#ritual cleansing is not necessarily taking a bath or cleaning your house
RITUAL cleanliness is not PHYSICAL cleanliness.
always trust your gut rather than any one of us.  YOU are the only authority on your practice and you are the only human you are accountable to for its results.
someone on here I will not name as I am uninterested in shaming anyone, even tangentially, appears to believe that the admonition to ‘get clean’ before doing any magical working pertains to physical cleanliness.  It does not, it pertains to RITUAL cleanliness.   Sometimes that does mean taking a bath or shower, or cleaning the shrine space and altar, but - Who you work with, if you work with Anyone, and the tradition you are in, and you may not be working within one - determines what ritual cleanliness looks like and whether or not you are strongly advised to do it.
why one might want to get ritually clean before a working.
1. the Gods, Spirits, Ancestors, or Other Beings you work with do not appreciate human stank.  they’ll probably want you to bathe and be in clean clothes even if you’re not dirty by human standards.  Fairy folx tend to be in this category, and Yokai too.   2.  you are aware that spiritual attachments can form without your knowledge and you’d really like the Karen in aisle 3 at Target who was muttering horrible things about you into her phone to not have her hate influence your work today, or you remembered you’d heard Uncle Terrance’s ghost cracking jokes and you’d like your work to focus on the here and now (or where/whenever you’re focusing it) - so you decide you’re going to make a point to cleanse yourself of those attachments you weren’t really paying attention to that were being made through your time between now and your last working of this sort.  THIS IS THE BIG REASON FOR GETTING RITUALLY CLEAN BEFORE DOING ANY WORKING I’VE SEEN IN ALL THE TRADITIONS AND CULTURES I’VE STUDIED TO DATE. 3.  you’ve worked hard to ensure the space you are doing the working in is properly prepared, and you know you want that space and anything entering it to have the right vibration.  so you might bathe or burn something that smokes and apply the smoke to you to ensure that the vibrational frequencies match. reasons i’ve seen NOT to get ritually clean before doing work:
1. you literally don’t have to.  no human will be punishing you for not doing it.  if your spirit allies don’t require it or don’t ask you to do it - they won’t be irked with you either.  the influences will be what they will be anyway, so why not just roll with what is? 2.  you don’t have time.
3.  you don’t have the tools you feel are correct to do it perfectly.  NOTE:  perfectly is always a trap, friends, never ever let things not being perfect stop you from doing your work.  remember the image of the yin-yang.  there is no such thing as perfection, for perfection translates to purity (if not literally, then most often in practice) and the whole of the universe moves internally with that balance of one imperfection in each side of the yin-yang image.  without the imperfection, the whole could not flow freely in harmony.  so. in conclusion:
cleanse or not, according to your conscience, ability, available time, ritual requirements and the resources to meet those requirements, and the needs of your spirit allies.
no matter what you do, if you do it with sincerity, and are willing to be taught by your spirit allies, most beings will be quite forgiving of imperfections and will gladly instruct you in their preferred methods.
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tipsycad147 · 5 years
4 Ways To Reconnect With Your Magic When Life Gets Crazy
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Avery Hart
One of the biggest struggles for modern witches is maintaining that sense of connection to our craft. Life can be so busy, complicated, and demanding that most of us feel completely out of touch with our magic on a day to day basis. And I don’t think I have to tell you how much this state of disconnection sucks.
One day it feels like you’ve found that spiritual space that you’ve been searching for where you’re in your power, feel plugged into the pulse of the universe, and are spiritually attuned to the world around you and then BAM! life hits and suddenly you’re running around feeling about as un-magical as you possibly can. Maybe you notice the disconnect and vow to not let it happen again, you throw yourself back into the craft sometimes burning the candle at both ends to try and juggle all of your worldly responsibilities and your spiritual growth at the same time. Inevitably, you fall off the wagon again, life gets in the way of your magical practice and the cycle starts all over again.
It’s an infuriating loop and many of us spend years battling this tug of war between what we spiritually want and need and what we’re actually capable of maintaining within the contexts of our lives. The good news is, you’re not alone. Every single witch struggles with this at times. Even witches like me who were raised in the craft struggle to maintain consistent connection to magic. It’s normal to struggle with this! It doesn’t mean you’re a bad witch, it just means that you’re living a modern life in an age where more demands and distractions are pulling for your attention than ever before. Today, I’m going to give you a few ways to manage this back and forth swing and bring a little more spiritual connection into your daily life.
If you’re looking to build an even deeper connection with your craft, read all the way to the end of this post! I’ve included a brand new and totally FREE 7-day course on reconnecting with your craft that you definitely won’t want to miss out on.
Is Being Connected All The Time A Good Idea?
Now, one of the big things we have to take a look at before we dive too deep into to nuts and bolts of this subject is what are we actually trying to achieve? I know that for many people the idea of staying completely connected and tuned into magic 100% of the time sounds great but before we make that the goal we need to ask ourselves, is this a reasonable or even attainable goal? Would it actually serve my best interests to be in this state all the time?
It’s important to realise that there are situations in life when other things need to take precedent. Kids and pets need tending to, work needs doing, houses need cleaning, friends need to be given our love and attention, there’s a lot going on in our worlds! Sometimes a spiritual head-space isn’t the right mindset for you to be functioning from and that’s ok. In fact, having the ability to switch from witch mode to parent mode, to professional mode, and back again is a good thing. This is what makes you a well rounded, capable, badass person who takes on all of life's myriad challenges.
While bringing the spiritual into our everyday lives can lead us to be more empathetic, caring, and connected people, it can also lead to a feeling of disconnection from the people around us if they don’t share our spiritual leanings. It can drive us into a state of “hyper-control” where we’re trying to magically strong-arm everything in our lives into working the way we want. It can even stunt our spiritual growth by introducing an overwhelming level of spiritual information that we may not be prepared to deal with. It is ok to shift out of your witchy mindset and into a mundane head-space to avoid these kinds of junk food spirituality pitfalls. Being spiritual simply for the sake of being spiritual can absolutely backfire on you.
Don’t try to force yourself to be only one thing all the time. Being a witch is a wonderful thing but that’s not all you are! There’s so much more to you and you should embrace and support these other aspects of yourself just as much as you do your witchy self.
How To Connect Deeper With Your Witchcraft
Ok, now onto the hands-on part of this process. How do we actually connect more deeply with our craft?
1. Make time for the little things
It may seem trite to bring the focus down to the micro when you’re looking for deep, meaningful connection to the spiritual world but trust me, it helps. What sounds like it would build and maintain a connection better: Putting a little bit of work in every day and making sure you reach for that magical energy as often as possible even if only for a few moments OR only reaching for that magic when you have the time and space and wherewithal to do something BIG maybe once or twice a month?
As anyone who has ever taken an extended break from the gym will tell you, those little “easy” workouts make all the difference in maintaining the progress you’ve made so far. Focusing on the little things is absolutely worth your time.
So what sort of little things are we talking about? That depends on you and your craft and what makes you personally feel connected. For me, I like to do 5-10 minutes of breathing exercises followed by 1-2 minutes of grounding at least once a day. This gives me space to get in touch with myself and it also helps me to stabilise my energy and practice tapping into my visual, energy manipulating skills so that they stay fresh and strong all the time. You might find that a 2-minute candle ritual where you set intentions for your day works well. A kitchen witch might try to incorporate a little magic into at least one meal every day. Someone who finds connection in nature might take a 5-10 minute walk outside to get in touch with their magic. There are so many tiny ways to incorporate a magical mindset into our lives!
2. Create sacred space
Now, I’m not necessarily saying that you need to create a space to devote to a god if that’s not your thing. Secular sacred space can still have huge benefits to your craft. This space simply needs to be somewhere that is designated and designed for you to be in tune with your magical powers and the energy around you. This might be a small corner of your garden, a candle and journal on your bedside table, or a shelf that’s dedicated to things that evoke that witchy feeling in you. It could be a pocket altar or it might even be a full-sized altar that you leave up all the time!
The important thing is that this space is set up to facilitate your connection to the craft and that it’s set aside for only this purpose so that you always have somewhere to go when all you have the time for is sitting for a minute by yourself.
3. Take care of yourself first
Sometimes, it’s not possible to handle your job, your kids, family, friends, other responsibilities, AND your craft all at once. When your life is reaching critical mass, trying to force yourself to expend energy on magic can be about the worst thing you could do. You’re already drained, where are you trying to get that energy from?!
When this happens, it’s best to focus on rebuilding yourself and giving yourself the space to rest and recover. The craft is meant to add to your life, to bring you happiness and allow you the power to change your life in the ways that suit you. It is NOT supposed to be another stressful obligation that you pile on top of all of the other obligations already taking up space in your life! Giving back to yourself is a way to renew your energy and foster your ability to work magic without further draining yourself. Take a bath, journal, have a hot cup of tea with a book, go get a massage, spend some time with someone who makes you feel good, whatever it is that makes you feel happy and whole as a person will help to restore your energy. After you spend some time taking care of yourself, you may find that your connection to the craft springs back to life on its own!
4. Use music that makes you feel witchy
Music can have a huge impact on our mood and state of mind. If you’re really struggling to feel that connection that you’re looking for, sometimes it can help to just play music that gets you in that magical mindset. Now, some people will enjoy traditionally “witchy” music. Celtic music, chanting, and pagan specific songs can all be great ways to bring that vibe into your life. Not everyone will be into this kind of music though and if you’re not, you don’t have to grin and bear it just to try and connect with your craft. Choose music that makes you feel witchy! I personally love swampy sounding rock music, indie pop, and rap music when I’m working magic. It doesn’t matter what kind of music you pick, as long as it makes you feel that magical energy!
I like to simply play this kind of music in the background of my life. If I’m cooking, driving, cleansing the house, or just winding down for the night having the right kind of music in the background can raise my energetic awareness and make every moment a little more attuned to my magical practice. Even if I can’t practice at all this allows me to maintain that mindset of connectivity that so many of us are looking for.
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tipsycad147 · 5 years
7 Ways To Use Magic For The Zodiac: Cancer
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SL Bear
July is the season of the Crab and to celebrate, I’m dedicating this post to Cancer witches! Here, I’ll be providing some Cancer self-care tips and ways to counter some natural weaknesses. There are also a few treats included for the Crab seeking love, or those needing a quick recharge of those great Cancerian traits. So get cosy, Cancer, this one’s for you.
Soft-Shell Crab
Cancer is a water sign, ruled by the moon. Like the tides, a Cancer’s mood can rise and fall, changing rapidly depending on outside influences — usually the people they surround themselves with. Cancer seeks equilibrium and needs to feel comfortable and loved, and when they don’t, their moods can go dark. They are empathetic creatures who feed off the emotions of others and try their hardest to make the ones they love feel good. However, they are also hypersensitive, and if they don’t feel that love returned, Cancer will overanalyse and panic. While this sweet nature is an asset in so many ways, it also unconsciously gives people a lot of power over you. Not good! It’s fantastic to love with your whole heart, you just need to make sure your heart is protected in the process. So how can this be achieved?
Whenever you feel the balance start to shift, and you’re giving more than you get, don’t get moody — just pull back! While people love that you’re so thoughtful (always thinking of ways to do something unexpected and kind), remember that it’s not a relationship requirement that you give ‘til it hurts. And even if they don’t show it in the same way you do, that doesn’t mean you aren’t loved. One of my best friends growing up was a Cancer and she used to buy me cards once a week with paragraphs written inside describing why she was happy to be my friend. It was the most thoughtful and kind thing ever, and all my bone-headed self could think of to express my gratitude was to just say thanks. That’s it! It was so much less effort than she made but that didn’t mean I didn’t value her friendship. Keep that in mind, Cancer — you will always be dealing with people who give about 75% or less when you give 200%.
So, when you feel you aren’t getting enough in return (and it will happen a lot), stop and treat yourself like you do your family and friends. Instead of spending a lot of energy on others for a change, take a break and do those things for yourself and remember your Cancer self-care.
Clean your house, light some candles, and make it cosy. Cancers rely heavily on a safe and comfortable home, so instead of tending to others, tend to your own space. Cleanse with sage. Take care of anything that’s been neglected. Turn your ringer off and make this time all about making your home a little brighter.
Return to the water. As a Cancer, water is your sanctuary. Go swimming or take a long bath with all the extras (salts, bubbles, candles). If you live by a lake or the sea, go spend an hour by the water’s edge and meditate, or bring some music and just relax. Most importantly, do not bring your phone. Be unreachable during this time so that your only focus is you.
Volunteer. The simple truth is, Cancers love feeling needed and being helpful. While this can be draining when you’re constantly doing it for the same people and getting little in return, it will feel amazing doing it for people or causes who really do need you. I usually don’t like it when people just say “volunteer!” as a solution to a personal problem, but in Cancer’s case, it will be a great way to get out of your head while doing something good for others.
Practice being alone and feeling satisfied with just yourself as company. Cancers can get a little needy and the best way to break yourself of this habit (that only hurts you) is to find enjoyable solo hobbies. This way, when someone doesn’t come through with the energy you need, you can retreat and find comfort in yourself.
Collect moonstones! Cancer is ruled by the moon and will have a natural affinity for these lovely, powerful stones. And just like the moonstone, Cancers can recharge themselves in the moonlight. Spend some time basking in the white glow when you feel mentally or physically drained.
Play To Your Strengths
Cancer excels at protection spells, especially protection of the home and the ones they love. However, because Cancers have such big hearts and love so easily, they are vulnerable to those who’d take advantage of them. Don’t forget to protect yourself, too! Carry tourmaline to ward off negative energy and people, and be wary of those who seem too good to be true.
Cancers are also incredibly intuitive. Because they are so attuned to the people around them, they are excellent people to ask advice and are usually uncanny at zeroing in on what you need to hear — whether you want to or not. This is exactly what makes Cancer such an excellent witch, especially in divination.
Hydromancy is an old form of divination using water. You can drop pebbles into the water and read ripples in the water’s surface or whisper words over the water and wait for answers. One method includes dropping some oil into the water and observing the forms created as the oil twists along the water’s surface. Candles can be set around a bowl of water, and their flickering reflections interpreted. This can also be achieved with sunlight or, more ideally, moonlight. However you choose to work with the water, as a Cancer you will be especially talented at reading its secrets. Combining this form of divination with the moon will be extra powerful for Cancers seeking answers.
Cancerian Altar Spell
Cancers in love are happy creatures, especially if they’ve found partners who go above and beyond to treat them right. Naturally a little co-dependent, Cancers seek out partnerships and do well in pairs — not even necessarily romantic pairs! Even their glyph, the distinctive “69”, is a reference to duality, yin and yang, and partnership.
This spell is an attraction spell for Cancers looking for love. It’s designed to showcase the great Cancerian traits and draw out those who will be most attracted and best suited to those traits. If you’ve got your eye on a specific person, I’ve included a loophole in the spell for that situation. However, this spell is all about compatibility and if the one you’re after isn’t that great of a match, the spell won’t be as effective.
Best time to perform this spell: With the full moon of course! If you have a cycle, perform this spell a week after your period starts.
You will need:
The Chariot tarot card
White rose petals, freshly cut
Rose oil
Shells, any will do though cowrie shells are best
Rose quartz
Two small mirrors
A warm bath
Pink salt if you can get it, though sea salt will work
Seven red candles
To begin, prepare your candles. On each of the seven candles, carve one trait you are seeking in a mate, then dab a little rose oil over the word.
Next, prepare your bath. Drop your rose petals in and stir the bath seven times. Next comes your milk — just a few tablespoons will do — your vervain, and your salt. Stir again.
Set your candles along the edge of the bath where they will be reflected in the water, but in no danger of falling in, and light them in order of importance of each trait you’ve chosen. Place one mirror behind you at the head of the bath, and one mirror at the foot of the bath where you will be able to see your reflection. Set the Chariot card near or behind one of the red candles — somewhere it can be front and center while not at risk of falling into the water. Between each red candle place a moonstone. If you only have one, place it by the Chariot card.
Now, in one hand take a few shells and in the other, take a rose quartz. Step into the bath and stir the water gently seven times. Raise your hands palm side up in front of you, with the quartz and shells on display.
Recite these words:
"On this altar, I offer my love
To the one worthy of me
Who will nourish and protect
Love and respect
Send them straight to me"
Lean down to the water’s surface and whisper these words:
"Don’t leave me blind
Guide my way
Help me find"
Keep a careful eye on the candlelight reflections in the water and take a mental note of any shapes or images that appear now. These are your clues to help you recognise your new lover when they come into your life. As the water settles and you become more accustomed to reading these clues, they will become more pronounced and certain shapes will repeat. These are the ones to take special note of.
Still holding the quartz and shells, sprinkle water on your arms, shoulders, and top of your head. Extinguish your candles with droplets of water from your bath.
If you have a specific person in mind, this spell can be altered slightly by adding a white candle and writing his or her name on it. On the seven red candles, write the reasons why you want this person — their specific traits that attract you. Change the line in the spell “to the one worthy of me” to “to [their name].” Finally, instead of reading the water for clues about a new lover, ask for guidance on how to win the heart of the one you want.
This ritual does not need to be repeated unless you’d like more practice reading the candlelight reflections or you were unclear of any signs. Otherwise, one bath will suffice!
So, happy birthday, Cancerians! I hope you have an amazing month, find what you’re looking for, and enjoy every moment.
And don’t forget to put yourself first sometimes — no one deserves it more!
Do you know how to enhance your magic, improve your intent, and get kick ass results from your spells all at once?
If you don’t, then you need to be utilising the amazing energy system inherent to the human magical system. Tapping into this energy system allows you to understand the magic you’re using on a far deeper level and achieve results that will blow your mind.
In The Witch’s Energy System, I’ll break down the entire system into easy to use pieces so that you can learn to see, feel, and make use of this energy in a way that will completely change how you view your own magic.
Learn More Here >>
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