#risotto the ex guy cant catch a BREAK
hottopicabbacchio · 1 year
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finally made an info sheet for Vadim :]
some more story and info under the cut because it got longer the more i typed oops
edit: fixed a few things i realized were not the right way on his info ref
first his stand power; its pretty much like a remote stand except if you had even less control over a remote stand lmao. it’s main thing is tracking, vadim picks a target and calls climbing up the walls to basically just follow them. it doesn’t have a whole lot of fighting power so it kind of keeps it’s distance usually. its power (on top of just following the target wherever they go) is actually to cause the target growing unease and dread, to the point where the target will grow paranoid and be basically a nervous wreck and sort of be able to see CUTW in the way of where you keep seeing something out of the corner of your eye but can never catch it. which makes it easy for vadim or someone else to swoop in and kill them if they havent done so themselves yet.
the only problem IS not everyone will be affected by it in the same way plus vadim being able to slowly feel the effects of his own stand if he lets climbing up the walls be active for to long then he’ll be the one to feel the effects but ten fold, which usually is around a full 24 hours after he calls it out. usually at that point or if CUTW feels like it’s power is reaching its limit before that happens, it’ll just retreat and go back to vadim causing the target to be lost until vadim can control his stand again. think of their relationship as a guy and his bigger shadow guy who is not his friend but also not really Not his friend. CUTW otherwise kinda does whatever it wants, he can activate it to lock onto a target but past that he doesnt have much say in what it does or doesnt do a fair amount of the time. also if vadim really needs to use CUTW for fighting then he can, its just not super strong for that in the long run and vadim knows how to hold his own in a fight.
onto story he’s a born stand user but didn’t get his stand until he was 18. his childhood wasn’t anything too terrible but it also wasn’t good. his mom really was the only person there but she was pretty neglectful towards him. he was very distrusting and weary of other people and over time he grew very independent and figured out how to rely on other people less and less. he really only had one other person he relied on and his mother had been starting to try to mend a relationship they never really had. at 18 he had tried getting into passione, seeing it as an opportunity to be able to do something on his own and not have to deal with many other unless he absolutely had to while still getting some sort of a job even if it puts him in a sticky situation. he already knew a group of guys from passione for a favor he had to do for them before to get his mom out of some trouble and so he decided to go to them as a connection.
they told him that they would be able to get him in but knowing that he didn’t have a stand and they weren’t working under polpo’s territory they had told him that the only way to get in to get to him was for him to kill someone, which vadim was like “yeah alright its the mafia that makes sense” even though it was just a trick for them to get back at his mother for before and they also have absolutely Zero jurisdiction to actually say he can join. so they lead vadim around aimlessly so they have time to get to his mother and then once they have her they bring them both out to a really remote place and go “okay. this is who you have to kill if youre serious about getting into passione.” vadim tries to fight them all off and grab his mother and run but he ends up losing from stand users v. non stand user and give him the choice of kill his mom himself or they kill her for him
vadim keeps trying to fight them and keeps losing until he finally just gives in because if he keeps it up he’s going to die and theyre going to kill his mom anyway. his mom is trying to reason with him about it, telling him things about how she had plans for them and he doesn’t have to join the mafia to make a name for himself or whatever his reasons may be and how she’s sorry for not being there til recently. that last part makes vadim snap a little bit from everything that happened and his feelings towards her in the first place and he doesnt hesitate to pull the trigger even though he desperately didn’t want to before.
this is where CUTW first activates, all built up feelings of distrust and neglect and loneliness and now all of this just got to something in him and unlocked his stand. vadim kinda blacks out here but CUTW ends up killing the group who tricked vadim in the first place and then goes after his mother. cut to a while later vadim comes out of whatever trance he was in and see’s someone cleaning up the aftermath. they tell him that his stand came and got them and them he feels a large clawed hand on his shoulder and the sudden feeling of dread before it fades away, seemingly into him.
after that he gets kinda pity let into passione. they throw him in with la squadra due to his general demeanor and figuring out what his stand power is its perfect for assassination missions. he gets kinda of close with risotto and they have a thing going but mostly just i like risotto so self indulgence at its finest lmfao and also i think its a little funny for the next part. which is after the sorbet and gelato thing happens and la squadra is classified as “keep an eye on” he just kinda dips out. he was already in the same boat as them about being unsatisfied with what they were being given but wants nothing to do with that and its not exactly his cup of tea to say the least. really all this running away ends up getting him is having to be classified as a traitor now, so now hes on the run and keeping his head down as best he can to not get caught. and so now hes a traitor to passione AND his ex is risotto nero. lol
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