her heart. She has a lot to learn but she’s ready to finally give something her all. She’s going to be the volleyball club manager!
(Sidenote: Yachi is in love with Shimizu. There is no arguing against this.)
Takeda is not Yuuri Katsuki. The author first watched Haikyuu!! after finishing Yuri!! on Ice and has to remind themself this sometimes. He’s probably not Little Giant, but bro, could you imagine if he was? He’s very passionate about the boys’ volleyball club even though he knows nothing about the sport. He is terrifying when angry and has the ugliest crying face ever as far as the author is concerned.
Ukai Keishin is not Takeda’s boyfriend, though hardcore fans desperately wish he was. He’s constantly getting set-up to meet other girls because his family wants him to settle down already (the author suggests that Ukai dates Takeda so he can finally stop their nagging). He probably needs a lot more rest because he keeps up with the volleyball team andworks at his parents’ store.
Karasuno has a long, ongoing rivalry against Nekoma High School, all of whom are cats (yes, even Inuoka, the only puppy on the team). They want to Battle at the Trash Heap and fulfill their old coaches’ wishes. Before they do, they have to defeat a Wall, the Great King, and not-actually-an-anime-villain-but-totally-sounds-like-one Ushijima Wakatoshi. Along the way the team befriends cats, owls, and other shitty city boys.
The tournament is coming up. Or already happening. (Sometimes both at the same time depending on how many fanfics a reader juggles.) Everyone is at a training camp. Those are the author’s favourites.
Karasuno is great, though they have a lot to learn before they’re ready to battle anyone at any venue. But the author believes that they can win the Spring High Tournament.
And that’s what you missed on Haikyuu!!
(More notes on Ao3.)
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