Calling ... Robin Hewitt
Incoming Call 'Super Fine Madeline'... 11.27: "C'mon, c'mon, c'mon. Voicemail, or pick up, please."
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Pushing a frustrated breath past her lips, Madeline pushed her hands up through her hair and paused in the middle of the trail. The logic was there, it was just explaining it that was the hard part. As much as she hated the idea of acting, Madeline’s profession dictated a healthy dash of theatre in the courtrooms. She had to make the jury believe her, believe that there is enough doubt in the case to throw out the guilty verdict. It was just communicating that, trying to get ordinary people to see the case from a new perspective. “You Honor, Co-Counsel, Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury. I stand here today not as someone forced to represent my client, Mr. Evans, but as someone who is concerned the law may... that the law...” Groaning in frustration, Madeline resumed her walk through the forest, muttering under her breath as she moved. “That the law requires an understanding of motives for the perpetrator. My client’s motives will show to have nothing but the most sincere interest for the safety and well-being of his children. In fact, it is through this desire to keep them safe he... was pushed out of the house and into some woman’s pants.” Groaning and covering her face, Madeline paused to tap her forehead against a tree. “I will not lose this case because of a thong. I will not lose this case because of a thong.” 
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The day at work seemed to slip by, Madeline barely got a good hold on the day before it was over. Swallowing hard as the clock’s hands told her it was time to get home, she took a deep breath and collected her things slowly. She may have called him and told him bits of how she felt, it didn’t mean this was about to be a walk in the park. But it also didn’t mean this was supposed to be hard. Like Meg said, this was a date. Something he seemed to want as much as she did... but what if he started to rethink it all after her phone call? Her feet carried her back home on autopilot, barely registering anything until she stood in her living room. Dropping her bag by the couch, Madeline scrubbed a hand through her hair and walked upstairs. She needed to get ready, and there was no way she was going to wear attorney clothes- she could only imagine how much he would tease her for that one.
Madeline had told him six, and after getting off at four, she only had a precious few hours to get ready for their date. A quick shower, outfit change and touch up on makeup meant Madeline only had a quarter of that time until he was supposed to be over. Which essentially meant she needed to order food now. As she placed the order, she walked around her living room, looking for anything that wasn’t right in a room she had combed over for the same purpose last night. It was hopeless, she was a small wreck of excitement and nerves. When the food came, Madeline worked on autopilot to do nothing more than set it out at the table, trying to use some forties jazz to calm her nerves like her father used to try. When the bell rang, she felt her spine immediately straighten, her middle finger and thumb beginning to tap against one another like they did every time she got nervous. Taking one final breath to relax her, Madeline walked to the door, opening it and feeling a genuine smile cross her face as she saw him. “Hello, Robin.”  @robinhoodtf
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☼ - Camping with them, ✚ - Bandaging their wound, ❇ - Stargazing with them (For Robin!) and ♞ - Playing a game with them, ❄ - Staying close to them to keep warm (For Lucius!!)
 -Under Readmore for length … I couldn’t stop myself and I apologize (also mentions of injury and blood)-
♞ - Playing a game with Lucius
Madeline had been busy helping to organize the file for her father’s new case when her mother stepped through the threshold and wrapped her arms around her daughter’s shoulders. “You at a good stopping point, Kit?” She asked pressing a kiss to the top of her daughter’s head. “Sure- what’s up?” Mads said, shooting a grin up to her mother. “Lucius is here, and he’s a bit too quiet today.” Her mother explained, winking to her daughter in a knowing manner. “Perfect.” Mads agreed, getting to her feet and walking with her mother out of the study and down the hall to where Lucius was waiting on the couch, his feet dangling a little ways above the ground. Lucius was one of her mom’s cases, but he was also one of Madeline’s favorites. She would just as easily watch over and protect him forever if given the opportunity. “Lulu?” Madeline called, her smile brightening when his head snapped up and he looked hopefully towards the sixteen-year-old. For a five-year-old, Lucius was easily one of the quietest kids she had ever met. Which only meant Madeline had to entice the smiles and giggles from him- a task she was more than happy to undergo. Slipping up beside him on the couch, Mads immediately reached for him to bring him onto her lap, his bright blue eyes never leaving hers. “Mah-line?” He whispered, wrapping his hands around one of hers. Without a second thought, Madeline flipped him onto his back and lifted his little t-shirt, blowing raspberries all over his stomach until he was shaking and squealing in laughter. “Are you a silly little boy, Lulu?” Madeline asked, missing her mother snapping a quick picture of the two before silently leaving the room. “Who’s a silly little boy?” “Mah-line!” “Me?” She called, laughing at his accusation. “Never!” She replied, fixing his shirt back down and pressing a kiss to his cheek. “Would you like to play a game, silly Lulu?” She asked, nodding to the floor where they usually begin. Wiggling in her lap, Lulu slid off her knees and went to the floor, his grin unmistakable. “What shall we play?” She asked, moving to stand before him and crouching down to his level. “Hide and seek?” She offered, remembering his fondness for the game. “Yah!” He said, practically wiggling in excitement at the idea. “Alright, I’ll hide first. You find me.” Madeline encouraged, waiting until he began to nod to step back a little, Lucius trying to follow her. “Uh-uh-uh,” she paused, holding out a finger. “You stay here. Put your hands over your eyes, and count to five, ok? Then come find me.” Waiting until his hands slipped over his eyes, Madeline bee-lined for the couch, jumping over it as he ended his choppy counting. He too headed straight for the couch, his peeking telling him all he needed to know about where Madeline would be. Once he rounded the couch’s side, Madeline opened her arms wide and cheered, pulling him in for a tight hug and little kisses all around his head. “You did it, Lulu! You found me!” She cried, happy to hear his giggling pick up again. “Alright, it’s your turn now, Lulu. You go hide and I’ll count.” Planting one last kiss on his forehead, Madeline dutifully covered her eyes and counted up to ten, her happiness buzzing through her. Once she reached the highest number, she immediately popped her head above the couch and looked around, instantly seeing his little feet sticking out from behind a curtain. Humming lightly to herself, Madeline took her time going around the room, calling out places and ignoring the little giggles that continued to resound from the curtain. “Hmmmm,” she mused, pulling up another cushion from the chair by the windows. “He’s not in the chair… I have no idea where my sweet little Lulu could be!” She called out, tapping her chin inquisitively as his little feet began to dance under the curtain. “What is this? Is my curtain moving?” She gasped, feigning shock as she drew back the fabric and found her little guy smiling and jumping at her legs. “Lulu! It’s you!” “Mah-line! Mah-line!” He cried in triumph, excited as she lifted him up and held him by her face. “You and I, little guy. We’re going to stay together, alright? And I promise that I will always find you.” She swore, feeling her heart warm at his sloppy kiss on her cheek. This was one of the rare kids who stole Madeline’s heart and left an impression of himself in its place.
❄ - Staying close to Lucius to keep him warm
The storm that passed through Charming left a stiff breeze in its wake, chilling anyone who had been caught in the downpour to immediately feel the cold in their bones. Madeline hadn’t thought twice about grabbing an umbrella that morning, sure that she would make it home before the rain. Once she looked out her window and saw the downpour, she could do nothing more than secure her files in her briefcase, gulp down her irrational fears, and walk through the sheets knowing it wouldn’t make a difference if she ran or walked. Besides, with the way her knees shook at every crack of thunder, it wouldn’t have been smart to attempt a run. It wasn’t until she rounded the corner of her street that she became aware of someone coming towards her, his figure undeniably familiar. Squinting through the deluge, she knew it was a man, skinnier, moving with a simple grace. All at once it hit her and she smiled, speeding up to meet him half-way. “Lucius! What are you doing out in this rain?” She admonished, shielding her eyes as she took in her son. “I could ask the same thing,” he called back, grinning towards her. Ignoring the shakiness of her hands from her shot nerves, Madeline jutted her chin for home and wrapped an arm around him. “C’mon, for someone who’s already cold this won’t help you any.” She reasoned, quickly dragging him up her steps and into the comfort of her home. Ignoring the the puddle that already began to form underneath them both, Madeline dropped her briefcase to the ground and tugged off his rain coat before dragging him to the sofa and throwing him a blanket. “Time for you to warm up,” she explained, visibly flinching at the new round of thunder. “I’ll make some tea.” “Or…” he started, walking over to her and throwing the blanket around her wet shoulders. “You can sit with me and relax for five seconds.” He knew as much as she did that storms never sat well with Madeline. A piece of her parents’ death she could never overcome; a fear of storms. “C’mon, you said it yourself I need to warm up,” he reasoned, grateful when she seemed to relent and move with him to the couch. When they finally sank down onto the cushions, Madeline sighed and tilted her head over to rest on him, tugging the blanket closer up around them with one hand and maneuvering her arm around him at the same time. “Thanks Lulu,” she murmured, knowing this was for his benefit as much as it was for hers. “I’m still making you that tea.”“Yeah yeah, just stay here for a second, alright?” He asked, leaning into her warmth. Smiling, Madeline let them sit in a comfortable silence for awhile, her hand sketching idle patterns into his shoulder. “I love you Lulu,” she murmured quietly, keeping her eyes on the picture frame of the two of them. “Love you too, Mom.”
☼ - Camping with Robin
It had been Robin’s idea to go camping- something Madeline could attest to not having done since college. Apparently the idea of such a length of time without a tent in sight sent him into a small shock. That Friday he kidnapped her from work, allowed her to grab a few clothes from her closet, and then brought her right out into Lord-knows-where in the woods. And that was that. This was all practically Robin’s backyard, so she didn’t ask a single question through the hike, merely joking and laughing with him as they reached his intended spot. “Alright, I’m chopping wood, think you can handle the tent?” He teased, knowing Madeline would either get it up or die trying. Shaking her head at his challenge, she dropped her bag and reached for the tent, levelling him a look. “I may be a little rusty, but I think I can handle a tent.” She reasoned, almost waiting for him to come up with a comment back. When it didn’t come, she smiled towards him and went to work, the tent being assembled after only a few mistakes and housing what made up Madeline’s closet for the weekend. With that done, she sat on a log and watched him chop wood. After shedding his overshirt, he began to work, his movements holding her focus until he started to laugh and paused in his chopping. “You enjoying the show?” He asked, his happiness fusing with Madeline’s. “I thought I’m terribly sorry Ranger Rick- I didn’t realize I wasn’t allowed to watch the show. And here I was thinking you were trying to teach me some camping skills.” She teased, standing to her feet and moving up beside him in challenge. “You want to try?” He chuckled, offering her the axe. Smile in place, Madeline rolled her eyes and mimicked his actions by unbuttoning her flannel and stripping down to her t-shirt underneath. “Where am I aiming for, exactly?” She questioned, taking the axe from the very amused ranger. “Look for a crack, and try to hit it there. Or y’know, straight down the center,” he offered, using his hands to rotate her until she was in proper form. “Strike when ready, Madelicious.” Robin teased, moving out of range. Letting out a quick laugh, she aimed and struck the wood, a few inches from center. “Well that’s disappointing,” she mused, putting her foot on top of the wood as leverage to release the axe. Trying again, she aimed for the same crack, finally splitting it into two slightly uneven pieces. “Not bad for your first try,” Robin piped in, a proud smile crossing his face as he took the axe from her and wrapped her in a quick hug, his lips meeting hers. Once they separated, he continued to look down at her, a crooked smile meeting a beaming one from her. “You have anything else to teach me?” She asked, a brow cocked in challenge, her hand moving up to cup his cheek. “Madelight, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet.” He promised, dropping the axe behind him with a dull ‘thud’ as she leaned up to kiss him once more. 
✚ - Bandaging Robin’s wound
“I have no idea how you managed this,” Madeline said, her head shaking in disbelief as she stared at his torn up arm. There were deep scratches and random bite marks scattered across its length, the blood drying on some spots and still oozing out of others. “Y’know, I’m a mystery Madelight. I surprise even myself sometimes.” He offered, shifting slightly and biting his tongue to stop from wincing. The badger had certainly had its way with Robin, despite his best attempts at dodging or stopping its attack. Someone had to save it from the trap, and he figured it may as well be him. Letting out a heavy sigh, Madeline got to work preparing her supplies. “You’re not going to have a fun time with the disinfectant,” she warned, holding the bottle aloft and moving to stand beside him rather than at his feet. “On three?” She suggested, pressing a quick kiss to his forehead as a sort of apology before grabbing a part of his arm unravaged and offering him a sympathetic grimace. “One,” she began, not bothering to wait and simply washing his arm in the clear liquid, and gently rubbing it into the deeper cuts feeling him tense and mutter quiet curses. “I thought it’d be worse if I got to three,” she said as a substitute for an apology, pressing another small kiss on his cheek. He was shaking worse now, which she knew was part of her fault. “I’m sorry.” She offered, feeling him shake his head at the apology. “You’re the one helping me, Madevine. I’m fine, or on the way to being there, at least.” He said, his mouth twisting into a bittersweet smile. “Keep going- worst is over, I presume. Unless you got some pliers or needles in that bag, then this is gonna get a whole lot more unpleasant.” Taking a small breath, Madeline returned to her work, bandaging up his arm and working to make sure the bleeding stopped before offering him some Tylenol and water. He took both dutifully, tossing back the pills and chasing them with water before he simply looked up at her, smiling. “What? Do I have blood somewhere on me?” She asked, looking down at her clothing, trying to make sure she wasn’t a mess. “Nah, you’re good. Just… can’t thank you enough. Wouldn’t have been too keen to that alone.” “I like to think we make a pretty good team,” Madeline reasoned, her tension easing when he pulled her down beside him on his camper couch. “One of the best,” he agreed. “Do I want to know how you got those battle scars, Ranger Danger?” She asked, moving closer and sliding an arm up his back, rubbing idle circles down its length. “So it all started…” he began, his eyes twinkling with the story. 
❇ - Stargazing with Robin 
Pressing her palm into his, Madeline followed dutifully alongside Robin, trying not to jump at every crack or murmur the forest made. If Robin was confident enough to do this, then she trusted him to not lead her into a dangerous area. It didn’t necessarily calm her racing heart, but that was just a side effect of being with him, it would seem. “You said stargazing… Robin I don’t mean to dampen your plans here, but we’re in the middle of a forest. I feel like it’s a little hard to stargaze with branches in the way.” She reasoned, jumping at another sound and ultimately giving up by just grabbing his arm and holding onto it instead of his hand. “You alright, Madelight?” He couldn’t resist the rhyme, it seemed. “Just peachy… just a little…” She couldn’t seem to find the right word. “A little? … what? On edge? He suggested, pressing a kiss against the side of her head. He tried to choose a night that was a little lighter on purpose, but nothing too close to the full moon. “We’re almost there. Just around this bend here,” he promised. Once they rounded it, Madeline gasped and paused, looking between him and the clearing. In the middle sat a small blanket, lanterns placed all around it, a few blankets and pillows beside it, and a tiny basket on the far corner. “Robin Hewitt…” She breathed out, turning to face him with a touched smile. “You told me you never went stargazing. It’s the least I could d-” She cut him off with a kiss, leaning on the tips of her toes to reach him properly on the uneven terrain. “It’s perfect. Thank you, Robin.” She whispered, running a hand through his hair and down to his cheek, giving him another quick kiss before returning to his side. “I feel like I should mention we may also get a small surprise. If I planned all of this right.” He mused, wrapping an arm around her waist as they walked towards the little picnic. “Please tell me John won’t be making an appearance,” Madeline teased, remembering how he supposedly helped women get closer to him through his scare antics. Laughing, Robin shook his head and glanced down to her. “Nah, he’s got his own engagement tonight. I’m hoping for something a bit more special.” He promised, the pair of them finally reaching the blanket. Once they settled down, lanterns off with Madeline nestled close to his side and her arm draped over his chest, she finally got to see his surprise. Not only were the stars incredibly from their spot in the middle of the woods, but the firefly display they were greeted with was a spectacle of its own. 
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