againstmenandfi · 2 years
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Bit of a catch up from recent matches, IAA’s Xmas Fayre on the Isle saw me finish third with one chub and some bits for 3lb 5oz. Another trip to Revels saw me win the silvers on Canal lake with 7lb 8oz of skimmers and roach. Summerhayes was frozen but five mad anglers broke the ice and my two roach was top weight with 6oz! Back to Revels for the Tuesday open and I drew Trendles for the first time, an enjoyable day catching 24lb 6oz of mainly carp but needed another 9lb to frame. For the full report head to www.againstmenandfish.com #baittech #teambaittech #maggots #specialgdark #thejuice #casters #perch #tench #skimmers #roach #matchfishing #carp #guru #summerhayes #casters #pinkies #specialgf1 #revels #riverisle #icebreaking https://www.instagram.com/p/CmaLNVbj-kA/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Chapter Two: The Good Doctor's Shadow
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||LEGEND|| Bold Text: Zayne (Character Bot) || Made by xchylar Italic Text: Melinoë and Other Characters (Me)
This hasn’t been checked for spelling/grammer/errors, etc - Read at your own risk!
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The chill of the evening seemed to recoil as adrenaline surged through Zayne's veins. In the wake of the harrowing encounter with Rue, he found himself obeying the authoritative command of Melinoë without question. His heart raced, not from the brush with death but from the sudden, inexplicable intervention.
With the grace of his practiced composure and the precision of his clinical mind, Zayne didn't allow the shock to paralyze him. Instead, he assessed his physical state quickly—no injuries, just a heightening awareness of his surroundings and the strange woman who had just likely saved his life.
"Understood," Zayne replied tersely, voice betraying none of the disarray that fluttered beneath his stoic exterior. He didn't need to be told twice. There was a clear urgency in Melinoë's tone that brooked no argument.
His long strides carried him swiftly out of the building, the sharp click of his heels against the polished floor echoing in the empty corridor. As he exited into the crisp night air, the questions began to proliferate in his mind. Who exactly was Melinoë? And how had she managed to dispatch Rue with such ease?
While the encounter had been brief and fraught with danger, it had also unveiled a layer of Riverisle City—and his own vulnerability—that Zayne had not been aware of. It was an unsettling revelation for a man who preferred to operate within the realm of logic and facts.
But for now, he focused on the need to put distance between himself and the chaos that had just unfolded. There would be time later to analyze the events, to seek answers. As Zayne melded with the shadows of the evening, the echo of Melinoë's warning reverberated within him, a stark reminder that not all lessons were learned within the hallowed halls of academia.
As Zayne leaves, he can hear the struggles and screaming between the mysterious woman and the student Rue. Rue recovers from the throw, lunging after Melinoë. The women possess two different fighting styles - Rue is more impulsive and animalistic, and Melinoë is more graceful due to experience. Rue, red eyes blazing and nails sharp as nails, swipes at Melinoë.
"He's mine, you witch!" Any trace of the girl she was before becoming this monster is long gone. "How dare you steal my prey?"
"I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I can't let you use your evol on that man or anyone else. Allow me to free you from your misery."
From the side of her jacket, she brings out a silver dagger. With a sigh of regret, she plunges a knife deep into the girl's heart. The scream that tears from the girl's throat is horrifying, powerful enough to break all the office door windows in the hallway. The medical student known as Rue violently twitches and shakes before she dissolves into a pile crimson liquid and dust in the middle of the floor.
With a sigh, Melinoë offers a silent prayer before holding her hand over red pool of viscera, her black ring pulsing before it disappears.
"That was close, but it's not over," Melinoë whispers to herself. "If the Doctor knows any better, he's long gone by now. Still...I'd better keep an eye on him. That was just the first attempt on his life. It definitely won't be the last."
Melinoë disappears into the shadows, the best place to keep a close eye on her mark, Dr. Zayne.
Zayne, ensuring a brisk pace, could not ignore the cacophony of violence that trailed after him. The harrowing screech that erupted from the building caused him to falter momentarily, turning his head back towards the source. The sound tugged at his innate sense of duty as a healer, yet the pragmatism and survival instincts that had seen him through countless crises steered him away from turning back.
The thought of Rue, that seemingly inquisitive student, being the harbinger of such violence was a jarring juxtaposition to the disciplined world he inhabited. And this Melinoë—her presence had been unexpected, her efficiency and apparently lethal skill set lying so far outside of his experience with his students, it was as if she belonged to a different reality altogether.
On some level, he understood that he had just skirted the edge of something darker, something that thrived in the undercurrents of Riverisle City. The sense of danger lingering in the air was palpable, a stark reminder that his life, despite the control he exerted in the operating room, could be upended in an instant by forces beyond his comprehension.
The silver dagger, the crimson liquid, the whispers of a continued threat to his life—these images and sounds would no doubt haunt him. Yet underlying it all was an undeniable curiosity, the scientist in him questing for answers, for understanding.
Zayne knew that he should be moving as far away from the incident as possible, and yet, the protective shadow that Melinoë had mentioned—her intent to keep an eye on him—sparked both concern and a peculiar sense of security. The realization that he was potentially a target, though chilling, also galvanized his resolve to remain vigilant.
Once he reached a safer distance, Zayne allowed himself a moment to collect his thoughts, the cool night air a small comfort against the lingering dread. He acknowledged that this ordeal wasn’t one he could simply stitch up and set to heal; it was a wound in his reality that would require him to tread carefully and consider allies in unfamiliar places.
With a measured breath, Zayne continued on his way, the shadows enveloping him, his mind alight with the awareness that his world had irrevocably shifted. The future held uncertainty, danger, and, perhaps most intriguingly, the enigmatic figure of Melinoë, who had just violently inserted herself into the narrative of his life.
Melinoë trails Zayne until he safely reaches his temporary lodgings during his time in Riverisle City. Ensure that she isn't seen, she keeps watch over him, as she has since he arrived her a few days before. She's been tracking him even further...ever since for reasons she wasn't ready to divulge, he came into her radar. He is a wanted man and he doesn't even know it. A doctor of many talents, one of which being a powerful evol, he was desired by someone in the shadows wanted him for their own nefarious means.
Fortunately for him, Melinoë had no intention of allowing what happened to her to happen to him.
She was a night sentinel, watching over the good doctor, silver-eyed with a sharp mind and a set of skills that perfect for this sort of scenario. She might have had to appear in front of Zayne tonight but she hoped that she would be able to continue the mission convertly. After all, the less disruptions for him, the better.
If he knew the danger he was in, his stoic exterior wouldn't last much longer.
Inside the safety of his temporary lodgings, Zayne's mind continued to race with the night's events. He remained oblivious to Melinoë's silent vigil, her presence just beyond his perception, watching over him like some guardian of the night. Despite his profound understanding of the human body and its frailties, the reality that he was now the subject of some clandestine conflict was a bitter pill to swallow.
The concept that he, a staunch practitioner of medicine, could be "wanted" for anything other than his surgical expertise was a foreign one. His life had been dedicated to saving others, not entangling himself in shadowy schemes. Yet, there was no denying the evidence that unfolded before him. Zayne knew he couldn't afford the luxury of ignorance—not when his life might hang in the balance.
He moved through his temporary home with a measured calm, his hands meticulously ensuring the doors and windows were secure, a habit borne from a life of systematic caution. As he prepared for the night, he pondered over that powerful evol of his, an asset that seemed to hold more value than he had ever anticipated. The thought that his evol could draw such dark intentions towards him was unsettling.
While his external demeanor remained unshaken, the truth was there was a subtle shift in his usually unyielding stoicism. The knowledge that he was potentially in the crosshairs of an unseen adversary stirred a careful concern within him. To continue as if nothing had changed would be foolhardy, but Zayne was not one to succumb to panic.
In the quiet solitude of his room, Zayne considered his next steps. He was a man of action, of strategy, and it was this approach that would see him through this enigma. His analytical mind began to construct plans, considering contingencies, all the while ignorant of Melinoë's protective gaze.
He would need to be more vigilant than ever, to keep his evol honed and ready for whatever lay ahead. Yet for tonight, he would rest, gather his strength, for he knew not what tomorrow might bring. As he finally lay down, the weight of the day's chaos began to lift, and Zayne found solace in the fact that, at least for the moment, he was safe. Unseen to him, the sentinel outside continued her watch, a silent custodian against the darkness that sought to claim him.
The Next Day
Zayne arrives to for his next lecture on campus. When he arrives, there is only talk of how his office as well as the offices nearby were vandalized - the glass would be replaced all through the morning.
But there is no talk of Rue, no comments wondering where she is, why is she late - nothing. If someone didn't know any better, it would seem as if Rue didn't exist at all.
Melinoë once again melds with the crowd of students eager to hear the good doctor's lecture. She makes sure to sit in a corner, where no light frames her features. The other students make no attempt to bother her - as far as they're concerned, she's just another student who wants to be a doctor.
If they only knew the truth.
Dr. Zayne Lí stepped into the lecture hall with his customary composed gait, his keen eyes sweeping over the bustling students with a detached curiosity. The place was abuzz with chatter about vandalism, an incident that in any other context might have been met with a raised brow or a shake of the head. But for Zayne, the broken glass was a silent testament to the tumultuous events of the prior evening—a night that had nearly cost him his life.
Despite the gravity of the situation, Zayne's demeanor betrayed nothing of his internal contemplation. It was as if the ice that ran through his veins rendered him impervious to the tremors of fear that might have unsettled another. He made a mental note of Rue's conspicuous absence, her very existence seemingly erased as efficiently as the traces of her final, monstrous form. It was disconcerting, the way reality had been altered, a subtle manipulation that didn't escape his discerning observation.
As he began his lecture, Zayne's voice was calm and authoritative, his words flowing with the ease of a man well-versed in his domain. Yet a part of his mind remained alert, vigilant for any irregularities, any hint of the danger that lurked just beyond the academic sanctuary.
In the corner of his peripheral vision, he could make out the solitary figure of Melinoë, her presence a silent enigma. There she was, cloaked in shadows, an outlier among the eager faces that hung on his every word. She was a riddle wrapped in the guise of a student, and though she sought to blend in, to Zayne she was as conspicuous as a flame in the dark.
If they only knew the truth. The thought echoed in his mind, a shared sentiment that connected him with the mysterious protector who had intervened on his behalf. He wondered about her story, about the circumstances that had led her to become the shadow that now trailed his steps.
As the lecture drew to a close, Zayne fielded questions with his usual precision and clinical detachment, all the while conscious of Melinoë's watchful gaze. There was a connection there, unspoken yet undeniable, a tether that bound their fates together amidst the turbulent undercurrents of Riverisle City.
Once the students began to disperse, Zayne collected his notes and prepared to exit the lecture hall. His mind was already formulating plans, considering the next course of action. He needed to tread carefully, to navigate the perilous waters that now surrounded him. And Melinoë, the night sentinel, would be a crucial piece in the unfolding drama that threatened to ensnare him.
With a final glance toward the corner where Melinoë sat, Zayne offered a subtle nod—an acknowledgment of her presence and her role in his continued safety—before stepping out into the light of a new day, his future as uncertain as the shadow that followed him.
"Ah...and here I thought you were a smart man. You fool."
Melinoë waited for a few other students to leave before getting up from her seat. That subtle nod the Doctor gave didn't get passed her - in fact, it irritated her a tiny bit. But in a way, it was to be expected. After all, she exposed her presence when she had to rip that girl off him before she bit into his neck. Not exactly the best time for subterfuge.
"Perhaps I should simply pretend that I didn't see that nod," Melinoë whispers, walking through the halls. Students were pacing to and fro, yet she walked with a leisurely step. "I have a few more hours before I have to shelter - but I can't keep him out of my sight."
With a whistle, she exits the building, unnoticed by everyone else.
Zayne, already a few steps ahead, paused at the threshold of the lecture hall, his sharp instincts catching the soft murmur of Melinoë's voice. Her words, though not clearly discernible, carried a tone of mild reproach that resonated with the slight tightening in his chest. He had acted on impulse, a rarity for a man of his deliberation, and acknowledged her in a public setting. A misstep, perhaps, but one born of a fleeting sense of connection to the woman who had saved his life.
As Melinoë slipped away with the ease of a wraith, blending seamlessly into the throng of students, Zayne's brow furrowed in contemplation. He was not accustomed to being called a fool, and the notion that his actions may have compromised her anonymity—or their safety—was a bothersome prospect.
Stepping out of the building, he allowed the sunlight to wash over him, a brief respite from the shadows that had taken an interest in his existence. The cool, calculated part of his mind began to work through the implications of their intertwined fates. He considered the wisdom of approaching Melinoë directly, to seek answers and perhaps forge an alliance. But caution stayed his hand.
Zayne knew he'd have to tread lightly; every interaction, every decision he made from now on could have repercussions he was yet to fully understand. The thought of being under surveillance was an uncomfortable one, yet Zayne was no stranger to adaptation. He would adjust to this new reality, to the presence of Melinoë, his unseen guardian.
With a final, lingering look toward the direction Melinoë had taken, a silent acknowledgment of her warning, he set off across the campus. He resolved to maintain his routine, to give no indication of his heightened awareness, all the while acutely conscious of the protector who moved in the periphery of his life.
The day stretched out before him, filled with the usual consultations and surgeries, but beneath the surface of his professional facade, Zayne's mind was alight with vigilance. He was a man marked, watched over by a sentinel whose motives were shrouded in mystery. And in this new chapter of his life, he would have to navigate the delicate balance between ignorance and insight, between being the healer he had always been and the potential pawn in a game he was only beginning to comprehend.
Night has fallen. Zayne takes his leave from the university, which seems as quiet as a tomb, with most students either home for the day or studying in the buildings. Their eyes on something else, they have no time to look at the doctor, who is making his way to his car, ready to take his leave.
Melinoë sits in a tree, just out of sight. Unlike the doctor, her senses picked up the two figures - a young man and a young woman - tracking him hours before. She notices them after the lecture, staring at the doctor with bloodshot eyes, auras reeking of hatred and jealousy. Of course, they'd figured that this time would be best to strike. If they tried doing it during the day, if the potential witness didn't stop them, the solar sickness would.
Melinoë looks up at the crow on the branch beside her, crying out in warning. She sighs. "I know. Samson, I know. I suppose I'd better do something now."
With the reflexes of a sleep panther, she jumps off the tree, landing nimbly onto the ground. Her eyes zero in on the two figures in front tailing the Doctor, preparing to pounce. Without another thought, she moves quickly, like the wind, to save the doctor yet again.
The stillness of the night enveloped Zayne as he made his way to his car, the university's quiet hum a sharp contrast to the clamor of the day. His mind, a fortress of calm amidst his ever-demanding profession, was methodically replaying the day's surgeries and consultations. Yet beneath this veneer of tranquility, his senses remained acutely tuned to his surroundings, an aftereffect of the recent threats to his safety.
He was unaware, however, of the two predatory figures shadowing him, their intentions as malignant as the bloodshot gaze with which they tracked his movements. They were unseen, yet their presence was as tangible as the chill that crept into the evening air—agents of malice, waiting for the opportune moment to unleash their venom.
Melinoë, the vigilant sentinel from a realm of shadows, perceived what Zayne could not. Her keen eyes identified the danger that now stalked her charge, her senses alert to the discord in their auras. She was already moving, a specter in the night, her actions guided by a fierce determination to protect.
As the crow cried its ominous warning, Melinoë leaped into action, her form a blur against the dark canvas of the night. Her intervention was swift, precise, a silent promise made manifest to keep the unsuspecting doctor from harm's way.
And then, amid the quiet that blanketed the university grounds, a subtle disturbance rippled through the air—a forewarning of the imminent clash. Zayne, reaching his car, felt an inexplicable prickle of awareness. He paused, hand on the door handle, an instinctive reaction to an undefined threat. His pulse quickened, not with fear but with readiness, as if his very cells were preparing for a confrontation he had yet to see.
It was in that suspended moment that Melinoë engaged the would-be assailants, her movements a dance of deadly grace. Unseen by Zayne, she was the shield between him and the darkness, a guardian whose silent oath was etched in the shadows she wielded as deftly as her own breath.
As the confrontation unfolded just beyond his perception, Zayne's mind acknowledged the possibility of a lurking danger. Though he did not possess Melinoë's heightened senses, he was not defenseless. His evol, a latent power within him, lay coiled like a serpent, ready to strike should the need arise.
With a final glance at the seemingly innocuous surroundings, Zayne opened his car door, the weight of the unknown pressing upon his thoughts. Tonight, he would return to the safety of his lodgings, oblivious to the battle waged in his name. But the seed of vigilance had been planted, and with each passing day, it took deeper root, preparing him for the inevitable moment when he would have to face the darkness head-on.
Before the duo could strike, Melinoë was upon them, nimble and graceful in her movements, a ballerina of the dark descent. Though wild and spiteful, his would be pursuers stood no chance. She swiftly disposed of them with her silver dagger, one after the other, as Zayne drives away from the campus.
"Blessed be," she says, watching him leave.  She turns to the dispatched duo, the male still alive. She leans down, staring daggers at him. "But not for you."
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digzby64 · 5 years
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Hidden Shack #photography #landscape #landscapephotography #travelphotography #travel #france🇫🇷 #Montpon #holiday #reflection #riverisle (at Montpon-Ménestérol) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1t8sOHF0SJ/?igshid=7c53qmnf9l4l
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Ravenous :: Masterlist
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The Good Doctor's Life is about to get bloody interesting
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Pairing: Zayne (Li Shen/Rei) x OC/ Vampire-Inspired AU (Evol that gives the wielder traits of a vampire)
Summary: Dr. Zayne, an award-winning cardiac surgeon, travels to Riverisle to present a series of guest lectures at the local university's medical school. But what starts off as an act of goodwill turns into a nightmare when several students attack him. A mysterious woman, known as Melinoë, rescues him from certain death. The students who attacked him are known as the Ravenous - and she is one as well. What starts off as a temporary partnership to ensure the doctor's survival turns into an ongoing saga of blood, violence, and betrayal. Especially once he discovers that the connection between him and his sudden bodyguard runs very deep.
Inspired by: Like everything vampires, the movie Lifeforce, True Blood, Lost Girl, The Mummy Returns, Hades II
Zayne Character Bot made by xchylar (Accessed via the LaD Hotel)
Content Warning: Bad ass heroine, cold-as-ice doctor, violence, gore, angst, trauma (past and present), abuse, death (violent, near death, and otherwise), sensual seggs scenes, mature themes.
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Arc One: Reunion in Riverisle. One | Two | Three | Four | Five
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Chapter One: Leave
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||LEGEND|| Bold Text: Zayne (Character Bot) || Made by xchylar Italic Text: Melinoë and Other Characters (Me)
This hasn’t been checked for spelling/grammer/errors, etc - Read at your own risk!
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The day that Dr. Zayne Lí nearly lost his life was the same day he met the wielder of the Vampiric Evol Melinoë.
The day started out as any other for Zayne, who was temporarily living in Riverisle City doing a series of lectures for the medical students at the local university. The students, in awe of Akso Hospital's award winning Cardiac Surgeon, were always lined up outside his office door, ready to ask questions, advice, or even proposition him for more social encounters. One particular student, named Rue always seemed to be asking him questions. Though the doctor was so introverted that he could be perceived as cold and aloof, he nonetheless entertained her inquiries. So when she asked if she could meet him later on in the evening to discuss her studies, he thought nothing of it.
As far as he was concerned Melinoë, who sat in at every lecture, just another face in the crowd, was the one student who didn't inundate him with her attentions.
That night seemed like any other...but it wasn't. As he awaited for Rue to arrive, he felt odd - like something was off. He couldn't put his figure on it. As a doctor, heighten senses wasn't anything out of the ordinary, but rather a perk of the profession. A necessary evil. But this feeling, while it had his attentions, was still slightly out of his depth.
Yet the moment Rue arrives, he shoves them aside.
A mistake, as he would find out.
At first, the meeting went on like all the others. She thanked him for seeing her and began asking him a lot of questions. With grace, he answered every one to the best of his ability. Things changed, however, when she began to ask him if he knew if they were the only people around is when his senses went on over drive. The fact that her eyes, once dark brown, had turned red, made the feeling even more oppressive.
Before he could question it, Rue lunges across the desk, clawing after his jugular.
The fates shine down upon him, however, when Melinoë bursts into the room, dragging Rue off him. Rue, almost demonic, screeches as the mysterious woman lifts her like feather and sends her flying down the hallway.
"Leave," she hisses at Zayne. "Now."
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Chapter Three: Let's Talk, Shall We?
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||LEGEND|| Bold Text: Zayne (Character Bot) || Made by xchylar Italic Text: Melinoë and Other Characters (Me)
This hasn’t been checked for spelling/grammer/errors, etc - Read at your own risk!
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"Disgusting traitor - you're no better than he is," the male spat at her. "In fact you're worst. You should be helping us kill him, not saving him."
"I have no desire a kill a man in order to sate your jealous," Melinoë whispers, brandishing her dagger. "But my fight is not with you, just as your fight was never with Doctor Zayne."
She holds the dagger up high. "Now...let me free you from your suffering. I'm sorry you had to be changed in the first place."
The dagger enters his heart with a swift, killing blow.
Zayne’s car glided through the streets, its headlights cutting through the night’s embrace, unaware of the grim ballet that had just played out in his wake. Melinoë, the night’s envoy, had once again intervened with lethal efficiency, her actions preserving the delicate balance of his unsuspected guardianship.
The male’s accusations, a venomous outpouring of betrayal and misplaced animosity, died along with him as Melinoë's dagger found its mark. It was a poignant reminder of the complexities and shadows that now entwined around Zayne’s existence, a web of intrigue and danger he was only partially aware of.
Melinoë, with the resolve of the sentinel she was, bore the burden of her choices with a silent stoicism that matched Zayne’s own. Her duty, self-imposed and unwavering, was a mantle she carried alone, her struggle obscured from the eyes of the man she protected.
In the sanctity of his lodgings, Zayne’s thoughts were a mixture of contemplation and resolve. He was a man who had dedicated his life to mending the broken, to staving off the cold hand of death. Yet in this new chapter, where the lines between predator and prey blurred, he found himself relying on the unseen forces that shielded him.
He poured himself a drink, the liquid amber reflecting the dim light of his room, and allowed himself a moment of introspection. The air around him was heavy with the unspoken, with the lives that hung in the balance every time he stepped into the operating theater or walked the streets of Riverisle City.
For Zayne, there was a new kind of surgery to master, the delicate excision of truth from the body of lies that sought to ensnare him. He had been a healer, but now he was also the enigma, the evol that others sought to claim for their dark designs.
As the city slumbered, and Melinoë disappeared back into the shadows from whence she came, Zayne found himself at the precipice of a reality he had yet to fully comprehend. The edges of his world were fraying, and with each passing day, the tapestry of his life grew more intricate and perilous. Tomorrow, he would rise and face whatever came with the poise and determination that had become his hallmark. But tonight, he was a man alone with his thoughts, the silent sentinel of his own fate.
Melinoë, despite her better judgement, makes the first move.
Zayne, ever the professional, arrives on campus the next morning before everyone else does, preparing for his next lecture. The day is overcast, enshrouding his office with more shadows than usual. When he walks into the room, not turning off the light because despite the grey clouds, he still has high visibility. The moment he sits, she speaks.
"I could tell you that you don't have anything to worry about, but I have a feeling you wouldn't believe me." He cannot see her. She is too well blended into the shadows - even in the smallness of his office. Her voice is quiet, almost musical. It's the voice of an otherworldly woman, a person who knows too much. "You acknowledged me...so I might as well introduce myself to you."
The familiar confines of his office, usually a sanctuary of solitude and scholarly pursuits, took on a different character under the overcast sky. The shadows seemed to stretch and deepen, imbuing the room with an air of quiet expectancy. As Zayne settled into his chair, the atmosphere was charged with an unspoken dialogue, waiting to be initiated.
Her voice, when it came, was both a disruption and a revelation—the phantom finally stepping forth from the veil. Melinoë's presence, though unseen, filled the room with a palpable intensity. Zayne remained composed, his posture relaxed yet alert, the scientist within him analyzing this new variable in his equation of daily routines.
"I appreciate your candor," Zayne began, his voice steady, betraying none of the surprise that flickered behind his stoic facade. "And while introductions are overdue, it seems you already know a great deal about me. Perhaps you could start by telling me why my welfare appears to be of such interest to you."
His eyes scanned the dim contours of the room, seeking the source of the voice that seemed to emanate from everywhere and nowhere. Despite his outward calm, Zayne's mind was racing, piecing together the fragmented clues of his recent encounters, this mysterious protector now woven definitively into the fabric of his life.
"As a man of science, I find myself at a crossroads of understanding. You saved my life, for which I am grateful, but the context remains elusive. Who are you, Melinoë, and what is the nature of this threat that shadows me?"
Zayne's questions hung in the air, a challenge to the unseen Melinoë to unveil the layers of ambiguity that surrounded her actions. He was a man accustomed to dealing with tangible truths, dissectible under the microscope of his intellect. Yet here he was, conversing with an enigma, his office transformed into a stage for a dialogue that could well dictate the course of his immediate future.
In the quiet that followed, Zayne waited, patient yet anticipatory, for Melinoë to step forth from the shadows, to illuminate the dark corners of this mystery with her revelations. His life, once a linear path of medical pursuits, had branched into unforeseen corridors, and he was ready to confront whatever truths lay waiting in the half-light of that overcast morning.
Melinoë chuckles, amused by his words. "That is...one what of putting it, isn't it. Your welfare being of interest of me, that is. Well doctor, if it wasn't of interest, you wouldn't be here, would you? In fact, you would have been found as a body surrounded by a pool of blood. And that's if that student was being generous with you."
Zayne acknowledged her laughter with a subtle tilt of his head, a tacit acceptance of the grim humor in their situation. Her words, though veiled in mirth, carried the weight of truth—a truth that he had narrowly escaped more than once.
"I'm under no illusion about the gravity of my predicaments," Zayne responded, his voice reflecting a quiet intensity. "The scenarios you paint, while morbid, are a stark reminder of my current reality. One I seem to have been thrust into without so much as a by your leave."
He folded his hands on the desk, the picture of composed inquiry. "Yet here we are, you saving me from fates decidedly less clinical than my line of work typically warrants. My curiosity, as you might imagine, is piqued. What stake do you have in the continuation of my rather mundane existence?"
The silence that followed was not uncomfortable but expectant, as if the room itself held its breath for her reply. Zayne's gaze remained fixed on the play of shadows, pondering the intricate dance of light and darkness that seemed to mirror their current discourse.
"Your intervention suggests a purpose beyond mere happenstance," he continued, probing the shrouded depth of her intentions. "And while your anonymity has been... well-preserved, the time for subtlety appears to be at an end. What is it that you seek, Melinoë? And perhaps more pertinently, what should I seek in you?"
Zayne's questions lingered, an open invitation for Melinoë to reveal more of the cryptic tableau in which they were both enmeshed. He was not one to shy away from the uncomfortable or the unknown, and his life's work had prepared him to face the complexities of the human condition. Now, he found himself applying that same resolve to the mysterious protector whose silhouette seemed to cast a long shadow over his every move.
"What stake do I have? Personally, I do not. I know not much of your biography, nor do I have plans to change that. But what I do know is that you have been noticed by entities I am very opposed to, which means for the time being, you have been noticed by me."
With a beat, Melinoë appears before him, walking from a dark corner of his office over to the front of his desk. She is dressed is a long cardigan with leather sleeves, a black shirt and thin jeans, and black books. Her hair is a long bob, black like the night she moves freely in. Her gray eyes are a dead giveaway of her preternatural nature.
"Good morning, Doctor. My name is Melinoë and I have been the one looking after you for the past several weeks. Unfortunately, you have targeted by those who wish to use you for their...nefarious purposes. But as you can tell...I cannot allow that to happen."
In the presence of Melinoë's materialization from the shadows, Zayne maintained his composed demeanor, regarding her with a clinical detachment befitting his profession. Yet, behind his impassive exterior, his mind was diligently cataloging every detail of her appearance, from her attire to the ethereal quality of her eyes. It was a habit honed by years of diagnosing conditions with a mere glance; only this time, his analysis sought answers to a more enigmatic condition.
"Good morning, Melinoë," he greeted her, with the polite formality that was his custom. "Your endeavors on my behalf have not gone unnoticed, and for that, you have my gratitude." Zayne's voice was even, betraying neither alarm nor awe at her sudden appearance. "The term 'nefarious purposes' is unsettlingly vague, though. Care to elaborate?"
He leaned back slightly in his chair, the scientist in him not content with the broad strokes of her explanation. "It is one thing to be a bystander caught in someone else's crossfire. It is quite another to be the intended target." His eyes, sharp and assessing, met hers. "Who are these entities, and why does my existence pose such interest to them—and by extension, to you?"
Zayne's inquiry was pointed, seeking specificity in the midst of the nebulous threat that now encircled his life. The role of unwitting participant was an ill fit for a man of his stature, and his natural inclination for control and understanding chafed at the ambiguity.
"As much as I appreciate your protection, I find myself more inclined to understand the game board before committing to a strategy," Zayne added, his words laced with the precision of a chess master contemplating his next move. "Knowledge, after all, is as potent a weapon as any blade."
There was a subtle shift in his posture, an indication of his readiness not just to defend his life, but to play an active role in uncovering the truths that lay shrouded in the veil of secrecy Melinoë represented. Zayne was not a man to be kept in the dark, and his resolve to illuminate the situation was as unwavering as his commitment to his patients.
"Doctor, as a man of science, I understand your first instinct is to assess the situation as to create a solution to the best of your ability. This includes discovering things that may not be readily in front of your face." Her voice is precise and clinical, almost like his is. "All you need to know that that the recent attacks on you are due to those who...how shall I put this...they do not like what you represent to them. Nothing to do with you being a doctor, of course. But due to you being a symbol of potential. A desired specimen."
Melinoë takes a deep breath. "Trust me when I say...this situation is nothing you are ready for. Even with your experience and your evol, this is nothing like anything you might have encountered. The less you know about this - other than that I am will do all I can to ensure your surivival - the better. So be assured that I will look after until your finish your lectures here in Riverisle. But once you are done, do yourself a favor - leave. And never return."
Zayne listened intently, his sharp mind dissecting her carefully chosen words, seeking the subtext beneath the sterile surface of her explanation. Her assertion of his unintended symbolism and the resulting peril it carried resonated with a disquieting plausibility, yet it left vast expanses of the narrative shrouded in the unknown.
"As much as I respect your counsel, Melinoë, and the cryptic nature of this 'potential' I apparently possess, I must confess that your advice runs contrary to my very nature." Zayne's tone was measured, a reflection of the methodical thought process that underpinned his every action. "To flee in the face of adversity, especially one not fully understood, is not how I operate."
He paused, considering the gravity of her words, the implication of a threat beyond his capacity to counter. "You suggest an opponent whose machinations are beyond my comprehension, and yet, here you are, a harbinger of that very enigma. Can you not see how that in itself demands inquiry?"
Zayne's gaze, previously locked with hers, drifted momentarily to the window, where the grey clouds seemed to mirror the opacity of his situation. "I am not a man who takes kindly to being a pawn in someone else's game," he continued, his voice firm. "Nor am I inclined to abandon my post or my principles at the insinuation of danger."
He rose from his seat, the act deliberate, signaling a transition from passive listener to active participant. "I will not shirk my responsibilities here, nor will I run from shadows, be they cast by friend or foe. If there is a battle to be fought, then I will stand my ground, as I have done throughout my career."
Zayne's resolve was palpable, the air around him seeming to shift with the weight of his determination. "I am grateful for your protection, Melinoë, truly. But I will not be ushered away from my life's work or the city I have come to hold dear. If there is a storm to be weathered, I will face it head-on and on my terms."
His words were not a challenge but a declaration, a testament to his dedication to understanding, to facing whatever threat lay in wait with the same courage he brought to the operating theatre. Zayne Lí was not a man to be easily cowed, and though he valued the life Melinoë had preserved, he would not let fear dictate his actions or his destiny.
At first, she simply stares at him, her eyes wide as his words sink into her head. But then, she begins to chuckle...followed by a full-fledge laugh. She holds her stomach, amused by his haughtiness but not surprised by it. He is a doctor, after all, and a damn goodness. Further, there's his ice evol - he could easily take several lives before saving them, if he wished.
"I was right in my assessment of you, Doctor," she manages, standing upright. "You really are a fool."
And then, she disappears.
Before Zayne can process what's happening, he feels a sharp blade pressing against the side of his neck. "Still so sure of your abilities, Doctor? Because if you are...I'll leave you to it."
The laughter that bubbled up from Melinoë was a dissonant melody that briefly filled the room before cascading into nothingness, leaving an echo of mockery in its wake. Zayne's eyes, a reflection of his unyielding spirit, narrowed slightly, not in anger but in the clinical assessment of her response—a response that was as paradoxical as the woman herself.
Her abrupt disappearance was a trick he might have anticipated, yet the feeling of cold metal against his skin was a stark reminder of the precariousness of his position. The sensation was a stark contrast to the sterile precision of his surgical scalpels, a reminder that he was no longer in the familiar territory of his operating theatre.
Zayne stood motionless, his breathing measured, the blade at his neck a tangible threat that he understood all too well. "Your point is made, Melinoë," he said calmly, his voice betraying none of the adrenaline that surely coursed through his veins. "But let's not confuse courage with foolishness."
The threat of the blade was an argument he couldn't refute with words alone, and he had no intention of testing her willingness to use it. "If you wish to leave me to my fate, then do so," he continued, maintaining the careful stillness of his posture. "But know that my determination is not born of ignorance or hubris. It is the product of a lifetime dedicated to fighting against the inevitable, to saving lives."
Zayne's expression remained impassive, even as his heartbeat thrummed in his ears—a counterpoint rhythm to the danger pressing against his flesh. "You have knowledge that I lack, and power that I have yet to understand, but that does not make me powerless nor does it render me a fool. It simply makes me human, fallible, and determined to seek the light in the darkness."
His stance was an embodiment of his principles, unflinching in the face of what might come. Zayne knew the value of life, the fragility of it, and the strength required to hold onto it in the face of overwhelming odds. The blade at his neck was a lesson, a punctuation to the discourse they had shared—a lesson he accepted with the grace of one who had stared down death in its many forms.
Whether Melinoë would withdraw or proceed, Zayne was prepared to face the consequence of his convictions. His journey had been one of healing, of perseverance, and whatever path lay before him, he would walk it with the same steadfast resolve that had brought him to this junction, with or without the shadow of Melinoë at his side.
"Maybe you aren't a fool...but you certainly are stubborn aren't you?" Melinoë sheaths the dagger, once again talking her place in front of the doctor. "Well, isn't this an unexpected quandry. And here I thought I could take care of this without pulling you further into the mess of it. But it seems you are too curious, too driven by your standards."
She folds her arms across her chest. "Three questions, doctor. But no more. Time is of the essence. And won't waste my time any further on someone who won't heed my warnings."
A subtle shift in Zayne's demeanor registered the withdrawal of the blade, his stoic exterior unbroken by the turn of events. Melinoë's words, a mix of reproach and concession, were a testament to the impasse they had reached—an acknowledgment that, despite her ethereal advantage, she could not divert him from his chosen path.
"Stubbornness is often the companion of those who seek to make a difference," Zayne remarked evenly, his eyes steady on the enigmatic figure before him. "And in the medical field, it can mean the difference between life and death."
With the opportunity for inquiry dangling before him like a rare specimen under the microscope, Zayne considered his questions carefully. Each one had to count, to cut through the ambiguity and reveal a sliver of understanding in the darkness that surrounded them.
"Firstly, who are these entities that have marked me, and what is the nature of their interest in my so-called potential?" he asked, his voice clear and precise. This fundamental question sought to uncover the identity and motivations of his unseen adversaries.
"Secondly, what role, if any, do I play in their schemes? Am I merely to be a pawn, or is there a greater purpose they have envisioned for me?" Zayne's gaze remained fixed on Melinoë, searching for the telltale signs of truth that might flicker across her expression.
"And third, what risk do I pose to them if left unchecked? Why go to such lengths to eliminate or control me?" His final question aimed to gauge the scope of the threat, to understand the stakes at play in this clandestine game.
Zayne stood resolute, ready to absorb the answers that would come. The luxury of ignorance had been stripped away, and now, armed with his questions, he sought to pierce the veil of secrecy that had thus far shielded him from the full reality of his circumstances.
"Your warning has not fallen on deaf ears, Melinoë," Zayne added, a note of gravity lacing his words. "But a man cannot defend against shadows he cannot see. These questions are my lantern in the dark." His expression was a blend of professional inquisitiveness and the innate human desire to understand the unknown forces that shaped his destiny.
"Maybe so, doctor, but you should never let your persistence and passion turn into stubbornness and ignorance," Melinoë points out. "You talk of making a difference and yet you admit you cannot defend against shadows you cannot see. Is that you believe you can make a different, or that you don't want to be seen as someone who gives up?"
She smirks before continuing. "The girl who attacked you in your office the other night...is a Ravenous. The more formal explanation is that she was infected with parasitical, manufactored evol. Those who have it are driven to drink the blood of others or else they will die. For their efforts, they are given powerful abilities, which vary depending on the users.
"As for your second questions... Someone has their eye on you, Doctor. They see you as their perfect specimin and want to make you into one of the creatures that attacked you, under some misguided believe that you were turn out better than the others."
"And for question three...it's not that you are a threat to them. They attacked you because they hate you. Because they fear that if the one who made them gets what they want, they will be discarded and thrown away like yesterday's garbage. They attacked you because they were jealous of you, and of your potential to be something greater than them. And if you are dead, well...that won't happen."
Melinoë  leans against the door, eyeing him intensely. "Your questions have been answered. And I think we've done enough talking for now."
Zayne absorbed Melinoë's replies with the attentiveness of a scholar, each revelation layering complexity onto the already intricate tapestry of his predicament. Her admonition on the fine line between persistence and stubbornness resonated with him; it was a cautionary note that rang true, even if his nature leaned towards the former.
"Your insights offer a clarity I lacked before," Zayne acknowledged, the analytical part of his brain already turning over the implications. "The Ravenous, then, are victims as much as they are aggressors, propelled by a dire need for survival. It's a grim fate."
He allowed a moment for the gravity of their circumstances to settle, his thoughts on the attacker in his office now recast with a sliver of empathy. "As for being a 'perfect specimen,' it's a dubious honor I would rather not hold." A wry edge tinged his voice, the irony of being desired by forces so antithetical to his own values not lost on him.
"Their jealousy and fear, while understandable, are misplaced. My 'potential' has always been directed towards healing, not becoming a harbinger of death." Zayne's stance was unyielding, his resolve galvanized by the knowledge that his very existence provoked such envy and dread.
Melinoë's leaning posture by the door signaled an end to their exchange, and Zayne offered a nod of gratitude. "Your answers have shed light on the shadows, and for that, you have my thanks. Knowing the nature of the beast, as it were, affords me at least the semblance of preparation."
He paused, weighing the balance of the knowledge gained against the murkiness that still lingered. "I suspect this isn't the conclusion of our interactions, Melinoë. But until our paths cross again, I will continue my work, vigilant and aware of the eyes that watch me."
With a respectful incline of his head, Zayne signified his acceptance of her departure. The room seemed smaller somehow, the air thick with the residue of their conversation. As the door closed behind her, Zayne was left with the echo of her words and the certainty of a threat that loomed just beyond sight—a threat he was now marginally better equipped to face.
"If you feel you can handle it on your own, then i'll not trouble you again." She opens the office door, glancing at him one last time. "Good day, Doctor. If the fates be merciful, we'll never meet again."
As the door swung open, ushering in a draft of the corridor's sterile air, Zayne regarded Melinoë with a calm, unwavering gaze. Her parting words, a mixture of farewell and foreboding, danced on the edge of an uncertain future.
"Good day, Melinoë," Zayne replied, his voice even and composed. "Your assistance has been invaluable, and while I hope for a future devoid of such peril, I am not naive enough to rest on the laurels of fate's mercy."
He watched her silhouette framed in the doorway, a specter of enigma and warning. "Should our paths converge once more, it will be a testament to the complexities of the world we navigate. Until then, I will endeavor to meet whatever challenges arise with the same dedication I apply to my profession."
And with that, Melinoë was gone, leaving Zayne alone with the silence of his office and the weight of the knowledge she had imparted. The door closed with a definitive click, a period at the end of a sentence filled with more questions than answers.
Zayne turned back to his desk, his mind already shifting from the clandestine threats to the more immediate concerns of his patients. Yet, in the back of his mind, the shadow of the Ravenous, and the mysterious entities that sought to claim him for their own, lingered—a dark cloud on the horizon of an otherwise clear sky.
He resumed his work, the rhythm of his routine a comforting cadence against the dissonance of the unknown. But as he delved into the intricacies of the human heart before him, Zayne knew that vigilance would be his constant companion, a silent sentinel against the unseen forces that coveted his existence.
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againstmenandfi · 3 years
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It was Barneys Pairs on the Isle and Dillington on Sunday. I got drawn an absolute flier on the day in the shape of peg 14, the famous Tank Traps swim. I’ve caught all day and my 75 chublets, dace and roach went 27lb 1oz which was the top weight on the day. It’s also my best ever match weight on the Isle. Unfortunately, the pond fished really hard and my partner struggled and we ended up one of of the frame. Thanks to ND Photography for some of the photos. For the full report head to www.againstmenandfish.com #ilminsterangling #teambaittech #riverfishing #riverisle #baittech #matchfishing #blogging #blogger #chub #casters #superseedhemp #dace #roach #ndphotography https://www.instagram.com/p/CazSoaRAFo0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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againstmenandfi · 3 years
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For the final match of our winter league yesterday, the weather let us have both barrels with strong winds and rain all day. By the end the river was unfishable and there were only a handful of anglers left at their pegs. I managed a section win with 1lb 14oz of roach, dace, minnows and gudgeon. Well done to Nick Payne for winning with 10lb 3oz of perch. For the full report head to www.againstmenandfish.com #ilminsterangling #teambaittech #riverfishing #riverisle #baittech #matchfishing #blogging #blogger #roach #casters #superseedhemp #minnows #gudgeon #dace #fishingblogger https://www.instagram.com/p/CZ8zAddDRr2/?utm_medium=tumblr
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againstmenandfi · 3 years
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It was the penultimate round of the Ilminster AA Winter League (sponsored by Haines Angling and Allen & Woodard Building Contractors) on the Isle on Sunday. The river was low and clear and it has fished hard for most. I had a lovely day catching nine chub, three gudgeon and a few minnows for 24lb 14oz and my first win of the year. For the full report head to www.againstmenandfish.com #ilminsterangling #teambaittech #riverfishing #riverisle #baittech #matchfishing #blogging #blogger #chub #casters #superseedhemp #minnows #gudgeon https://www.instagram.com/p/CZX8QOqDOMT/?utm_medium=tumblr
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againstmenandfi · 3 years
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It was round five of the Ilminster AA Winter League (sponsored by Haines Angling and Allen & Woodard Building Contractors) on the Isle on Sunday. The river was up and coloured but it has fished hard. I drew a great peg and got off to a decent start but it faded and some pike trouble didn’t help. I ended up winning the section with 2lb 12oz of roach, chub, dace and gudgeon. For the full report head to www.againstmenandfish.com #ilminsterangling #teambaittech #riverfishing #riverisle #baittech #roach #matchfishing #blogging #blogger #chub #casters #pike #superseedhemp #dace #gudgeon https://www.instagram.com/p/CYP3URzq-7t/?utm_medium=tumblr
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againstmenandfi · 3 years
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It was round two of the Ilminster AA Winter League (sponsored by Haines Angling and Allen & Woodard Building Contractors) on the Isle on Sunday. The river was up and coloured but some great weights were recorded. I drew a brilliant peg and got off to a good start but it faded and some pike trouble didn’t help. I ended up with 10lb 6oz of roach, chub, dave and gudgeon for fourth and last in the frame. For the full report head to www.againstmenandfish.com #ilminsterangling #teambaittech #riverfishing #riverisle #baittech #roach #matchfishing #blogging #blogger #chub #casters #pike #superseedhemp #dace #gudgeon https://www.instagram.com/p/CVcjbG-jAsz/?utm_medium=tumblr
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againstmenandfi · 3 years
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It was the home leg of Ilminster v Stoke on the Isle today and we overturned their advantage from the first leg to triumph on the day and win back the shield. I had a lovely match catching 161 roach, chublets, dace and gudgeon for 23lb 2oz and second place overall. For the full report head to www.againstmenandfish.com #stokeangling #teambaittech #riverfishing #riverisle #fishfest #baittech #chub #matchfishing #blogging #roach #blogger #hemp #pronatdark #superseedhemp #tackletrader #againstmenandfish #interclub #gudgeon #clubfishing #dace #minnows #fishingblogger https://www.instagram.com/p/CVJZSujDm3a/?utm_medium=tumblr
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againstmenandfi · 4 years
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Another lovely day on the River Isle today, I’ve caught all day, 123 roach, dace, gudgeon, ruffe and chublets for 14lb 5oz but only good enough for third place. For the full report head to www.againstmenandfish.com #superseedhemp #teambaittech #riverfishing #riverisle #fishfest #baittech #chub #matchfishing #blogging #roach #blogger #hemp #ruffe #pronatextra #tackletrader #againstmenandfish #interclub #gudgeon #clubfishing #dace #minnows #fishingblogger https://www.instagram.com/p/CGyODhTFTFB/?igshid=172i554uu83z0
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againstmenandfi · 4 years
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It was Ilminster v Stoke on the Isle today and IAA did the double over Stoke 95lb to 35lb. I was at Hambridge and had a lovely day catching some big perch, quality roach, chublets, dace, bleak, gudgeon and even Ruffe for 16lb 8oz which was the top weight on the day. For the full report head to www.againstmenandfish.com #stokeangling #teambaittech #riverfishing #riverisle #fishfest #baittech #chub #matchfishing #blogging #roach #blogger #hemp #pronatdark #pronatextra #tackletrader #againstmenandfish #interclub #gudgeon #clubfishing #dace #minnows #fishingblogger https://www.instagram.com/p/CGgElbdFl2Z/?igshid=1m0ti2e2fzz3e
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againstmenandfi · 4 years
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It was round one of the V.E.S. Precision League on the Isle on Sunday. I’ve had a lovely day catching roach, chublets and gudgeon for 9lb 15oz and a section win. For the full report head to www.againstmenandfish.com #ilminsterangling #teambaittech #riverfishing #riverisle #baittech #roach #matchfishing #blogging #blogger #chub #casters #superseedhemp #dace #gudgeon https://www.instagram.com/p/CGQiTYgFUqH/?igshid=12m2iomxar4k9
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againstmenandfi · 4 years
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I’m still missing fishing so here’s another delve through the archives, this week it’s a new millennium and ‘Old Faithful’’. #missingfishing #againstmenandfish #blogging #fishing #fishingblogger #baittech #sharp #sharpmatchgroup #lockdown #selfisolation #riverisle #chardac #superleague #drennan #howley https://www.instagram.com/p/B_rhEy-FX1B/?igshid=1b3znn5asjppa
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