#road traffic counting system alain
Our TEK Traffic AI Technology helps us deliver timely, very accurate, and user-friendly traffic data counts. Using edge computing cameras, we can classify the following. 1. Bike 2. Delivery bike. 3. Car 4. Taxi 5. Van 6. LGV (Large Goods Vehicle) 7. Labour Bus 8. RTA BUS 9. School Bus 10.2 Axles Vehicle 11. 3 Axles Vehicle 12. 4 Axles Vehicle 13. Multi Trailer
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These surveys are utilized to create the final data of the analysis with a greatest precision. In this analysis we are given determined videos of a specific site where the client need to utilize different cams. The various videos are synchronized and the vehicle are coordinated by their time and the last video of various cams are kept running at same time to follow the specific vehicle moving from their relative starting points and goals precisely.
Road Traffic Surveys 
road traffic counting surveys 
traffic survey
traffic counting survey
road traffic counting survey
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newstfionline · 4 years
Friday, October 30, 2020
U.S. refugee admissions (Foreign Policy) The number of refugees allowed into the United States in the coming year will be at its lowest level in modern times, after the White House announced just 15,000 refugees would be allowed settle in the country next year. According to a White House memo, 5,000 of those places will go to refugees facing religious persecution, 4,000 are reserved for refugees from Iraq who helped the United States, and 1,000 for refugees from El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras; 5,000 open slots remain, although refugees from Somalia, Syria, and Yemen are banned unless they can meet special humanitarian criteria. The future of U.S. refugee policy hangs on Tuesday’s vote: Former Vice President Joe Biden has promised to increase annual refugee admissions to 125,000, while the Guardian reports that a second Trump administration would seek to slash such admissions to zero.
Days From Election, Police Killing of Black Man Roils Philadelphia (NYT) There is a grim familiarity to it all. In the final days of a bitter election, it is a reprise of the terrible images that the country has come to know all too well this year: The shaky cellphone video, the abrupt death of a Black man at the hands of the police. The howls of grief at the scene. The protests that formed immediately. The looting of stores that lasted late into the night. It began on Monday, when two officers confronted Walter Wallace Jr., a 27-year-old with a history of mental health problems. A lawyer for the family said that he was experiencing a crisis that day and that the family told officers about it when they arrived at the scene. In an encounter captured in video that appeared on social media, Mr. Wallace is seen walking into the street in the direction of the officers, who back away and aim their guns at him. Someone yells repeatedly at Mr. Wallace to “put the knife down.” The officers then fire multiple rounds. After Mr. Wallace falls to the ground, his mother screams and rushes to his body. Mr. Wallace later died of his wounds at a nearby hospital, and the neighborhood exploded in rage. In the days since, dozens have been arrested, cars have been burned and 53 officers have been hurt. On Tuesday, Gov. Tom Wolf called in the National Guard. On Wednesday, the city declared a 9 p.m. curfew. And once again, the people in the neighborhood where it all took place were left to consider what had happened and what, if anything, could be done about it.
Zeta soaks Southeast after swamping Gulf Coast; 6 dead (AP) Millions of people were without power and at least six were dead Thursday after Hurricane Zeta slammed into Louisiana and made a beeline across the South, leaving shattered buildings, thousands of downed trees and fresh anguish over a record-setting hurricane season. From the bayous of the Gulf Coast to Atlanta and beyond, Southerners used to dealing with dangerous weather were left to pick up the pieces once again. In Atlanta and New Orleans, drivers dodged trees in roads and navigated intersections without traffic signals. As many as 2.6 million homes and businesses lost power across seven states, but the lights were coming back on slowly. The sun came out and temperatures cooled, but trees were still swaying as the storm’s remnants blew through. Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards said the state sustained “catastrophic” damage on Grand Isle in Jefferson Parish, where Zeta punched three breaches in the levee. Edwards ordered the Louisiana National Guard to fly in soldiers to assist with search and rescue efforts and urged continued caution.
Violent criminal groups are eroding Mexico’s authority and claiming more territory (Washington Post) Organized crime here once meant a handful of cartels shipping narcotics up the highways to the United States. In a fundamental shift, the criminals of today are reaching ever deeper into the country, infiltrating communities, police forces and town halls. A dizzying range of armed groups—perhaps more than 200—have diversified into a broadening array of activities. They’re not only moving drugs but kidnapping Mexicans, trafficking migrants and shaking down businesses from lime growers to mining companies. It can be easy to miss how much the nation’s criminal threat has evolved. Mexico is the United States’ No. 1 trading partner, a country of humming factories and tranquil beach resorts. But despite 14 years of military operations—and $3 billion in U.S. anti-narcotics aid—criminal organizations are transforming the Mexican landscape: In a classified study produced in 2018 but not previously reported, CIA analysts concluded that drug-trafficking groups had gained effective control over about 20 percent of Mexico, according to several current and former U.S. officials. / Homicides in the last two years have surged to their highest levels in six decades; 2020 is on track to set another record. Mexico’s murder rate is more than four times that of the United States. / Hundreds of thousands of people have fled their homes to escape violence; the Mexican Congress is poised to pass the country’s first law to help the internally displaced. / More than 77,000 people have disappeared, authorities reported this year, a far larger total than previous governments acknowledged. It is the greatest such crisis in Latin America since the “dirty wars” of the 1970s and 1980s. / The State Department is urging Americans to avoid travel to half of Mexico’s states, tagging five of them as Level 4 for danger—the same as Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq. President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has created a 100,000-member national guard to reclaim areas with little state presence. It’s not clear that will make a significant difference. Years of Mexican and U.S. strategy—arresting drug kingpins, training Mexican police, overhauling the justice system—have failed to curb the violence.
Many Cubans hope US election will lead to renewed ties (AP) Not so long ago the tables at Woow!!! restaurant in Havana were filled with tourists ordering mojitos and plates of grilled octopus. But as President Donald Trump rolled back Obama-era measures opening Cuba relations, the restaurant grew increasingly empty. Now entrepreneurs like Orlando Alain Rodríguez are keeping a close eye on the upcoming U.S. presidential election in hope that a win by Democratic challenger Joe Biden might lead to a renewal of a relationship cut short. “The Trump era has been like a virus to tourism in Cuba,” said Rodríguez, the owner of Woow!!! and another restaurant feeling the pinch. Few countries in Latin America have seen as dramatic a change in U.S. relations during the Trump administration or have as much at stake in who wins the election. Former President Barack Obama restored diplomatic relations, loosened restrictions on travel and remittances and became the first U.S. chief of state to set foot in the island in 88 years. The result was a boom in tourism and business growth on the island. Trump has steadily reversed that opening, tapping into the frustrations of a wide segment of the Cuban American community that does not support opening relations while a communist government remains in power. He put into effect part of a previously suspended U.S. law that permits American citizens to sue companies that have benefited from private properties confiscated by the Cuban government, put a new cap on remittances, reduced commercial flights and banned cruises. The president has also forbidden Americans from buying cigars, rum or staying in government-run hotels. A Trump reelection would likely spell another four years of tightened U.S. sanctions while many expect a Biden administration to carry out at least some opening.
Winter gloom settles over Europe (Washington Post) The clocks were dialed back an hour across Europe this week, and the long nights come early now. The hospitals are filling up, as the cafes are shutting down. Governments are threatening to cancel Christmas gatherings. As new coronavirus infections surge again in Europe, breaking daily records, the mood is growing dark on the continent—and it’s not even November. The reprieve of summer feels a long time ago, and Europe is entering a serious funk. Germany and France announced national lockdowns Wednesday to try to get the virus under control. The new measures are less restrictive than in the spring, and yet they face more resistance. People are no longer so willing to remain confined to their homes, venturing onto balconies in the evenings to applaud health-care workers. Many people remain scared of covid-19, but they are exhausted and frustrated—and growing angry and rebellious. In a sign of the times, the head of the World Health Organization recognized the “pandemic fatigue that people are feeling” but urged “we must not give up.” The smugness in Europe about having bested the Americans under President Trump is fading with the daily record-breaking counts.
Young and Jobless in Europe: ‘It’s Been Desperate’ (NYT) Like millions of young people across Europe, Rebecca Lee, 25, has suddenly found herself shut out of the labor market as the economic toll of the pandemic intensifies. Her job as a personal assistant at a London architecture firm, where she had worked for two years, was eliminated in September, leaving her looking for work of any kind. Ms. Lee, who has a degree in illustration from the University of Westminster, sent out nearly 100 job applications. After scores of rejections, and even being wait-listed for a food delivery gig at Deliveroo, she finally landed a two-month contract at a family-aid charity that pays 10 pounds (about $13) an hour. “At the moment I will take anything I can get,” Ms. Lee said. “It’s been desperate.” The coronavirus pandemic is rapidly fueling a new youth unemployment crisis in Europe. Young people are being disproportionately hit, economically and socially, by lockdown restrictions, forcing many to make painful adjustments and leaving policymakers grasping for solutions. Years of job growth has eroded in a matter of months, leaving more than twice as many young people than other adults out of work. The jobless rate for people 25 and under jumped from 14.7 percent in January to 17.6 percent in August. Europe is not the only place where younger workers face a jobs crunch. Young Americans are especially vulnerable to the downturn. In China, young adults are struggling for jobs in the post-outbreak era. But in Europe, the pandemic’s economic impact puts an entire generation at risk, according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.
3 dead in church attack, plunging France into dual emergency (AP) A man armed with a knife attacked people inside a French church and killed three Thursday, prompting the government to raise its security alert status to the maximum level hours before a nationwide coronavirus lockdown. The attack in Mediterranean city of Nice was the third in two months in France that authorities have attributed to Muslim extremists, including the beheading of a teacher. It comes during a growing furor over caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad that were republished in recent months by the satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo—renewing vociferous debate in France and the Muslim world over the depictions that Muslims consider offensive but are protected by French free speech laws. Other confrontations and attacks were reported Thursday in the southern French city of Avignon and in the Saudi city of Jiddah, but it was not immediately clear if they were linked to the attack in Nice.
Germany does not believe Thai king has breached state business ban: source (Reuters) Germany does not believe that Thailand’s king has so far breached its ban on conducting politics while staying there, a parliamentary source said on Wednesday, after lawmakers were briefed by the government. Following a meeting of the Bundestag’s foreign affairs committee, the source said the government had briefed lawmakers that it believes the king is permitted to make occasional decisions, as long as he does not continuously conduct business from German soil. When asked about the status of the king, the government told the committee he has a visa that allows him to stay in Germany for several years as a private person and also enjoys diplomatic immunity as a head of state. Thailand’s political crisis has made the king’s presence a challenge for Germany, but revoking the visa of a visiting head of state could cause a major diplomatic incident.
China’s New Confidence on Display (Foreign Policy) The Chinese leadership is currently meeting in Beijing to set economic and political goals for the next five years. In the run-up to the plenum, speeches by President Xi Jinping and others have demonstrated a bold confidence that this is China’s moment. As economic policymaker Liu He put it, “Bad things are turning into good ones.” Despite the damage to China’s global reputation this year, its leaders seem to believe that Western economic weakness and mishandling of the coronavirus have created opportunities. That may be true, but it may also encourage dangerous overconfidence, as happened in 2009, when the Chinese leadership was convinced the economic crisis had significantly weakened Washington. That overconfidence is most frightening when it comes to Taiwan, where recent saber-rattling has again raised the specter of an invasion. Distinguishing signal from noise on Taiwan is difficult, but the traditional restraints on Chinese military action—fear of U.S. intervention, reputational damage, and corruption inside the People’s Liberation Army—have weakened. The odds of Chinese action in Taiwan increase if the U.S. election doesn’t produce a clear result, or if a lame duck President Donald Trump embarks on a scorched-earth program on his way out—since Beijing may be convinced that a distracted Washington has no will to block it.
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Registration plate Surveys
Public Transport Surveys
Trip Generation Surveys
GPS Journey Time Surveys
Origin Destination Surveys
Link Count Surveys
Smart Parking Surveys
Turning Movement Count
Bus Occupancy Surveys
Intersection Count Surveys
Vehicle Occupancy Surveys
Pedestrian Count Surveys
Cycle Movement Surveys
Vehicle speed surveys
TEK Traffic data survey company. It is one of the most technologically advanced companies offering traffic data counting services. Tektraffic delivers quick and accurate data, which earlier used to take months to collect. traffic data collection
Road Traffic Counting Surveys in Abu Dhabi
Road Traffic Counting Surveys in Dubai
Road Traffic Counting Surveys in Sharjah
Road Traffic Counting Surveys in Ajman
Road Traffic Counting Surveys in Alain
Road Traffic Data Collection in Abu Dhabi
Traffic cameras are strategically positioned to provide wide coverage of roadways, allowing authorities to monitor traffic flow, congestion, and incidents such as accidents or road hazards. They can also be used for security purposes, deterring crime and enhancing public safety.
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Road Traffic Camera System Abu Dhabi
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Surveys of road traffic are an important aspect of transportation planning and management. These surveys give vital information regarding traffic patterns, volume, and characteristics, which assists planners and policymakers in making educated decisions about infrastructure development and traffic management techniques. In this article, we will look at the many types of road traffic surveys, their benefits, and how they are carried out.
Road Traffic Surveys
Road Traffic Counting Surveys
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Road Traffic Counting Surveys
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Traffic surveys are studies that are conducted to gather information on the volume and kind of traffic in a specific area or location. The information from these traffic surveys can be used for a number of things, such as assessing the performance of current transportation systems and determining if more roads or other transportation infrastructure are needed.
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TEK Traffic data survey company. It is one of the most technologically advanced companies offering traffic data counting services. TEK Traffic delivers quick and accurate data, which earlier used to take months to collect. 
1. Turning Movement Count Surveys 
 2. Bus Occupancy Surveys 
3. Intersection Count Surveys 
 4. Vehicle Occupancy Surveys 
 5. Pedestrian Count Surveys 
 6. Cycle Movement Surveys
 7. Registration plate surveys 
 8. Public Transport Surveys
 9. Trip Generation Surveys 
 10. GPS Journey Time Surveys 
 11. Origin Destination Surveys 
 12. Link Count Surveys 
 13. Smart Parking Surveys 
 14. Vehicle speed surveys 
 15. Pedestrian Counts Surveys 
 16. Stop & Speed Surveys
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8. Public Transport Surveys 9. Trip Generation Surveys 10. GPS Journey Time Surveys 11. Origin Destination Surveys 12. Link Count Surveys 13. Smart Parking Surveys 14. Vehicle speed surveys 15. Pedestrian Counts Surveys 16. Stop & Speed Surveys
CALL & What’s app: +971 508144086  Email: [email protected] Visit Our Web: https://tektronixllc.ae/tektraffic/
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TEK Traffic data survey company. It is one of the most technologically advanced companies offering traffic data counting services. TEK Traffic delivers quick and accurate data, which earlier used to take months to collect
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A traffic survey can include many types of traffic data collection:
Traffic Counts (Traffic Volume Counts)
Hose counts at spots along the road
Turning movement counts at intersections
Pedestrian and bicycle counts
Speed data collection
Trip generation data collection
Origin - destination data collection
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Intersection count is a kind of traffic surveys where we have to count the vehicles, cycles, people on foot, which is passed on in a particular street, way or intersection. The primary purpose is to advance the counts of vehicle movements through an intersection during certain timeframes. 
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TEK Traffic data survey company. It is one of the most technologically advanced companies offering traffic data counting services. Tektraffic delivers quick and accurate data, which earlier used to take months to collect.
Registration plate surveys
Public Transport Surveys
Trip Generation Surveys
GPS Journey Time Surveys
Origin Destination Surveys
Link Count Surveys
Smart Parking Surveys
Turning Movement Count
Bus Occupancy Surveys
Intersection Count Surveys
Vehicle Occupancy Surveys
Pedestrian Count Surveys
Cycle Movement Surveys
Vehicle speed surveys
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TEK Traffic data survey company. It is one of the most technologically advanced companies offering traffic data counting services. TEK Traffic delivers quick and accurate data, which earlier used to take months to collect.
Bus Occupancy Surveys
Turning Movement Count Surveys
Intersection Count Surveys
Vehicle Occupancy Surveys
Pedestrian Count Surveys
Registration plate surveys
Public Transport Surveys
Trip Generation Surveys
GPS Journey Time Surveys
Origin Destination Surveys
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The proposed includes facilities like bus terminals, commercial and office spaces ,parking facility, drop off zone, IPT stand, etc. this alteration in land use from the bus terminal to the wouldn't only generate new bus schedules but also generate private and intermediate vehicle traffic along side increase in foot traffic . The proposed development will impact the traffic circulation pattern and flow on the encompassing roadway segments thanks to the rise in vehicle traffic . Hence, there's a requirement to review and analyze the impacts from the proposed on the general roadway network as well as address the problems associated with the access points of with reference to buses, private vehicles and pedestrian access. The objective of the study is to spot the Traffic Impacts of the proposed  on the surrounding roadway network, intersections and access points of the  and propose mitigation measures for the effective traffic operations conditions and circulation of vehicle and foot traffic .
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Our experienced team can count any junction layout that varies from a basic T-Junction to a posh multiple camera roundabout or Big with any number of auto Classification. We are specialized in 100% Lane-by-Lane Vehicle tracking on Large roundabouts. TEKTRAFFIC data survey company. It is one of the most technologically advanced companies offering traffic data counting services. TEKTRAFFIC delivers quick and accurate data, which earlier used to take months to collect
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Traffic impact study (TIS) could also be a strong tool for engineers and planners to figure out the possible effects of any project on the transportation and traffic system. Often it’s applied only to the direct impact area and countermeasures for potential negative impacts are specific for the event . Traffic impact study (TIS) is performed to assess the adequacy of the prevailing or future transportation infrastructure to accommodate additional trips generated by a proposed development, redevelopment or land rezoning. These studies vary in their range of detail and complexity relying on the type , size and site of the event . they’re important tools in assisting public agencies in making land use planning decisions for local governments, especially for managing traffic and in planning their respective transportation systems.
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TEK Traffic data survey company. It is one of the most technologically advanced companies offering traffic data counting services. Tektraffic delivers quick and accurate data, which earlier used to take months to collect.
Registration plate surveys
Public Transport Surveys
Trip Generation Surveys
GPS Journey Time Surveys
Origin Destination Surveys
Link Count Surveys
Smart Parking Surveys
Turning Movement Count
Bus Occupancy Surveys
Intersection Count Surveys
Vehicle Occupancy Surveys
Pedestrian Count Surveys
Cycle Movement Surveys
Vehicle speed surveys
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