#roderick deglass
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Sure, Astrid.
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Eorzean Academy AU: delinquency?
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"Are we really doing this?"
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"Your daughter's behavior of late is rather disturbing and has all the hallmarks of a beginning delinquent."
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"My little girl's becoming an academic delinquent?!"
"Daaaddddd! Look, all I said was that if Estinien wanted to be my boyfriend, he has to face my big brothers in honorable combat."
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"There wasn't an actual fight or anything!"
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"I don't understand this notion of my daughter being a delinquent. Her grades are excellent, as is her overall school record. And honestly...it is a smart way to deal with would be boyfriends..."
"Emma! You're not helping!"
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Where All Roads Lead (masterpost, FFXIV Write 2022)
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For many, it seems as if Riven’s presence was a gift from the gods themselves--showing up seemingly out of nowhere one day, feet on the hero’s path.  But her past is far more tragic and darker than one could imagine...
Where All Roads Lead provides backstory for both the last princess and wayward(grand) daughter.  While some prompts are generally G-rated, quite a few have warnings for more heavy topics, such as child abuse and slavery.  These I’ll indicate in brackets next to the link, so you can avoid them if you so wish. Non-bracketed ones are G-rated.
1.  Cross
2.  Bolt
3.  Temper
4.  Invitation
5.  Cutting Corners (child abuse)
6.  Onerous
7.  Pawn
8.  Tepid
9.  Yawn
10.  Channel
11.  Kick (torture, murder, blood)
12.  Miss The Boat (child abuse)
13.  Confluence
14.  Attrition (murder, child abuse)
15.  Row (child abuse, violence, blood)
16.  Deiform
17.  Novel
18.  Revenge  (violence, blood)
19.  Turn A Blind Eye
20.  Anon
21.  Solution
22.  Veracity
23.  Pitch 
24.  Vicissitude
25.  Lightbulb (child slavery)
26.  Break A Leg
27.  Hail 
28.  Vainglory
29.  Fuse
30.  Sojourn
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Prompt #26: Break A Leg
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Roderick stood still as Emma smoothed down his coat.  He could have gotten dressed himself, but he’d seen that his wife needed the activity for some peace of mind. 
“...I can not go.”  He offered for what felt like the thousandth time.  Emma shook her head, her fingers lingering on the buckles of the newly-enchanted armor.
“No.  You have to go.  The Forum selected you.”  She said.  “If there’s anyone that can maybe talk the Empire out of their...plans, it's you."
"I doubt that my skills of persuasion are that good." Roderick grumbled. He reached out for his wife, resting a hand atop the swell of her belly. Beneath Emma's skin he could feel movement, tiny flutters and kicks.
"Active today." He murmured. "It's all right. If I don't come back in one piece, your mother will break one of my legs."
"I'll do more than that." Emma threatened, but there was a faint smile in her tone.
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Prompt #29:  Fuse
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“Alright, alright...”  Roderick soothed, picking up the tattered plush teddy bear.  The moment Kari’s eyes locked on it she immediately quieted, fat tears falling from her eyes.  She gurgled as the bear was tucked in next to her, little fingers reaching out for the soft fabric.
��You and Mr. Bear.  Or rather, you and all your plushies.”  Kari refused to sleep without her literal plush army surrounding her, wedged in as tight as they could be around her tiny frame.  Emma had likened the nightly (and daily) images of their daughter surrounded by the toys like a kitten pile.  Smiling, Roderick reached out to gently boop Kari’s nose.
“Your loyal subjects all need a washing soon.”  He commented.  And Scholar, that was going to be a interesting day.  Kari would insist on ‘supervising’ the process, and the last time Mr. Bear had been washed, he’d suffered a leg injury.  Kari had screamed so high and loud that she’d actually made herself sick--throwing up supper.  He watched as his daughter gurgled at him-a drooling smile spreading her rose-colored lips.
“I say, how are we going to clean all your friends?  You’re practically fused together at the hip!  And neck, and head, and spine...”  Picking up a plush from the outer ring of toys--a stuffed moon, Roderick gently booped Kari’s face with it.  A infant giggle was his reply.  Then another giggle as Roderick picked up another plush-a sun, and booped her again.
“So many friends!  Perhaps this time a bath with all of them.”  That might work, Roderick thought.  Kari enjoyed playing in the water--and maybe that would distract her long enough from the washing efforts.  Mr. Bear in particular looked like he’d been fighting in the U’ldan Coliseum. 
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Prompt #23: Pitch
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For a mercy, Kari wasn't shrieking at the high pitches she had started with this morning. But she had barely slept, and she couldn't take her medication--her parents were reserving it for mealtimes, so she could actually eat. Astrid had hoped that the medication would have allowed Kari to nap peacefully...but no such luck.
It was time then, for the home remedy. With Helena attempting to soothe Kari's upset warbles, Astrid made a quick trip to the liquor cabinet. A bottle of the good brandy was opened, Astrid pouring two fingers worth into a snifter. Then she added in a soft clean rag to soak up just a touch of the amber liquid--enough to ease the pain of erupting baby teeth. Thus armed, Astrid came back to her office.
"Alright sweetie, let's see these gums." She cooed, gently taking Kari's jaw in-between the fingers of her free hand. Kari wailed, sensing possible unpleasantness. She tried to squirm, but Helena had a good grip. Before the baby could howl, Astrid had popped the brandy soaked corner of the rag in her mouth, and Kari's jaws closed on the fabric. Blinking tears out of her eyes, she uttered a muffled cry...
And then stopped. Astrid put a hand to her mouth to choke back an ugly laugh at the look on her granddaughter's face. Relief, surprise, offense--it was brandy after all--and then sheer bliss.
"Oh my goodness, look at her!" Helena laughed. "Like the young master back then when he was teething!"
"At least she's not faceplanting onto the desk." Roderick had given her a heart attack when he'd done that, Astrid remembered. Kari was now swooning against Helena's shoulder, baby blue eyes half-shuttered in pleasure as she gummed on the rag, drooling away.
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on our fates alight (general masterpost)
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FFXIV Write 2023 posts
astrid protesting
gaius van baelsar, black wolf and eikon's bane
Susano (written by @saesama )
absolute ass of a man
situation disharmony
strange new guest
rumor chasing (written by @matrixdragon )
geometric jailbreak ( written by @driftward )
hidden dominant
quiet interlude
declaration of intent
known treachery
limited options
mothercrystal's ruling
unfortunate normal
halone's second son
old rumors
ill realization
the black wolf's prey
serious question
the golden hunter (written by @erickgage )
memo (partly written by @driftward )
the scholar's secret
trap (partly written by @erickgage )
spymaster's report
one night in the shroud
briefing (starring @matrixdragon 's Alice with @erickgage 's Erick)
the shieldmaiden, her witch, and a bird (starring @driftward 's Zoissette)
the lost songstress (written by @lunarosewood23, starring their Raven Cross)
the archivist (written by @eorzeanflowerss 's Archie)
decisions to be made (written by @eorzeanflowers, starring their Archie)
dominant of storms (written by @dominantofstorms, starring their Alisa)
the moogling
scouting (starring @autumnslance 's Iyna and @erickgage 's Erick)
aftermath (1)
asura enters the chat (starring @autumnslance 's Aeryn)
fixin' to storm soon (starring @saesama 's Klynt)
storm a'brewin (written by @saesama )
become the enemy
dominant of carbuncle (starring @eorziapple 's Apple)
before bed
on guard
fraught recovery
drain (starring @autumnslance 's Aeryn and Zaine)
questioning senses (starring @driftward 's Zoissette)
the fall of ala mhigo
surprise houseguest
limited intel
wrench in the works
willingly imprisoned
late arrival
body count
First Dominant of Halone
Second Dominant of Halone
false society
Roderick and Emma DeGlass
holy treachery
first warning
blindsided (starring @autumnslance 's Aeryn, Zaine, and Emelia
Vierapril starring @scalefeathers 's Bylti
a night at the opera (starring @yzeltia )
the Time for recruitment (starring @eorzeanflowers 's Archie)
i did a bad thing
time for crab (starring @saesama 's Klynt)
interlude: let go
late arrival (1)
not a monster
late arrival (2)
dominant of Rhalgr
Rhaglr rage-Prime
safe harbor (1)
masterpost part two
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on our fates alight--spymaster's report
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Nero watched as Gaius turned away from him. The legatus strode up to the railing, his eyes fixed on the rest of the outpost.
"What happened in Sharlayan?"
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"The laboratory is completely gone." Nero reported. "One of the Dominants it was holding broke out, freed her kin, and then leveled the facility."
"Who?" Here Nero hesitated. There was no good way he could say this, but...
"Your granddaughter." He watched as Gaius jerked, and then turned around to face him.
"My what?" Nero had already come prepared, reaching into the purloined robes. He held out a leather folio, which Gaius took.
"Astrid DeGlass came back from Garlemald pregnant." Gaius opened the leather packet, pulling out several papers. "She passed her condition off as the result of an affair she had before departing on her duties for the city-state, and gave birth to a son." He paused as Gaius stopped, looking down at the thick cardstock before him. A smiling duo--father and daughter looked up at him.
"Rodrick DeGlass and...Riven DeGlass."
"Roderick and Riven." Gaius repeated. Unable to help himself, he lifted a gauntleted hand to trace over the lithographs. Then he froze as the rest of his tribunus' words caught up with him.
"...You said my granddaughter was a Dominant?" Nero blew out a silent breath. Here was the difficult part.
"The information I was able to gather is somewhat fractured, and I couldn't completely confirm it before coming back here." He began. "But it seems six months ago, your granddaughter Primed--as the Eikon Valefor. Arrangements were made to have her moved to the Site Sixteen facility--where she was enrolled as the newest test subject of the scientists there."
"And Astrid approved that?"
"Astrid DeGlass, along with your son and his wife, were told that Riven would be undergoing procedures to free her from Eikon's grip. They weren't...aware of the full nature of the situation." And the word he'd been able to gather on that affair was that Astrid was vengeful. The head of the Forum, Barnier Clarke, had put her under house arrest for fear that she would actually murder the two Forum members who were head of the Site Sixteen project. Of those two Nero had no information as of yet--one had fled the island, the other was also under house arrest.
"From what I was told, Riven--and the other Dominant that was being held in the facility, escaped their cells one night. Riven then tripped a fire alarm and once everyone had evacuated out, Primed and blew up the building. The following day, the local Sharlayan newspapers were provided with all the data Site Sixteen had ever gathered on Eikons, starting from it's creation and up until now." Gaius silently absorbed the news, looking down at the lithographs.
"So the Sharlayans now know of our involvement in the city-state." He said.
"Not the average citizen. The Forum, yes. I haven't been able to make contact with any more of our people there, the island has been on partial lockdown since the incident. None of their people are being allowed to leave. They're more than likely doing damage control--and trying to figure out what to do next."
"...She must have slipped out before they sealed themselves off." Gaius mused. "Otherwise she wouldn't have been in Vylbrand." He closed the folio.
"That was my conclusion as well."
"Can we recover our people from the island?"
"I've made arrangements to begin the process when they come out of lockdown. If they haven't been caught by the locals before then." Nero answered, shrugging. Iato and his minion he'd already put out feelers for, but Sevestre Albright was still trapped in the city-state. Gaius inhaled, looking down at the lithographs again.
"Get who you can out." He said. Riven and Roderick smiled up at him. "Burn everything else. We'll have to rely on what data and equipment we have to deal with the Eikons here."
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on our fates alight--false society
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Emma stared at the glass bowl that served as the family letter holder. Before Riven had first Primed, it had always been full. Invitations to balls, parties, teas, symposiums, lectures--the DeGlass family was well-known on the island. Then her daughter had Primed--and the invitations had slowed to a trickle.
Then Riven had escaped, and the envelopes had stopped coming. Which had suited Emma just fine. She knew how Sharlayan high society worked. Had been teaching her baby the finer points. The one or two friends she had expected to maybe offer some support--hadn't. In fact, the only reason why the family had been able to cling to their place in polite society had everything to do with Ameliance Leveilleur stepping in to be a true friend to Emma and Roderick.
But now the bowl was overflowing every day. Had been ever since word of Zenos's defeat in Ala Mhigo. Riven--already honored by the Eorzeans for defeating Gaius van Baelsar--had cemented her status as a hero. Valefor's aerial battle with Shinryu was already bardic fodder in every tavern. Suddenly the citizens of Sharalyan were madly interested in Riven's life and her exploits. Voices that had cursed her baby were now singing her praises. And it wasn't Riven alone, Sebastian was also the recipient of the same treatment. However his parents hadn't rejoiced to find that their son was still alive, disowning him publicly and legally. Emma didn't know if Sebastian even knew what had happened. All she could do was stare at that gods damned bowl, at all the envelopes with her name, Roderick's name, she could taste the hypocrisy--
A scream and the sound of glass shattering made Ameliance check as she entered the living room. Beside her, Roderick gasped.
"Emma!" Emma had picked up the letter bowl and flung it with all her might against the far wall. Sunlight hit the glass pieces, throwing rainbows all over the room as Emma covered her face and sobbed. Immediately Roderick hurried over, wrapping his arms around her.
"I'm sick of it! I'm sick of all the letters!" Emma sobbed. "I'm sick of the lookyloos, the gossipmongers--everyone!" She hiccuped, the tears beginning to flow faster. Behind the pair, Ameliance shook her head at the maid who had just ran into the room, making a shooing motion. Carefully she made her way over to the debris field, toeing some of the envelopes. There were a few names she recognized, most notably from socialites who had been snubbing Emma--and had tried to do the same to Ameliance for her support of the hyuran family. The key word being 'tried'.
Fourchenault will at least be happy that things are somewhat getting back to normal. High society and politics were closely entwined in Sharlayan, and Ameliance's warring on Emma's behalf had certainly...caused some trouble.
"Perhaps it might be a good idea for you two to leave the city for a bit?" She ventured, turning around. Roderick shook his head, rubbing his wife's shoulders.
"Not an option." He said. "Never mind Iato's death, Sevestre is still alive. And the Empire still has tetherhooks here. It behooves us to find them and rip them out."
"So Riven...if Riven ever chooses to return, and her friends come...they're safe." Emma got out, her voice raspy. Ameliance frowned, but she could see the couple's reasoning.
"If that's the case, perhaps a trip to my home's in order while this is cleaned." She offered. Roderick and Emma both looked at her, and Ameliance reached into a pocket. Withdrawing another envelope, she held it up.
"Is that from...?" Emma breathed.
"Alphinaud is still on the mend, as is Riven. But..." Ameliance paused, considering her next words. "Tataru is a bit more detailed in this one. The Eorzean Alliance has begun investigating the Empire's anti-magics experiments in Ala Mhigo. What they've found is disturbing."
"Disturbing how?" Roderick pressed. Emma pushed against his shoulders, and he let her go.
"The Garleans expanded their 'research' to include the Echo." Ameliance tucked the letter back into her pocket. "For the rest of it, I insist you have a good meal and a stiff drink first." She watched as Emma exhaled, accepting a hankercheif Roderick gave her.
"I'm sorry for my earlier display..."
"Don't apologize!" Ameliance scolded. "Scholar, I would be doing the same!" She looked at the rainbow speckled envelopes. "There will be quite a few gatherings I plan on not attending during this social season, and I plan on making sure my reasons why are well-known."
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on our fates alight-- willingly imprisoned
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(cw: body horror)
Never had Riven seen Astrid look...small. Frail. Even as an adult her grandmother had loomed larger than life over the family, her shadow long and dark. But seated in her favorite chair--with the spell around her form, Astrid DeGlass seemed to have lost her power. She looked every one of her fifty-odd years. Her body slouched-as if she'd removed some heavy burden. Exhaustion made her features look haggard. Her hands trembled--clasping and unclasping, not keeping still.
"Mother." Roderick whispered. Riven could hear the horror in her father's voice. She couldn't even imagine what he was feeling--seeing the pale white razor-thin wires that were tied and strung around Astrid. Her grandmother looked like a puppet whose wires had gone so horribly wrong.
"Mother, how long have you been--how long have you been tied up in this?!"
"From when Riven was small." Emma answered. She was staring at Astrid, her gaze unflinching. "Her eighth birthday. You all of a sudden started to get extremely busy and had no time for family." Astrid closed her eyes at her daughter-in-law's words.
"I don't suppose it doesn't help that I had no choice in the matter." She said, trying for a glib tone.
"Does this have to do with the business in Labyrinthos?!" Roderick demanded.
"Papa, no!" Riven snapped. Astrid had opened her mouth-but then stopped. One of the aetherical wires around her neck was pressing into her flesh. Roderick froze, staring at the spell.
"You have to be careful with the questions." Riven said. "Don't ask her something she can't answer." Her gaze flicked to Mathye. The white mage was slowly walking around Astrid's chair, his eyes fixed on her body.
"You don't want to see her insides." He said lowly. Now that Riven had shown them what to look for--he could better attune his own aetherical gaze to Astrid's body. And what he was seeing was a Twelve-damned nightmare. Those razor wires of Light were wrapped around and embedded in every single organ, muscle, nerve, and bone within the older woman's body.
"Is this something I could cu..." Sebastian trailed off. A sudden spark of realization had him freezing in place. Odin flared to life in his thoughts, an inky whirlpool of rage--
"Zantestsuken." Odin's Dominant choked out. Riven tilted her head in confusion. Then her eyes widened--just as Augustine and Reinhardt swore lurid oaths. Sebastian's skin had turned sheet-white, and he was gripping the edge of a table for support.
"What? What is it?" Emma demanded. Astrid's head had popped up, and she was staring at Sebastian.
"You probably could sever the spell." Mathye's voice was glacial permafrost.
"He can what?" Roderick's head was swiveling about, trying to keep his daughter, wife, mother, and the other Dominants in sight.
"Zantestsuken can cut almost anything, should Sebastian put his mind to it." Augustine was the first to answer. "Iato was in bed with the Empire. He had to be choking on the fact that he couldn't reveal Sharlayan's biggest secret to the Imperials."
"And then I Primed as Odin." Sebastian whispered. Footsteps, and Mathye was suddenly next to him, offering a supportive arm. The Darkness Dominant grabbed at it as if it were a lifeline. "I Primed as Odin."
But you couldn't master my blade back then. Odin whispered. And I could not give it to you, with my power being leeched.
"It explains why you never got fed to the excision machine!" Reinhardt exclaimed. "They needed you whole." Helena had hurried over with a chair for Sebastian to sit in.
"Here." She offered. Mathye grunted a thank-you, pushing Sebastian's head inbetween his legs.
"Breathe." He said, putting a hand to the nape of Sebastian's neck. Ice immediately formed over his palm and fingers. Riven turned her gaze to Astrid. Her grandmother met her eyes, and shook her head rapidly.
"If there were others who knew of Site Sixteen, they were quick to distance themselves when you blew the building sky high." She said. "And the few traitors that did hide themselves--well, you probably heard what happened."
"Thaliak." Riven breathed. "Did he truly go feral?"
"The Fourm's been giving Leveilleur whatever he wants since then." Astrid's lips twitched in a wry smile, and for a moment seemed to regain her former self. "A little healthy fear of the divine never hurt anyone, no?" A thought occurred to Sebastian, and he lifted his head.
"Riven. Fourchenault. Did you see--?"
"No." Riven shook her head. "He didn't have the spell on him. I don't know if he had it beforehand, though."
"He doesn't have it." All heads turned to face Astrid, who continued. "Thaliak broke it. Nor can it be recast as long as he houses the Eikon."
"That was the first question the twins asked me." Riven added. She inhaled, taking in her grandmother's bound form once more. An idea had occurred to her during the hurried tribunal that Foruchenault had called upon her and the other Scions. Then she'd seen the spell-threads and had completely forgotten about it. Until now.
"We're not going to be able to get any answers from her. Or any member of the Forum who espouses to be an ally." Inwardly Riven winced, offering apologizes to Montichaigne.
"Then what do we do?" Augustine asked. Riven turned to face him. The paladin blinked at the sudden smile that curved his sworn-sister's lips, and Halone flared to life in his thoughts.
...Oh. She breathed.
Can you do it, little bird? Zurvan rumbled.
"Do what?" Astrid asked, suddenly suspicious. Her grandchild turned to face her. There was a look on Riven's face that was far too adult...and frightening for Astrid's liking. This wasn't her innocent grandbaby anymore, this was a woman who had a smile like a blade and eyes that whispered of secrets.
"Don't worry, Grandmother. This won't be thrown back on you."
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Prompt #8: Shed
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It was rare, but an Eikon could shed--leaving pieces of themselves behind. Normally such items would eventually dissolve into aether, but sometimes they were able to hold their form. Such treasures were extremely valuable in the magical reagent market, and were of even higher value to Eikon-hunters. Having a piece of an Eikon--especially if it was unbound--meant that with enough power, with the proper rite and ritual--you could bind the Eikon to you. To force the Dominant to Prime and fight at your command.
How Sevestre Albright had gotten one of Riven's feathers, Emma DeGlass did not want to know. Could not bear thinking about. Didn't want to think about. If she thought about it, she would start screaming and never stop. She couldn't think about it. She would think about it when she found her daughter, when she could fall to her knees and beg for forgiveness or judgement.
Her darling girl, who despite her age was still Emma's baby. It was her charge to love her, support her--from the moment she'd felt that first flutter in her womb, from the moment Riven drew her first breath in the world to utter her first raging cry.
And Emma had failed her. She'd listened to Astrid. She'd listened to Roderick. She'd listened to that son of a whore Sevestre. She'd watched as Riven was dragged away, kicking and screaming, howling for help.
It was for the best, she'd been told. A little bit of time, and Riven would be freed--without the stranglehold of the Eikon on her body and soul. She had to stand strong. Stand firm. Harden her heart. It was all for Riven's greater good. A brief time of pain--for a once-again normal life afterwards.
She'd been lied to.
Her baby had been beaten. Tortured. Starved. Subjected to horrid experiments. Sevestre had been hell-bent on breaking her will. Astrid had tried to hide the investigators' reports, but Emma had found them. Read them. Memorized them. Her sin written on fine parchment and in ink of blackest night.
She had failed her daughter. Thrown Riven to the wolves. And now her child was an outlaw from her home, fleeing to Eorzea--where fresh war was about to break out.
She didn't know if she'd killed Albright or not. And Emma found that she didn't care. She hoped that she had. She'd left him bleeding out all over his fine marble floor, Riven's feather clutched to her breast. Once she found her daughter and made sure she was safe, she'd return to Sharlayan to stand trial. Emma was sure no jury would convict her.
Secured in a glass vial tucked into her breasts was the feather. It hummed and pulsed with life and vitality, much like her daughter. And on the ferry to Limsa, Emma took out foolscap and a pencil. She needed to create a finding spell, and the feather would empower it. She would scour Aldenard, every scrap of it--even the Empire-- to find her baby.
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Prompt #29: Contravention
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The papers from Site Sixteen were both damning--and sickening to read. Sebastian Astralyas and Riven DeGlass hadn't been it's only victims. The entire Dominant bloodline of Thaliak had also been an injured party, as well as other Dominants that had been kidnapped from Eorzea over the past several decades. Even more horrifying, the anti-Eikon research the facility had produced had been given to the Empire--who in turn had perfected their anti-magic and anti-Eikon capabilities. The blame for that could be laid squarely at the feet of now ex-Forum members Iato and Sevestre.
But it wasn't the investigation into those two that Fourchenault found himself assigned to...
"Odin and Valefor's Dominants must be brought back to the isle." Barnier inhaled, tucking his arms behind his back. "As they were the direct victims of...Iato and Sevestre's misdeeds, they are needed to testify in court. Public support is squarely on their side. Much of the citizenry is furious over the blatant contravention of laws performed by Iato and Sevestre while they wore the uniform of the Forum."
"And you...think I can do this?!" Fourchenault asked, a stunned look on his face. "Surely--a team--"
"I want to, but it would look then as if we were hunting them. And while we are in a way, the optics would reflect even worse upon us." Barnier answered.
"You won't be going at this alone. We've already reached out to our people in Eorzea--and they will offer whatever support you need." Montichaigne broke in, gesturing with one hand. "Also, the timing works in your favor. Astralyas has been locked up for nigh a decade, and Odin was severely hurt. He will need to stop and rest. DeGlass was technically not as wounded, but she's never left the isle before."
"I see." Fourchenault murmured. "Their families--would they possibly support them in any way?"
"Astralyas' parents thought their son was dead. When they were informed of his...situation, they wanted naught to do with him." Montichaigne inhaled, gripping his temper with a firm hand.
"Astrid is in shock." Barnier reported. "Which is not going to last for long. I've put her under house arrest with a compliment of guards on her. Otherwise she'd kill Sevestre."
"What about Riven's parents?"
"Same as Astrid, but taking heed to my advice at the moment." Barnier still couldn't shake the looks of horror that had come over Roderick and Emma DeGlass's faces. They had willingly given Riven over to Sevestre when she'd first Primed, wanting to save their daughter's life. An Eikon was a death sentence--robbing its' bearer of years of life in exchange for power. And Riven was so young--just barely in the first bloom of full womanhood.
"Do we know the full details yet of how they escaped Site Sixteen?" Fourchenault asked.
"Not yet. The initial evidence seems to be so far that Riven somehow escaped her cell, and triggered an alarm for the facility to be evacuated. At some point Astralyas was freed--and then Riven Primed, using her Eikon's powers to blow up the building." Montichaigne began.
"Along with a good portion of that level of Labyrinthos." Barnier finished. "The aetherical readings are still scrambling our equipment. Valefor seems to be extremely powerful aetherically." The older elezen closed his eyes, sighing.
"We need this settled, Leveilleur. The safety of the star depends on it. Had that facility been any closer to Aporia..." Barnier let himself trail off. No need to finish.
"I understand." Foruchenault answered, his voice quiet. "When do I leave?"
(a thank you to @erickgage for giving me inspiration for this prompt!)
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on our fates alight-- Emma and Roderick DeGlass
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Emma DeGlass and Roderick DeGlass
While carefree and seemingly the perfect couple, Riven's parents have worked hard to steer clear of Astrid's political machinations. They were also not keen on Riven following in her grandmother's footsteps, to the point where the little family was prepared to flee to Eorzea if need be to keep their daughter safe.
Riven's first Priming as Valefor terrified both Roderick and Emma. Fearful that their beloved daughter would die an early death--the couple readily agreed to Sevestre Albright's offer for excision treatment...despite their personal misgivings. As weeks passed with no word from Albright on Riven's condition, Roderick and Emma began to dread that their daughter was in danger from something far worse than her Eikon. Their fears were confirmed several months later when Site Sixteen--and the facility's ties with the Empire--were revealed to the general public.
Heartbroken and in despair, Roderick and Emma realized they'd betrayed their daughter. Emma would confront Sevestre at the latter's private home--attacking him when she realized Sevestre had one of Valefor's feathers. She then fled Sharlayan for Eorzea, intent on finding Riven. Roderick would follow shortly after, defying a Forum house-arrest edict.
The pair would find themselves as the primary targets of Livia sas Junius, who had been revoked from Gaius van Baelsar's inner circle due to her obsession with him. The reason why would be discovered shortly before the Ultima Weapon's activation--Roderick was the result of an affair between Gaius and Astrid DeGlass, conceived during Astrid's final trip as an ambassador between the two countries. Gaius had learned that he had both a living son and granddaughter, and had planned on finding them during his renewed military campaign into Eorzea.
Roderick and Emma eventually were captured by Livia, but freed by Gaius, who confronted his former third-in-command. Directed by Lahabrea, Gaius imprisoned them as bait in a trap for Riven and the other Scions. The success of Operation Archon freed the two, and allowed them a brief reunion with Riven. The DeGlasses then returned to Sharlayan with another personal mission in mind...exposing what remained of the Garlean Empire's hooks in the city-state.
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Eorzea Academy AU
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(when your darling baby girl is on the path to delinquency and your wife is encouraging her)
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(when you are a nascent Warrior of Light who has to deal with her embarrassing parents)
So the Eorzea Academy AU (aside from being a modern-day thing) is slightly more cheerful in the fact that both Riven's parents lived. Emma's illness was caught earlier, putting her on a medication regime that she would need to be on for the rest of her life. Camilla is nowhere to be found (yet), and so Riven's had a happy childhood with her folks.
There is however...one glaring problem.
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From when she was small, Roderick and Emma were constantly butting heads with Astrid over how Riven should be raised. Riven tried her best to please both sides. But when it came time for high school, Astrid wanted her granddaughter to attend the Studium.
Riven--for the very first time, actively stood up to her grandmother, and enrolled in Eorzea Academy instead. This had the result of Astrid (for the moment) completely freezing out her only grandchild, expecting Riven to submit to her wishes.
Riven was hurt--but stood and is continuing to stand her ground. And Astrid for all her bluster, is carefully keeping a close eye on her beloved granddaughter's activities. At some point the DeGlass family is going to have a long-overdue nuclear-meltdown fight, but nobody knows when!
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wayward (grand)daughter: side story
He felt as if he’d taken a fall down the Fourm steps.  All of them.  With a gleaner’s backpack.  With a groan, Fourchenault opened his eyes, hissing slightly as the light hit his pupils.  He shut them for several moments, working on getting his bearings.  The last thing he remembered was...
Nerva.  Or the monster that had once been Nerva, the Tower of Babil--
Lady Fortemps, watch out!
Riven was a sky-blue blur, darting and dancing around the battlefield as fast as she could while Nero attacked at the fiend with his hammer.  But it was no good, Nerva was fixated on Riven and it was taking everything he had to keep the shields he cast on her strong, if they broke she was dead--
Fourchenault’s eyes flew open as memories of the previous day’s events all registered at once.  However instead of the light meeting his gaze, there was someone else. 
“Are you awake?”
Mathye Bishop.  The hyur was looming over his bedside, hands on his hips and...looking the none worse for wear after yesterday’s battles.
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“Oh good, his lordship finally deigns to finally fucking grace us with his presence on the waking plane.”  
“I...what?”  Fourchenault got out.
“You passed out.  In the snow.  Face first.  I drew the short straw on keeping your pointy-eared arse alive.  You’re welcome, by the way.”  Mathye added, almost as an afterthought.  Irritation spiked in the elezen-and before he could stop himself, his tongue was moving.
“If I die, I will make sure my children ensure that you know no peace for the rest of your days!”  He snapped.  To his surprise, Mathye barked with laughter, a smile spreading across his face.
“I’d be expecting them to do that!”  He said.  “Now that we have the formalities out of the way-how are you feeling?  Like you probably went several rounds in the bloodsands.”
“An apt description.”  Fourchenault muttered.  Experimentally, he tried moving-legs, arms, gods, even his fingers ached.  He considered himself to be in fairly good shape and was proud that he’d been able to keep up in battle, but clearly the state of his muscles was proclaiming otherwise.
“I healed the worst of the damage.  Overextended your aether, cracked ribs, your right ankle was broken, and you had a nice little concussion.  You’ve just got bruising now--which means you’re going to feel like overall warmed-over shite for a good couple of days.  Heavy hand on the painkillers or booze, whichever one’s your fancy.”  Mathye’s hands flew out as Fourchanualt slowly pushed himself up into a sitting position on the bed.
“The other city-state leaders?  Lady Fortemps?”
“Various injuries but nothing too severe.  As for Riven...”  Mathye trailed off, his head turning.  “Ah, I think she’s waking up, she’s on the other side.  I’ll check on her, you stay here.” 
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“Where in the bloody hell can I even go?”  Fourchenault muttered-but it was to the healer’s back.  A quick scan of his body revealed a host of bruises in various shades of dark blue and purple, and his aetherical resources--while replenished, it hurt to draw upon them.  Still muscle aches were better than the alternative.  With a wince, Fourchenault glanced at the curtain that hung alongside his bed...and then could only blink at the string of blistering Limsan profanity that erupted from behind it. 
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Oh good gods...  It sounded like Riven was awake, and...not pleased.  Grimacing, Fourchenault slowly made his way out of the bed--oh for the love of Thaliak he was moving like an old man--and towards the very edge of the curtain.  Mathye was snarling right back at his patient, and as the elezen rounded the corner, he spotted Riven sitting up in her own bed--
The sound of a man’s angry voice met Fourchenault’s ears as he entered the infirmary.  An emergency session of the Forum was being called regarding the recent events that had happened with the peace envoys sent to Garlemald.  One of the diplomats had been Roderick DeGlass...and as Fourchenault got a clear view, the hyuran man’s voice was filled with rage--
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But he wasn’t in Sharlayan, this was Garlemald, and it wasn’t Roderick he was hearing or seeing--
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For several moments Fourchanault could only stand there, overwhelmed by the sudden feeling of deja-vu.  His presence must have registered, for Riven and Mathye stopped swearing at each other.
“Master Leveilleur?”  With a start, Fourchenault forced himself back to reality.  Riven was staring at him.
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“Is everything alright?”
“I...yes.  I-I’m sorry.  For a moment there you reminded me of someone I knew.”  Twelve, it had to be his current situation that had made him think of DeGlass’s son.  Fourchenault glanced at Riven again, but the moment had passed.
“Ahem.  I do feel I should ask...could you two at least compose yourselves with some decorum?”
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wayward (grand)daughter 9
U’ldah Fifteen years prior
“Anton…”  Camilla wheedled, trying to keep the desperation out of her voice.  “Anton, you know me.  I brought you good business back when you were running your game, working on impressing the Montarists!  I’m not asking for much, just a small favor-”
“Small favor my arse!” The lalafell exploded.  A wooden board was slammed onto the table in front of the Midlander. Plastered to it was a bounty poster.
“You fucking murdered the entire family of a Sharlayan Forum member, you psychopathic bitch!” Camilla swallowed, averting her eyes from the poster.  There was a photo of herself, and then yes, Roderick’s family—him, his first wife, and then one of a young Kari.  
Kari, who had ruined everything.  Who hadn’t been broken by the control spell.  Who just wouldn’t die until at the most inopportune moment.  She was the reason why Camilla had to flee, she was the reason why she was broke and penniless—again—
“It was an accident!”
“Accident my arse!” Anton roared.
“Anton please!”  Camilla let her gaze drop to the bounty limit-and felt her blood run cold.  That sum could only come from Roderick’s mother.  With a number that high every bounty hunter would be after her.  
She’ll kill me she’ll kill me she’llkillme—Camilla knew what would happen should she be caught.  She’d seen the mutilated corpse hanging over the harbor, she’d heard what happened to Gorold.  More fool her, she should have listened all those years ago when she’d been scoping out her marks—Astrid DeGlass had a history.
Pick someone else, she’d been warned.
Treat the daughter kindly, she’d been warned.
“Please, I just-I just need a place to stay—”
“Like hells!  There’s swiving bounty hunters swarming every city-state capital!”  Sharlayan may have turned tail and fled, but it was still a valuable trading partner. And with that much gil as a reward, Anton didn’t want to take any chances.  Especially if it was murder of an entire family, including the kid.
“Anton, I don’t have anyplace to go!”  Camilla blanched as her old business associate snapped his fingers.  The two hulking bodyguards that accompanied him started to move towards her.
“You’re not getting any help from me!”  The lalafell decreed.  “And with your face and crimes all over Eorzea and sundry, you’re not going to find any help anywhere!  And anyone who does is only going to be in it for the money!”  Camilla shrieked and backed away as the bodyguards withdrew their weapons.
“You bastard!”
“Here’s some advice, you Garlean bitch.  Go back to your swiving sodding Empire!  That’s the only place that’ll take your murderous arse now, and pray that nobody finds out what you did here.”
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wayward (grand)daughter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
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