#roddy irl stories
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Starting the new year off building a Lego bonsai tree. Its cherry blossoms are made of recolored frogs.
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What better to start a new year with than a pile of pink frogs.
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decepti-thots · 3 years
whenever I read Rodimus/Ultra Magnus fic I get caught up on one thing, which is, a lot of the time UM seems really confident and experienced in berth. I always get stuck on it. Anyway, what kind of experience do YOU think Minimus/UM would have had in the past, before the Lost Light era?
you know this ask really made me sit back and go "huh" for like a solid hour and i'm gonna put this under a cut so ppl don't have to read loadsa words re: James Ruminating About Robot Sex Worldbuilding haha
which is what this, is i don't know if it actually answers your specific question
the thing is, the answer to this question for any character in tf for me is gonna be really influenced by how the person writing is actually introducing sex into the canon- because it IS introducing it, like actively that is something you have to do bc it's just Not There as is for the most part (a couple innuendos aside), and how you do that is partly going "hmmm, what do their norms look like re: this".
like, the exact same character might have a really different perspective on it depending on if, say, you transplant IRL norms about casual sex being vaguely taboo or outright shameful, versus if you go "hmmm they don't have babies, apparently most mechs never wind up in lifelong romantic relationships, maybe it's Not A Big Deal for them and they're way more casual about it".
on top of that i am a contrary little shit who likes deliberately going against the grain of the obvious reading for anything like this when looking at characters, haha. give me a character with a really obvious fandom trope begging to be attached to them re: stuff like this and my brain is like nope i'm doing the OTHER THING just cause. (this is e.g why i love aroace roddy so much, lollll.)
my attitude to this stuff for characters, broadly speaking, is sort of like how I think about shipping itself, which is that actually, almost anything can be turned into a story that feels like it Makes Sense to the readers, it's just finding the way to do it for that particular story which feels coherent. some stories have more routes to that than others, and some stories have much easier, well signposted routes than others, but there's very few things where i'm like "i don't see how you could make that feel convincing, ever". or to put it another way, it's not about what is and is not realistic (because IRL, none of this stuff is really dictated by someone's personality anyway; you really can never tell folks), it's about what you can convince your audience of.
that's all a really long winded way to say i don't have some sort of solid opinion here! it would really depend on what story you were writing, and then how you characterise him within whatever you pick, to me.
hmmm, how can i give a more satisfying answer than that. i guess if you wanted a hypothetical "how would you make that convincing for a character like magnus", i would go with: emotional repression strikes me as the more pertinent point here than anything else, which can just as easily parse as "compartmentalizes all feelings away from sex so it is as divorced from any of that Scary Stuff as possible" as it can parse as "so avoids all that stuff because it's messy and scary period". i could 100% buy, for example, especially within a story that posits TFs having a particular societal viewpoint of sex that doesn't contradict the underlying assumptions made, "magnus/minimus has experience but it's specifically in the context of extremely transactional, blunt one-night stands because those feel like they require no vulnerability or meaningful and potentially unnerving social exchange whatsoever". which is like, a very different take than the more common "repressed character has huge hangups about Sex Is Bad" for an archetype like that, but which i absolutely feel you could make convincing, and potentially do interesting stuff with. (magnus coming up with an extremely rigid set of self-imposed rules and restrictions on What Kind Of Sex It's OK To Want And Have feels absolutely like. a thing. he would do, to me. lmao. actually, especially in the context of worldbuilding where there IS some of that IRL baggage carried over and making it Within The Rules feels important.)
i think abt how characters relate to sex in deeply non-sexy ways a lot. can you tell. (i will also say i have considered a non-zero number of times writing fic as a challenge to myself to make it work where mags is inexperienced and inadvertently winds up, in trying to forward his Character Development, leaning on it as a crutch bc like... social interaction is so difficult and it turns out transactional offers that make people act like they like you more now are easier. on second thought, you literally wrote that fic with rung, didn't you, lmao.)
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maxwants2fragrobos · 6 years
Literally had this as a dream but
Roddy sitting on his couch in the early parts of being sparked, he's just play Breath of the Wild. As he progressed through the game, kind of like a time lapse, his baby bump grows a little.
I would like to think that Ratchet would recommend the game as a sort of enrichment and so he doesn't have to worry as much about Roddy doing something foolish irl because of boredom. There's puzzles, action, and a story to follow! It'll keep him interested.
When he goes up against bosses, his spark pulses harder, but once it's done, there's a little bit rolling around in his forge. Carrier okie? Yes babey, carrier okie. They speak with their fields as babe grows. And since little bit can feel sort of tremor of anxiety/excitement during boss battle instances, these little convos between babe and carrier get stronger.
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bthenoise · 4 years
Noiseworthy: Here’s Why Niiice. Is The Next Alt-Emo Act That Absolutely Needs To Be On Your Radar
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As much as you think it might be an easy task, it’s not always that simple to showcase new, up-and-coming artists. Usually when it comes to these sorts of things, if you aren’t familiar with the band’s name, what’s going to make you click our story versus the 999 Best Gaming Hacks For Super Mario Party? Yeah, not always that simple.
However, putting all doubts aside, we’re going to keep highlighting emerging bands we believe in. Bands that stand out against the tiring monotony of our music scene. You know, bands like Minneapolis noisemakers niiice.
Harkening back to the Fest/DIY scene of the early-to-mid 2010′s -- think You Blew It!, Jank, Hard Girls, etc. -- the top-notch trio provide tunes perfect for a six-pack of Pabst Blue Ribbon plus miserable memories of your ex. With witty song titles like “shlonkey kong,” “free earl” and “2 hi” but lyrics about anxiety, self-improvement and divorce, niiice. make for the ideal feel-good cry you’ve been waiting to have for months.    
Now, in order to get to know a little more about the up-and-coming alt-emo act, we reached out to vocalist/guitarist Roddie Gadeberg to hear all about his band, personal influences, as well as niiice.’s brand new album Internet Friends which hits stores September 25th. To check out our chat and discover your newest obsession, be sure to look below. Afterward, for more from the band, head here.
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Where did you grow up? And was there a music scene where you grew up?
Roddie Gadeberg: Colstrip, Montana! And not really, there was only like 1,500 people in the whole town. I was in a band from time to time but we never really played cause there was nowhere to play. What were you and/or your bandmates doing before your band formed? Jobs? School?
We all met while in our first year of college! Sage is also from Montana so we kind of knew of each other in high school but we didn’t meet until we both moved to Minnesota. Abe was one of the first people Sage met when they moved and I met Abe when I wandered in while him and Sage were jamming and was like “damn your tone is sick.”
Who or what influenced you to start playing music?
Green Day!!! I heard Dookie and I remember being like so stoked that I begged my step dad to teach me guitar.
If you could collaborate with any artist of your choice who would it be?
Honestly, in like a completely unattainable context, Chief Keef. But in an IRL, for real context, I’d really like to make a record with Will Yip.
What’s the best live performance you’ve ever seen?
I saw Mitski open for the Pixies when I used to work at a venue in St. Paul and it was incredible! The Pixies sucked but Mitski was phenomenal. Also there’s a band from Connecticut called The Most that was absolutely incredible. I saw them in a coffee shop while on tour with another band and I was floored.
Are there any recent releases or performances that have inspired you?
Any time I watch some old Dinosaur Jr. sets it always makes me want to go play guitar, so probably stuff along those lines.
If you could have one of your songs be on a TV show or movie of your choice what would it be?
It’s not a movie or TV show, it’s still sick as hell, but Tony Hawk’s Underground. Three bands or artists that would be your dream to tour with?
Green Day, Metallica, Slipknot.
What would you like to be remembered for? Musically or not.
Being chill and not being a gatekeeper. When I first got into DIY there was a lot of people who made me feel unwelcome or that I hadn’t earned a spot there and I really don’t want to be that for other people.
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Best piece of advice anyone has given you?
Chill out.
What have you learned since being in the music industry?
That not everybody is as cool as you want them to be. And that it’s much more rewarding to succeed with the people who you’ve been with since day one than it is to work with suits. The best thing currently on the internet is?
My friends! Obviously since the pandemic I haven’t been able to see any of my friends in different places, so it’s nice to be able to log on and see what they’re up to.
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How is she comfortable like this.
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Got chunky yarn so I can make a big soft pumpkin. To go with all my other pumpkins.
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A cat has climbed into my crochet box.
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Left two photos are about what it looked like with the naked eye, right two have lowered exposure.
Anyway can I just say: holy shit that was really cool.
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The cat would not let me draw freely (she also tried to bite the pen) so I took the hint made her an offering.
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It’s not my best work. But it also is, because I did it for her.
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Favorite genre of cat videos: the ones where I fail to hold back my laughter and end up wheezing in the background.
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One of my roommates’ cats knows how to open my closet and she’ll go in there and take naps. I have to check to see if she’s still in there before I close it again.
So now I see the door open. I glance inside, don’t see her. Go ask my roommates if she’s with them. She isn’t. Check at the kitchen table. Not there. Check under the couch. Not there. Go back to my closet. Turn my phone flashlight on for a more thorough search.
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Having a nice nap?
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Wedding photoshoot for the plushies that I’m gifting to my brother and soon-to-be sister-in-law.
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Roommate’s cat was in fact delighted that I got a flu vaccine and Covid booster shot yesterday and so was too tired to get up this morning. Apparently my hand makes a great pillow.
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Glow-in-the-dark crochet frog.
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The crochet froggening continues...
I determined yesterday, on my second frog, that there was something wonky in the pattern I was using, there’s some weirdness around the back feet that ended in me having to freehand it, and then the frog butt ended up lopsided. Today I decided to see if I could hack it by following the pattern for the body and then making the feet separately and sewing them on after.
I hate sewing crochet pieces together, I don’t know why I chose this.
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But it makes for a cleaner frog underbelly, and the butt shape is even, so I’ve played myself. (I made these guys with different sized crochet hooks, that's why they're not the same size.)
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I didn’t use plastic eyes for this guy since I didn’t get many of them, so once I’ve sewed on the last foot I’m gonna see if I can add the eyes on with my glow in the dark yarn.
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