#rita calhoun x ed tucker
novemberhush · 2 years
how about SVU? =D
Hey! Thanks for the ask.😘
Favourite female character - I have a soft spot for Dr. Melinda Warner.
Favourite male character - It was always Stabler back in the day, but these days it’s probably a tie between Carisi and Barba.
Worst female character - I wasn’t a huge fan of Dani Beck, but it’s probably unfair to call her the worst female character. I just can’t think of anyone else, except Rita Calhoun and that judge who became a defence lawyer. The defence lawyers really are the worst in this show! (Yeah, yeah, I know, copaganda, defence lawyers are not the devil, etc, etc.)
Worst male character - Not a huge fan of Ed Tucker, Chief Dodds or Chief McGrath. Also, Buchanan, who pops up as a defence lawyer sometimes, he really is one of the nastiest fuckers.
OTP - Barisi (Sonny Carisi x Rafael Barba), although I don’t hate Rollisi (Carisi x Amanda Rollins)
BrOTP - Fin and Munch
NOTP - Olivia x Ed Tucker, Olivia x David Haden (IMDb says that’s how the show spells Haden so I’ll take their word for it).
Thanks again for your ask.❤️
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storiesofsvu · 2 years
okay besties... @swimmingstudentchaos891 and I were just chatting because I had a HC about Barhoun in s16 as I was watching svu late last night. And it was related to the comment that made us all believe Rita & Tucker had history.
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now... let's just go back a second.... the deleted scene (Liv says "you should know i have history with tucker" rita says "so do i" roughly. that's it. that's all the context we got. and it was deleted).
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this takes place in SEASON 15.
Liv & Tucker don't get together until SEASON 17.
She was consistently with Cassidy in S14/15 (they break up s15e19).
so like... WHERE ARE WE getting this so called "relationship" from?? (Not Tuckson. I know that happens but they havent hooked up yet by this point)
I'd always thought the comment was much more about like "hey, this asshole's been up my squad's ass for the past twenty years" and rita being all "tell me about it" cause she's defended cops over the years, and previously in that season has already defended amaro in an IAB case.
If someone feels like digging through twitter to make it make sense, by all means go for it.
TL;DR: for now IMO, rita x tucker never happened. (i could still *see* it casually being a thing, but i have more of my own hc's on that still)
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uncpanda · 4 years
Blood is Thicker than Water: Part 4
Summary: You’d grown up around the SVU squad room. The members of your sister’s squad had been your family and helped Liv raise you. You left them and your sister behind ten years ago for school and just never returned. When you get a call saying she’s been kidnapped by William Lewis, you rush back without a thought. What you find is a very different squad, a broken sister, and a snarky ADA. When you decide to stay things begin to change, and maybe, just maybe you and your sister each find your own happy endings.
( Just a warning that there is a rape warning, for the usual mentions of it in the storyline. There will be no graphic descriptions here.)
Also big shout out to those who helped with the Spanish in the chapter! It meant I didn’t have to use google translate. I’m very grateful for their help in the picking out phrases, terms of endearment, and their opinions. You guys rock! 
This is probably my favorite chapter so far. 
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“Well don’t you look fancy.”
You look at Liv in your mirror. She’s lying on your bed, and smiling, “I’ve got a job interview for my company. Some law firm that wants me to design their new website. If I get it, it’ll be a hell of a job. Their old site is horrible and outdated, but it will bring in a nice chunk of change, and if I do a good enough job they might keep us on retainer.” You turn to face her, “Are these shoes too slutty.”
Liv laughs, and rolls her eyes, before she rolls off the bed. It’s barely seven in the morning, and you know she didn’t get in until at least three, “What are you doing up? I figured you’d be fast asleep.”
She shrugs, “We had a case with IAB and Cassidy. Had to take down a dirty precinct.”
“What do you mean; and?”
“Your breakup with Cassidy was amicable. He wasn’t going to start shit, I might not like the guy, but he didn’t do wrong by you. Plus you cracked the case. So something is wrong.”
“Ed Tucker asked me out on a date.”
You blink a few times, “Am I supposed to know who that is?”
“IAB. He’s tried to take me down a few times.”
You raise an eyebrow at that, “You or Elliot?”
She thinks on it for a moment before shrugging. “Is he a good guy?”
“IAB. . .”
“Is taboo in the cop world. Yes, I know. There were many afternoons where I listened to you complain about it. However, and correct me if I’m wrong, they serve a purpose.” You take a step forward, “I know you don’t like to think about it, but not every cop is a good guy. Sounds to me like he’s doing his job.”
She shrugs again, and then falls back on your bed, “I’m just going to stay here. Your bed is more comfy.”
“Sleep away. I’ve got to get going.” You kiss your sister’s cheek and head out the door.
The ride to the law offices isn’t a long one. You take the metro, and review your ideas for the sight in your head. The building is a tall one with all glass windows. When you get to the lobby, where the interviews are being held, you’re not surprised to see that your competition is mainly male.
You have to wait for nearly half an hour, before a woman steps out and calls your name. You move to your feet and offer your hand. She shakes it as she walks and introduces herself as Rita Calhoun.
“I was wondering when I’d see a woman. I was starting to lose hope.”
You smile, “What can I say, I’ve always been a pleasant surprise.”
She actually laughs at that. The interview is more of a conversation. You share just enough personable information to build a bond and then you engage her in ideas for the website. She lights up when you build off of some of her comments and ideas.
You leave that afternoon with a good feeling in your gut.
Liv is still asleep in your bed when you get home, which means you’re stuck in the dress you wore for the interview. You take your heels off at the very least, send a follow up email to Ms. Calhoun, and an overview of the interview to your bosses.
The next day you find out you’ve gotten the job, right after Liv tells you that Munch is retiring. She gives you the date and the time, and the dress code. In your head, you know it’s time, Munch has wanted out for a while, but he’s been a staple at SVU for as long as you can remember. It’s just another reason to not go by the squadroom, and maybe an excuse for you to run by the DA’s office.
You liked Rafael Barba. He was smart, witty, and a lot of fun to look at. He treated you as an equal and he had no problem looking you in the eye when the two of you spoke. You like hanging out with him, and you’re willing to cling to any excuse in order to see him.
You go bearing coffee. Rafael Barba is a caffeine junkie if you’ve ever seen one. His assistant tells you that he’s in court, and you decide to wait. He blows in like a storm twenty minutes later with none other than Rita Calhoun behind him.
She smiles at you, “Ms. Benson. I didn’t think I’d find you here.”
Rafael turns to you, “Why does the she-devil know you?”
Rita scoffs, and you explain, “Ms. Calhoun’s company just hired me to design their website.”
Rafael scoffs and you both follow him into the office. You watch as he sheds his jacket and then his vest, “You know, if you need money I can loan you some. You don’t have to sell your soul.”
You roll your eyes, “Has anyone ever told you you’re dramatic?”
Rita laughs, “You keep getting better and better.”
“What are you doing here Corazón?”
Your brow furrows at the Spanish, and you offer him the coffee cup, “Black coffee, I figure it’s what feeds the void inside of you.”
“Oh, You’ve got jokes?”
“Plenty of them, but I’m going to let you speak with Ms. Calhoun first.”
Rafael can feel Rita’s eyes boring into him, and after a few minutes he gives in, “What?”
“I’ve never seen you flirt before. You’re actually decent. I didn’t expect that.”
He leans back in his chair, “Don’t start Rita.”
“Oh no. We’re having this conversation. I like her. She was the only designer who came in and didn’t have the same ideas or present them with a god complex.”
“Your client Rita?”
She waves him off, “You’re not offering a deal I’d accept we both know that. This is more interesting.”
“Rita. . .”
“I’ve known you for over fifteen years Rafael. We were friends once.”
“When we were on the same side!”
“And just because you don’t agree with my choice to go into the private sector, doesn’t mean I don’t still consider you a friend. So do me a favor, pull the stick out of your ass, and ask her out.”
“I’ve hung out with her like three times Rita.”
“More than enough to know you’re attracted to her. Go on a few dates, find out if she can keep up with you. Something tells me she can. Stop letting Yelina affect that part of your life.”
His head snaps up at that and Rita smiles, a rare, genuine one, “We were friends, remember?”
She heads to the door, and waits there for a minute before you enter. She tells you she’ll call you tomorrow to set up a meeting, and then says, “Ask him about the belt in court.” And leaves with a laugh.
Rafael wonders if a jury would really convict him for killing the witch. You raise an eyebrow at that, “Do I want to know?”
“It was a case.”
“Anndd.” The prompting is accompanied by a smile. And that smile melts him, he leads you to the couch and regretfully, he tells the whole story. By the end of it you’re quiet. He expected laughing or something else, that’s usually the case when that story is told. Instead you turn to him, and your fingers reach out and loosen his tie. He holds his breath as you pop the top button of his shirt and examine the skin, “At least the bastard didn’t leave a mark.”
He takes in a deep breath, as your fingers lightly trail across his neck, he breaths out, “"No sabes lo que me estás haciendo”
“Do me a favor.”
“Name it.”
“Don’t go getting yourself killed. You’re the only reasonable sounding board I have.”
He smiles, “What about Liv?”
“You’re a lawyer. You should know the definition of reasonable.”
Your fingers are still trailing lightly across his neck, when slowly they trail up and you cup his cheek. It’s an intimate moment, he can feel it. When your thumb starts rubbing back and forth, his eyes close, “No te detengas.”
“One of these days you’re going to have to do two things for me.”
His eyes open at that, “And what’s that?”
“You’re going to have to tell me what you’re saying.”
He smiles, “Not going to happen, What’s the other?”
“You’re going to have to ask me out.”
He grins at that, and covers your hand with his own, he doesn’t hesitate, “Tomorrow night, 8 o’clock. We can meet at an Italian place I know.”
“You have yourself a deal counselor.”
He slowly lets your hand go, and you boop his nose with your finger, and he rolls his eyes, “Really?”
You stand up, “Yep.” You make your way to his desk, and write your number down on a post-it. “Send me the details.”
As you walk out the door you make sure to add a little extra sway to your hips.
His voice follows you, “Te veré mañana preciosa.”
To be honest, you’d like to say that the next day drags on, that you’re eagerly awaiting the date. In reality the day flies by. You’re busy at the Lawfirm’s office interviewing the top brass on things they’d like included in the website, and building ideas. You’re late.
The moment the apartment door shuts behind you, you’re pulling off clothes. You take the fastest shower humanly possible and start in on your hair. You’re in the middle of blow drying, when Liv comes in, dressed in a very nice black dress, with her hair already done.
You shut the dryer off and you stare at each other. You break first, “Date?”
“Yep. You too?”
There’s a moment of silence before she asks, “Can I borrow your black stilettos?”
“Bottom of my closet, to the right. Can I borrow your bracelet?”
“Which one?”
“The pink beaded one.”
“I’ll get it for you!”
Then she’s gone, and you’re doing your makeup. Once you’re satisfied with your appearance you dash to your room, and start going through your closet. Liv comes in a second later, and deposits the bracelet on your dresser, and starts fastening her earrings.
“Where are you going tonight?”
“A little Italian place, Stefan’s or something like that.”
“Who’s the guy?”
Your eyes flash to her, as you pull out a cute dress. It’s a midi dress, light sage, with a cute floral pattern. It’s perfect for the late summer/ early fall weather. It’s also enough to distract Liv,
“That’s cute. Can I borrow it?”
You roll your eyes, “You already have my shoes.”
“You still haven’t told me who the guy is.”
“And I’m not going to.”
She frowns at that, “Y/N . . .”
You start herding her out of your room so you can get dressed. She goes reluctantly. You shimmy into your dress and debate either a nude heel or some sandals. You go for the sandals. You’ve just slid your sister’s bracelet onto your wrist when the doorbell rings.
Liv’s voice rings out, “Y/N could you get that?”
You make a mad dash to the door and yank it open, on the other side is a man. He’s probably a little older than your sister, his hair has already gone gray and he looks stern. “You must be the sister.”
“You must be Ed.”
He smiles and you step to the side to let him in, “Liv should be out any second. Can I get you something while you wait.”
“I’m good. Thanks though.”
“Great choice, because I’m on my way out, and if I leave now I can go without an interrogation.”
It’s said as a joke, but his eyes narrow, “You have a date?”
“You know this guy or meet him on an app?”
“I know him.”
He nods once, “You get in trouble or something happens to text your sister. We’ll be right over.” Dear Lord there were two of them now.
“I couldn’t have said it better myself.”
You turn to face your sister. She looks stunning in her black dress and your stilettos. And from the way Ed smiles you can tell he thinks so too. That is a point in his favor. You interrupt their staring, “You two kids have fun.”
In unison they say, “Be safe.”
You don’t respond. You catch a cab to the restaurant, and clutch your phone in your hand the entire way there. You keep expecting a text from him canceling everything, or at least him sending an apology that he’s going to be late. Instead he’s there and waiting for you outside the restaurant.
He’s wearing slacks, a button down and blazer. His usual tie and waistcoat are gone, and the first two or three buttons of his shirt have been undone. He offers you his hand as you step out of the cab and you feel slightly like Cinderella, “Te ves hermosa. Perfecta."
“I’m going to assume that was a compliment.”
He smiles, you love when he smiles. All the seriousness seems to melt away, “I said you look gorgeous. Perfect.”
“It’s the shower. I should try that more often.”
He laughs, and offers you his arm. The maitre'd greets him by name and leads you to a table right by a big bay window. Your eyes immediately go to the people walking by outside. Rafael is quick to pull your chair out for you, before taking his own seat and you tell him, “There was this place in college that I would go to, a bakery, it was open all night because most of the time that’s when college students needed the sugar. I would go there and sit by the window, and I’d people watch instead of doing my homework.”
“And here I holed up in the library all through school.”
You lean forward, “No all night bakeries at Harvard?”
“Not when I was there.”
The two of you stare at each other for several minutes, smiling like goons the entire time, until the waiter comes by and asks about wine. You let Rafael order. You’ve never been a big fan of alcohol. A drink once in a blue moon is all you need.
When the waiter is gone he asks, “Do you like seafood?”
“Love it.”
“They have really good seafood alfredo here.”
“Do you come here a lot?”
He considers his answer, “I used to. When I first started out as a DA, I had next to no money. I was in this horrible little office, I shared a desk with two other ADA’s in Brooklyn. Sometimes I just needed to get away, and I found this place. I’d bring my work and sit here for hours. By the end of the year I knew everyone who worked here.
“It’s gotten more popular over the years, but they’re always nice enough to put this table on hold for me if I call ahead. I’m glad you like it.”
“If the food is as good as the company, it might just be my new favorite restaurant.”
The rest of the night flies by, as the two of you trade book recommendations back and forth. There’s a mix of titles. He tells you how he stayed up until two one morning, trying to get caught up on Sherlock. The two of you compare the small little details you noticed.
Then you share a plate of zeppole for dessert. By the end you are stuffed. You let out a groan, as you lean back in your chair and Rafael laughs, “That good?”
You nod vigorously, and he asks for the check. You offer to pay but he swats your hands away. And when the plates are cleared you stand to leave. There’s a line outside, and you’re not going to make other people wait. His hand settles on the small of your back as you leave. And when you start walking down the street you take his arm.
You make your way to Riverside Park where the two of you just stroll. “I’m really glad I didn’t go for the heels tonight.”
“You should be too, otherwise you’d probably be giving me a piggy back ride right now.”
He teases you, “You want to hop on?”
You swat lightly at his chest, and his arm moves to go around your waist, pulling you closer to him as the two of you walk. “I love the park during this time of year, the trees are green, there’s flowers everywhere.”
“We’ll have to come during the day sometime.”
“A second date already?”
He stops, “Absolutely.”
“Can I plan it?”
“Why not?”
He smiles, “Porque eres más traviesa de lo que pareces”
“Okay, the Spanish thing? Totally, sexy. But you have to start telling me what you’re saying.”
“Va a ser que no.”
You let out a groan of frustration, but Rafael just takes your hand and leads you on.
By the time you get home it’s one in the morning. Rafael splits the cab with you, and even walks you to the door. It’s there that he asks, “Does Liv know.”
You shake your head, “No. Liv means well, and she’s been doing a lot better with boundaries since we talked, but me dating has always been weird for her. It’s hard for her to turn off the job.”
He nods, and steps forward, his hands go to your waist, and you step into him, your arms wrapping around his neck, “Will it bother you if we keep it a secret for now?”
“No. I understand. Será nuestro secreto.”
You go up on your tiptoes, “I can guess what you said there.” Your voice is husky and inviting, and Rafel takes advantage of it. His lips are on yours and you honestly think he’s the best kisser ever. His arms tighten around you and when you pull back, you’re both a little out of breath.
He pecks your lips one more time before he steps back. This time he places the kiss on your forehead, “Buenas noches cariño. I’ll call you tomorrow.”
You watch him until he’s out of sight. It’s at that point you enter the apartment. The first thing you notice are the men’s shoes next to the door. The second thing you notice is Ed Tucker standing at your counter drinking a glass of water. He’s dressed in an undershirt and boxers. Looks like your sister got lucky.
You smile at him, “Hi Ed.”
“I was just getting some water, I’m sorry.”
You wave off the excuses, “It’s not a big deal. At least you’re dressed. One time I came home to Cassidy drinking milk out of the carton . . . naked.”
“Oh god.” The look of disgust on his face makes you smile.
“Trust me, I know. I came very close to having to bleach my eyes or have a lobotomy.”
You sit down at one of the bar stools, “You like my sister, right Ed?”
“You’re not going to hurt her, right?”
He shakes his head, “I have no plans to.”
You take a deep breath, “Look I never liked Cassidy. He and Liv, never wanted the same things. He never wanted to grow up, and my sister, she wants to make a life with someone. Now from the dopey grins you gave each other earlier tonight, you two like each other. So what are your intentions with my sister?”
Most men would have treated your question like a joke, Ed doesn’t. “I’m close to retirement. I’ve been married once, it didn’t last. She didn’t understand. The thing is, I don’t want to be alone. It’s been one date but Liv and I, we get on well. We think alike. For us the job has been number one for a long time and we’re ready to move it to a different position. So right now, we’re figuring it all out, but I have no intentions of breaking your sister’s heart.”
You smile, “Good answer. For that I’ll let you in on a secret.”
“Even Liv doesn’t know this. I keep the good cookies stashed at the back of the cabinet above the refrigerator. It’s difficult to get to so we don’t keep stuff there. Now, when you’re ready to break out the cookies, you can’t let her see, otherwise I will go broke buying them Ed.” He laughs, and you smile, “When you go back to bed, take her some of the cookies.”
With that you start heading to your room, but he stops you, “Wait. How’d your date go?”
You grin, “A woman doesn’t kiss and tell Ed.”
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storiesofsvu · 2 years
hiii! hope you’re doing great 💖💓💕 I was wondering if you could write something regarding Rita’s (calhoun obvs hehe) “discarded” relationship with Ed Tucker. I’ve noticed that that’s something not talked about much. Idk, maybe your thoughts or a headcanon, thanks! 🌸
it’s okay if you don’t want to write about them, I’ll understand 🤗
Hi!! thank you!! i'm doing good!
okay. first off I think that people don't talk about it much because a.) it's only ever mentioned in a deleted scene so not everyone knows about it. and b.) because a lot of us hate it. LOL. tbh i never liked Tucker, especially on my first watch through because of who the actor played on Gossip Girl, like, he came onscreen and I instantly went "ick". upon a second or third watch through I finally kinda supported him & Liv together, and thought that they really should have been end game (out of all her toxic dick choices, he really was the best). BUT, lets talk about Rita...
Sometimes I think that Rita was out at a bar one night in dire need to get laid, and it's nearing last call, and Tucker's the only one left and she's all *sigh* "fine" kinda thing and takes him home to rail him into oblivion, maybe pegs him a couple of times. it maybe happens 2-3 times but that's it. (cause the line was Liv: "you should know i have history with Tucker" Rita: "so do i." so we don't have much context)
BUT. I can also see it being a much more longer term, serious relationship. (though canologically i dont think it was but i'll get into that later)
I do canon Rita as being very fluid when it comes to her sexuality, I mean, she has canon chemistry with SO many characters that there's simply no way that she's straight. but i also kinda feel like she prefers/has a soft spot for women. So while she may refer to herself as queer/gay, she's not gonna turn down a fun time.
Anyways, with Ed, they have a lot in common based off work alone. I think that he probably approached her, because, who the fuck wouldn't. And he's not intimidated by her like some people are. She's all "yeah sure, why not" about a date, because, why not. They go for dinner or drinks, and she's probably impressed by the place he chooses cause it's a little more high class than she expected from a cop. They can easily bond over bitching about detectives breaking rules and fucking shit up, and she probably has more than a few stories about cases he's handled of cops who fucked up and thus she easily got the case thrown out. They probably both despise Stabler, and overall, they have a good time together and when it's done, they probably share a quick kiss on the cheek, leaving it open to continuing to be coworkers (ish) or more.
Rita reaches out for a second date, and they're able to just be comfortable with each other. Ed enjoys going out to museums, art galleries, the more "boring" stuff that a lot of men wouldn't like, he's like...more sophisticated than Rita would've thought cause she kinda just lumps him in with the usual cop types. I think in the long run, they could work, Saturday mornings reading the paper, helping each other with the crossword, playing games like backgammon, maybe chess, cards, just like the little quality time with each other that they each enjoy and makes them happy. We're also hoping Ed's a good cook, which honestly, I can see him being. Like, full on, better than Carisi, can make delicious and fancy shit at home and that makes Rita fall even harder for him since like, she sets pasta on fire. I honestly see them both having more of a romantic relationship with each other, like, enjoying time, snuggle up, sleep in the same bed, but not too much sex, don't ask me why. but i do. I think that they could fall into a very *comfortable* domestic relationship/dynamic that they're both kinda *shrugs* "this is nice, lets just be life partners" and live together and come home to the other and not actually get married.
okay. now CANON wise, the scene in s18e1 Terrorized that we DO see. Is Rita entering the interrogation room Liv & Tucker are in and he greets her all "Rita...what're you doing here" (or something like that) and she replies "nice to see you too Ed..." with a raised brow and tilt of the head and a bit of attitude. SO, obvi they're greeting each other by first names and shit so that's you're first hint that they have history. BUT, hear me out. it's the "nice to see you too" that makes me think it was rather casual, and that Ed ghosted her to a sense. Like, not a sexual fwb thing, but like, they'd been on a small handful of dates and had been enjoying things and then, who knows what happened, but he ghosted. she's not pissed about it, per say, cause she is Rita fucking Calhoun, but like, she's annoyed, she doesn't like being ignored and probably deserved a text at the very least. (and then to get back at him she goes and fucks liv so good liv forgets tucker's name)
anyways! thats what i've got for ya for now!!
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