auyouni · 2 years
tell all of your friends // rogabba
“He’s off, telling his friends that I’m the crazy one!” Gabbie practically shouts as she tosses a hoodie over her shoulder. By the sound that Rosanna makes, she can only assume that the article of clothing landed on her, but in the heat of her anger she doesn’t care. “Can you fucking believe that?? He’s the one that keeps gaslighting me! As if I was overreacting. Motherless behavior, it really shows.”
Ro gives a surprised titter, hand shooting up to cover her mouth. “Gabby, that’s…”
“Fine, yeah, I know. But still, he’s so full of shit and I’m tired of being treated like I’m the only one that has problems!” She runs a hand through her hair, scraping at her scalp. “Do you know, he told me that I act like I don’t wanna be loved? Maybe I just don’t want to be loved by someone who acts like I’m hysterical anytime I have a strong emotion!” Her hands get thrown down in frustration, so angry that she’s almost nauseous. 
“Well. He’s scum, and honestly? Fuck him.” The curse feels so out of place in the typically sweet girl that it actually soothes Gabbie. And honestly? It was kind of hot.
“God, thank you! I’m so glad you get it, you never really said anything to me before about him and I thought I was the only one.” She takes a shuddering breath, letting some of the tension out of her shoulders before resuming her search through her closet. It only takes a few more moments before she finally emerges victorious. “Hah! Here it is!” She yanks out the cardboard box, almost smiling as she turns back to Ro. The other girl is looking quizzically at the hoodie that was thrown at her before - another memento from that asshole.
“So, what are we doing with these, exactly?” Ro asks, chocolate-sweet brown eyes turning to Gabbie. Gabbie does grin now, ready for some damn good catharsis.
“We’re burning them.”
Gabbie had always taken Ro for lawful good, so her agreement comes as a complete shock. And then they’re outside, a box full of Matt’s shit on the sidewalk in front of them (Rosanna, being the reasonable one, had reminded her it wouldn’t be great to burn it on the lawn). Gabbie can already feel the ebb of her anger, but not because she’s any less pissed off at Matt. It’s just… hard to keep a grip on it with Rosanna here. Even though the typically sweet girl has a determined line to her mouth and a fire in her eyes to match the flames in Gabbie’s heart, she’s just a soothing presence overall. It adds up that the only bad she’d ever heard spoken of Ro is from Matt. Fucker.
She clutches the matchbox to her chest and takes a deep breath, staring down at the box. “For making me feel like shit when I told him I wasn’t looking for a relationship, for acting like I wronged him when I had fun at a party, for pursuing me until I finally gave in, for every single time he treated me like I was broken and needed him to be whole…” Her voice gets a little choked up at the latter, both from frustration and a tinge of sorrow. Ro’s hand presses lightly against her lower back, a silent support, and it gives her the spark she needs. She lights a match. “For being a fucking man child who refuses to understand women, and for wasting my damn time. Fuck you, Matthew Brown. If I never have to put up with your bullshit again, it’ll be too soon.” She drops it.
It’s lucky, actually, that the fire catches with no issue. It feels like fate. As the flames lick at every memory, Gabbie does feel free. She feels like herself for the first time in eons, and she gives a small laugh in relief.
“Fuck you, Matt!” she shouts, then gives another laugh, like every pent up frustration is being let go of. For once.
“FUCK YOU, MATT!” Rosanna yells with even more force, and Gabbie looks down at her with a huge grin. Ro looks up to her and matches it, laughing a little, too, and then Gabbie is leaning down to kiss her.
Oh god.
She pulls away almost immediately, cheeks burning hotter than the fire on the ground. Where the hell did that come from? Sure, she always thought Rosanna was cool, but… like a friend. Like a really pretty friend that she always wants to be close to and who she can’t seem to breathe around when she gets too close…
Ro looks a little stunned, for her part. There’s a delicate blush to her cheeks, and Gabbie feels a little like she’s losing her mind, chest shaky with emotion. “I-I’m sorry, I guess I, I got caught up in the moment,” Gabbie says, anxiety bleeding into her voice. She gives a nervous chuckle, like that’ll fix things.
“Yeah! Yeah, I get that, it’s no problem!” Ro says, though her voice sounds higher than usual. She pastes on a smile as she looks up at her. “I, um, I am dating Mark, though.” Gabbie’s eyes are a little wider as she nods quickly, embarrassed. She feels like a teenager again, going up to a crush and being absolutely destroyed. How long has she had a crush on her?
“Oh, that’s cool! I didn’t…” Gabbie clears her throat, and she has to look away. What would she have even done if Rosanna kissed her back? Why did she have to ruin everything? Again. As always. She crosses her arms over her chest, almost hugging herself as she watches the fire slow. “I think I need a glass of wine. Strike that, actually. A bottle.”
Even though Gabbie can’t see it, Ro nods slowly, still watching the taller girl. “That sounds fantastic right now.”
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