#roland darkspire
7thevilex · 10 months
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Eliana’s Journal Entry 02/21/21
It has taken time for me to sequester away long enough to write in this journal once more. Much has happened. Perhaps one day an adventurer will come across this book, and find similar ramblings as I once did with Volgrum. I can only hope to spare any future reader ramblings of Prickleberry wine and breads.
My party has finally reached Darkspire after almost a five day journey and the purchase of an Ox -- Cyrus named him Fred -- and a wagon. The journey was slow, but worthwhile. I was able to use my time more efficiently in the wagon to transcribe two spells from Volgrum’s spellbook: Scrying and Legend Lore. I was also able to dedicate a little time to the enchanting of a gold coin, my own personal little pet project.
While in Darkspire I procured the components necessary, and cast both new spells. Legend Lore revealed to me the true nature of the Lantern, but it was nothing that Tobias and myself had not already uncovered. Luckily, Edan was able to reveal its purpose to me in a drawing. I only wonder if Isaka is beyond saving, nonetheless I will do as Mul desires.
Speaking of the divine. We had a long lengthy discussion in the tavern regarding them. Cyrus has revealed that he is not Crall’s champion. Mullus has revealed the same for he and Charybdis. I have never thought to ask Mul if I am to be his. It matters little to me. I will dedicate my life to Mul, worshipping, praying, and sacrificing -- champion or not. I need no title, for I have his word. Mul will give me my twin back whole and restored. Cyrus on the other hand has already sworn his oath to Crall. It appears that it was not his silence that shook him but rather his words. The pair spoke back in Khego. Crall is wary of Cyrus’ company, me specifically. That seems to have shaken his Paladin, and now I see Cyrus waver. Will he break his oath, or will another God prey upon this moment of uncertainty? It is a worry I cannot devote attention to. I have too much already.
My most pressing concern now is Edan. I already have so many worries, and Edan frightens me in ways that I cannot describe fully. I haven’t spoken with Mullus or Cyrus regarding his behaviour. How could I? How would I even start? They would think that he is dangerous. Is he? All I know is that, I watch him and my fear mounts higher each day. Is he losing himself? He is often not present, eyes unfocused and far away, somewhere I cannot reach. He struggles against his own body, and he is watched everywhere we go. What started as scattered events are slowly becoming constant. Truly, I do not know what magic keeps Edan under my whim. After Mul murdered Yerdek, and Mul and my “conversations” through Edan? I can only guess. I need to test things further...soon. But for now I keep my worries to myself. I will kill them both if they try to hurt Edan.
On another, more immediate note, I purchased a golden apple as a focus for my scrying spell. Something about it in the shop called to me, and I couldn’t resist. When I got back to the Inn, I used it to scry upon Roland Dantes. It was something that I had wanted to do for a long time, but it was always out of the realm of possibility. Now that I have done so, I almost wish that I had not. His letter to me back in Emerald Harbor was no bluff. I am being watched and monitored at his command. 
While I was scrying, I saw him within his study within the Dantes manor. His face was gaunt and thin, eyes sunken in. The smirk on his face was...unnerving. Nothing made me quite so uncomfortable as the painting of myself on his desk -- completely empty save for the parchment and ink he was in the process of using to write a letter. The way he was positioned made it impossible to see whom it was addressed to, but I was able to read the contents, it said:
“ XXX ”. 
He knew I was watching. I know he did. He chose his final words to mock me. The way he folded up the letter, sealed it but did not address it, spoke volumes. I have given away my hand, but I wonder, why allow me to peek behind the curtain? Was it vanity? Or was he not aware that it was me? Perhaps he thought his spy was scrying rather than delivering the letter the slow way? 
I admit, my paranoia got the best of me. I rushed downstairs and immediately told my party of what I had seen. In my panic, I began to suspect everybody. But I have narrowed down the list of potential people that would fit the parameters that Roland so kindly spelled out for me. 
They must have interacted with me. 
They must have a family or at least a family member for Roland to extort. Thankfully that last requirement clears Tobias of my suspicion. 
My biggest concerns are: N the bard, Vilcoth, and Christophe. 
Vilcoth drew that portrait of me, and admitted to being in search of family members. Which is why he traveled with Garrin in the first place He also had in his spellbook Cruor of Visions. So, he would have the ability to spy on me from afar. 
Christophe charmed me to get access to my hair, and was a cleric of Lordaren -- allegedly. He would have access to scrying. Overall he was very suspicious, and has been a minor concern for quite some time. Even if he is not working for Roland, I would do well to keep him in mind. 
Finally there is N. He has followed us quite often throughout our journey, ever since the very beginning, turning up in the strangest places. Is it coincidence or something more? My memory is hazy on the matter, he was beneath my station so I only half-paid attention when he spoke, but he mentioned either being in search of family or in search of home when we first met.
Any of them could easily have a belonging of mine. Roland has access to my entire family home. My only defense is that I am now aware, and I commissioned a hairpin of non-detection here in Darkspire from a shop called Walda’s Wares. It will take 20 days to complete. I was quite touched that Mullus and Cyrus both covered the purchase cost for me. They both are very concerned, I am grateful that they take this seriously. 
For now I need to retire, I need to transcribe once more, and be alone with my thoughts. What is wrong with my brother?
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