#risingsouls / nabooru
cxldtyrant · 7 months
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" At least it's only one. "
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Are you Cooler's type? - Closed
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"Try not to sound too disappointed, Gerudo," the Arcosian responded drolly, his obsidian lips curling into a smirk. He crossed his arms over his chest, his expression affixed with amusement. "I didn't realize you were interested at all, but I suppose I can understand wanting to trade up from an endangered animal to the scion of the Cold Empire. It would be a vast improvement."
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vicious-valor · 2 years
Malon: (telling link the Gerudo mask looks like her mom)
Me, knowing how these masks are made:
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kiealer · 1 year
@risingsouls​ said: 
*whispers threateningly* "You go wish your daughter a happy birthday or I /swear/--" 🧡Nabs
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❝...❞ He heard the whispers, and admittedly, the thinly veiled threat made him tense up. It reminded him of Tira’s tone when she was serious, and truth be told, she would surely be on his case as well if she knew he hadn’t said anything to Ninazu yet. ❝... Very well. I will tell her.❞
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Ganon (any beast form and/or calamity yeehaw ganon)
Fight or Flight - Accepting
"Fight, obviously." Gazing at her chipped nail varnish can't distract from the scowl on her lips, no matter how hard she tried to disguise it.
"It's my damn fault in the first place he got this far. The biggest regret in my life was I couldn't stop him before he got out of hand. It's the least I can do to kill the penrcra before he can kill anybody else."
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aeneasmuses · 1 year
@risingsouls​ continued from here
“Perhaps if you were more fond of fealty then you would be queen of this world.”
On top of this desert mesa the harsh, dry wind blew through his hair and cloak, causing it to billow. Despite half his chest being bared to the world, the Gerudo king did not so much as flinch as the blistering sands pelted his regal form.
“Instead,” he thrust his arm out, sweeping it across the horizon, “you remain nothing but the lowliest ghost. Naught but a myth to our own people. All these thousands of years and our people still remain in this accursed desert! That is on your head, Nabooru!”
Ganondorf strode forward, a half-snarl turning into a poisonous smile. He towered over his once-lieutenant and he placed his firm hand on her bare shoulder.
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“But this is all easily rectified. You simply need to join back up with me. Become my right hand once more. This era is weak. Nigh defenseless. It would be a simple matter to take over.”
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regulus-regent · 20 days
"I have a spare house if you need to stay in it." <3 Nabs in some other verse lmao @risingsouls
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"Nabooru. Your timing, as always, is impeccable. I'll take you up on your offer if it means I get to put off meeting with that woman again."
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majikanben · 8 months
Tagged by: i yoinked it from @gerudospiriit
Tagging: whomstever the fucketh
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NAME: Bagill 
NAME MEANING: no in universe meaning, but meta reason behind her name is Toriyama likes food puns and Celealians are breakfast foods and u can have bagels for breakfast.
ALIAS(ES): n/a
ETHNICITY: Cerealian
the reason she's so flirtatious is entirely a coping mechanism, which allows her to process the survivors guilt and depression - turning all the negative things she feels and turning them positive. she is a force of love and hugs.
Lounging around in barely any clothing or nothing at all. No particular reason, she just likes feeling sexy.
mixology! she's quite the heavy drinker & likes to experiment with different flavour combinations
and knitting, anything that keeps her hands and eyes sharp but especially knitting. she can make things for her favourites too and enjoy a nice cup of tea.
Ninazu ( @kiealer )
Nabooru ( @gerudospiriit / @risingsouls )
Trunks ( @hopefromadoomedtimeline ), he's a very good boy.
her deceased family, she'll always love them.
Buri, she doesn't know she's alive ( yet ) but she still loves her daughter
being unable to stop that one saiyan from killing her children and partner
the fact she witnessed two Freiza Force invasions & genocide and survived both.
The Great Ape form
Losing loved ones, which ... valid.
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goresugarsxx · 1 year
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@risingsouls said: "It's not often I hear of anyone wanting to visit the desert, let alone a Zora," Nabooru mused, tapping her fingers against her cheek. "I do know of an ancient recipe for a serum that could protect a Zora from the desert heat...if you're interested."
unprompted || always accepting
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✦✦ " Who would not want to see such a beautiful place? I have heard things about Gerudo Town, but never had a way to visit myself.." The Princess remarked. "If there is a way, would it be too burdensome to ask what this serum is? I am very interested yes." There were few places the Zora couldn't reach through waterways but the desert was one of them. Maybe the biting cold waters of Hebra were too much as well but the desert had no major streams or rivers.
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amitsuma · 2 years
@risingsouls said:
nabooru sees nothing wrong with selling swords alongside silverware at a farmer's market, and she encourages it
yes good she has a supporter and she’s very pleased about that
good to know she has one of her sword friends supporting her
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scnzoku · 2 years
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@risingsouls​ asked: // "Happy birthday, Caulifla! I may not know you well or be great at gift giving, but kisses were mentioned so..." Nabooru smiled and pressed a kiss to her cheek. She winked. "Hope you have a perfect day."
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       she felt her cheeks immediately run hotter and knew that she’d be unable to hide the colour that would soon fill in. “ ahahaha y-yeah. thanks you too. ” the moment she said that, Cauli cringed at her own idiocy. kisses and beautiful women, a deadly combo for the poor saiyan.
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cxldtyrant · 3 months
@risingsouls: " I don't lie to impress people like you do, Cooler. I don't need to since I'm already impressive on my own. And, though I couldn't kill you or your brother or father back then, I'm almost certain I could now. But Lila seems to like you, so I let you live. "
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The tyrant gazed towards the redheaded desert warrior, letting temporary silence fill the space between them as he observed her. Then, his smile, which had already eased upon his violet features in amusement, twitched further as a low chuckle rumbled from his chest. His tail bashed the floor beside him, crackling the stone surface with a fragmented web that spread beneath their feet.
"Oh? You'll let me live—for Lila's sake? How magnanimous of you, Gerudo," he replied with faux gratitude, throwing open his arms and lifting them as though welcoming. "Such a valiant display of bravado: proclaiming your superior power and ushering threats, as though that were supposed to intimidate me. To impress me. Well, Gerudo, I am neither intimidated or impressed. Your bravado is just simply that. A boast you cannot, and will not, back up. And because you cannot back it up, you choose to hide behind your friend. Just like you chose to hide behind the Saiyan when you couldn't kill my brother."
And here he had thought the Gerudo to be a proud warrior race, much like the Saiyans, and had lamented their fate when his little brother had bragged of their destruction. If Nabooru had truly been the best of them, then perhaps their extinction had been justified.
"Perhaps I did break your ankle. And perhaps, in your eyes, it was over nothing. But from my perspective, if I truly had harmed you, then you would have deserved it," Cooler remarked cruelly, the mirth from his smile dwindling into something colder. His arms lowered, before they drew behind his back, his hand clasping at his wrist as his scarlet irises watched the woman with contempt. "But now, as a traitor to my brother's fallen empire, you deserve far worse than a single broken bone. And unlike you, Gerudo, I have no hesitation in backing that claim up."
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fusiioneternal-a · 2 years
"So...Uh...I heard you were nutting. Brings back the memory of the results of that little quiz thing we all took the other night." 🧡 Nabooru 💦💦💦
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     ❝ Nutting? ❞ His eyes narrowed. He didn't know what that exactly meant, but Nabooru's tone and she bringing up that stupid quiz result he got sometime ago clued him in on a potential meaning...
     ❝ Heard from who? Or do you have your mind in the gutter, thinking about me? ❞
Don't let the slight blush on his face fool you; he wasn't all THAT amused by this.
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kiealer · 2 years
✰ @risingsouls | continued​
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❝Yes, I do,❞ she laughs softly, assuredly. ❝It’s for your birthday, you deserve it. And I could use a good shopping trip with a good friend, too. Since it’s been so long, I’ve saved up a good chunk; we can splurge a little.❞
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@risingsouls plotted starter
Little Nabooru didn't have much time to herself in the fortress. She was usually working with the priestesses at the temple, or Taking lessons with the rest of the Gerudo children. Even at night, she slept in the barracks with the rest of her age cohort
It made the few times when she could scramble up to the high cliffs and watch the people working down below even more special. Things got loud and overwhelming at ground level sometimes, but she couldn't help but marvel at the way it always seemed to come together. She laid on her stomach on a mat, her chin held up with her palms.
"I wonder what things will be like when I grow up..."
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aeneasmuses · 1 year
@risingsouls​ continued from here
Ganondorf smirked, crossing his arms across his bare chest.
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“I wonder what that something was? You should strangle whatever gave you that impression, because they clearly lied to you.” The triumphant look on his face was palpable. “Oh no, Nabooru! I knew. I have known for a long time. Aveil can be such a gossip a few drinks in.”
The Demon King approached his lover and gripped her chin, tilting her head so that she met his smoldering gaze.
“No, I just wanted you to tell the public about one of your most private moments. Something I knew you would only do if you thought you were getting one over me.”
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regulus-regent · 5 days
Nabooru vc: I like it when you're my problem.
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"Then I'll gladly become your problem" his tail wraps around her wrist, tugging her towards him.
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