#ro does flashfics
rhdcarts · 6 years
OOOO I HAVE AN IDEA!!! how about braggvin and 'holding hands'? ♥
803 words of some soft ass braggvin motherfuckers
Matt swirled around the dregs of the third Red Bull he’d been nursing in his fight to stay awake, taking the last swallow with a grimace. Piss warm and flat. Great. He tossed the can carelessly to the side, letting it clatter noisily against the other cans that had gotten the same treatment.
He looked at the screen again, the strings of numbers and symbols staring mockingly back, and he sighed, a deep, world-weary sigh that probably had no right to exist in this context, but Matt hardly cared about his own misuse of dramatics. He’d been working at this for hours and had made just a tad more than exactly zero progress, and, dammit, Matt was fucking tired.
Taking off his glasses, Matt rubbed his eyes, hoping to dispel the headache that had been steadily growing since he’d started working that night, and nearly missed the sound of his door creaking open.
Pushing his glasses further away, Matt slumped forward and rested his head on his arms, not bothering to greet whoever was there, or even acknowledge their presence. Either it was one of the crew, who would surely say their piece and leave Matt to his misery, or it would be someone with far less friendly intentions, ready to silence Matt forever. And at this point, he couldn’t give a rat’s ass either way.
No, Matt just wanted to close his eyes and rest. Just for a moment, he thought, a yawn building its way from his chest. Then it’ll be right back to work.
But before he could fall any deeper, footsteps shuffled closer to him. Any fantasies he’d entertained of taking the easy way out were ruined by a very familiar cough to his left.
“Matt?” Gavin’s voice was quiet, softer than Matt had ever heard it, and Matt shifted so that at least some of his face was no longer covered by his arms. “Are you all right?”
He spared a moment to recognize that he must really look like shit if Gavin is talking to him in that tone of voice.
“Mm,” he hummed in response, and even that was more energy than Matt thought he had left. He peeked up at Gavin, but without his glasses, all he could make out was a silhouette that seemed to be shifting from foot to foot. He was sure there was time to puzzle that one out later, so he closed his eyes again, attempting to block out everything else.
“Matt, What’re you workin’ on?” Gavin asked, even closer now. Matt could feel Gavin pressing against his side, and he was hard-pressed not to lean further into the welcoming warmth.
When Matt didn’t answer, too busy fighting his ever present exhaustion, Gavin appeared to switch gears, pulling back gently.
Matt groaned, protesting the sudden movement and the loss of heat, and Gavin snorted, somehow still managing not to be loud in the quiet night.
“Can you hold something for me real quick, Matthew?”
There was something in the way Gavin’s voice lilted up at the question that triggered a reaction in Matt, warning bells that not all was what it seems, and Gavin was up to something. But Matt didn’t have the energy to worry about something like that, so he held out his hand and grunted in the affirmative, still not looking up.
It was when something warm dropped in his hand and twined itself between his fingers that Matt started to come to.
A hand, his brain provided, struggling to break free from the fog of sleep.
Gavin’s hand, he realized a moment later.
He wasn’t sure whether it was the sleep deprivation, the long work night, or even wishful thinking, but Matt just stared at their hands in confusion.
“… what?” Matt asked, the first real word he’d said in hours, lack of use making his voice thick.
Gavin said nothing, just squeezed Matt’s hand in his, and Matt squinted up at him.
“C'mon, Matthew.” Gavin said, tugging him up, and Matt was forced to stand. “You, me, late night television we won’t remember in the morning, and a nice warm blanket until we’re both passed out on the couch. How’s that sound?”
A pleasant shiver went down Matt’s spine, and Matt almost purred. That sounded so fucking nice right now. He was far too gone to think about the implications of what Gavin was suggesting, and he knew he’d have accepted even if he wasn’t dead on his feet. Still…
Matt glanced back at the computer, still annoyingly bright and mocking even blurred. He felt his glasses being pressed into his free hand, and smiled at Gavin.
Gavin grinned back, and Matt could be embarrassed about how that affected him later. But right now, all he could do was swallow and nod.
“Yeah,” he managed. “Alright.”
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rhdcarts · 6 years
If u get the time uhh jerematt?? Where matt is this close 👌 to fighting jeremy for doing Dangerous Stuff That Will Most Definitely Severely Harm Him If He So Much As Breathes Wrong
this is near 900 words of emotional angst im so sorry (they make up i promise just gotta argue first)also i wrote this under an hour at 5am and now im too tired to read through it again so uh,, , enjoy
“Honey, I'm home.” Jeremy called, shouldering his way through the apartment door.
Matt, who had been waiting anxiously for Jeremy to return, stood up to meet him, narrowing his eyes at the sling supporting Jeremy's left arm.
“Okay,” Jeremy started, throwing his working arm out in front of him. “It's not as bad as it looks like.”
The fact that he had to clarify that at all did nothing to reassure Matt. He had to close his eyes and count to ten in his head, taking a deep breath to calm himself down. It didn't help. 
And when he opened his eyes again, Jeremy was staring at him warily, almost as if waiting for Matt to explode.
That also didn't help.
Matt turned around.
“Sit. Now.” His tone was flat and unwavering, and he pointed at the seat he vacated on the couch.
“Oh, not this voice again.” Jeremy complained, but sat down, wincing when his arm was jostled.
“Oh, yes, this voice again.” Matt mocked, his fist clenching at his side. “You deserve this voice again. In fact, the only reason this voice exists at all is because of you!” His volume was steadily increasing until it became almost a yell. He stopped and took another deep breath.
“I'm fine, Matt. The bullet just grazed me, really. I've had worse.” And, Christ, were those the wrong words to say.
Matt headed for the kitchen to avoid having to look at Jeremy right then. He didn't want this to become another yelling match, one they've already had many times before. It was late  and he just had to stay up half the night wallowing in his own anxiety and he was tired.
Grabbing one of the ice packs that he'd begun keeping in bulk, Matt headed back to the living room. He almost tossed it at Jeremy, but thought better of it, settling next to him instead, and holding it up.
“ Just a graze, huh? Not at all a dislocated shoulder, right?” Matt eyed him suspiciously, and when Jeremy said nothing, he sighed and held the ice pack against his shoulder blade gently.  “I'm going to assume Jack put it back for you?”
“Geoff, actually.” Jeremy sounded almost sheepish divulging this piece of information, and Matt just hummed, still refusing to look him in the eye.
There was a beat of silence, and another, and when it was clear that neither of the two wanted to speak up first, Matt sighed. He dragged his gaze from Jeremy's arm to his face, finally locking eyes with him.
“Oh, y’know. Arms deal gone a bit fucked. The usual.” He was beginning to ramble now. “It's fine, though, we took care of th-”
“That's not,” Matt cut in, and even he could hear the weariness in his voice. “What I was asking. And, you know it.”
Now it was Jeremy's turn to sigh.
“It was just business, Matt. You know what it's like in the crew. Shit happens.”
“Yeah,” Matt nodded. “I do know. From behind the scenes.” Matt’s fingers were tapping a harsh rhythm against his thigh. “Shit happens? Sure. But, I'm not the fucking one out there with a fucking orange and purple bullseye painted on his back, screaming ‘Hey Shit! Happen here!!!’ That's fucking all you, asshole.”
He could see Jeremy's jaw clench and he knew Jeremy well enough to tell that he was grinding his teeth. A perverse part of Matt was glad. Maybe it would finally fucking sink in this time.
“You've been in the field, too, Matt.”
“Out of necessity, not desire, Dooley. Only one of us gets his rocks off by putting himself in danger.”
Jeremy stood up abruptly, and the ice pack toppled to the floor. Neither bothered to look at it.
“I'm going to bed.” He started walking away, and Matt could make out the slightest imp Jeremy must have been hiding from him.
He stood up and followed, cutting him off a few feet before the threshold.
“We're not fucking done here, Jeremy. I'm not fucking done.” Matt’s eyes scanned his face, lingering on each faded scar, and he felt the fight drain out of him. He was really really tired. “Do you know,” and his voice was softer now, heavier. “What it's like having to watch you walk out that door and not knowing if this is the time you won't come back? Do you have even the faintest idea what that does to me?”
Jeremy looked like he wanted to protest, but Matt pushed on.
“I know, alright. I know. This is what we do. This is the life we both chose to lead, and I know you won't walk away. Fuck, I won't walk away. Just--” His voice cracked but at this point he didn't care. “I happen to fucking love you, asshole. In case you couldn't tell.” He gave a shaky grin, and Jeremy mirrored it. “So, can you please not make this harder?”
They stood there in silence, just staring at each other, before Jeremy stepped forward, wrapping his good arm around Matt’s waist. He buried his face in Matt’s chest, and Matt pulled him closer.
“I'm sorry.” Jeremy said, muffled by Matt’s shirt.
“I know, J. I know.”
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rhdcarts · 6 years
Braggsey where Matt forgets his lunch and Geoff goes into Caring Mode ?
i tried
“Does anybody have enough iron to make a pickaxe?” Trevor asked, glancing behind him to address the room. “Lost all my stuff after that fucking creeper.”
“Shouldn’t have died, then.” Gavin told him, giving Trevor’s character a wack with his sword for good measure.
“Well, fuck me, I should have thought of that sooner.” Trevor responded drily, trying to take a swing at Gavin with an empty fist.Gavin giggled and scurried off back to his house (Matt hesitated to call it a house because look at it. Nothing that ugly deserved to be labeled a house. Or exist at all).
Matt watched the exchange on his screen and cracked a grin, before walking dutifully over to Trevor’s character and depositing what iron he had in his inventory down in front of him.
“Oh, shit, thanks man!”
“You owe m-” Matt cut himself off with a cough, hoping to cover the rumbling of his stomach from being picked up by the microphone.
“Yeah, bud?” He could see Trevor looking back at him again, and Matt flipped him off. A part of him regretted the lack of face cam, because that entire interaction would be lost.
He went to respond verbally, but his stomach growled again, and this time Matt was sure it was caught on the audio.
“Christ, Matt!” Geoff looked at him with wide eyes.
“And what you’re hearing now, audience, is Matt Bragg’s body finally trying to take him out after the years of abuse.” Matt rolled his eyes, his cheeks flushing pink. Gavin lowered his voice. “Fascinating it took this long.”
“I’m sorry,” Matt exclaimed, a bit helplessly. “I didn’t get to eat today.”
He almost missed the flash of concern on Geoff’s face.
“Why?” Geoff frowned at him.
Covering his face with his hands, being mindful to leave his mouth uncovered --the audience already had bad enough audio on his side this time. No need to make it worse by muffling his words -- Matt sighed, feeling the pink on his cheeks darken with his embarrassment. There was no way this wouldn’t be fuel for more jokes.
“I sort of, uh,” he resigned himself to his fate. “I left my wallet in my car.”
“Then… Go get it?” Trevor supplied, and Matt could have worn he felt his next sigh down in his toes.
“Can’t. I might have, uh, locked myself out?” He said it like a question, but no, he was well aware of exactly what happened, because this was his life, so of course he did.
He took back his earlier thought about wanting webcams, because in that moment, he was very glad the audience wouldn’t be able to see just how red he was turning.
Everybody laughed, and Matt sunk deeper into his chair. Eventually, he laughed with them, trying to be a good sport. He waved them off.
“I’ll call AAA after work, guys. Don’t worry. Just gotta make it til then.”
Geoff shot him another sympathetic frown, but Matt shrugged him off and they all went back to the game, as if nothing happened…
Until Matt’s stomach made its presence known again, and he groaned, letting his head fall to the desk with a thud. Maybe the loud pounding in his ears could drown out everybody else’s jeers.
“Alright,” Geoff announced, pushing back from his computer. “Let’s stop!” He rounded on Matt, pointing. “You. Come with me.”
Matt furrowed his brow, looking up at Geoff.
“We’re taking care of that.” He gestured to Matt’s midsection, and Matt wanted to curl in on himself more. “Now.”
“Ooh, a date, then. Lucky man, Matthew.”
“Bringing anything back for us?” Trevor asked, perking up.
“None of you assholes deserve it.” He grabbed Matt’s wrist, tugging him out of his chair. “Now, let’s go. Gotta feed you before you up and wither away on us.” Before they left the room, Geoff huffed and said, “For the record, Matt would be lucky to go on a date with me. I’m the whole goddamn package.”
And, if Matt followed with a dumb grin on his face, well, he could always blame it on the thought of food.
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rhdcarts · 6 years
FLASHFIC REQUEST!!!! how about Matt and Trevor and kissies in the office ;u;
this is only vaguely related to your prompt fucking whoops
“Hey, babe. ‘S Lunchtime.” Matt stepped up behind Trevor, and leaned down to wrap his arms around his torso. He hooked his chin over Trevor’s shoulder. “What’re we getting today?”
Matt could feel laughter rumble up from Trevor’s chest, so he looked away from the screen curiously.
“Oh, Goddammit.” And there was Alfredo, shit-eating grin taking up half of his fucking face. Matt flushed red, unwrapping his arms quickly and stepping back like he’d been burnt. Oh, he wasn’t going to live this down. “Not that I’m not just so fucking ecstatic to see you,  but why are you in Trevor’s chair?”
Before Alfredo could answer, he was distracted by something over Matt’s shoulder. He raised his hand in a wave.
“Fredo!” And there was Trevor. Real, actual Trevor. Thank God, thought Matt, turning to watch him walk in. He smiled. Trevor flashed him his own smile, before turning his sights back on Alfredo, fixing his features in some approximation of a stern expression, but the twitching lips and bright eyes belied his act. “You tryna steal my man, again?”
On second thought, maybe Matt wasn’t super pleased to see him.
“My man, actually.” Alfredo declared, grabbing Matt up in a half hug. Trevor mocked gasped, his hand coming up to rest over his heart, and Matt scowled, ducking out from under Alfredo’s arm.
“Do you two have to wear matching clothes? Fucking really?” Matt frowned at both of them, crossing his arms.
Stepping closer, Trevor pulled Matt into his chest. Matt sighed, not entirely sure if he was disappointed with his boyfriend’s nonsense, or whether he was just happy to be in his arms. He had a sneaking suspicion it was probably closer to the latter this time.
“I’m sorry we confused you, babe.” Trevor said, sounding extremely not sorry. Matt tried to shake his head, but he wasn’t willing away from Trevor to move to do so. Trevor leaned back, looking at Matt. He smirked. “Hey, you got a little..”  He trailed off, rubbing his thumb over Matt’s bottom lip, tilting his head down for a kiss.
It was probably one of the most cliche moves Trevor has pulled in a while, but damned if Matt didn’t melt into the kiss anyway.
“Why do you never kiss me like that, Matt.”
Matt made a mental note to get back at Alfredo for that, rolling his eyes and stealing one last peck, reluctantly extracting himself from Trevor’s grip.
“I most certainly didn’t have something on my face, you dick.” He poked at Trevor’s chest. “We haven’t even had lunch yet. Which, speaking of, kind of the reason I was here in the first place.”
“Well then, Good Sir,” Trevor bowed, grabbing Matt’s hand. Matt snorted. So it was going to be one of those days. “Would you do me the greatest honor of escorting me to one of the finest eating establishments around.” He made a wide sweeping gesture with his free hand. “Torchy’s, because you deserve only the best.”
By the end of his spiel, Matt’s smile grew into a full blown grin, unable to stop himself.
“Wow, Trev, way to cockblock me.” Alfredo cut in, shaking his head. “We were in the middle of something here.” He turned to Matt, mischief written all over his face. “Of course I’ll go out with you, Matt, I thought you’d never ask.”
“And, suddenly, I’ve decided I’m eating alone today.” He dropped his hand from Trevor’s grasp and started to walk away. Because, really, Matt could only take so much from The Wonder Twins, never mind the fact that he was in a happily committed relationship with one of them. He was only human.
“Fredo, you’re fired.”
Matt could hear Jeremy fake gagging, and he turned around, facing the room again.
“Do you guys wait until you’re in the office to be this gross, or are you always like this?” Jeremy asked, not even bothering to look up from his screen. Matt tilted his head, silently agreeing with him.
“Yes.” Trevor told him, answering exactly nothing and everything, and walked toward the door where Matt was waiting for him.
“C’mon, idiot.” Matt held his hand out, squeezing tight when Trevor grabbed it. “You promised me tacos.”
And, Matt absolutely didn’t think to himself how lucky he was, walking out into the parking lot with his dorky boyfriend in tow.
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rhdcarts · 6 years
reminder that matters to literally no one but hey i crosspost all (most bc im sure ive missed a few) of the flashfics i post on here in a nice convenient series so if you wanted that archive type feel, here ya go (x)
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rhdcarts · 7 years
i can absolutely hear "Does anyone have a spare blowtorch" in gavin's voice if you wanna write that~
I’m sorry it’s so short, but I hope you like it!
“Fuckin’,” Jeremy growled, his knuckles white from how hard he was gripping his controller. He slammed it down against the table and groaned. “Eat my ass, Bragg!”
Matt snorted, grinning as he picked off Jeremy’s character.
“Why should he reward you for being bad at video games?” Ryan asked, taking a swig from his diet coke. Jeremy flipped him off.
“Hey, guys?” They all turned their heads to look at Gavin in the doorway. “Does anyone have a spare blowtorch?”
“Y’heard the man, Matt.” Jeremy nudged him. “Get to it. He needs a spare blowjob.”
Matt put down his controller, groaning.
“Not tonight, Gavvy.” Matt whined, leaning back against the couch. “I have a headache.”
“Christ,” Gavin rolled his eyes. “A blowtorch, not a blowjob.” He paused, considering. “ Actually, y’know what? I could go for a blowjob, too, if there’s any takers.”
“I almost don’t want to ask why you need a blowtorch.”
“For torching stuff, obviously.” He shook his head. “Honestly, what type of question is that?”
“Yeah,” Jeremy agreed. “Idiot.”
Ryan glared.
“Alright,” Ryan said slowly. “What do you plan on torching?”
Gavin’s eyes widened, and he cleared his throat.
“Actually, I think I’ll ask Michael.” He started to back up. “Have a nice night, lads!” He turned, and booked it out of the room.
“Oh fucking no you don’t, bitch!” Ryan yelled angrily, chasing after him.
Jeremy turned to look at Matt. Matt shrugged, and picked up his controller.
“Round 2?”
“You’re fucking on, Bragg.”
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rhdcarts · 7 years
A good pal of mine requested some fahc mavin fluff with trans michael and i aim to deliver
Michael was a tough dude.
He’d been in more fights than he could count and had probably started at least a good  eighty percent of them.
He had a reputation in the city, and the police fucking hated him. (A guy can’t blow up a few buildings and take out a few guys without the cops getting all up in his ass apparently.)
People were terrified of him and he loved it.
That’s why it felt so much worse when some days he looked in the mirror and still could see the rounded chin, the too-wide hips. When his shirt pulled across his chest the wrong way and he remembered what was underneath.
On these days, he barely recognized himself and he hated it.
He’d shut down, stop talking to everybody. He’d lock himself in his room and bury himself under the covers and pretend he was somewhere else, was someone else.
But, everybody didn’t include Gavin. Gav wasn’t everybody, he was Michael’s boyfriend.
So, Michael lets himself accept the comfort offered to him by Gavin, every “it’s okay, Love,” whispered in his ear, Gav’s fingers rubbing at the marks left on his skin by Michael’s binder. He indulges in the soft words and the sweet kisses and reminds himself that he’s still Michael, and he’s still loved.
Michael doesn’t always have to be tough. And that’s okay.
Sometimes, Michael can just be Michael.
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