#rk800 humanmachine
of-quinn · 6 years
[[Continue?]] @rk800-humanmachine
Seeing that smirk display across the other android's features only caused Markus to grin. It was always interesting to see the different RK models that were brought in, and Connie was different from how he carried himself, and he liked that about him. Not to mention they made sure to give the other RK800 a different task than what Connor was often assigned. He couldn't help but to laugh a bit and shake his head.
"I'd imagine it would be, it's a good thing they assigned you to the special task force." His heterochromia gaze shifted over the android as he finished adjusting his clothing, "Well, I won't hold you any longer~ Do tell me how it goes."
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phcksh1tup-archived · 6 years
@rk800-humanmachine cont. from here.
Gavin raised one eyebrow at the other. Usually, Connor would have responded with a confirmation and delivered the report. But the strange silence, the gaze, and the unusual clothes made Gavin a little confused.
“Hello? I'm talking to you? Have your processors burned or something? Besides, you seem a little different today...”
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senhsucht-archived · 6 years
Connor wasn't execting to find a man outcold in an alley way, but it didn't surprise him, especially after upon further analyze, the human was high on Red Ice. The android just sighed and lifted him, carrying him ro his house where he could offer care once the human woke. -rk800-humanmachine
Leo groaned at being moved, barely slipping into consciousness. “Wh–?” He started, shifting in the grip of the android. He didn’t pass out in an alleyway to wake up in a man’s arms, that’s for sure.
“What the fuck is your problem?” He bit out, now struggling in Connor’s grasp. His voice was groggy and he was nowhere near being completely awake, but it didn’t make him any less pissed off. Unfortunately, he didn’t have the strength to actually struggle away and stopped moving when he realized he wasn’t going anywhere. “Where are you taking me?” Leo grumbled. He wasn’t awake enough to actually care, or question why, a stranger would pick him up and take him to God knows where.
From: Send me your muse’s reaction to finding my muse unconscious in a snowy alleyway.
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cxdemistake · 6 years
Connor frowned when he saw that Connie felt bad, and he moved to give the other android a hug, running a hand through his hair.
“It’s alright... just... try not to be as aggressive. I’m flattered that you’re this protective over me, it’s sweet... just don’t scare people to death.”
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ghost-shore-blog · 6 years
A reminder to any DBH Blogs that have followed me because I followed them
I followed because I have a Connor Blog. @rk800-humanmachine
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“I found a liquor store, and I drank it.”- rk800-humanmachine (Androids can process foods and can turn on and off the function that blocks out alcoholic affects. But takes a shit ton to get drunk.)
Gavin gavin him a look that was a cross between "how the hell did you manage that" and "do I even want to know why" before speaking. "I think you've been spending too much time with Hank."
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blackcoffeefumes · 6 years
@rk800-humanmachine​ [cont.]
   “Ew no. What the fuck?” Gavin raised an eyebrow at the RK800, taking a half step away from him. “First off, that was weak as all fuck. Second off, if you’re going to go frolic in a field of fucking daisies or some shit it can be with Anderson, not me.”
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of-quinn · 6 years
Chance Encounter || @rk800-humanmachine [[Closed RP]]
The deviant leader wasted no time in climbing out the back door of his current apartment, the amount of guest had become overwhelming, Josh and Simon seemed to be doing a better job at hosting than Markus was tonight. He just needed a place to spend most of the night, and for now, the best place seemed to be the bar. Drink a little, and find out where he would be waking up the next morning. The reckless behaviour for the time being, but had he not deserved it at this point? All the RK200 was asking for was a break and a small getaway.
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Upon leaving he wondered the streets, a typical outfit for the male being a shirt, a sweater and some jeans. In his ears, headphones to listen to music as he made his way to Jimmy's Bar. Once reaching the bar he stepped inside, his gaze swept around the bar, the no android policy had been changed after the revolution, meaning Markus and other androids were accepted here. Inside, he removed his headphones, his heterochromia gaze searching a place to take a seat, right by the bar seemed like the perfect spot- possibly next to the figure in a dress.
"The usual, please."
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cxdemistake · 6 years
Connor grinned in triumph when he managed to pin Connie down, fully expecting that he’d give up. He didn’t expect Connie to poke him, making him yelp and nearly fall on top of the other.
When he was pinned, he blinked in confusion for a few moments, then he spoke, his tone indignant. “You cheated!” He reached up and poked Connie’s sides in return, his grin coming back.
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cxdemistake · 6 years
Connor’s eyes widened, and he immediately lifted the Roomba, which made a soft noise that could be called “startled”, if he were to personify it.
“Connie, no! What if it runs into Sumo?”
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cxdemistake · 6 years
🤙 Bump into my muse (My Connor running from the Cyberlife Building blindly and running into the original Connor) (rk800-humanmachine)
Connor had told Hank he would walk home-- it wasn’t for any real reason besides that he’d wanted to sort out some details of his cases without interruption, and while he’d started to grow fond of Hank’s music, it was very distracting.
He wasn’t paying attention, and as such, when someone smacked into him, he fell immediately, thankful there was snow on the ground to at least cushion his head a bit. He groaned, sitting up and looking to see who he’d run into... only to see himself.
Yelping, he quickly stood and backed away, panic rising in him as his LED flashed between yellow and red. “N-no, I’m not going back... I’m not going back to CyberLife!”
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blackcoffeefumes · 6 years
Starter Call || @rk800-humanmachine
   Gavin stretched, taking a swig of his coffee that had gone cold. He’d been sitting and filing reports all day so his back was killing him. The detective stood, stretching his arms over his head as he did so. It was time for a well earned break and what was Gavin’s favourite thing to do when was having a break? Annoy Connor of course!!
   “Hey tin can.” He greeted as he walked up to the android’s desk. “Figured out how to solve a case yet or are you still waiting on your master to show up to work?” Seriously how did Hank get away with being late so often?
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