#rn I'm hooked on Maroon
whitedahlia13 · 2 years
Have you listened to Taylor Swift’s new album? Sweet Nothing, Snow On the Beach, and even Mastermind are giving me Stydia vibes
Yes, I have, and I’m definitely getting some Stydia vibes from each of these songs. Like I said in this post, there are times when I’m convinced that Taylor is a Stydia fan. I mean…
Sweet Nothing – This little gem has those it's the end of the world but we still have each other vibes. And isn’t that kind of the heart of Stydia? The world could be crashing down around them, but they always find ways to hold on to each other. It’s so reflective of Stiles and the way he sees Lydia. How he never asks anything of her. He just loves her and her brilliant mind, and he lets her know it in every possible way. Lydia is in the lyrics too. The peace she finds in Stiles and in the connection they share. The way she finds a safe place in him and chooses to make it her home.
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Snow on the Beach – This one has these super soft, gentle, Stydia through the years kind of vibes – how everything else fades out of view when they’re together, feeling something so pure with each other they can hardly speak of it. It also has some pretty strong 6a vibes. Lydia catching glimmers of Stiles – this undefined light – everywhere she goes, her memories of him slowly drifting back throughout the day and night. And who could forget their breathlessly awestruck reunion? Both of them fighting to get back to each other for so long that when it finally happens, it feels impossibly surreal—and beautiful. Ugh…I’m getting misty over the parallels!
On a personal note, there's the mention of the aurora borealis, which – even though it’s not a canon Stydia reference, has special meaning for me since I wrote the northern lights into Falling Slowly. And for those of you who don’t already know, Dylan O’Brien played the drums for this song so…automatic Stydia vibes there too.
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Mastermind – For one thing, the title reminds me of episode 2x12 (Master Plan) – an episode which has one of the most touching Stydia moments in their unforgettable development. For another, there’s the whole concept of Stiles with his undying affection for Lydia and his ten-year plan to get her to fall in love with him. (The one which he was willing to stretch to fifteen but didn’t have to 😉) There is also the line: And the touch of a hand lit the fuse… which reminds me how much grew from the first two times Stydia held hands – first at the formal and then when they were ice skating, and how both of those times, Lydia was the one who initiated it. How about the fact that Stydia literally just need to be in the same room and magic begins to happen?
One more common thread – there is nothing accidental about Stydia. In a few short years, they went through the gauntlet. They survived high school in Beacon Hills. They overcame alphas…and nogitsune…and more hospital stays than anyone should have in a lifetime...and oh yeah, being separated by supernaturally imposed divergences in space and time. They went in and out of relationships that weren’t right for them, followed their hearts and chose each other. The divine move of two masterminds, indeed!
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Well, that was probably more of a response than you bargained for! Thanks for giving me another reason to ramble about Stydia🧡💙
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0xo · 8 months
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working on a lace shawl :3 it's this pattern and it rocks!!! i already made a bandana of it from some soft maroon cotton in my stash, making a larger shawl/headwrap now from a finer yarn and a smaller hook. this is some discontinued 90's yarn my grandma gave me, i have several skeins so i'm hoping it works into a pretty big piece. it's such a sweet color. it's stiff rn bc tiny + acrylic but once i block it up it will be much softer and flowier. i like that it's basically a three row repeat, pretty mindless to work
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