#robottoreplacewedgingforbridgeinspections wedgingofbridges suspensionbridgeinspection
robayethossen-blog · 6 years
IPC’s Bridge Condition #bridgeinspections Assessment Inspections provides valuable information to bridge owners and engineers performing load rating analysis by identifying locations and degrees of concrete deterioration as well as rebar placement patterns and sizing. This information is used to create Condition Assessment Ratings and Remaining Life Estimates. 
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monitoring the progression of the cracks in concrete, we can see the progression  #wedgingofbridges of deterioration in concrete and address areas of concern early. Making repairs to these areas of concern will result in prolonging the assets life, saving money and helping to protect the public safety.
IPC’s condition assessment reports offer a complete mapping of a concrete bridge, bridge deck or concrete structure.  #suspensionbridgeinspection Year over year comparisons of bridge crack progression give a detailed 2D and 3D mapping of those cracks and progression over time to help manage repairs.#miningshaftinspection #robottoreplacewedgingforbridgeinspections
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ashamoni-blog · 6 years
#robottoreplacewedgingforbridgeinspections #wedgingofbridges #suspensionbridgeinspection
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robayethossen-blog · 6 years
Replacing manual subjective #nondestructivetestingservicesndttesting inspections with modern technology and robotics will help extend the service life of our critical infrastructure assets.  Utillzing the latest in non destructive testing services,  There are a lot of non destructive testing companies to choose from but none that have taken nondestructive testing methods to create ndt tools that can provide quantitative date to asset owners worldwide. 
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robayethossen-blog · 6 years
This is an image from IPC’s inspection report showing severe deterioration within #parkinggarageinspections2 the top section of the ramp. (Blue color shows minimal to zero deterioration wile the red color shows areas of concern.) This is the top floor section where rain water has leaked through the top floor and onto the ramp. The deterioration was contained within the surface two inches of the ramp and had not reached the top reinforcement (rebar) mat. There was no structural damage to the reinforcement. The deterioration was repaired and the surface of the ramp was sealed. 
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robayethossen-blog · 6 years
Perfectly tuned to external post #posttensiontendonhowtoinspectaposttensiontendon tension tendons, the software shows location and percentage of loss of metallic area. The unit has a speed indicator, headlamps for dark box girders and an indicator when an issue is present.  Wireless, Portable and Accurate. 
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robayethossen-blog · 6 years
Robotic Column And #robotics Mining Shaft Camera Inspection Service Infrastructure Preservation Corporation, A robotic engineering company based in Clearwater Florida launches the second generation of robotic bridge column and mining shaft camera inspection... A post tensioned tendon is a bundle of steel strands encased in grouted concrete and wrapped in a protective sheathing and then tensioned. Post tensioning is a tehnique for reinforcing concrete.  According to Concretenetwork "Post tensioning is a technique for reinforcing concrete.... 
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robayethossen-blog · 6 years
Through the use of IPC’s new #cablestayinspection patented and proprietary testing equipment and procedures, our inspectors can perform Cable Condition Assessments of bridge cables identifying loss of section and broken wires within cables. Our inspectors do not need cranes or bucket trucks. In addition, they do not require lane closures. CableScan® is a self-propelled robotic inspection system that attaches to the cable and travels along the full length of the cable transmitting data to the inspector’s laptop. 
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robayethossen-blog · 6 years
Robotic Column And Mining #columnscanroboticscreeninginspections Shaft Camera Inspection Service Infrastructure Preservation Corporation, A robotic engineering company based in Clearwater Florida launches the second generation of robotic A post tensioned tendon is a bundle of steel strands encased in grouted concrete and wrapped in a protective sheathing and then tensioned. Post tensioning 
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robayethossen-blog · 6 years
IPC utilizes GPS positioning #aerialinspections and coordinate specific inspection zones to create safe detailed infrastructure assessments that utilize high definition video mounted on aerial drones to inspect hard to reach places on infrastructure assets worldwide. Utilizing drones to inspect infrastructure is faster, more efficient and less expensive than conventional methods. 
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