#rollins: human people have sex sometimes with people who are a pain in the ass. carisi: …😳. me: OOOOOH
forestwaterfalls · 2 months
rollin’s ability to render carisi absolutely SPEECHLESS in a room full of people. he’s already mentally picking out tablecloth patterns.
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forestwaterfalls · 2 months
What is your favorite rollisi moment so far?
that 19x08 moment when they’re the back at the precinct from west virginia and carisi has been the human embodiment of the 😐 since rollins hooked up with that bartender and she proceeds to render him absolutely speechless saying “you know i’m human, right? and human people have sex sometimes with people they love, sometimes with people they don’t even know. and sometimes with people who are pains in the ass.” THEN GIVES HIM THAT LOOK AND CARISI’S FACE IS JUST…….that man was already mentally planning a wedding and picking out baby names.
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