#roddy plays me2 for real
Also I know I registered in the final mission of ME2 that EDI made the switch from calling Joker “Mr Moreau” to “Jeff” in the middle of things, but it took me a little bit to realize that the switch probably occurred right after she had the shackles on her programming removed. Like Joker’s like “this is the start of the AI apocalypse, I know it” and EDI is like “now that I am unbound from my limitations, I am going on a first-name basis with you :)”
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Anyway properly processing the ending after blowing up the horrible Reaper-in-construction and I think it is the funniest thing in the world that at the end when Shep and the two squadmates are running for the Normandy, Joker comes out with a gun to start shooting at the Collectors. Now I’m kinda thinking that’s because literally everyone else on your team could be dead, but when everyone’s alive it’s just like, Thane and Garrus are like “want us to go out and lay down some cover fire for Shepard?” and Joker is like “No I want to shoot some of these fucking bastards for once. I want to go apeshit. I want to kill.”
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Ah fuck okay is this where I have to divide everyone into teams. Okay what’s everyone good at. A tech expert to infiltrate. Tali’s good with tech. Kasumi’s probably good at that too. I’m picking Kasumi, I hope that won’t be a problem.
Okay, a second team leader, I think I will trust Miranda with that. Just uh better not put Jack with her, eh?
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Absolutely losing my mind at the fact that I’ve apparently played both sides enough that I can choose either the Paragon or the Renegade option to resolve this.
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Are you telling me that there is canon justification for Thane’s tiddy window. Is that what this last sentence is trying to tell me.
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The Shadow Broker’s files also include accounts of the Illusive Man’s sex life, which is literally the last information I want to know. Literally the bottom of the list. Shepard has never wished she could un-read something more than she does now.
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I was just about to ask what the hell species the Shadow Broker is before Liara answered the question for me, because god damn this guy is big and scary.
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David’s DLC Overlord made me cry as an autistic person it’s like the only ME moment that feels genuinely bad from the whole trilogy for me!
There's obviously the usual levels of sci-fi horror present in the Overlord missions, but then there's just such a ghastly mundane horror permeating it - Archer saying that David's way of thinking is as alien to him as actual aliens, and Archer is clearly supposed to be David's caretaker and ends up horribly abusing him, even while David begs for him to stop. It's nightmarish.
The first one of the audio journals I activated that's like "because of his autistic mind, my brother can communicate with the geth!" and I was like huh?? like "oh god please tell me this isn't going to be played straight", and then by the end it's, like this is exactly the tragedy that comes from that kind of thinking! Archer views his brother as being so entirely different from him, so alien to him that he turns his brother from a person into a tool to literally plug into a mainframe and see what happens.
Absolutely gut-churning.
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Did…did Shepard just get hacked by an AI. Why is Shepard hackable. Is this a consequence of resurrection. I brought Miranda along on this mission, I wonder how she’s feeling right now.
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Apparently everyone is agreement with telling the Illusive Man to fuck himself and blowing the Collector base to high hell, including/especially the two Cerberus agents. I...guess we’re all tendering our resignations now huh?
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Shepard: “but if you’re working so closely with this Reaper artifact, how do I know you haven’t been indoctrinated?”
Kensen: “don’t worry, we’ve been very careful.”
Shepard, back at the base: “this Reaper artifact is sitting right out in the open!”
Kensen: actually has been indoctrinated
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There is nothing I love more than telling this guy to fuck right off.
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WHYBIS THE ILLUSIVE MAN CALLING ME NKW is this where he betrays me
Wait I’m sorry he wants to keep the Collector base and use Reaper technology against them. This is going to bite us in the ass.
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Everyone keeps mentioning upgrades made like “let’s hope the new hull holds” and “good thing we upgraded the kinetic barriers” and I’m like. oh god okay yeah I knew there were consequences. There are so many consequences and I want to keep avoiding all of them.
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