ckrongold · 4 years
   Christopher didn’t usually mean to be sneaky. In fact, his 6-foot frame was a dead giveaway to his presence, more often that not. But in this instance, it was clear that they didn’t see him nor hear him, judging by their lack of totally noticing him. 
   Which was why he finally piped up, clearing his throat first; he didn’t want to startle anyone. ❝Don’t you think that’s a little too much?❞ he inquired, quirking a brow as he looked to the other with keen interest.
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shapeitupliam · 4 years
Liam was looking for his dad. He had a few questions he needed to ask him, but he hadn’t been able to find him. He was probably out working, doing something for Mr K, but he thought he would stop in at Ace’s just in case he happened to be there. He walked in and was glad to see it wasn’t too busy and he could easily see his dad wasn’t there. He sighed and sat at table after grabbing a sparkling water from the bartender. He wasn’t much of drinker.
He watched the people around coming in and out. He heard a familiar voice from behind him and turned around to greet them with a smile. “Oh hi there.”
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benxedd · 4 years
Benjamin sat at the bar working on his fourth beer of the evening, usually he would pace himself, though it didn’t matter tonight. He was going home to an empty apartment. The male knew the woman he’d hoped to be his fiance by now is doing the right thing by leaving down. As her baby bump was starting to show with every passing day and proving that Devils can be ruthless with blowing up Sugar Rub and firing shots in a public event. Ben couldn’t risk it anymore. He begged her and sure they fought about it all night, but eventually, she agreed with him and packed a couple bags and left to stay with a sibling out of state. Despite it being for the better, he hated not having her by his side. This will be the first time they ever attempt at long-distance since they started dating many years ago. It’s safe to say, he wasn’t taking the first night very well. As he poured the last sip from his alcoholic beverage, but put the glass down and sighed. “Another.” 
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dilanosman · 4 years
Dilan: Listen to this pickup line: life without you is like a broken pencil — pointless.
Dilan: to think that i almost went home with him. ew
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leylaoz · 4 years
𝚂𝚃𝙰𝚃𝚄𝚂: open 𝙻𝙾𝙲𝙰𝚃𝙸𝙾𝙽: coffee / open shop
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          𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐒𝐈𝐎𝐍 𝐇𝐀𝐃 𝐁𝐄𝐄𝐍  from the very moment she had stepped off of the jet. it did, however, thicken as she exited the airport and neared the familiarly busy streets of her home. it was early and if she was honest, leyla hadn’t slept a single second of her flight even if she could have. the path was familiar, she’d been on it more times than she could count. lithe frame slips off of the suv - heels clicking against the sidewalk and she thanks the familiar driver. ❝ don’t worry, gary - i plan to bring back your favorite. ❞ she doesn’t linger, instead, moves towards the quaint shop and enters it freely. it was less public, not often visited and safe from prying eyes. it wouldn’t take long for paparazzi to hunt her down, she knew that. however, they often left her alone once they got a few shots and words from the actress. leyla was prepared. ❝ what is going on today ??? why is everyone being so weird ?? ❞ silky soft voice calls, head finally turning towards the person she had moved to stand besides.
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martinezivanna · 4 years
It was a slow night at the Moonlight bar. Apart from regulars who wanted their daily dose of drugs, the brunette was left without much else to do. Peering at the bar, she slowly ventured there and leaned upon the surface. Shifting forward, she got the bartender’s attention and motioned for a drink. “I’ll get theirs too,” she pointed to the patron on her left. Her attention turned towards them then, “What brings you here tonight? We celebrating or drinking our sorrows away,” Ivanna asked as she placed her elbow upon the surface of the bar, cupping her chin in the palm of her hand while dark hues racked over them. 
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ferahdemir · 4 years
“Ew.” Ferah whispered beneath her breath when the male attempted to lean in closer to her. Pulling her arm away from them in order to shift her position, the brunette searched eagerly for a stranger in the crowd. “I’m meeting someone here....” When she caught the gaze of someone, she didn’t hesitate to jump forward and grasped for the others arm. “Can you please help me. This guy is a creep and I’d rather not have to listen to him gush over his six — yes, six — cats for the next few hour.” Ferah almost pleaded, jutting out her lower lip towards them. “I’ll pay for your next drinks, even your bar tab.”
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malcalcott · 4 years
open starter; @rivalsofnycstarters​
“I don’t want to hear one goddamn word about it, okay? I’m fine, my shoulder is fucking fine, and I’m tired of sitting on my ass not doing shit.” Malcolm snapped, all but bearing his teeth at the person next to him as he just tried to get a fucking beer and enjoy a public space before he actually lost his mind. “I’m still wearing this stupid fucking sling like I’m supposed to so I’m going to drink a beer, maybe go work on a car or find something else useful to do with my time because I can not sit on my fucking couch any longer.” He stated firmly. “You gotta problem with that, or you gonna drink too?”
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anastasiajones · 4 years
After the pretty unsettling news and some exhaustingly long meeting with the other members, Ana's slow steps were finally carrying her home throughout the empty streets of New York. Something about the night walks was calming enough for her to organize her thoughts and put everything that happened lately into somewhat clear order. But the trail of her thoughts was soon interrupted by another set of footsteps behind her. She turned her head swiftly just to see an unrecognizable figure. The paranoia created from the latest events resulted in her being extra careful rather than sorry. “Hello?”
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quinndavis · 4 years
Leaning forward over the table, Quinn rolled the dice in her hand, giving them a decent shake. Though before she tossed them on the table, she turned to a passing form and held out her hand. “Blow on these would you,” Giving them a slight smirk, she arched a brow. “--I hear it brings good fortune, and I could use any and all luck tonight.” 
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isaacthedevil · 4 years
Isaac sat at the table outside the coffee shop eating the croissant and sipping the coffee he had purchased. Sure he could have been more covert about it, and normally he might be, but this wasn’t a stake out, this was going to be a meeting, even if the other didn’t know it.
He felt the wind kick up and before he could stop it his napkin blew to the ground. When he bent over to pick it up, someone was standing in front of him. “Oh hello. I wasn’t expecting to see you here.” He said a sly smile on his face.
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ckrongold · 4 years
   With the airpods in, Chris drowned out the sounds around him with his choice of music. At least, it kept him focused on his running. He couldn’t stand still for so long, believing his restlessness to be an aftermath of the weekend’s events. Hence, the distraction tactic: defaulting to exercise. 
   Bruised up face aside, the Krongold male was well in his zone. He had spent a good twenty minutes now, energized and bouncing as he went along the route he had planned. It was quite the release, after everything.
   That is, until he heard a muffled sound and so that someone was calling out to him. At least, it looked like it. ❝Hmmm?❞ He could be mistaken, but he sought it best to check. Noting the other person’s actions, Chris slowed to a halt, stopping short in front of them, then removing one of the airpods from his ear. ❝I’m sorry, what? I didn’t catch that?❞
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elisabethduncan · 4 years
Liz was supposed to be gone long before the storm hit, but with Moonlight reopening there was still so much to be done, and as always she found herself distracted by work. It wasn’t until she decided to leave that she realized how terrible the weather had become. The woman stood in the doorway, trying to debate if she could brave the weather enough to get back to her own apartment, when she felt someone slide up next to her. “There’s no way I can get home in this, is there?” She asked, though she already knew the answer.
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amadisson · 4 years
   ❝Okay, I’ll bite--❞ Abigail sighed, her attention wholly honed in on the mobile in her hand. 
    All she wanted was a second or two for a drink to cool down from her flight back into New York. She just hadn’t quite decided whether or not she liked their disruptive tone. Matched with a highly annoyed eye roll, she might as well give them whatever time of day they wanted from her.  Finally tearing her gaze away from her beloved phone, her flickered gaze met the other’s eyes.
   ❝What is it?❞
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ameliakfischer · 4 years
The waiter had handed her off a glass, though Amelia was more than aware she couldn’t personally indulge in the drink. Thus was why she waited till moment later to take a few lingering steps towards another, holding out the glass. “Since I can’t, you must, wouldn’t you agree?” A coy smirk tested her lips, as she raised a brow in response. 
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dominojackson · 4 years
Domino had been sitting on the park bench for a while now. She called herself relaxing, and it was true she was contented by her surroundings, but here she was going through her phone just as she had been twenty minutes ago, rendering the entire outdoor event into one she could have certainly done at home. As what was to be her last news update opened at the mercy of her scrolling fingers, Domino distantly sensed the gaze of someone. Even then, she performed a double take between her device and the on-looker, only half-way stirred by their presence. When her eyes did fully settle on them, she brought her hands together in her lap and awaited their explanation of why they might be concerned with her at all.
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