#robots with massive sniper rifle things are literally the coolest thing ever fight me
rin-yellow · 1 year
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hi hi hi yeah remember me?
Remember when I posted Build Tiger last year during the Lunar New Year and stuff?
Tried doing that again this year with Team Rabbits from Majestic Prince (’coz year of the Rabbit or whatever) but could only get as far as Gold-4 because of course that little doucheboy was my go-to. Wanted to start with Black-6 but figured that I respected Ange Kuroki too much and Gold-4 was only gonna be my warmup sketch. Also yea Majestic Prince is kind of my guilty pleasure show, borderline a problematic fave, ik, but I enjoyed it, it’s got a banger opening, cool enby rep (Ange ! ! ! But also I think I saw a post on them being a somewhat problematic character somewhere? Maybe? Idk, but back when I first came out Ange was my comfort character so what the hell), and I liked the mecha designs for what they were, specifically Gold-4′s head gimmick was always the coolest thing ever, hence using the robot as a “warmup sketch” that spiralled out of control.
That did not turn out thataway and I got horrid artblock when it came to fanart for a hot minute and so I just didn’t post the WIP because I wanted to add the rest of the team. Finally got tired enough to post what I got now because I am in a horrid spiral and it’s wonderful over here. Fun fact, this account was originally intended as a reading blog with only a spoonful of art on the side and then life happened and now it’s whatever this is. I might post more going forward, or I might not, we’ll see. Yes I know I’m about a month late for Lunar New Year but we can’t all be perfect, eh?
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